
Origin of Chaos: Legend of The Red Tiger

In the world of Zenon, where Psychic and esper powers reigned supreme, Alexander, the prince of Norath, was born without the ability to harness “Zet”, the respected psychic energy. Branded a “dud” by the society, Alexander faced discrimination and hate, even within his own kingdom. However, tragedy struck when a brutal coup claimed the lives of his parents, stripping him of his royal status. He was thrown into slavery along with the other duds at the age of ten, where he was severly maltreated for many years. During his time suffering as a slave, Alex’s rage grew, and he swore to get revenge on the world that had rejected him. His chance for vengeance came after fifteen years, when he and a large number of slaves were forced to go through an inhumane ‘gene-altering experiment’. A huge majority of the slaves lost their lives, their bodies unable to endure the excruciating pain from the experiment. Only five people managed to survive, among which included Alexander, emerging as new beings with supernatural abilities. With their newfound powers, Alexander and the other four unleashed chaos and destruction upon Zenon, wreaking havoc upon those who once oppressed them. However, their rash actions drew grave consequences, ones that were far greater than them. Will they be able to overcome the powerful enemies rising against them… or will they eventually succumb to the cruel fate the universe has laid down for them? **** This novel contains serious bloodshed and gore, please don’t read if you can’t stomach any of this. Note: This novel is only fiction, and isn’t in anyway related to the real world. Join my discord: https://discord.gg/PqCseyu2Kh

Gladstone_ · Fantasy
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51 Chs

Pitiful end

   Meanwhile, Port'hov's eyes shone with glee as he watched Alex crash into the wall, flying out of the laboratory.

   'Y-you never stood… a chance…' He thought, his lips curling into a slight smirk, albeit with some difficulty.

   The human-faced robot quickly chased after him, flying into the hole left by the crash with rapid speed. 

   The chimera humans behind it also followed behind her, growling angrily as they dashed forward with speed.

   A few of them flew after her, using the pair of wings behind them to fly, however, not all of them that had wings could fly.

   There were a few whose wings were too dried up, so they could only flap pointlessly on their backs.

  'Yes… teach that bastard a lesson!' Port'hov thought, rejoicing within his heart.

   Due to his terrible condition, he was too weak to control the hybrids on his own, so he was forced to 'link' their minds with Quira 101.

   This way, he could still get them to do his bidding, without actually controlling them directly. 

   Since he gave the human-faced robot the command to kill Alex, the chimera creatures also shared the same thought, so they all directed their anger at Alex, charging through the hole left on the wall.

   However, when almost all of them had jumped into the hole, the last three suddenly halted just before leaping over.

   They growled at each other, looking around in confusion, with their legs quaking like it would fall off any second.

   'W-what…?!' Port'hov thought, staring at the scene in front of him in confusion. 

   He wanted to shout at them, scream out that they should chase after Alex instead of just standing like morons.

   However, his body was took weak to even let out a word, talk less of shouting.


   One of the chimera human snarled, its head slowly turning towards the man.

   The creature had two sharp fangs jutting out of its mouth, as well as a pair of ugly red ears sticking out from the sides of its head.

   It also had dry red furs sticking out from every part of its skin, and a pair of grey wings at his back.

   However, the wings were so wrinkled that they could barely even move. There were also two small horns at the edges of the wings, which were coiled weirdly. 


   Upon seeing the body of Port'hov lying weakly on the ground, it growled once more, with drool dripping from its mouth.

   It suddenly started walking towards him, with its arms stretched forward.

   'W-what…' Port'hov mumbled inwardly, his eyes slowly widening in shock. 'W-why is it… coming to me… It should be going after him!'

   However, he couldn't wait to find the answers to his question, and quickly started crawling away from the beast.

   'T-this is bad… I s-still can't use Zet… I can't control them!' He thought, his body shivering in fear.

   With the creatures disconnected from Quira 101, it was clear that they had already reverted back to their wild instincts.

   They had been trapped within those pods for a long time, only receiving minimum nutrients from the fluid pumping into their skin.

   Since they were free now, the first thing that would surely come to their mind was to eat, and with him being the only one around, they would surely target him!

   Usually, this wouldn't be a problem as he would just directly control them using the chip within their heads.

  But unfortunately, activating that chip required Zet, and as he couldn't use any of his psychic powers, he was completely defenceless.

  Besides, that strange venom Alex injected into him was still wreaking havoc inside his body, leaving him in pain and agony. 

   'N-no… I need to get away… noo!!' As he was trying to get away, he suddenly felt a pair of cold hands tightly grab onto his feet, causing his eyes to widen in shock.

   Before he could even react, the chimera quickly pulled him towards it, its claws lightly scraping against his flesh.

  "N-no… no…" Port'hov kept mumbled, trying desperately to escape the hold of the beast, however, his body was just too weak.

  Coupled with the lack of his Zet, he was rendered helpless against the beast!


   The chimera let out another growl, sniffing his leg with a crazed look on its face.

   Port'hov could only watch, his expression twisting in horror, as the beast slowly brought his leg closer to its mouth. 

   'N-no… not like this… I can't die like this!! I can't—'


   The beast suddenly bit down on his leg, biting off a huge chunk of his feet with drool leaking from its lips.

   Blood rapidly gushed out off his leg, flowing down to the ground like water.

   "Arrrgh!!!" Port'hov screamed out in horror, watching as the chimera kept chomping on his flesh with excitement.

     The nose of the other two beasts suddenly twitched, and they slowly turned their heads towards Port'hov.


    The two creatures growled hungrily, before lunging at his flesh in excitement.

   'W-why… is this happening to me?!!!' Port'hov thought, tearing slowly dripping down his face.

  He was one of the greatest psychic in the kingdom… how could he die like this?!

   One of the beasts unto his arms, swiftly sinking its teeth unto his flesh, biting off another huge chunk from his body. 

   While the went after his torso, its eyes shining with a crazed glint.


   Using its claws, it swiftly tore open his abdomen, causing his intestines and a few other off his inner organs to spill out to the ground.

   The creature didn't waste any time before slurping off the intestines trailing down his body like noodles, its eyes widening in excitement. 

  "Kukh!!" Port'hov suddenly coughed out blood, his body trembling in agony as the beasts hungrily devoured his flesh without mercy.

    "Arrgh!! N-no!!! Arrgh—"


   One of the chimeras abruptly clamped its jaws over his head, splitting open his skull with some bits of brain matter gushing out of it.

   Most of the brain matter flowed into the beast's mouth, which it excitedly lapped up like it was ice cream.

   As for Port'hov, he finally died with his eyes popped out of their sockets and his skull split apart.

   However, just before he died, he repeatedly cursed Alex within his mind, blaming him for his pitiful end.


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