
Not giving in to temptations

Jiniro cautiously walks into the city trying to find the most reliable inn that he can stay in without endangering himself in the process. He search around the places with there are a lot of people are coming around to avoid the accident like what he had seen happened earlier.

               "This is going to be hard. Being here the first time and learning that I stumbled in Thur'na on my first day. Just what bad luck do I have to have a rough start like this?" he whispers to himself as he walk pass by an alley and a person called out to him after hearing a portion of what he just said.

               "Excuse me." Jiniro turns around and sees an alluring woman covered in make up giving him the seducing look.

               "I can't help but hear what you were mumbling about. I apologize for eavesdropping but are you look for a place to stay? If you are I know a place." She said with an angelic tone and a smile. Jiniro looks at her suspiciously and then glance at the building that she is leaning to, having to learn the languages that the people in the other nations have, he knows to speak and read thanks to the efforts that the elders of his land hand poured into teaching the chosen ones.

               "Hmmm- this looks really suspicious but." It was the first time Jiniro had seen a beautiful face like hers and the elders of his people had already told him about such dangers in his journey considering that he is also a growing man as well so facing someone that he is seeing for the first time is making his heart race even though he knows that she might bring him misfortune.

"Its nothing please don't apologize to me about it." The young woman sees that Jiniro is slowly opening up to him as he shows the signs that people shows when they get hooked because of her beauty. "This is already a given since I am really beautiful." She said to herself as she flashes a pleasant smile and made Jiniro even more nervous that he had to walk a bit faster that somehow confuse her for a second.

"What is he doing? He should be approaching me instead of walker away right?" she looks at Jiniro in complete confusion as he walks complete away from her. "What is wrong with him?" as she stares at Jiniro, her colleagues take notice and ask her what's the problem but she dismisses their concerns and turns away, embarrassed to tell them that she somehow failed to lure Jiniro into their brothel.

"Just what in the world was with that guy- my beauty should have attracted him right away." She goes through what happened and thinks that she must have provoked him for overhearing his words. It is then that she turns around and sees Jiniro's back, still walking away from the scene. "Now that I think about it, it is the first time that I am seeing someone having that kind of face." She said to herself and confirms it by looking back when she stared at his face, somehow getting allured by his unique beauty.

When she realize that she ended up being captivated by his beauty, she slaps herself saying that it should not happen and they are the only ones that are allowed to captivate people's hearts. "Next time. I will show him. I will make sure that I will bring him in as our costumer." She walks back to the lobby and sees that her colleagues have already attended to their costumers.

"Looks like I have to work hard so that I will not get left behind as well. SIGH!"

"That was really close. I thought I was going to be pulled inside." Jiniro wipes the cold sweat from his forehead and thanks the gods for continuing to guide him to the right path and avoid the temptation that was standing in front of him. "Lets be careful for now Jiniro, you only have limited funds so you better stay vigilant."

               After encouraging himself, Jiniro continues to move forward to look for an inn and finally he found one right at the very corner of the city where it was close to a station of soldiers giving it a bit of a rather reassuring place to stay in unlike the places that he had passed by earlier. "This place should be a lot better than the rest of the places that I have gone so far." He said to himself as he steps inside the inn and sees that it is rather tidy and the people inside are different, they are formal and wears their clothes with dignity.

               Jiniro knew right away that this is the place that he wants to sleep in, a peaceful one with no signs of trouble in sight. While he is appreciating the peacefulness of the inn, a short man with a cap approached him.

               "Hello there young man. Looks like you are here to check in for a room." The man said with a smile on his face. Jiniro responds quickly and nod his head.

               "Yes, good day. I am here to book for a room!"

               The man smiles and leads him to the counter and ask him about the room preference that he wants since they have all kinds of room due to the fact that there are lot of kinds of costumers that rents their rooms, they ask this in advance so that they can arrange it immediately just as the costumer's demands.

               "I would like the normal room, this place just being peaceful is more than enough for me." Jiniro said with a innocent smile on his face but the man just stares at him blankly as if he was waiting for more things that Jiniro wants. "Is that all?"

               They both stare at each other with the man staring at him because of Jiniro's plainness taste, that is when the man realize that he is not of that city nor a person that has visited this city countless of times. His complexion turns pale and then grabs Jiniro by his collar and whispers to his ear.

               "Young man, are you perhaps visiting this city for the first time?"

               Jiniro can feel the dread and worry on the man's voice and confirms it by nodding his head.

               "Yes, this is the first time that I am visiting this city, more like I am more dragged here than paying a visit. I would rather not visit this city if I knew which city this is before stepping inside." Jiniro confesses and the man buries his face under his palms. Jiniro feels a bit concerned since it was the first time that someone acted like that, and it is the first time since it was one of the few instances that he interacted with the people inside Thur'na.

               "This is no good. No wonder you are not adding more features in the room that you want. So you really are someone that is not from here after all." The man then let go of Jiniro's collar and stares at his face intensely as if he is trying to figure out which nation he came from. "Now that I think about it, you don't look like the people that have been living here."

               Jiniro smiles at the man's word and wants to correct him but the man quickly adds that he is someone that has travelled the three nations and that he had seen all kinds of people's face and this is the first time that he is seeing someone like Jiniro.

               "Where do you come from?"

               The gaze of the man intensified as he waits for Jiniro's answer, the latter felt like his throat is being strangled because of the intensity of the gaze, and when he is finally about to say where he lives, a young woman calls out to the man, ending their battle for that moment.

               "What are you doing?" the young woman walks up to them and had the same reaction as the man had when they saw Jiniro's face. "Nevermind. You can pay her for the rent and Nina, please guide him to the room." The young woman happily agrees as the man leaves for a business and leaves Jiniro in perfect confusion and  fear after getting over the temptation with the woman from the brothel earlier.


               "You are handsome." The young woman said without holding back and stuned Jiniro for a moment before he can respond.

               "Thanks but may I ask how much is the rent for the roo-m?"

               Jiniro's voice cracked and completely leaves him embarrassed while the young woman in the same age as him smiles at him for that awkward moment.

               "That is quite rude, I told you that you are handsome but you ignored me. Well, I'll just let you off this time. Hmmm- let's see, this is surprising. The rent for the room will be five copper per night, how long will you stay?" Jiniro could still not look at her directly because of what just happened and she finds this cute but Jiniro still forces himself to respond accordingly.

               "Calm down me, you can do this. This is just a piece of cake. You can do this!" he spoke to himself and musters up all the courage to just be able to respond. "I will be staying for three days."

               The young woman smirks and hands him a paper to sign, it seems like the people in this inn gives their costumers a written contract for their stay in case of something happens to both parties, this will act as proof and also a guarantee that he costumer will stay in the inn for the said duration.

               "Just sign here and everything will be fine." Jiniro read the contract and did not find anything funny or sketchy about it and just signed. He then hands her the total payment for the three days of staying inside the inn. The young woman gladly takes out a key and locks the counter before leaving to guide Jiniro to his room.

               "This will be your room." She then hands the key to Jiniro and winks at him. This is the second time that Jiniro gets a wink from a woman and he still could not get used to it and excuses himself and then went inside the room. The young woman finds this attractive and hums all the way back to the counter and takes a quick glance at Jiniro's room before finally going down. "I will be visiting you soon." She said with a smile.

               "Is she gone?" Jiniro slowly slides down on the floor after finally getting the feeling that she is no longer there. It is as of this moment, he knew, that this city is called Lawless city for a reason and he can see it now by himself. "This city really is dangerous. No wonder the elders told me not to come here. I wonder if the others before me had experienced the same."

               Jiniro thinks back on the time when the elders of his land told him about the tales that the others had come across to, the chosen ones before him had not manage to return and his people assumed that they are dead. Without any information about the outside world, they decided to do something about it and that is to collect information so that the future chosen ones are not going to have a hard time.

          He realize the efforts that the people in the past had poured on to all the things that he learned from the lessons that Jiniro finds himself touched by their passion and is on the verge of tears. "This is for my people. The life-long mission. I will end this with me." He said with a witty tone as he clenches his fists.


           "I guess I will have to get something to eat first hahaha."