
Ori and the will of the world

A broken mind, an unfamiliar world, and a mysterious danger. A teenager is killed in a way not known to him and is reincarnated into a world of magic and danger as Ori from will of the wisps. With his memories just fragments of what they were he must find his way in an unfamiliar world. Join him in his travels where he finds his courage facing new dangers that he could never have predicted. * I do not own the copyright to Ori and the will of the wisps or silent forest* *I do not own the cover picture and if the artist wants it taken down feel free to contact me and I will*

GramGeb · Video Games
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The Hunt

When the sun finally fell I awoke in my hollow and at the fruit I had saved for waking up. I don't know why but when I came here I started to prefer the nights to the days. Maybe it was the

peacefulness and the ability to see in the dark but I don't care, I'll enjoy this life in my own way.

Climbing back out of my home I jumped to the branches and headed north deeper into the forest trying to catch the smell of the murderer of the girl.

I must have woken up later than I thought as the moon was higher into the sky than usual probably due to staying up during the day. That and the fact that I was looking at a group of armed men with pokers, pitchforks, and a few rakes marching through the forest with their torches led by a man clad in furs with a bow in his hand.

Surprised "Markus?" I exclaimed. He usually keeps to himself in his own hut as he was the only hunter in the village. He is also the only human to interact and name me.

Running from branch to branch I hid in the canopy until I was right above them yelling out "I'm here!"

The villagers stopped and closed in on each other "What was that?"

Markus was quick to raise his hand calming them down a bit "Calm down, it's a friend so don't attack please".

I jumped from my perch to land in front of Markus and sat on my hind legs looking up at him.

"What is that thing?" many of the villagers questioned "A monkey?"

Markus was quick to correct them "It's the spirit that lives in the forest"

"I can help you find the killer," I tried telling him.

"Wisp my friend as usual I can't understand a word you say"

Catching my mistake I quickly cupped my hands and moved them towards him like I was giving him something. After knowing me for a while Markus was quick to understand.

"He wants to help," he translated.

"You think an animal can---" a villager started but the father of the girl came forward with a depressed expression. "Can it help?" he inquired.

"HE! Can".

I finally got to see the man agonizing over his daughter's death. He was a large man with a lumberjack-type build and wore boots, and boozed stained clothing as his black hair was dirty and face unkempt with such a dark look that you couldn't tell whether his eyes were green or black.

Quickly grabbing Markus's arm he turned back to me. I cupped my hand like before but this time brought it towards my nose.

Realizing what I was saying "Ah here we go '' he exclaimed as he brought out a tuft of fur.

"This was found on the girl's body" Markus said quietly not wanting to upset

The fur was purple and as I brought my nose to it I took a deep sniff finally getting a clear smell. It was obviously from a wolf though the purple color was strange and the smell was a bit off. Turning around I jumped back onto the branches and ran deeper into the forest.

"We'll wait here for him, if he can't find it neither can we" Markus ordered the group.

Leaving them behind I headed in the direction of the scent I had collected from the fur at my top speed, from which I gathered is about fifty five miles an hour. It took me a little over half an hour but my determination proved fruitful as I was close but the closer I got the slower I went till I was at the edge of a clearing.

Before me stood a clearing as desolate and gray as it could be. Trees were rotting, broken, and falling over. No shrubs and bushes could be seen. The place smelled of oddity and death, the same smell I got off the fur.

Eyes wide I turned around and ran back to the group as fast as I could ignoring every instinct that told me to break those branches and trees. I arrived back in a little less than half an hour and dropped down in front of Markus.

Startled, he turned as he drew an arrow and pulled it back on his bow. Seeing it was me he relaxed the bow and knelt down to my level.

"What have you found"

Explaining what I saw I used hand movements to get my point across as they couldn't understand me no matter how much I tried.

"People he has found something, time to get up and find what killed Sarah '' Markus exclaimed. "Lead the way," he said, turning back to me.

Turning around I led the group back to the dead forest clearing making sure my speed was at a pace they could follow me even though I wanted to rush in.

Stopping the group by the edge of the clearing many of the villagers had apprehensive looks on their faces though Markus was quick to instruct them.

"Alright, you all take the lead and follow Wisp through the area I'll take the rear and make sure nothing is following us from behind"

"What if we find something?" was one villagers

Robert stepped forward and hefted a woodcutter ax onto his shoulder that I had not previously seen. "Then we kill it," he said with conviction.

Turning around I lifted my head into the air taking another big sniff and catching the scent of the wolf? Slowly leading the group through the clearing we climbed over stumps and branches stepping through small puddles of water. The scent was leading us deeper into the dead clearing.

I was pushing a branch aside when I felt a sharp pain in my arm. Looking down I saw a small but noticeable scratch that wasn't healing, unlike previous injuries I had sustained in the time since I had arrived. Despite this oddity, I trudged on, leading the group toward the center.

Soon though we made it to the source of the scent at the end of the forest. A large stack of trees fell over one another forming a shallow cave of bark. By this time the moon was starting to go down and we could expect the sun to arise soon.

Markus walked to the front of the group and turned to them "It will be day soon and we have been up all night we should head back and come tomorrow when were rested"

"Leave..Leave!" Robert yelled, "we came all this way we should kil…"

"You are tired and were all exhausted we should sleep and come back better prepared"

"Do you know…."

As they argued in the background I got closer to the cave and the smell became stronger. I was about to head inside when a deep growl was heard from behind me.

Turning around I saw the group frozen in place and Markus with an arrow knocked all staring at the thing behind us. A large wolf, almost four feet tall at the shoulders with purple fur. It had spikes of wood sticking out of its body and what looked like gray wood roots encircling its legs. The most terrifying part though was the lack of eyes and lips. Not only were the teeth and gums exposed, but you could also see right into its body.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT?" was not only my response but many of the other's as well.

The wolf let out another growl and rushed at us. Markus let the arrow fly but it stuck and didn't slow it down.

"Fuck, Move!" someone yelled.

We all scrambled out of the way some more elegantly than others as many tripped over one another. All but Robert.

Hefting his axe, Robert ran at the beast "You son of a BITCH!". He swung the axe down hard, hitting the wolf into the ground. "Finally" he whispered.

Unfortunately, he didn't get to say another word as teeth closed in on his neck biting his head off. We were all too stunned to move and that gave it time to lunge at another person killing them as well. Kicked out of my shocked state I turned to look for who was left and saw everyone running for the forest leaving me here. Watching as they ran I felt any confidence I had in this endeavor slip.

With my confidence depleted I attempted to run as well, but as I tried I felt the anger return not just simmering anger but hat as well. I don't know what led to this but when I turned the wolf and I had locked eyes despite its lack of them it seems the hatred was not one-sided.

It rushed me with speed faster than any wolf, but I was still faster. Jumping over it I landed on the other side. Curling my hand into a fist a four-foot blade of light appeared like I was holding a sword. Feeling the anger reach its peak I rushed the wolf and sliced down on it leaving a large cut on its side, yet no blood came out of it.

Before I could jump back a claw ran across my chest leaving a tear on my chest, letting the light inside shine out.

Yelling out I jumped back as far as I could even using my skill to create foot holds mid-air to go even further. Yet it did not stop its attack, as it continued running for me. So I did what I could to survive and jumped into a hollow tree log. It was futile.

Its claws ripped the log apart. I tried to leave but my instincts wouldn't let me. Once again on the offensive, I jumped over it, as though anticipating the action a set of teeth clamped onto my feet and dragged me to the ground.

In pain and unable to move with injured feet I looked on in horror as it approached me, my sword of light already dissipated. As it hovered over me I did the only thing I could possibly think of. Out of pure instinct, I stuck my hand into the cut I had made earlier just as it bit down on my shoulder.


Screaming like a banshee I gathered as much of my energy into my fist and let it go while my hand was still inside of it. The wolf bursts into flame like dry wood struck by lightning and as I lay there the sun rose just over the trees shining onto me just as I lost consciousness.

Yet again I was in darkness. Not the same as before but more like my mind was locked away from my body and the outside world. It was more like being in murky water yet being able to breathe. I just stared into the murky waters of my mind till I saw a light shining in the distance. Pulling my thoughts together I started swimming towards it. I only got a few strokes in when I stopped and stared at my hand. It was the hand of a man.

Looking down I saw a blue t-shirt, brown cargo pants, and black tennis shoes. Lifting my hands to my face I felt a human nose, mouth, eyes, ears. So many differences that seemed so familiar yet so foreign at the same time.

So engrossed in my inspection I didn't notice the light coming closer and by the time I did notice. It was already upon me.