
Origin of the Holy Evil Beast

Reinhard, was someone who died on his home world (Earth). Thinking that it was the end of him, he only discovered that when he opened his eyes he had reincarnated in another world. However, it all came crashing down when he realized that he was trapped in a military camp, forcibly recruited to serve under the banner of one of two human empires. Reinhard will do everything in his power to go from being a small commoner to an overlord in this new world, even if he has to bring about the destruction of the world. Flying ships, scientifically designed weapons, death and wars, vampires, dragons, and the hidden existence of divine beings. -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- N/A: The first 12 to 15 chapters can become heavy and with little prominence of the Mc. because he narrated the structure of the world. Also because he raised the problems and conflicts that are taking place, that will be necessary for the future. I apologize if you feel it is too heavy, and thanks to those who take the time to read this novel created by someone who is a fan. English is not my mother tongue, nor do I speak it, I use translators and apps to translate my novel, so I apologize in advance for the grammar. -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- The cover does not belong to me.

II_SHUR4_II · Fantasy
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5 Chs

04. Halmton erased

The days passed quickly and Reinhard could see how Ilonka showed more and more interest in him. That he even sometimes did not hide it. Thanks to this, he spread the rumor that Instructor Ilonka had a favorite.


'Though no matter how much I think about it, what attracted you to me?'

After I finished washing my hands, I grabbed my towel to dry off and finish getting dressed.




Hearing the footsteps of people entering the showers, I didn't turn around and kept doing my thing.

I only stop moving when I hear the small sound of doors closing.

'Looks like some rats got arrogant~'

It was no secret to Reinhard how much hate and attention he received from the other children, especially from those nobles who felt superior to the rest.

Especially these last few weeks, where he received multiple accolades from Ilonka and placed first in the monthly tests.

"*Clap*, you must feel like someone superior, for all your achievements"

Adjusting the belt on my pants, I nodded before turning around and looking at the children wasting my precious time.

Short spiky cream-grey hair, a face that showed off its great appeal with sharp and delicate lines, a pair of sparkling sapphire blue eyes, along with gleaming pearly white skin.

"Frederick Levya~, the youngest son of the family with the rank of Viscount."

Looking at the boy who was a few steps ahead of me, I could see how he clenched his fists and his smile turned into a frown as he reminded him that he is just a son with no hope of contending for the position of leader. family.

"Tch!, smile all you want, after today you will not do it again"

Looking at the little rats behind Frederick, I knew he was going to have a hard time.

'Well, at least I can try a few things~'



The sound of our fists colliding echoed throughout the bathroom, without taking a step back I put my knee in the pit of Frederick's stomach, only for him to use his leg to block me. The other two pesky flies brushed past us and slithered onto my back, closing it off with the little fence above.

The insect 1, ran towards me trying to kick me, I took distance from Frederick, and was able to dodge the insect 1's blow, however, I didn't stay still when I reached out and grabbed his shirt collar, using all my strength. With my strength I brought his body closer to mine, to change our positions.

Because of that, insect 2 ended up hitting insect 1 in the face, while I pounced on Frederick. He was barely able to process everything that had happened in a matter of seconds, arriving in front of him with a fist to the face, which he defended with his arms crossed.


'You fell!'



"Aarg-! *puchi*"

I opened my hand and placed it between the junction of his two arms, holding his arms, not letting him breathe I hit his stomach with a knee.

Frederick opened his mouth with a spray of saliva, being dazed with pain, I punched him on the bridge of the nose with all my might.

He could hear the small sound of something breaking, as blood began to seep from his nostrils.

Remembering that I still have insects 1 and 2 to attend to, I did not lower my guard when I felt a blow approaching the back of my neck, bending down I saw an arm go right past where my head was.

Giving a little pirouette on the ground, I put my hands on the ground to the lever and propel my body into the air.


The two insoles of my foot collided with mouth Fly poke 2, causing its jaw to dislodge from its socket.


"Thank you all for coming!"

Gwan said, seeing the attendance of the three instructors from the three groups of children in the camp.

Mason Orleans, the instructor of group 'A'. His long gray hair covered the sides of his pale face, as well as wearing gold-rimmed glasses with black lenses that hid his eyes.

His body was thin, while his left arm was missing and was replaced by a mechanical prosthesis.

Unlike his classmates, Mason wore a different uniform, this being a red vest under a large black trench coat with gold accessories.

Pete, group 'C' instructor. His face was that of a man in his thirties, with a sparse black beard, as well as piercing amber eyes and long black hair tied in a high ponytail.

You could see the muscles on him, even when he was wearing the same uniform black similar to Ilonka.

Then there was Ilonka, who was the instructor for group 'B'.

The three people were sitting at a circular table, Gwan was sitting with his arms resting on the table, while his hands were together.

The three instructors realized how terrible his mood was, looking into his cold and listless eyes.

They could even tell that he was angry, but neither could say why.

The room fell silent as Gwan opened his mouth to blurt out a piece of news they didn't take well.

"The city of Halmton, to the south of the empire, limiting the border of the 'Nova Steel' empire, has fallen."


A loud sound reverberated throughout the room as Pete slammed his palm down on the table, the part of the table where he was sitting completely gone.

As he had risen to his feet, his right arm rested just on the vanished part of the table.


"*sigh*, calm down Pete, and-"

"CALM! How do you want me to calm down, Mason!"

Ilonka and Gwan only saw Pete with ticks on his forehead, tolerating his tantrum were fine but letting him get carried away was something neither of them could tolerate.

Only Mason was not affected, because everyone knew how boring his personality was, he would only be encouraged if you insulted his hobby.

"Enough!, Pete calm down and take a seat, now is not the time for your tantrums, besides I'm not done talking"


Hearing Gwan's furious tone of voice, Pete just clicked his tongue at him and sat back with his arms crossed as he seemed lost in his own world.

"*Cough*, now, that's not the big deal. It seems the emperor can't wait any longer, so we'll have to advance the training of the children."

Gwan glanced at his colleagues seeing no protests he nodded as they all understood the big picture, however, he couldn't help but give Ilonka a look as he had heard the rumors about her and her favorite student.

If she refused, he couldn't force her to follow his orders. Even the emperor himself would have headaches giving orders to Ilonka.

Just when he thought that everything was on the right track and that he was going to finish talking, he heard what he least wanted.

"¡I want 'he' to be out!"


"¡General Rosmaris!"

Bartold Rosmaris, one of the twelve 'General' rank military of the 'Black Sun' empire. As well as a person with the rank of 'Battle King'. General Rosmaris, was in the command part of the great battleship, one of the greatest weapons manufactured by the empire capable of resisting and equaling the power of a 'Demi-Saint'.


Rosmaris spoke in a monotonous voice, while he looked at the huge screen that hung from the ceiling of the control room. In it, you could see the entire land surface of the place where the battleship floated.

"Negative!, Radar does not detect any signs of life in the entire 200-mile radius."

One of the soldiers answered, hearing the bad news, Rosmaris had no change in his wrinkled face.

However, all the operative soldiers in the room could feel the drop in temperature causing their bodies to tremble.

'¡Animals! Even if they wanted to attack us!, why decimate an entire city?'

Withdrawing his aura, Rosmaris could only see the few ruins and destroyed buildings that were displayed on the screen. The place on the screen was none other than the city 'Halmton', recently attacked by the 'Steel Nova' empire.

Rosmaris had been ordered to lead her battleship towards the city and provide support, but who knew that the city would not only be attacked, but completely wiped from the world.

'I'm already tired of this war!, *sigh*'