
Orochimaru's Will

Why has Orochimaru's death caused such a stir within the the hidden leaf village

Hyuga_Tobirama · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

Chapter 6: Plans of the Nindaime Otokage.

" So what is it that you wanted to talk about?" Naruto asked after waiting to hear from the ANBU that Konoha had left the village. He had also suddenly flood his room with chakra to destroy any lingering bugs. Sasuke had used the Sharingan to search for any that might have survived.

" Its about where you will be going, actually more like how you will be going." Sasuke said making Naruto look at him to continue.

" At the moment Sound is still considered the weakest of the lesser ninja countries. To make things worse, we are surrounded by unfriendly territory. Next to us is the Country of Blood and the Country of Beast and to the east of Beast is the Country of Blades which borders the Country of Lighting .Each of these lands happen to be one of the few places where a group of war lords leads instead of a single royal family. Over the years they have caused Sound a lot of damage." Sasuke said making Naruto nod his head. He had read a few reports about Samurai and warriors from the neighboring countries trying to cause problems for Sound.

" I know you're strong, but I would like to offer the Sound Five candidates a chance to prove themselves." Sasuke said making Naruto look at him with a bit of shock.

" Each of our prisons borders the foreign countries. I would like to take a different team to each place you will visit. That way we can see for ourselves how they manage to do their job." Sasuke said making Naruto to think.

" Have you already worked out the teams?" Naruto asked making Sasuke nod his head.

" Yes... each one should be equal in power to another and its members can balance the others out." Sasuke said making Naruto nod his head in gratitude.

" Good job Sasuke I knew making you my Shinobi Commander was going to be a good thing... However I won't be leaving for atleast a few weeks. In the meantime I want you to observe your Chuunin and Genin and give me an up to date evaluation of their skills, and how alert they are within our walls. You can even write down how you plan to improve their skills. I'll make sure to tell you a week in advance before I leave." Naruto said making Sasuke nod his head.

" Also you might want to plan to take in a Genin team." Naruto said making Sasuke fill with shock.

"Unfortunately Otogakure does not have an Uchiha compound for your family to live in. Nor do I believe Konoha will return to you what is rightfully yours. I have pleaded your case to the Fire Daimyo. At the moment we can only cross our fingers and hope for the best while he makes his decision. " Naruto said making Sasuke nod his head.

" Couldn't I just lead some Chuunin?" Sasuke asked.

" You want a fresh start for you clan don't you?" Naruto said making Sasuke frown before he nodded his head.

" Then start proving to Oto why the Uchiha had been considered one of the best clans in the world. Besides, think of it as training for when you have to teach your own kids." Naruto said making Sasuke slowly nod his head. In a way Naruto was right and now that they weren't enemies, he can start listening to the things his best friend said. Sasuke knew Naruto wouldn't betray him, in fact Sasuke was the one that had to prove himself. He was known as a traitor and a jutsu stealer.

" I wish to sell the Goukakyuu no Jutsu to Oto to help gain funds for my future clan." Sasuke said making Naruto nod his head before offering a blank scroll to Sasuke. The Uchiha took a while to finish writing in it while placing the few limitations and dangers involving the jutsu.

" I'll allow this jutsu to keep the same rank it had from Konoha. Meaning that only Jounin can learn it after proving their fire using skills." Naruto said making Sasuke give him a grateful nod. Not only would it be difficult for members outside of his clan to use, but he knew for a fact that he was the only Jounin level ninja of Sound that was able to use fire at the level that was required.

" I believe this is a fair amount for this jutsu." Naruto said as he wrote out a check to Sasuke to cash in. "I'll also try to save some grounds to rival what the Uchiha used to have in Konoha. I'll inform the council of my decision to stop any problems from rising." Naruto said making Sasuke give him a nod of gratitude.

" Naruto... I'm sorry for what I did but at the time I..." Sasuke said as he reached for the door of the office.

" I already forgave you long ago Sasuke... I wouldn't be right for me to hold a grudge agaisnt the person I see as a brother." Naruto said making Sasuke's eyes fill with shock.

"I guess... I was never strong enough to break these bonds." Sasuke said making Naruto smile. Soon the raven haired teen left to fill out the proper applications to take the exams needed to lead a team of Genin. ' Maybe this failure was for the best.' The Uchiha thought as Naruto slowly started to help Sasuke become a better person.

" My lord I would like for you to take your Four Guardians with you while you travel to the prisons." Dragon said making Naruto think. Her team being the one watching over their new master.

" I would love to have you four to protect me, but we can't afford to spread out our forces too much. Instead I will only take two of you while the other two will continue to lead Oto's ANBU." Naruto said making Dragon nod her head before Naruto continued to meet his next appointments. He was grateful for Sasuke showing up since it had allowed him to get rid of the Konoha nin an hour early, meaning he could leave an hour early after his last appointment.


It was six in the afternoon and Naruto was panting with a smile on his face. The sun was showing signs of setting, but at the moment he was facing his greatest rival. Sasuke had returned before Naruto left the tower to spar agaisnt him to see where they now stood. They agreed to use only certain jutsus to prevent any serious injuries. At the moment they were tied in power since Sasuke couldn't use his Sharingan, but in exchange Naruto couldn't use his Hiraishin. Both had agreed to not use their cursed forms.

* Katon: Goukakyuu no Jutsu!* Sasuke yelled as he launched a ball of fire at Naruto. It was the last jutsu he could pull. He prepared to see Naruto dodge only to be left speechless along with the Ninja of different ranks that had gathered to watch. Cheering soon filled the air as their Otokage showed off his power as the only person capable of leading them, It was common knowledge that Kabuto and Sasuke were the strongest in Sound. Which is why they felt safe when seeing their Nindaime defeat Sasuke when not using the Hiraishin.


Naruto yawned as he got off his bed. He has now survived a week on the job and no part of his country had spontaneously caught on fire. There had been a few foolish raids, but they had been put down before they can cause any serious damage. He had finished negotiating with nearby countries for food and helped the local farmers prepare to create a crop far greater than what they could normally do. This was accomplished with the jutsu that was becoming Oto's favorite technique. Naruto had used a few thousand clones to expand the Capital's farm lands in hopes of making things better for his people. He also had a few teams of Chuunin charged with creating rivers to flow through and around Oto since they were lacking a natural source of running water and had to rely on a drying underwater source. Naruto had plans to refill their underground supply since it could be used during an emergency.

The people of Oto loved his plans, since it would mean they would gain a better future. This became even more true as Naruto had sent out orders to the few Chuunin in the underground bunkers to help improve the small villages of civilians that helped run their country. Naruto made sure only to send out help that could be spared from everyday work. Which is why he had a few Elite Chuunin lead the senior Genin that were preparing to take the Chuunin exams.

Not only did it get them out of the village to gain real experience, but it made them feel important. Naruto agreed that without Jounin to keep the massive amount of Gennin safe, then it was best to have them train as much as possible. However Naruto also knew that some Genin could do certain missions on their own. And a few Chuunin could watch over a large amount of Genin that weren't going to be in danger. Plus thanks to Oto's security measures it was hard for enemy ninja to sneak in. Especially since Naruto planned to make things even harder.

" Naruto-sama may we come in?" Maki said making Naruto put up the folders he had on his desk.

" You may." Naruto said after his clones vanished.

" It is a pleasure to meet you Uzumaki-san... my name is Yagyuu Jubei and I come from the Land of Beast." A strong looking Samurai said making Naruto offer him a chair to sit.

" And what brings you to my capital Yagyuu-san?" Naruto asked with respect which made the man grateful.

" At the border of your country is four small and weaken war lords. My family has grown bored of the endless fighting and wishes to join a more stable country. They wanted to ask Konoha for help, however I had heard word of Otogakure gaining a new leader and wished to meet the new person in charge." Jubei said making Naruto nod his head.

" I'm guessing you have enough information to gain us a quick victory." Naruto said making the one eyed Samurai nod his head.

" Hai... the people of my country along with those infested with Warlords are easy to win over. They have grown used to having one leader one day and another on a next. If you strike hard and fast you can claim the lands from these four leaders now that they plan to start a small truce to regain their strength. They are nothing more than spoiled children playing with the lives of innocent and good men that could be used to protect their homes. Instead they terrorize the powerless and send loyal men to their deaths. It is only Kami's will that these warlords are too arrogant to use Ninja, otherwise worse things could happen." The man said making Naruto to think.

" Yagyuu-san I would like to help you, however I will require some time to gather my council and weigh in this opportunity. In the meantime I wish to offer you a place to rest and some food while I prepare my village to listen to what you have to say." Naruto said making the Samurai Clan leader to nod his head.

" Thank you Uzumaki-san." The Samurai said after Naruto ordered a Chuunin to help set things up for Jubei.

" Would it be wise to involve ourselves in the trouble of other nations so soon?" Dragon asked with a bit of worry.

" I know that we are not at a stage to be picking fights. This is even more true considering what happened during the short war with Konoha." Naruto said making the ANBU agree with him. " However if he is right, if he speaks the truth then we can help a lot of people while making things better for our own." Naruto said making the ANBU agree once more.

" But my Lord, what if he is not speaking the truth?" Dragon asked.

" Then I would ignore his request." Naruto said making the woman nod her head. " However that is not the case, I have seen his eyes in one other... A man that once lied to the Hokage to help free his country form a tyrant. He wishes only to stop the madness plaguing his people, and to be honest I rather take this chance instead of having Fire Country take it from us." Naruto said making the woman nod her head.

" Maki." Naruto said as the female Chuunin waited to hear his next orders. She had learn that he likes giving commands to her after he had a meeting with someone. Its why she would bring a Chuunin with her to lead the clients or other appointments out.

" Yes Naruto-sama?" Maki asked.

" I need you to inform the Council that I wish to hold a meeting with them involving a chance to expand our borders. Make sure to inform them to not speak of this to anybody since I don't want our people to worry about things that might not happen." Naruto said making the woman nod her head. She soon left to do her task, in reality she was going to go down a floor and send a few Chuunin to deliver messages.


Near the border of Sound

The Konoha ninja suddenly stopped along side of their Sound Escort. They were soon put to rest as Jiraiya appeared, moments earlier they had sensed a powerful chakra signature and had prepared for battle.

" I see you guys failed at changing Naruto's mind." Jiraiya said with a smile.

" Things could have gone better if you had joined us Jiraiya-sama." Kakashi said making the Jounin nod their heads.

" Why didn't you? Don't you want Naruto to return home?" Sakura asked with a lot of anger.

" I want what's best for Naruto and at the moment that happens to be letting the Gaki lead Oto." Jiraiya said with a serious face. "Naruto's relationship with Konoha was rocky before we left to train. To make matters worse, he had learned that the world outside of Konoha offered better opportunities. I can't count the number of times others asked him to stay with them since he had done a great task for them. However at the time Naruto was loyal to our village." Jiraiya said making the Konoha nin frown.

" Then what changed? What did we do to drive him away?" Sakura asked.

" We didn't do anything." Jiraiya said making everyone look at him. "Kabuto was right in saying Sound needed Naruto. The kid has an ability that will help Sound become the village Orochimaru had hoped it could be. I don't like this anymore than you do but like I said before this is for Naruto's best." Jiraiya said making Sakura hate his answer.

" We should hurry Nindaime-sama wanted you to reach a Fire Country Inn as soon as possible." The Sound Jounin said making the group from Konoha to continue. Their journey was at the pace of a civilian, since Naruto didn't want them to push themselves. That and it would allow his country more time to prepare in case Konoha would try something.


A few hours later Naruto was in the Council Chambers while looking over those that had gathered. Kabuto and Sasuke sitting at his side with Jiraiya's seat being left open. As they settled down Yagyuu Jubei was led into the massive room to plea his case.

" Council of Sound I wish to introduce to you our guest, his name is Yagyuu Jubei and he is the leader of the Yagyuu Samurai Clan." Naruto said making the Council study the powerful Samurai. "His family lives near the borders of Sound. He brings us word of what is happening and how it could benefit our village and his people." Naruto said making the council fill with shock. They didn't think Naruto would start considering expanding Sound's borders with only a week of serving in office. Some feared they had gotten a leader obsessed with world domination.

" I wish to hear what he has to say and to have you give me your opinions before making my decision." Naruto said making the council feel grateful, since Orochimaru would have made his decision long ago. And would only tell them how much money and lives he needed to waste.

" How big is the territory which Sound would be able to take over?" The Leader of District Five asked.

" It is a rough estimate, but it would nearly double your country. Along with allowing you to border the country of Blades." Jubei said making the council fill with shock.

" In two weeks there will be a major battle in the center of the territory I speak of. My family has set things up to allow one quick and deadly fall for the fools hurting my people. I also know that the Warlords will be watching, since they take pleasure in seeing people kill each other." Jubei said making the council upset. Many could remember their previous lord before Orochimaru being the same way.

" If this campaign is successful you will be gaining a third of the land of beast." Jubei said making the Council fill with shock once more.

" How big is their army?" Sasuke asked making Jubei turn to him.

" Combined it is a hundred thousand, but they are not fully trained warriors... they are young men rushed to battle to fill in the never ending deaths." Jubei said making Sasuke nod his head.

" We would need to dispose of the warlords and use them as proof of us taking over." Kabuto said as he thought. "However once a force that big starts fighting it will take something big to stop them. " The silver haired medic said making Naruto to smirk.

" That or something too shocking for them to comprehend." Naruto said making everyone wonder what he meant " Yagyuu-san tell us more about these warlords." Naruto said making the man give them everything he knew which was a lot.


Another week passed and Naruto was gathering his things for his Journey to Gurren's Prison, since he had plans to use some of the ninja that were available under her command.

He was traveling with two of his ANBU Captain that were not wearing their mask. The first one who was at Naruto's right he had a shade of silver hair different than that of Kabuto. He had green eyes that showed he was a natural leader and intelligent. He wore a maroon colored outfit with some white on its edges. He had long sleeves covering the bandages he wore on his arms. He also had armor on his hands, shoulders and shins. He walked with a halberd in his hands and a white handled Katana on his waist. To the average eye he looked like a Samurai from high upbringing. His name was Benawii and when serving as an ANBU Captain he wore the Tiger Mask.

To Naruto's right was a man that was friends with Benawii for a very long time. He had short dark blue hair with blue eyes, however while Benawii's body and form screamed skill, the second man announced power to the world. He was dressed in gray pants and a dark gray sleeve less muscle shirt. He had plated arm guards that covered the back of his hand all the way to his elbow. He also had thicker and larger shoulder plates than that of Benawii. He had a red cape and did not wear armor on his shins, his sword was longer, thicker, wider and heavier than Benawii's, since it was his only visible weapon. His name was Kurou.

Around Naruto stood A jounin, two Chuunin and two Genin. They had a pentagon formation while trying to do their best as Sound Five candidates. Naruto couldn't help but feel relief and pride at how his new ninja took their job seriously. Even after telling them to relax they still stayed alert enough to deal with any problems that might show up.

Meanwhile Naruto had once again changed his outfit. They main reason being thanks to Eluluu's grandmother. She had told Naruto that walking bare chested was not a respectable thing to do for a Daimyo. Now he wore a black and purple Kimono with silver edges. It was simple and comfortable making Naruto like it, however the lack of Orange made him dislike it. Tuskuru, the grandmother of Eluluu, scolded his obsession with his favorite color, making him give up on trying to use it any chance he could get. It was needless to say that Naruto's first meeting with Tuskuru was a unique one, but made it easy for Naruto to accept the woman that clearly only wanted what was best for him.

Of course Tuskuru understood that the outfit that Kabuto had designed was going to be Naruto's battle outfit and allowed the golden blond to wear it, if he was going to battle or their village came under attack. The reason being is that Naruto's Kage Outfit was made of special cloth that doubled as armor. Kabuto told Naruto the outfit was very expensive, but would give him greater protection than the gear their ANBU wore. Normally Naruto wouldn't like such an unfair advantage, but Kabuto reminded him he was no longer fighting for himself but for his village. Making the golden blond give in.

One thing Kabuto didn't tell Naruto about was that Naruto's new Kimonos and his Kage Robes and hat had special seals that slowly made Naruto's body train without him knowing. They were weighted seals in the clothes along with weak chakra draining seals. It would ensure that Naruto's body would gain the benefit of training for six hours on taijutsu and chakra control with him just living his everyday life as a Kage. Normally such training had to be limited, but thanks to Naruto being a Jinchuuriki Kabuto was able to set a greater limit than what most Shinobi could ever reach. The silver haired medic even had a few clones working on fixing Naruto's chakra control. The man had five clones working on a different chakra control. Since he already had Naruto's chakra being drained everyday he refused to allow Naruto to over use his clones in any other form of training. Especially when the blond had ten working at the tower doing paperwork and other things.

Naruto found it a bit weird yet genius that Oto nin would wear the same clothes when leaving their village. Since it prevented their enemies from gaining a real idea of their skills. Only the Genin were allowed to wear different clothes but most didn't. They found pride in wearing the colors of their Village's battle uniform.

It had taken two days of traveling, but they finally reached the prison that Gurren was in charge off. The woman was naturally a bit shocked that Naruto did show up like he had promise. She quickly organized the few Chuunin guards to clean up the best they could as Naruto's group made its way to them.

Kurou let out a whistle at the impressive prison making Gurren smirk as she waited at its main gate with a few Chuunin. It was a very intimidating place that they planned never to have to live in.

" Welcome to my humble adobe Otokage-sama." Gurren said with respect. It might not be full respect in Naruto, but it was more than enough to keep Benawii from killing her. She had heard rumors that Benawii was becoming extremely loyal to Naruto. The same could be said for the three other Guardians. She didn't like it because to her it felt like they were replacing Orochimaru with the golden blond. However had she been standing at his side seeing him work for their village she might have a different mind set.

" Thank you and it s a pleasure to see you again Gurren. I hope the Chuunin you requested were able to accomplish the task you needed without any problems." Naruto said making Gurren nod her head. They quickly went inside and Naruto, to the shock of the Oto nin, sat in the guest chair leaving Gurren to sit in the bigger comfy chair of her office.

" That chair belongs to you Gurren. Orochimaru trusted you with this place, I see no reason to insult you by taking what you rightfully earned." Naruto said making Gurren nod her head. She was a bit awed at the respect he was giving her, she had grown too used to being seen as a profitable tool. Being treated like a human was causing changes in her. The same changes that was making the Oto nin around Naruto better.

" The prisoners have become more rebellious now that word of Orochimaru-sama's death has spread thanks to Konoha." Gurren said making Naruto nod his head.

" They aren't the only ones, we've caught a few teams trying to sneak into our borders. Not to mention that some raids have been increasing in our western and eastern borders. The west is more aggressive due to a situation that is keeping the Land of Beast occupied." Naruto said making Gurren nod her head. She remembered the men that had been escorted for her Interrogation teams to work on.

" If this continue our prisons won't be able to hold them for much longer." Gurren said with a hint of annoyance, since her job was becoming harder.

" Then don't keep them." Naruto said making Gurren and the Oto nin to look at him with shock. " For Shinobi from foreign villages with bounties on their heads, I want you to extract all the Ninja information they have to improve Oto. Once you've done that then send their heads to an Ice Box so that we can claim their bounties. For prisoners of our own country I want you to set up teams that can be trusted to help with the rivers and lakes we plan to create. In fact some might be able to help build a few lesser villages I plan to set up since we will soon be taking in refugees." Naruto said making Gurren confused but decided to do what he said, he was in charge after all.

" What about those with the curse mark?" Gurren asked.

" Are they loyal to Oto?" Naruto asked.

" The majority... however half become unstable when their seals activates." Gurren said making Naruto think.

" Send those that have mastered their curse mark to the capital I will have a team to help them join our way of life. If they prove useful they will become permanent Shinobi or Kunochi." Naruto said making Gurren agree with his way of thought.

" And those that are unstable?" Kurou asked.

" I don't like killing in cold blood." Naruto said making his ninja look at him. "Enemy ninja is a different thing since they threaten my people. Volunteers or victims of the curse mark are in a way innocent, the only reason they are locked up is because of the curse mark making them dangerous to others..." Naruto said making Gurren nod her head. Although she knew Orochimaru saw them as failures. "I will use them in case we are ever in war with other ninja villages." Naruto said making the eyes of his ninja to grow.

" Having fought someone with the curse mark allows me to have a good idea of the damage they are capable of. Those that are sane in their human form can be sent to ninja villages to attack after we breach their walls. Along with ensuring the escape of our main forces." Naruto said making the Oto nin to feel pity for their enemies since few could take on a Curse Mark Beast, much less a pack of them if they are set lose on a village with civilians.

" What about those stuck in their seal form? In the south prison Karin watches over them. Unlike those here they are mindless beast that can't be controlled to a certain extent." Gurren said making Naruto smile.

" They will have the same fate as the others. I can safely deliver them into villages that cause us problems. However they will only be used on villages that are the homes of Shinobi. I refuse to unleash such power on civilians. Samurai, Bandits, Pirates fortresses and camps are also fair game. I'll work out the system later but for now that is the direction I wish to follow." Naruto said making Gurren feel a bit relaxed.

" What should we do about the Sanbi?" Gurren said making Naruto's eyes to grow.

" The Sanbi? What does that have to do with us?" Naruto asked, he knew from his time with Jiraiya that certain Bijuu was suppose to belong in the land of water.

" The Yondaime Mizukage was the previous host. He died a few years ago and the beast broke free. Orochimaru-sama had planned to seal it into a boy so that the Akatsuki couldn't get their hands on it." Gurren said making Naruto fill with shock.

" Do we know where it is?" Naruto asked.

" Hai... it made its way to Oto's shore before settling into a lake in a nearby country. As soon it was spotted Orochimaru-sama sent teams to keep an eye on it. The host we selected has special chakra that will allow it to control the Bijuu's power." Gurren said making Naruto shake his head.

" Does the boy knows how to use his chakra?" Naruto asked making Gurren nod her head. " Then it won't work." Naruto said making Gurren upset.

" You don't know that... We've tested him and he is able to control demonic chakra. I trained him really hard and he is now ready to become useful to the village. You can't take this away from him." Gurren said with an angry tone.

" I'm going to show you something." Naruto said before placing his hand on one side of the desk. They watched as red chakra began to form on his arm making it corrode the desk before their eyes. " This is only a limited chakra amount to prevent anyone from getting hurt." Naruto said before going to another side of the desk. They watched as Naruto was covered in a fox cloak with a single tail of chakra. Their eyes watched with disbelief as Naruto's now clawed hand dug into the desk before corroding it at such a rate that they couldn't imagine. It nearly consumed all of the surface of the table.

" I have no doubt that the boy has the skills to control demonic chakra to a certain extent, but he won't last long." Naruto said as he returned to normal. "The reason that most Jinchuuriki are newborns during the sealing is because they have yet to develop their chakra coils. Their body has the greatest opportunity to become strong enough to survive a long life while being exposed to demonic chakra. Not to mention I can now place the Uzumaki Jinchuuriki Seals on them making them into perfect vessels." Naruto said making the Oto nin fill with shock.

" Before the Konoha nin left our village I sent a letter to the Daimyo of fire telling him who I was and that I wished to have the things that belonged to my parents. A day before we came here Jiraiya appeared before me handing over everything that was rightfully mine. Konoha was not happy, but with an angry Daimyo before them they had no choice but to do what I wanted." Naruto said leaving the Oto nin speechless. They couldn't imagine how much damage was caused to Konoha once the Fire Daimyo told others of Naruto's situation.

" We will create a Jinchuuriki and we will protect and care for it. Because it is the power of love that fuels the Uzumaki Demon Embracing Seal. As long as we care and love our Jinchuuriki they will have the power to control their Bijuu. The boy, I am assuming you are training, can help us during the sealing. He will be very helpful but I know he can't carry the burden of a Bijuu for too long. Depending on his age I can figure out how long he could last." Naruto said making Gurren look away.

"Train him to be a proper ninja, to take over your job in case you are ever to leave us. However I won't send him to his death if it can be avoided." Naruto said making Gurren nod her head in understanding. "Give him another purpose for living, teach him he doesn't need to be a tool or a weapon but a person willing to protect his precious people and his beloved village." Naruto said making Gurren look at him with shock. Since she had seen Naruto's carefree nature and promises for Oto she never thought he could understand the pain of being a weapon.

"In fact I have something I wish for you to do for me." Naruto said with a smile making Gurren wonder what he had planned.


The village of Konoha watched as their angry Daimyo left with his reinstated Shinobi Guardians. They were selected from Ninja that Jiraiya and Tsunade recommended since the man wasn't mad at them but at the village and its traitorous council.

" We should strengthen our patrols Hime." Jiraiya said as he stood along side the Godaime.

" I never thought losing Naruto could cause us such a backlash." Tsunade said making the man along with the ninja behind her to nod their heads. Not only was their Daimyo mad at them but very important figures had decided to stop sending Konoha their support. Bird Country, Demon Country, Spring/Snow country, and Wave had greatly lowered the amount of missions they would send, leaving them missions that the rulers of the countries felt were low enough for Konoha to accomplish. To make things worse their alliance with Suna was becoming rocky thanks to Gaara saying he won't attack Oto because Naruto was his first friend. The same could be said with Shibuki since he agreed that Naruto's skills could be put to better use in Oto than in Konoha.

The final pain the village felt was their Daimyo revealing Naruto's heritage while stripping Konoha of anything involving Naruto's family whether it be involving the Uzumaki Clan or the Yondaime. In fact it was the reason why now the Yondaime's stone face had a massive crack going down the middle, so that the world could see that Konoha had failed in following the wishes of a dying father that only wanted the best for his son and village. That was a major blow to Konoha's pride and honor, to make things worse they were now unable to redeem themselves because Naruto now ruled his own country and didn't need them.

The only ones not regretting their actions was the true fools that refused to see things how they were. Instead they see Naruto as a traitorous demon that had betrayed them and caused them even more trouble. It was making it hard for the village, since its populous was being divided because of their way of thought.

" We shouldn't have let Naruto stay, we should have killed Kabuto when we had the chance." Sakura said while looking at the ground and crying.

" Sakura... he made his choice." Tsunade said making Sakura shake her head.

" He wasn't suppose to have a choice. He was a ninja of Konoha,... he was mine... I didn't want him to leave me like Sasuke did... and now both of them are in that village." Sakura said with a tone Tsunade didn't like. The girl was clearly being possessive of Naruto even though she had no real claim on him.

" What did I do wrong to make Naruto hate me? Why did he have to leave me?" Sakura said making Tsunade shake her head.

" Go home Sakura. You're clearly not ready to return to service." Tsunade said making Sakura's eyes to grow. "Rest Sakura, think of everything that has happened and then clear your mind. Naruto didn't leave because of you, yes you helped make his choice, but he was already carrying a monstrous burden and the village only made things worse. You made a single mistake while not taking in the changes Naruto was showing when he was last in my office. But there is no reason to continue acting this way since none of us blame you." Tsunade said making Sakura calm down.

" I do." Konohamaru said making Moegi hit him on the back of his head.

" He's an idiot don't listen to him Sakura-sempai." Moegi said making Udon nod his head.

" Everyone go home tomorrow we have a lot of work to do to fix this mess we made." Tsunade said making the Ninja and Civilians that had gathered to leave.


Naruto of course knew nothing of what was happening in the place he had once loved. At the moment he was too busy learning the skills of the new Division that Orochimaru created. He planned to call the ninja with curse seals the Beast Division since they lost their human traits during their transformations. To the benefit of Naruto he was showing that he didn't' see his branded ninja as monsters. He treated them like human being that deserved respect for taking on such a dangerous procedure. Naruto's natural charisma and caring heart was helping the recently freed ninja to regain their sanity and to gain the resolve to control their tainted power. Naruto's Ninja Way was also been taking in by the Oto nin that listened to him.

They were learning that Ninja didn't have to be tools for their village. That Naruto was proud for them to be independent and to care for one another. He told them the story of Haku and how he learned the true meaning of strength. Benawii and Kurou smirked at how simple Naruto made it seem to be so powerful.

" When you protect someone precious then you will find true strength." Naruto said to his ninja. "I learned from the Sandaime Hokage that a village is like a big family. Each and every one of us is precious... no matter how different we are, as long as we work together we can survive agaisnt anything. As long as we fight to protect others we can never fail." Naruto said to the forty ninja traveling with him.

" All my life I grew up without anyone caring for me. Had it not been for the Sandaime and Iruka-sensei I would have lost myself to the Kyuubi's whispers. But they saved me from an isolated existence. They became my reasons to live, and now Otogakure is my reason to live. I'll happily give my life so that our home can survive." Naruto said as they came upon the gates of their village.

" I believe that each and everyone of you can make a difference. I know for a fact that you will become ninja the village can be proud of. For I see dedicated men and women that have fought agaisnt a temptation that few can deny." Naruto said as he walked ahead to look at the group he brought with him. "I'm proud to call you ninja of Otogakure. I'm proud to know that I can entrust you with the duty of protecting our home." Naruto said making the eyes of the former prisoners to grow. A few Kunochi gained tears along with the Shinobi that had been alienated due to them being different.

" Come... our home is waiting." Naruto said before turning to lead the group into the village.

' My lord you are showing that anyone can become a better person. Orochimaru truly knew what he was doing when he selected you to be our leader. You will lead our home to an age of great prosperity.' Benawii thought as he entered the village while watching the back of his Nindaime.

' One day I hope to stand at his side, he is showing our village that he is a man worth dying for.' Kurou thought as he swore to become as strong as possible.