
Oscar's missing moments

This is mostly just the moments we didn’t get to see, skipping over the bits we did. Other than the childhood part (since I’m hoping we will get an Oscar backstory at some point) I’m guessing none of these moments will either be confirmed OR denied since it’s likely we’ll never actually find out what really happened during these moments, so (and I don’t wanna sound too arrogant here but) I’m gonna go ahead and say they’re cannon…

mia_miller · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
23 Chs

In the tundra

One foot in front of the other. It was cold. He was tiered. His arms clutched tight around his body to try and keep him warm. There was a light up ahead. He could see it. He just had to reach it. Take another step…and another…and another…

Until he stumbled and tripped, his legs giving way underneath him and he fell to his knees. This was it. Now he was down, he wouldn't be able to get back up again. This was the end.

'don't give up hope just yet.'

a strange feeling welled up inside him, and yet it felt somewhat familiar. Looking at a shivering hand he could see a faint glow. Was this…aura? No. It couldn't be. His aura was broken when…

'no! Don't think of that. Not now. Not yet.'

He leaned forwards, turning his head try and stop himself falling face first in the snow. Instead he fell on his side.

'It's alright, Oscar. You can rest some. I'll take care of you.'

Despite the snow all around him, he was starting to feel somewhat warmer.

"I told you there was someone out here." She had heard his panting breath. He's pounding heart. When she'd looked, she had seen his hunched over figure stumbling step by step, getting slowly closer. And then she'd seen him fall. She'd started running to him at that point. May and Joanna had been on there way to the city to do what they could for the people. The city was the other direction.

"I'm telling you, he's out there. He needs help." She found herself not really caring if they followed or not. She was going to save this boy. "I thought we were supposed to be helping all the citizens."

This particular citizen turned out to be a young boy, his small body already part covered in snow. Fiona knelt down by his head and felt what she could of his forehead, surprised to find he actually felt oddly warm.

"Isn't he one of the fugitive kids." May commented. She had crouched down beside the boy, gently turning him by the shoulder. He was completely out cold.

"Those kids were made fugitives because they stood up for Mantle." Fiona reminded them. He looked a right state, covered in patches of dirt (at least Fi hoped it was dirt) and here and there a few traces of ice.

"We still have to head to the city." Joanna was still stood a small distance away.

"That's actually a good idea." Fiona told her. "Get to the city, find the other kids and tell them there friend is here safe, waiting for them."

She could tell from the look on Joannas face that that wasn't quite what she meant. But, begrudgingly, she rolled her eyes and headed in the direction of Mantle. Fi took that to mean she would find them and even if it didn't, if those kids were smart they would come to her. We're all pretty much enemies of Ironwood right now.

She took one of the boys arms and put it around her shoulder. "Help me get him inside." He wasn't particularly heavy and between her and May his feet barely touched the ground. It wasn't hard to carry him into one of the smaller, warmer shed-like houses, laying him to rest on what was passable as a bed. The harder part was finding decent blankets to help warm him up…

Warmth. The feel of a solid surface on his back and thick, rough sheets covering his body. The sheets Aldi made him realise his clothes had been taken off. At least, his coat gloves and top has been since he could feel the roughness of the sheets on his bare chest.

Slowly, Oscar opened his eyes. Cautiously he tensed his arms and legs, flexing his fingers and wiggling his toes, just to test. He still felt stiff and achy, letting put a small groan as he did so.

"Your awake."

A woman appeared beside him, pointy sheep ears poking out of fluffy white hair. "That's good."

Oscar looked at her, a little confused. "Where…are we?" He asked, looking around. He noticed sheep-girl was carrying a pile of clothes.

"The slums near the crater. You were collapsed in the tundra. We brought you here." She looked at the pile in her hands. "I…washed your clothes. They were all dirty and icy, so."

"Oh." He sat up, holding the blanket to his chest. "Thanks." He reached out to take the pile, his eyes diverting to the scars on his wrist - curtesy of his uncle - and quickly made to hide them, hoping the little faunis wouldn't notice. Thankfully, his gloves were on the top of the pile.

"How long have I been here?" He asked the faunis, pulling his top on.

"Just a few hours."

And he then realised "My friends, I need to let them know where I am." He made to stand but she made to stand in front of him. "We already have. You should wait for them here."

But Oscar was suddenly filled with curiosity. The slums. He had never been out of Atlas. He'd barely left the academy since Ironwood learned who he was.

He pulled on his coat and went towards the door.

There was a fire blazing outside, a small group gathered around it, a lot of them faunis. A few looked as he opened the door. One Fox woman looked his way and smiled. "Hay, tundra boy. Care to keep warm?"

He smiled back, getting closer to the fire. "Everyones so nice here."