


Yusuffauzi · Action
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 Several soldiers looked at Fang Xiaoyu's faint with stunned expressions, especially when they learned that Fang Xiaoyu was carrying the body of the 122nd Division 1st Division.

  Although it is said that since the beginning of the war, there have been no division commanders who died in battle, but it was the first time for them to really contact.

  In particular, they knew better that the 122nd Division was guarding Teng County, and now that even the division commander was killed in battle, it means that Teng County has fallen.

  Several soldiers discussed, and immediately handed Fang Xiaoyu and Wang Mingzhang to their boss.

  Originally, the **** side received the battle report from Wang Mingzhang before his death on the afternoon of the 18th. Since then, there has been no news from Tengxian. The **** side naturally knew that Tengxian was lost, but did not expect the 122nd division to actually The battle was so tragic that even the leader of a division was killed.

  The newspapers went up one after another, and soon Li Zongren, who was in Taierzhuang and personally directed the battle, alerted Li Zongren.

  Following Li Zongren's order, Fang Xiaoyu and Wang Mingzhang's remains were sent to the headquarters.

  After a full day's sleep, Fang Xiaoyu just woke up, and as soon as he woke up, Fang Xiaoyu found himself in a tent.

  One turned over, accidentally knocked over a tea cup, and the enamel jar rolled on the ground with a clanging sound, which immediately alarmed the people outside.

  I saw several figures entering the tent, wearing a white coat with a red cross on his arm. It was obviously a doctor and a nurse.

  A young nurse looked at Fang Xiaoyu, with a bit of surprise in her eyes and said: "Wake up, I finally woke up."

  The doctor nearby stepped forward to check on Fang Xiaoyu and asked if Fang Xiaoyu was uncomfortable. Seeing Fang Xiaoyu's energetic appearance, the doctor couldn't help but sigh Fang Xiaoyu's powerful resilience.

  Looking at the obviously re-treated wound on his shoulder, Fang Xiaoyu remembered what happened before he became unconscious, and quickly said, "Where is our teacher?"

  Obviously, the question was for nothing. The doctor and the nurse obviously didn't know this, but the news that Fang Xiaoyu woke up had been reported.

  As the first person who walked out of Teng County alive and brought out the body of General Wang Mingzhang, many people were paying attention to Fang Xiaoyu. Now Fang Xiaoyu woke up and soon someone took Fang Xiaoyu to the headquarters.

  Although Fang Xiaoyu brought out the body of General Wang Mingzhang, the inspections that should be done still need to be done. After all, what they are going to is the core of ****. If Fang Xiaoyu is a spy sent by the Japanese army, If you create chaos in the command center, you might be able to lose a few generals on the **** side.

  Looking at the heavily guarded military site, Fang Xiaoyu looked calm, but the staff officer who personally led him into the headquarters looked at him differently and gave a secret praise. As expected, he was able to bring out the body of General Wang Mingzhang from the fallen city of Teng County. people.

  After passing through the layers of checkpoints, he finally entered the headquarters, standing at the door, only to hear a briefing from the staff officer, and soon an order came from inside.

  Fang Xiaoyu entered the command center, and there were noisy voices, soldiers shuttled everywhere, ticking radio voices, and many staff members reported the battle situation with the telegrams they had just received.

  Several of them were even more eye-catching. Fang Xiaoyu saw that one of them was just standing there and he was very aura, not who Li Zongren was.

  As expected to be a strong man who can compete with old Jiang for a lifetime, Fang Xiaoyu, instead of looking at each other, feels like the other party has seen through himself at once.

  Of course, Fang Xiaoyu knew in his heart that this was because the other party was in a high position and was in control of life and death, and the invisible aura he had cultivated for a long time was not because the other party could really see through himself.

  If the man in front of him is placed in the later generations, he is at least one of the big tycoons of the Military Commission. Fang Xiaoyu walked closer, and a wave of pressure was born.

  Fortunately, Fang Xiaoyu had been in front of the Emperor Qianlong in Fang Shiyu's world, and he had a certain resistance to the huge aura of this kind of superior, so that he did not lose his stance in front of Li Zongren and the generals who carried the generals on his shoulders.

  While Fang Xiaoyu was secretly looking at a few people, how could they not be looking at Fang Xiaoyu, able to take out Wang Mingzhang's body, and rushed to Taierzhuang overnight. If Fang Xiaoyu was not standing in front of them alive, he suddenly heard this. News, there is a feeling of listening to the story.

  Now that Fang Xiaoyu, a small platoon leader, was able to remain so calm when facing them, it made Xiaoyu look at each other differently.

  Taking a step forward, Fang Xiaoyu solemnly saluted: "The three-sixth-fourth brigade of the 122nd Division of the Humble Post, the third battalion and the second company of the 727th Regiment, and the long rows of Fang Xiaoyu have seen all the chiefs!"

  Li Zongren also replied with a salute, looking at Fang Xiaoyu with scorching eyes, and said, "You 122 divisions are all good, especially you brought back the body of General Wang Mingzhang, so that the body of the hero does not fall into the hands of the enemy. What a great contribution! "

  Fang Xiaoyu solemnly said: "I am ashamed of my humble position. The teacher ordered the whole teacher to guard Teng County, but the humble position failed to obey the strict orders of the teacher. I really have the spirit of the teacher in the sky."

  Sun Lianzhong, who was the commander of the Second Army at the time, smiled slightly and said: "You don't have to blame yourself. You can fight the war to such an extent. You deserve your identity as a soldier."

  At this moment, one person said with a strong northwest accent: "Platform leader Fang, Master Wang Mingzhang has your subordinates, and Quanxia knows you can rest in peace. This time the 122 division has suffered heavy losses, and I am afraid that it will be reorganized. My 31 division I would like to invite Fang's platoon commander as a battalion commander to help fight the enemy."

  Suddenly several people smiled and said, "Good, you Chifeng City, such a good seedling, you just want to go to your own team, what should we do?"

  Fang Xiaoyu couldn't help thinking that Chi Fengcheng was another well-known general in the Taierzhuang battle.

  To say that Teng County has made Wang Mingzhang, then Taierzhuang has made Chifeng City. Although it is not as eye-catching as Wang Mingzhang, no one can avoid the Chifeng City, which is defending the lonely city.

  The Taierzhuang battle was precisely the fact that Chifeng City was bombarded by the Japanese army with a division of less than 10,000 people, and held on for more than 20 days under the frenzied attack. It blocked the Japanese offensive firmly and won the opportunity for the friendly army to encircle the Japanese army. A glorious page in the history of the War of Resistance Against Japan, Taierzhuang victory.

  Seeing the reactions of several other teachers, Chi Fengcheng smiled and said: "If this is the case, how about letting Platoon Leader Fang make his own choice?"

  If it were not a system task, Fang Xiaoyu would naturally not choose to enter the 31st division. It was really terrifying. At the beginning of the war, the 31st division had more than 10,000 people and defended Taierzhuang for more than 20 days. It can be said that there is no one in ten. There are only a few thousand people left. With such a high mortality rate, Fang Xiaoyu would naturally not choose if there was no water in his head.

  But Fang Xiaoyu knew in her heart that entering the 31st is the best choice to complete the task.

  With a decision in his heart, Fang Xiaoyu arched his hands and said to the other people: "Boy He De, how can you be a high-ranking officer. Since Master Chi can value a kid, then the boy is willing to serve as the teacher.

  Chi Fengcheng gave a high-five and praised: "Okay, in that case, I will admit you to be the commander of the first battalion of my 31st division, 91 brigade, 183rd regiment."


  At this time, Chi Fengcheng smiled, and said to a few people: "Everyone, accept, accept!"