
Origin of the Holy Evil Beast

Reinhard, was someone who died on his home world (Earth). Thinking that it was the end of him, he only discovered that when he opened his eyes he had reincarnated in another world. However, it all came crashing down when he realized that he was trapped in a military camp, forcibly recruited to serve under the banner of one of two human empires. Reinhard will do everything in his power to go from being a small commoner to an overlord in this new world, even if he has to bring about the destruction of the world. Flying ships, scientifically designed weapons, death and wars, vampires, dragons, and the hidden existence of divine beings. -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- N/A: The first 12 to 15 chapters can become heavy and with little prominence of the Mc. because he narrated the structure of the world. Also because he raised the problems and conflicts that are taking place, that will be necessary for the future. I apologize if you feel it is too heavy, and thanks to those who take the time to read this novel created by someone who is a fan. English is not my mother tongue, nor do I speak it, I use translators and apps to translate my novel, so I apologize in advance for the grammar. -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- The cover does not belong to me.

II_SHUR4_II · Fantasy
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5 Chs

02. School

Around 3 in the morning every day, all the children had to stand in front of their beds, the soldiers entered their bedroom and checked that everyone was in line. Those who were not lucky enough to get up for whatever reason would be punished with three lashes.

Then they would be put to go around the training ground several times, where each one would have to do about 50 laps in an hour, those who did not comply would have a sanction of three lashes and without the right to breakfast.

Once the lucky ones had breakfast, they would begin training once again, only this time with a focus on strength and agility. Those who did not meet the imposed criteria would receive another round of lashes.

Because the military showed no mercy, many children had trouble keeping up with the exercises, some even had minor bone fractures.

Reinhard had been reincarnated a week ago, and since then he has only done his monotonous routine every day, however, although he didn't get much information, at least he knew something about the current world.

'Terrex' was the name of the world where he had been reincarnated and that seemed taken from a steampunk-style fantasy novel, he was currently somewhere in one of the two empires of the human race, the empire of the 'Black Sun'.

In this world, humans and beasts were not its only inhabitants, there were also other fantasy races like vampires, elves, and dwarves.

The 'Black Sun' empire was someone who advocated the supremacy of the human race, any other race would be seen as a plague to be eliminated.

Reinhard learned from some children that the camp they were in was called 'Heavenly Nest', one of the three military camps where the elites of the empire spawned.

'Heavenly Nest' took in a number of children from esteemed and powerful families in the empire, although most of the children who entered were commoners or children without families and living on the streets in various parts of the empire.

Reinhard was sitting at one of the dining room tables, while he had breakfast quietly, the food was the most redeeming thing in this hell. He looked around and noticed how many children had started to eat in moderation since the last time when there were children who ate until they burst, that's why they couldn't even move and in the end, they were beaten and banned from eating.


Hearing the alarm sound throughout the dining room, all the children got up from their seats and orderly ran to the training ground to continue their daily routine.


Time passed quickly and soon three months had passed since Reinhard's reincarnation.

During these three months, the aura and personality of the children had changed in a brutal way, although that childish and naive touch was still noticeable, there was no doubt that each child matured both mentally and physically that their past 'I' was almost unrecognizable.

All of them now had some signs of muscle, as well as having grown a few more inches during these three months.

As the days went by, there were children who died due to overexertion or internal injuries, the military seemed not to care about their deaths and only disposed of their bodies.

Currently, there were only 91 children out of the initial 120, with the death of the first children, those children who came from some noble families could no longer remain calm and silent.

when they confronted the military, they punished them all without exception.

so their training was intensified for two weeks, their food was reduced, as well as had to endure three lashes a day during those two weeks, while those who protested received ten.

This proved the words of director Gwan, that man who proclaimed himself 'God' and 'Emperor', about not giving a shit what background some kids have.

Since then the children became more obedient.

Today Reinhard and the other children were guided to one of the camp buildings, they were led to a room with several chairs, Reinhard couldn't help but laugh seeing it as it was a real classroom like the ones in his previous world.

The children were separated into three groups, where each group was guided to a classroom.

Taking a seat at the back of the room, Reinhard crossed his arms in front of his chest as he waited patiently for someone to arrive, just like him, the rest of the children took their seats following the words of the soldier who had guided them.


Hearing the sound of footsteps coming from outside the classroom, all the children settled into their seats taking an upright posture.

The doors opened as a woman with short white hair and golden eyes with black eyeliner entered. The woman's face could be described in simple words as attractive with her sharp features and full wine-colored lips.

Her snow-white skin stood out against the black uniform and the gold medals on her chest.

[Ilonka Karminov - Group B Leader]

The woman, or in this case Ilonka, didn't say a word as she entered the room with some books under her arm.

Placing them on the small desk, she grabbed a piece of white chalk and wrote her name on the blackboard, as well as her future role from now on.

"My name is Ilonka, and from now on I will be your group or team leader, From today the real training will begin, you will no longer have to answer to the words of old Gwan, Understood!"


Reinhard for the first time since his reincarnation showed a keen interest in something other than training, Ilonka gave a small class on the structure of the world in general, however, his main focus was on the camp and the empire.

From that day on, each group was assigned a building that would be their dormitory, so there would be three buildings for each group.

Other than that, the training never stopped, so in the mornings they trained to exhaustion, and in the afternoons they had their study hours.

The world of 'Terrex' was made up of three large continents, the continent of 'Arbasta' was where the 'Black Sun' empire was located, as well as the entire human civilization.

'Arbasta' had two empires and a total of twelve minor kingdoms, and three religious cults.

Aside from humans, monstrous beasts and dark creatures can also be found.

Humans despite occupying a single continent, there were still huge tracts of land to conquer and explore.

Then there were the 'Fride' and 'Tartax' continents, the former inhabited by races such as elves, dwarves, and giants. While the latter was inhabited by the dark races, these being vampires, werewolves, lamias, and nagas, as well as dragons.

This was the general structure on which the world was built.

We then moved on to what Reinhard considered most valuable, the power system.

The energy called 'Ether' was considered the fruit of the universe itself, being able to manipulate this energy gave people great powers capable of breaking the basic laws of physics.

The 'Ether' was found all over the world, thanks to its existence many things in the world were considered unique and valuable.


Every month there would be a test of everything learned, those people who can stay in the top ten for a whole year would receive a surprise on their tenth birthday.

Classes and day over, Reinhard grabbed his books and belongings to go straight to the bedroom.

During these three months, Reinhard was able to count on the fingers of one hand the number of times he socialized with the rest of the children.

He only approached those he considered to have the best use and usefulness to give them advice, however, the image that the children had of him was that of a 'weirdo'.

This is because he always had a small smile and rarely spoke.

It didn't take him long to get to the bedroom, besides being a different building, it was exactly the same as where they had been sleeping before.

With a smile as he lay down falling into dreamland, Reinhard looked forward to the next days of 'school'.