
Origins of the Shadow Realm

It's a co-lead type of story, about a girl and her "shadow" I should warn you now, this is NOT a book of kisses and rainbows...

CozmicCatto · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
19 Chs

Chapter 5

*3 hours later*

Kane: This is really some good food! What's it made of?

Bear Oni: *Human*

Kane: …

Kane: Ima go check on them

*Kane walks out the mud hut, with a straw roof, if you were wondering, and cautiously approaches their little battleground*

*Kane looks through the blood barrier, and sees both of them sleeping, but Kori sleeping ON TOP of Yami...with clothes on (pervs)*

Kane: ...nice

Kane: *knocks on the barrier* hey, wake up

*Yami and Kori slowly rise*

Kunshu: Did you enjoy your naps? *smirks*

*Yami releases the barrier. Kori and Yami see the position they're in...and Yami throws off Kori*

Kori: Douche

Yami: I coudn't breathe

Kori: Are you saying I'm overweight?!

Yami: I will neither confirm nor deny

*Kori is seething with rage, and Yami walks away*

*Mag: Fucks given –100, savage*

Kori: stfu

Yami: Anyway, would you like to tell us more of this master of yours?

Bear Oni: *Oh, right! Well, we don't know that much about him. But one day, he appeared out of nowhere, and subdued the ENTIRE forest. He treated us as family, constantly making us stronger, and turned us into a force to be feared. He made sure our numbers were under control, ensuring that we didn't attract too much attention, keeping everything was in balance. But that all changed when a human nation attacked. They burned down our original forest, throwing everything in disarray. He went against them, and wiped that city from existence, but expended a lot of his energy in the process. He then gave us a final order: Find a new home, and bury my remains in the original forest. However, we couldn't bear (Mag: haha) to part with him, so we brought the crystal with us. We put it on display in our village, to remind us of what once was, and to never let humans go, ever again.

Kori: Welp, looks like you weren't able to protect him, so he's mine now


[Why do you want this crystal so badly?]

{Look at this}

*taps the crystal*



A Superior Oni soul is detected, would you like to commune with it?




{Yeah, but I can't have it till these guys let him go}

Yami: Look, I understand where you're coming from, but you lost. Think of it this way, we can obviously protect him better then all of you can, so TECHNICALLY, he's safer in our hands, so we're gonna hold onto him for yall. Now, we have places to be, so goodbye

Yami: C'mon yall, we're leaving

*Kunshu and Kane gather behind Yami, and Kori steps closer to him*

Bear Oni: …

Yami: Bye

*The four walk off, leaving the small village behind*

Bear Oni: ...What the hell just happened?

I forgot to say, it might take a bit uploading. Sorry for the delay!

CozmicCattocreators' thoughts