
Oscar's missing moments

This is mostly just the moments we didn’t get to see, skipping over the bits we did. Other than the childhood part (since I’m hoping we will get an Oscar backstory at some point) I’m guessing none of these moments will either be confirmed OR denied since it’s likely we’ll never actually find out what really happened during these moments, so (and I don’t wanna sound too arrogant here but) I’m gonna go ahead and say they’re cannon…

mia_miller · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
23 Chs

day 1


It was the morning of there first day in atlas and they had been woken up early. The others were sitting up, blurry eyed, slowly starting to get dressed and ready. It hadn't been much of a sleep but after being so exhausted after a long day, at least it was a full one.

After pulling on his jacket, Ren nodded towards the top bunk. "He not up yet." Juane looked towards the bunk. "Oscar?" Called again. No answer. Climbing up the ladder, Jaune leaned over to see the boy still fast asleep but something wasn't quite right. He was noticeably paler and when he touched his forehead, his skin was cold to the touch.

"He alright?" Nora asked.

"Fever, feels like." Jaune said, taking his hand away. "You two go on ahead." He told them. "I'll look after him."

When Jaune ran his knuckles gently over Oscars check, the boy started to stir then slowly and slightly opened his eyes. "Jaune?" He sighed. "Where are the others?"

"Already gone to training." Jaune said

"They have!" Oscar tried to sit up. "What time is it?!"

As gently as he could and with little effort, Jaune pushed him back down. "You have a fever." He told him. "You should stay in bed for now."

Reluctantly, Oscar lay back on his side attempting to pull the covers closer around him. "Why-s-s-so cold?"

They were rather small and thin things for covers of beds in the northern most kingdom. Feeling the boys forehead again Jaune thought he felt even colder than before.

"You'll be alright." He tried to reassure him. "I'll be right back." He jumped down from the bed.

"W-where are you going." Oscar asked, just as he got to the door.

"To find something warmer." Juane said, glancing back at him. "Don't worry, I won't be long."

When was the last time we had a proper breakfast? Nora thought, while on the way to the cafeteria, trying to keep her mind on the large amounts of pancakes she was about to have with bucketloads of syrup and away from the sick boy they left in bed back in the dorm. How pale and fragile he looked.

What didn't help was that one of the first questions they were asked when they entered was "Where are Oscar and Jaune?"

She and Ren looked at each other. "Seems Oscar caught some sort of fever over night so, he's staying in bed. Jaunes looking after him."

It was only a few minutes later that Jaune showed up.

"How is he?" Nora asked, a little anxiously.

Jaune sighed. "His fevers getting worse. Came to find something to help keep him warm."

"There should be a few extra covers in that cupboard over." Winter said, pointing at the far corner.

Jaune went over to the cupboard she'd indicated and opened the doors. It looked to be some sort of airing cupboard. There was a basket on the lowest shelf, a few folded blankets in the middle and rows of thick duvets at the top that he assumed were being saved for the coldest winter nights. "Perfect." He says, taking one and putting it in the basket so it was easier to carry.

He looked at Winter before leaving. "Thanks."

She nodded. "Take good care of him."

When Jaune got back to the dorm, Oscar was shivering uncontrollably, curled up as if trying to get his whole body under the blanket, which was a tangled mess around him.

"Oh Oscar, I'm so sorry." Rushing over, he gently pulled the blanket away and quickly replaced it with the thicker duvet. Pulling it right up to the boys shoulder, he heard him whisper a word amidst the shaking. "Th-thirsty."

Desperately looking around, Juane spotted the sink opposite the beds and the shelf of cups on top of it. He quickly filled one and brought to the boy, holding his head up for him to drink. "Better?"

Oscar swallowed and nodded. "Mmhmm." He clutched the dovet close around him.

"Try to rest some." Juane told him. "You'll warm up soon."