
Origin Vampire founding Uchiha in Marvel

Author-The Title is bait.(about Uchiha I mean) May be or may not be about JOESTAR descendant. But it is sure that this guy isn't a hero. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Edward ''Joestar'' died. He likes martial arts. The God gave him a chance to get stronger and to be able to fight strong opponents with 3 wishes and 1 system. He chose lust system and 3 wishes are -------- He goes to marvel without mutants but HULK is from incredible hulk and so on. Basically AU MCU. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mc will have Origin Vampire bloodline and this story will have lemon scenes. MC will have hamon but not stand. Will also have sharingan. No Netorare But will have netori scenes. First time writing so have mercy Btw tho I planned for an incest too. I mean he is vampire right? I know this is not a good excuse for incest fetish. xD

Htun_Linn_Ko · Anime & Comics
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26 Chs

Chapter 13

Project Rebirth

After 6 months of training in the inner-world, in real-world it is already

5 June, 1943.

I am now preparing breakfast for Peggy.

"Love? Peggy? You need to wake up now. It is already 9 Am at outside. I have prepared breakfast for you"

As soon as she heard about breakfast, she run down from the third floor to the ground floor as fast as she can and sit on the table.

"Here Eat first and I need to discuss you something"

After eating ,

"Honey what you want to talk abouut?" Peggy asked

"Oh, I planned to take part in project rebirth. I think I can at least ascend 1 level by injecting super-solider serum.What do you think?" Edward asked.

As soon as what her husband said, she became panic and said " Honey what if the serum is failed and something happened to you? I can't live without you honey"


Love,don't worry. I have an ability called Adaptation and it can adapt the serum. And you will also able to raise your strength" Edward said.

"Ok Honey. If it doesn't endanger you then I will help it. I know Dr. Erskine. I can also enroll you in the project rebirth plan. I think it will start tomorrow and it will end at June 30 and I think they will give serum to the best performance soldier" Peggy replied.

"Oh by the way Peggy here read it if you are free. I write it down when I was free. If you like it you can think of publishing it with Edward Joestar's name. It will be a huge success. And also make sure to get copyrights including movie. "

"OHhh Honey You wrote a book .Show me your book. What is it's name?

"One Hundred Years of Solitude"?"

"Yes , I am gonna train bye bye my love." Saying that I gave her a kiss."

Yes in the marvel world the technology is advanced. It is around 30 years faster than my previous world but guess what? Literature, entertainment, and movies all are shit. They only have one or two good books per a decade. So, I just write down my favorite book which is released in 1970.

This world doesn't also have Sherlock holmes but I will save it for later.

6, June, 1943 Camp Lehigh

In the camp Lehigh, about 20 soldiers are standing upright waiting for someone. These are the candidates of project rebirth. Among them, there is a 6 foot 7 inches tall young man, wearing a standard military uniform not unable to hide his massive muscles under them. How you look at him, no one can argue he has the most handsome look they have ever seen. Of course, he is Edward Joestar.

Suddenly, a woman who looks like she is out of place because of her beauty walking toward them,

"Recruits, attention I am Agent Carter, I supervised all operations for this division"

she said.

Agent Carter looks at Edward slightly smiles at him and exposing a little blush on her cheeks.

In truth, she wants to introduce her name as Agent Joestar and let people know that she has the most handsome husband. But he told her that he wants to hide her relationship before getting serum. He also promised her that after everything is over, he will officially marry her.

Of course, she doesn't refuse her husband. She will even die for her loved one if he wants.

"What's the accent, Queen Victoria? Thought I was signing up for US army" as soon as Gilmore Hodge's

words got out, the atmosphere becomes cold.

Everyone can feel chills spreading on their back which seem to be coming from a tall handsome man beside them.

'Shit who the fuck is this guy. I haven't done anything. Why is he angry at me. SHit, he is fking smiling at me like a demon coming straight up from hell. I can't even dare to swallow.' Gilmore thought.

However, the beauty in front of him broke the chilling atmosphere,

Peggy: "What's your name soldier?"

Gilmore: 'Hu. Shit I am being saved' he thought.

"Myyy n.a.me is Gilmore Hodgee maam" he said while shuttering.

Peggy: "Step Foward Hodgee"

As soon as he steps forward, he was greeted by a punch. It hurts like hell. But he didn't say anything. Truth be told, he doesn't dare because from the corner of his eyes he can see the devil smiling at him.

Then, a car stops near the soilders,

"Agent Carter, I see you are breaking the candidates. That's good" said the middle-aged man who comes out of the car. Philips then continues

"General Patton has said wars are fought with weapons but they are worn by men. We are going to win this war because we have the best men"

looking at Edward Joestar he smiled.

'This is the one we want' he thought.

And then he continued but when he saw a young man who is thin and seems out of place, his face changed "because they are going to get better" looking at him again " MUCH BETTER. The SSR, it's an allied effort made up of the best minds in the free world. Our goal is to create the best army in history but every army starts with one man. At the end of this week, we will choose that man. He will be the first and a new breed of super-soldier. He will personally escort Adolf Hilter through the gates of hell". After saying that he instructed them to start training.

At the end of the week,

"Moove Move faster. Roger faster. STop. That flag means you are only at the halfway point the first man that brings it to me gets a ride back with Agent Carter. Nobody got that flag in seventeen years" as soon as he said, Edward comes out from the group and every one makes way for him.

He then gets past the now bruised Gilmore Hodgee because of his beatings the entire week. He then swiftly climbs the pole using his bare hands which only took a second and then took off the flag and said

"Ok I will get on the car now" giving his flag to the instructor.

He then climbed the car and sat beside Peggy who is smiling at him with a loving look on her eyes.

"Peggy tonight we will meet in the inner-world"

"Ok, honey" She then replied.

At night in the innerworld,

"Love, what about the book I gave you" I asked

"OH it was a huge success now everyone in America knows the name 'Edward Joestar', the writer of One Hundred Years of Solitude, best book of the decade. By percentage, we got now 6 million dollars. They are also planning to publish in Europe and Asia. We are millionaires now honey."

"Oh 6 million after giving the publishing house? It is better than I expected."

Yep, that is a lot. Six million in 1940 is a lot. I think I underestimated how backward this world of literature would be. I need to speed up the plan now.

"Ok then my love, use that money to buy a publishing company which is near bankrupt. It must be in New York and use the rest of the money to get the best materials for publishing and name the company as JOESTAR. Here are the books you need to tell them to publish after getting the company. Love, we will be on top of the food chain after the war ends and we will have the power to shake the world." I said.

"Of course honey. I trust you. I am happy to have you and don't forget we will marry after the war right honey."

"Of course, my love. After the war, we will have a lot of time to enjoy our life"

"By the way honey, I think you will get the first super-soldier serum after the project rebirth. But Erskine always wants the thin guy to get the super-soldier serum. I don't even know what is he thinking."Peggy said.

"Oh Don't worry my love. He will get the serum and I will get the serum too. Yesterday, Dr came to me and told me about the serum. But I told him, to give the serum to Rogers. But Philips will never agree. He will make us both super soldiers. And about Roger, I need him for my plan.

Don't worry my love" Edward said.

"OK if you say so. After getting serum, you will not participate in the war right?" She asked looking at him worriedly.

"OH I need to participate dear"

After hearing his answer, she became panicked and said"NO!. What if something happened to you. Don't participate in the war honey. We can go to England or another country and stay before the war ends."

He quickly hugged her and said " It's ok IT's ok. Calm down dear. Remember, I have regeneration and I am fast enough to stop the bullet. And I will also get the serum. After the serum, there is nothing in this world that can hurt me."

"Then, can i come with you? I can also request to participate with you" she asked while lying on his chest.

"No, dear you can't. You are not strong enough now. I can't take my woman to endanger herself. Can I? You can focus on the company and we will have a lot of time after the war. If you are so worried, we can meet inner-dimension while I am doing the mission. Remember that you can enter wherever you are because of your ring right?" He said kissing her lips.

"Umm" a moan escaped for her mouth.

She can't get enough of his kiss, his touch, his face , his dick, his everything.

"Dear let's do it now," He said while graspping her boobs, squeezing his ass and slightly messaging her and then hand rubbing her abdomen, slowly getting near her vagina which is now wet.

"AHhh, honey. I love you"

"I love you too my dear"

He said while removing his shirt and pressing his body against her.

Their breath becomes fast.

And then they fucked.