
Original Realm: I Can Gain Ultimate Intelligence by Leveling Up

Update Daily! 9 AM PST ---------------------- Sebastian, a seasoned gamer, entered the world of the widely-anticipated online game "Original Realm" as it commenced service amidst the watchful eyes of the world. Initially planning to be nothing more than a casual player earning some spare change, he unexpectedly bound himself to the Ultimate Intelligence System. [Bing! Host has successfully leveled up! You have earned one opportunity to pull from the intelligence banner.] [Bing! Host has pull a purple intel — 'The Specter of the Ancient Mage'.] [Host can access this intel at any time!] From that moment on, Sebastian harbored intelligence unbeknownst to other players and even the game development company itself. Leveraging this trove of secrets, he ceaselessly fortified himself, scaling to the pinnacle of various leaderboards with unparalleled ease... ---------------------- WSA 2023 Entry! Please show your support if you enjoy the story! How can you show your support? Gift Power Stone! 150=1 bonus chapter 200=2 bonus chapters 500=3 bonus chapters Bonus release will drop the following week!

Steamed_Soup_Dumpl · Fantasy
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214 Chs

Chapter11-Leveling Up and Treasure Hunting

From the tip of the wand, a sphere of light shot forth, carrying a terrifying force. 

Light Sphere Annihilation! 

The immense orb stood out starkly against the night, and, astonishingly, the Jungle Tiger chose to charge directly at it.

With a thunderous explosion, the light sphere burst apart, sending the Jungle Tiger flying.


From its initial thousand HP, the creature abruptly lost over four hundred. 

This scene left both Lincoln and Jason, who were nearby fighting their own monsters, looking utterly astounded.

My word.

A true mage indeed.

Such devastating damage was off the charts.

To think, their attacks on monsters only inflicted a few dozen points of damage each time. 

Yet, one skill from him was five to six times their combined damage. 

Truly, comparisons are the thief of joy.

With a roar, the badly wounded Jungle Tiger struggled to its feet, charging furiously at ShepherdWind. 

Sebastian calmly chanted his spell, and another sphere of light began to coalesce. 

Before the Jungle Tiger could get close, the light sphere was released and exploded right above its head.

With another resonating boom, the Jungle Tiger was sent flying once more.


This time, the Jungle Tiger couldn't rise, its HP nearly depleted. Sebastian quickly commanded Breeze to claim the life of the Jungle Tiger. 

As the monster fell, a dazzling white light emanated from Breeze.

She had leveled up.

Upon closer inspection, Sebastian realized the young creature had jumped an astonishing three levels.

[Pet Name: Snow Wolf Cub]

[Level: lv4]

[Species: Snow Wolf]

[HP: 1200]

[MP: 1200]

[Strength: 120]

[Agility: 200]

[Wisdom: 40]

[Endurance: 120]

[Spirit: 40]

Unlike players, monsters experience exponential growth in their attributes when leveling up. 

Additionally, reaching certain levels not only enhances their attributes further but also grants them specific skills. 

Though merely at level 4, Breeze, being an elite monster, already surpassed Sebastian in various attributes. 

However, in a real fight, Breeze wouldn't stand a chance against ShepherdWind. 

After all, who could withstand that devastating 400-plus damage skill barrage?

After reaching the fourth level, Breeze finally possessed the capability to face the monsters in combat. 

With impeccable coordination between man and wolf, they swept through the outskirts of Savage Tiger Forest, leaving devastation in their wake. 

Over the span of just over an hour, Breeze progressed from her initial lv4 to lv10. 

The once frail and petite cub had transformed into a magnificent adult snow wolf, roughly a meter in length. 

Indeed, leveling up allowed pets to mature into their adult phases.

Breeze dutifully stood by Sebastian's side, habitually nuzzling his hand with her head. 

Her pristine white fur shimmered under the moonlight, reflecting its glow. 

By the time Lincoln and Jason caught up, they were utterly astounded at the sight of such a majestic creature.

"No wonder he's a pro! Even his pet is so incredibly majestic and advanced!" Jason exclaimed with evident envy.

Lincoln nodded in agreement, "Seems like we won't have any issues in the dungeon the day after tomorrow."

"Boss Sebastian, are we continuing to level up?" Jason inquired.

After some contemplation, Sebastian shook his head, "No need. We've achieved our goal for tonight." 

Although there was ample time, the experience points offered by these lv10 monsters were becoming meager.

After leveling, the trio headed back to the village. 

A thought crossed Sebastian's mind about another white intelligence he had drawn earlier. 

Having spent a significant amount during the day, it was time for him to recover some losses. 

Thus, he bid his two companions farewell and made his way towards the Flea Market.

Darkstone's Flea Market was specifically set up for players to trade, though some NPCs also found a place within. 

It was named the 'Flea Market' due to its vast assortment of items and substantial price variations. 

Most items were of relatively low value, as players often retained truly valuable items for themselves. 

However, exceptions existed. 

Sometimes, game NPCs displayed items of significant worth. 

In the past, an incredibly fortunate player spent just 500 copper coins to acquire a purple skill book, causing intense envy among the community. 

Hence, even at night, the Flea Market was bustling, always filled to the brim with eager players.

[Concealed Materials (White): Within the third row and fifth column stall to the left in Darkstone Flea Market, there lies an unidentified black stone. This stone is one of the rare materials sought after by the blacksmith, Arthur. Selling it to him will earn you his favor.]

Guided by the intelligence, Sebastian approached the designated stall. 

The vendor, an NPC, seemed to be nodding off, perhaps due to the slow business. 

However, as Sebastian crouched down, the man jolted awake and promptly greeted him with a warm smile, "Greetings, sir! How may I assist you today?"

Sebastian's eyes skimmed over the items on display, most of which were rather ordinary. 

It didn't take him long to spot the black stone. 

Instead of immediately expressing his interest in the stone, he casually browsed, like any regular customer would, selecting various other items.

"Ah, and I'll take that black stone as well," Sebastian casually remarked as the vendor happily packaged his purchases.

Without giving it much thought, the vendor added the black stone to Sebastian's bag for an additional 50 copper coins. 

Transaction complete.

Carrying the hefty bag, a pleased look washed over Sebastian's face as he confidently exited the Flea Market. 

The whole purchase cost him 30 silver coins. 

But to Sebastian, it was money well spent, for he had secured something of genuine value.

Instead of heading home, Sebastian made a beeline for old Arthur's blacksmith shop. 

The blacksmith shop was typically closed at night. 

Regardless, Sebastian decided to knock on its sturdy door.

Knock, knock, knock—

In the hushed stillness of the night, the sharp raps on the door felt particularly jarring.

"Who's the damned fool knocking at this hour? Are you courting death?"

An irate roar emanated from inside the shop the next moment. 

This Master-tier blacksmith, Arthur, was notoriously short-tempered, making many players reluctant to cross him. 

It was rumored that an impatient player once awoke him in the dead of night, desperate to have equipment identified. 

That player's reward? 

A swift blow from Arthur's hammer, sending him straight back to the Resurrection Stone. 

The incident was cautionary, deterring others from disturbing the blacksmith during ungodly hours.

"It's me—the one who asked you to identify the Magic Crystal Necklace earlier today," Sebastian called out.

The door swung open with a violent jerk. 

Old Arthur's piercing eyes fixated on Sebastian. 

"It's you, lad. Hoping to have that necklace identified at this forsaken hour?"

"Not that. I've got a material I thought you might want," replied Sebastian.

"We'll talk in the morning."

Hearing that it was merely a sale, Arthur's face twisted in annoyance, and he began to shut the door.

"Wait! Just take a look," Sebastian hurriedly interjected, producing the black stone.

As the stone came into Arthur's line of sight, his disgruntled expression swiftly morphed into one of sheer astonishment.


Without uttering another word, old Arthur snatched the stone from Sebastian's hands.

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