
Origins of Fate

In the world of Avenor, Elemental Powers dictates all. These elemental powers are known as 'Origins', and the seven origins existed within the bloodline of each individuals within the world. Fire, water, wind, lightning, earth, light, and darkness were the elements that flows inside the genes of an Avenor entity. Nathan Fiore is the son of the village chief within the territory of the Fire kingdom, a kingdom ruled by people of the fire origin. After watching his whole village burn to the ground, he sets out with a grim vengeance to sought out the person who murdered his family and people. But as he journeys through the world of Avenor, he began to uncover the darkest truth and realities that lies behind this world filled with elemental powers. However, Nathan keeps moving forward. He steps ahead with the hopes of one day facing the monster who massacred his whole village. Friends and colleagues may appear along the way, but so will enemies and dangers. He will be swept into wars, power struggles, and even facing the apocalypse itself. But the world he stepped into... may not a place where he is meant to be.

FinnAlfi · Fantasy
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21 Chs

3. Ellennoire City (part 2)

And after coming to Fiordall, the fire kingdom, I learned that she was apparently one of the best graduates of the academy and the top student of her generation. She was granted the title "The Queen of Knowledge" by the academy's previous headmaster during the day of her graduation. 


As such, I became interested in following her path. Exactly what kind of place was it that was able to make my mother the great person she is? I want to know more about it, and I decided to finally come here once I became old enough.


And now, here I am. Chasing after the experience that my mother once lived through.


But before experiencing all of those academy things…




Ahaha… I'm so hungry.


I decided to make a quick stop at a nearby restaurant, and I found one that looked rather simple and nice. It also looked quite empty since it's not time for dinner yet, so I decided to visit it to grab something to eat.




The bell above the door rang after I opened it, and the chef, being the only one inside, welcomed me.


"Welcome, welcome. A new face today, hmm?" The chef, presumably the owner of the restaurant, welcomed me.


Seeing the chef being friendly, I turned excited for coming here. Even from the smell of whatever he was cooking already made me feel wonders.


The chef was sitting on his chair behind the tall table that is very much like a bartender's table. He had his entire kitchen set right behind that table, which means visitors can easily watch him cook while also eating the food in front of him. I immediately wondered whether or not this place is a restaurant or a bar.


"Hello… Yes, I have just arrived here." I politely spoke to the chef, and he turned interested in me immediately.


"Oho~? Here as in… the city? Or this part of town?"

"The city… Sir."


In an instant, his interest multiplied by a ton. He knew immediately that he is facing a newcomer to the city, and he made a resolve to do the best that he can to welcome me.


"I see! In that case, what would you like to eat? I serve all sorts of dish from various places!" The chef bragged openly of his skills, and I turned widely interested.


His hand pointed at the empty tall chair on the tall table in front of him, as if asking me to sit right there in front of him as he cooks. I silently walked closer and sat down, and he handed me a large paper. The paper listed all sorts of menu and dishes that this old chef is capable of cooking, and I was very much amazed that he knows how to cook so many things.


"Y-You can cook all of these!?!?" I turn really surprised seeing the list, and the chef only folded his arms.


"It's a skill every chef in Ellennoire needs to have! Otherwise, your business will just run dry from customers." The chef gave a rather reasonable answer, but I'm still not quite satisfied simply hearing that. "Plus, visitors from all around Avenor always come here. It's only right for us chefs to be able to serve them a meal from their hometown!"


Now, that's a reasoning I can get behind. Ellenoire is, after all, something like the capital city of the entire Avenor. It is the biggest independent city in Avenor, almost like an entire monarchy by itself. The city governs its own people, detached from any ruling from any monarchy of certain origins.


Even the kingdom I came from has no power over the government of Ellen. We may have envoys and ministers connecting one another, but it's still a known fact that Ellen is like a standalone country.


As such, there are bound to be people who originated from certain places all around Avenor here. Once in a while, they will want to eat food from their homeland, and the chefs here provide it for them. Even if they are feeling devious and wanted to try meals from other places, they have that option as well.


"What about… ingredients? Surely, it won't be easy considering some ingredients only grow in certain places." I asked the chef, and he noticed that my question does held some truth to it.


Certain ingredients to a dish can sometimes only be procurable on their original location. For example, the cactus soup is only available to the fire kingdom, Fiordall, because cactuses only grow in deserts. It's certainly won't be possible to obtain them in the water empire, Valkaria, because that place is pretty much watery.


And hearing that question, the chef gives out a very wide grin. "How do you think? Merchants, obviously. They come and go from many places to Ellen. What do you think they sell?"




That's so true! Even Uncle Darren and his family was trading ingredients and food stuff from Fiordall to here! Which means this city profits the most from all the trading that were done!


Seeing the odd complexity worn on my face, the old chef laughed at me quite loudly. "It seems you understands the greatness of merchants in this city! Why do you think this city has the nickname 'Homeland of Merchants'?"


I have never heard of that title before.


"Well, in that case… I'd like to try something new. Hmm…" I stared at the list in my hand for quite a while, and the old chef noticed my troubles of picking the right dish.


"Where are you from, little man?" He asked while calling me 'Little man'. Maybe that's just how people addresses young ones here?


"Fiordall, sir."


"Oho~? That far away. Must've been a pain going through the desert." He commented after hearing it, and I can't help but realize how right he is. "In that case, I suggest the lamb meat. It's a dish originated from the earth nation."


Lamb… meat? I have heard of that before. I heard lambs are quite common within the earth nation region.


"In that case, I'll give it a try. If it is really lamb meat, can you make it a little dry, sir?" I tried asking a request from him since I know just how tough meat can be if it was chewy, and the old man understands.


"Well done, it is!" The old chef then headed to the back door to grab the ingredients, and he came back after a minute with a box filled with the necessary ingredients.


As he cooks, I noticed that there aren't any other visitors coming to this restaurant. Not only was this place in the middle of the road, it's also quite big. I'm surprised that there's not even one or two visitors coming here.


"Quite a silent day today, wasn't it?" He suddenly said while cooking, and I realized he noticed my worries.


"Ah… I didn't really mind it."


"It's all right. Things have been quite busy these days, especially with the academy entrance exam being around the corner!"


So, that's the reason. I was wondering why the road was quite silent outside, as well. I guess everyone was busy doing their duties or something, huh?


"Even though the streets are empty at this hour, you're up for a surprise during the evening! Thanks to the academy entrance exam, the amount of people coming to visit Ellen is tripled than before. It's only empty now because it's just not time for dinner yet." The old chef told me the reasoning behind the odd silence on the streets, and I fully understood his explanation.


"I see… then, it's a good thing I eat dinner now than later!" I spoke with a high energy, and the old man laughed hearing that.


"You're applying for the academy as well, little man?"

"Yep. It's something I've been eyeing for quite a long time."


"Such wonders being young, huh? But, you're carrying around a sword. I thought for sure you're a knight rather than an origin master?" The old chef commented without even looking at me, and I noticed he must've seen the hilt of the sword tucked on my back.


I had the sword with me almost the entire time during this trip. I never really use it since most of the enemies I fought would just evaporate after I used my fire origin at them. It's not really for decoration since I really know how to use it, but it's just because the enemies aren't worthwhile enough for me to pull it out.


"What's wrong with being a good swordsman while also good at using my origin?" I asked while taking off the sword from my back, and I placed down the longsword on top of the table.


"It's very good, actually. For sure, you have a high chance of entering the academy." The old chef praised me, and I feel somewhat happy that a stranger like him saying something positive about me.


After cooking for a while, the old chef put the cooked lamb meat on a large plate and placed it down on the table in front of me. He also prepared a cold drink beforehand and landed it right next to the plate.


"Dig in!" He said cheerfully, and my eyes are already staring at the beautifully cooked lamb meat with amazement.


This… looks so good!!!

When writing about a city, one should first learn what makes the place so unique. The easiest method to make it standout is by utilizing the local specialties: The Cuisine.

The second easiest method is by making it as standout as possible by turning it an odd one (compared to other places). That's Ellennoire, a city that isn't involved by any of the seven cultural origins(elements).

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