
Origin of Chaos: Legend of The Red Tiger

In the world of Zenon, where Psychic and esper powers reigned supreme, Alexander, the prince of Norath, was born without the ability to harness “Zet”, the respected psychic energy. Branded a “dud” by the society, Alexander faced discrimination and hate, even within his own kingdom. However, tragedy struck when a brutal coup claimed the lives of his parents, stripping him of his royal status. He was thrown into slavery along with the other duds at the age of ten, where he was severly maltreated for many years. During his time suffering as a slave, Alex’s rage grew, and he swore to get revenge on the world that had rejected him. His chance for vengeance came after fifteen years, when he and a large number of slaves were forced to go through an inhumane ‘gene-altering experiment’. A huge majority of the slaves lost their lives, their bodies unable to endure the excruciating pain from the experiment. Only five people managed to survive, among which included Alexander, emerging as new beings with supernatural abilities. With their newfound powers, Alexander and the other four unleashed chaos and destruction upon Zenon, wreaking havoc upon those who once oppressed them. However, their rash actions drew grave consequences, ones that were far greater than them. Will they be able to overcome the powerful enemies rising against them… or will they eventually succumb to the cruel fate the universe has laid down for them? **** This novel contains serious bloodshed and gore, please don’t read if you can’t stomach any of this. Note: This novel is only fiction, and isn’t in anyway related to the real world. Join my discord: https://discord.gg/PqCseyu2Kh

Gladstone_ · Fantasy
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51 Chs

A ruthless devil!

The man's face froze in terror, feeling a cold shiver run down his spine at the sound of those words.

  However, to his surprise, he found his hands slowly moving to his neck, causing his eyes to widen in shock.

   'N-no… what's happening…? S-stop…' He kept mumbling inwardly, his body trembling uncontrollably as he watched his hands tightly grip his throat.

  "Kukh!" His hands suddenly pulled on his throat, causing him to grunt out in pain.

   His face quickly reddened, tears pooling at the corner of his eyes as he struggled in vain. 

   Unfortunately for him, nothing he did to regain control of his body worked, rendering him helpless as he mercilessly choked himself.

    His fingers dug deeply into his skin, suddenly ripping his throat out of his neck. 


   Blood gushed profusely out of his neck, splattering across the floor along with the pieces of his throat. 

   "Akghh!!" The man grunted, his eyes turning white as he choked on his blood.

   He subconsciously placed his hands over his neck, but that didn't stop the large amount of blood from slipping through his fingers.

   Lee'on watched with a wide grin as the man's face rapidly drained of colour, his knees weakly dropping to the ground.


   Before long, the officer finally collapsed to the ground, life gone from his eyes.

    Lee'on gaze lingered on his dead body, a cold glint flickering within the depths of his eyes.

   'The power to control… just like I always wanted.' He thought, his lips curling into a smirk.

   When he first woke up from the experiment, he felt something strange in his eyes as he stared at the scientists.

  However, he hadn't placed much thought into it at the time, simply brushing it off his mind.

  Besides, Alex was busy slaughtering them at the time, and he didn't want to indulge himself in any unnecessary trouble.

   This time, when his eyes met with that of the officer, he didn't just ignore that strange feeling in his eyes.

   Instead, he delved deep into it, and by doing so, he managed to unlock a new ability that he didn't know he had.

   However, despite how happy he was about his newfound ability, it wasn't what was in his mind right now.

   His brows suddenly creased, his face twisting into a frown.

   "Where the hell did Alexander go?" He muttered, letting out an annoyed sigh.

   Just before the nuke hit the laboratory, he quickly ran away, using his speed to escape the explosion.

   Alex also did the same, but unlike him, he didn't try to escape the facility immediately.

   Instead, he sped back to the other laboratory and since then, Lee'on hadn't set his eyes on him.

   From the frantic expression he had, he could guess he went back to get his dead sister's organs.

   'Well, he can handle himself.' Lee'on thought, shrugging nonchalantly. 

   "What's going… on…?" Just then, an officer barged in from the other side, his eyes widening in horror as he stared at the two bodies lying dead on the floor.

   "W-what happened… here?" His voice trembled as his gaze met with that of Lee'on.

   'Intruder!' He thought, swiftly pulling two guns from his side.

   Beads of sweat slowly rolled down his face as he pointed the weapon at the intruder, his hands shivering uncontrollably.

  'I was wondering why we were still here even after destroying the lab… but to think an intruder got into the helicopter!' He thought, gnashing his teeth in frustration.

   Besides, this strange man was anything but ordinary… a fact already proven by their captain's head lying on the floor.

   He remembered hearing some strange screams, but he simply ignored them, celebrating their successful mission along with the rest of his team.

   But when he thought back to how he brushed off his worry, he felt extremely stupid.

  'Who… is he?' He thought, his face squeezing into a deep frown. 'How did he even manage to get in?!' 

   Lee'on simply watched, doing nothing as the man clicked a small button at the side of his uniform.


   The alarms in the helicopter immediately went off, blaring with red lights flashing all over the place.

  Over twenty more officers quickly poured into the room, pointing their guns at Lee'on while they surrounded him.

   Some of them were clad in thick armour, while a few stayed back, only stretching their hands forward.

   Those were the telekinetics, who were quite weak when it came to close combat but terrifying in long-range combat.

   The other helicopters had also gotten wind of the information, and they quickly formed a tight formation, trapping the larger helicopter in the centre. 

   "Surrender! You're under arrest!" One of them shouted, carefully stepping forward with his weapon still pointed at Lee'on.

   Although Lee'on seemed to be the one in a tight spot, the officers surrounding him were the ones sweating buckets.

   They didn't know what it was, but something about this strange person greatly terrified them.

   Though they seemed to have cornered him, it didn't feel that way. Instead, it felt like they were standing before a wild beast, who had already lured them into his trap.

   While they were still wallowing in their terror, Lee'on's lips curled into an evil smirk, his eyes roaming from one officer to the next. 

   The yellow glow in his eyes suddenly shone even brighter, reflecting the terrified faces of the officers within them.

  "Why don't I give you all a better idea?" He muttered, his words sending a chill down the spine of those who heard it.

   "Instead of facing me… why not just fight amongst yourselves?" He said, stretching his arms to the side.

   For a moment, a tense silence reigned in the room as the officers remained frozen, their eyes wide in disbelief.

   However, one by one, their gazes began to shift from Lee'on, turning towards one another.

   Their terrified faces quickly changed into one of hostility, their eyes shining with a fierce light.

    Suddenly, the man standing in front of them snarled, pointing his gun at an unsuspecting officer behind him.


   Without warning, a thick blue beam shot out from the muzzle, piercing through the latter's head in an instant.

   Over half of the man's head was immediately blown apart, blood and brain matter splattering all over the place as he dropped dead to the ground.



    Before long, more beams started flying through the air, the sound echoing within the confines of the helicopter.


   Blood kept flying in the air, as the men who had once fought side by side turned against each other, slaughtering themselves with no mercy.

   The telekinetics also joined in the chaos, flinging their former teammates mercilessly across the room.

   Some of them erected barriers to defend themselves, but it was quickly torn apart by the endless assault, and before they knew it, their heads were blown apart by a beam. 



   Heads rolled amidst the chaos, and bodies dropped endlessly, with large amounts of blood spreading across the ground.

   Meanwhile, behind all the chaos, one of the telekinetics remained frozen in the air, his eyes wide as he stared at the carnage before him.

   "W-we are supposed to be a team… so why… w-why are they killing themselves…? I-is this… a dream…?" He kept mumbling to himself, watching as another officer was beaten to death by a man in bulking, metal armour.

   However, the armoured man didn't last long also. He was suddenly lifted into the air by one of the telekinetics, and before long, a thick beam shot out from the side, effortlessly tearing through his crumbling armour.


  Blood sprayed out of the man's mouth, and his body dropped onto the ground, falling atop the person he killed earlier.

   "N-no… sir Yoet…" The telekinetic mumbled, tears pouring down his face like water. 

   Just then, his gaze shifted to a familiar blonde-haired man, standing within the chaos, and his body subconsciously shivered in terror.

   The man was like an angel, somehow untouched by all the blood splashing around.

    His beautiful yellow eyes kept shining with excitement as he observed the carnage unfolding around him.

   However, despite his beautiful appearance, those who had seen what he just did knew the truth… he wasn't an angel in any way.

  He was nothing but a ruthless devil!

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