
origin prologue

once upon a time. in a land where supernatural creatures existed, divided and not equal.

Elizabeth of the white witches circle grew to love outside her circle.

she went and fell for another kind of entity.

a wolf.

they had Thier affair in secret because it was forbidden by her kind.

but then.

she was caught and casted off for her disobedience.

she eloped with her lover, Gabriel.

years later. she was blessed with four children. of whom all had their natural gifts as witches. wolves, human.

her second son whom she treasured more.

her family thrived over the years, until a part of her past came knocking.

it was that faithful evening when the witches subjected them to their knees with their powerful magic.

her lover Gabriel couldn't protect them.

that day, everything was taken from her.

with the power of the philosopher stone.

her sons were turned into monsters.

the very first of their kind.

monsters who would live to cause havoc and shed blood over the land.

her human son. Nicklaus and the first born Lorenzo. who in turn changed anew for the worse. if not better.

her lover was killed and subjected to a brutal death and she was left with the abominations of a children.

with noting else to take. her enemies went away satisfied.

with great grief, she watched in the course of years, how her family shattered and fell apart.

Elizabeth vowed to gain revenge on her sisters. even if it meant defeating the one thing which could stop her.
