
OREUS: new beginnings

onin_vandella · Fantasy
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13 Chs

chapter 8

"sir Michael it seems the creature is going downstream of the river we also expected has high intelligence as it made a fire"

The female soldier from before came back to inform him of the current situations and information she had gathered. Again calculating and thinking what to do next he waved his hand sending her off.

"Do you think it's the new God Sir Michael"

"It's a high possibility but the last name God was Pandora which was over 10,000 years ago, it is rather rare for a God to be born and I suspect that the great disaster was its birth"

The quick conversation ended rather well quickly sir Michael finish putting his armor on. His second in command also put his helmet on and followed Michael as some of the lower ranked soldiers would clean up the camp and followed behind them.

. . .

"Oh I didn't get your name"

"It's fine, I'm oreus god of dreams at your service my dear lady"

I can feel the cringe get stronger as I berated myself in my thoughts again. Thankfully she only blushed and took my own stretched hand in my awkward pose of the bow.

"I'm Dina of the northern merfolk tribe"

The embarrassing reintroduction aside we got along much more faster and I was able to get over my fear of her horrifying teeth. I also didn't stop her from basically claiming me as her husband as I did just basically lick and kiss her face for no reason.

Besides I know I cannot live anything on this planet and the planet itself I know it was a morbid way of thinking but what can you do.

We were playing Tic-Tac-Toe this time and thankfully I was winning the few games more than she was.

"Huh Oh were almost at my tribe's village"

I quickly paid attention to what she said as she turned and looked down the river. I can help but notice there is also some campfire a smoke from what look like small shacks and tents in the distance.


Without even thinking I lifted up my paw quickly snapping it and conjuring something to hide myself which was a cloak. Quickly covering myself within not to be seen.

I found my embarrassment increase tenfold as I didn't realize we were heading towards her village and didn't even think about the fact she had to come from somewhere too. She seemed to have gotten used to my random Acts and doing some conjuration here and then didn't even react at what I did.

"Oh my grandma would love you"

I couldn't help but get more shy and embarrassed as she hugged me from my side she began talking about her grandma. Honestly she was talking too fast for me to properly memberize any of it only a snippet here and there I would understand I was mainly focused on our destination.

. . .

Using my telekinesis I directed The boat too push up on the side of the river as I grab my backpack and my face to fish and salt. Before I can do anything else my arm was cramped cuz I was pulled off the but I made.

I stumbled a bit as I touched the shower and was quickly led into the village. I grew slightly nervous and then thankfully clean closer to Dina as I noticed that eyes of other villagers looking at me curiously.

Thankfully it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be though my nervousness was killing me. Dina on the other hand happily led me through the village for a decent amount of time before coming up upon a specific shack closer to the back of the village.

I couldn't help that notice this one was bigger and looks slightly better than some of the other shacks and tents nearby. Surprisingly Dina to find the looks slightly nervous and embarrassed as we got closer to what I assumed was her house.

"Stay quiet I need to persuade her"

I honestly didn't feel confident into those words and she dragged me into the shack.

She took me to the center of the room before going off into a different section and began talking with someone in the back.

I couldn't help but grow more nervous and started anxiously stepping side to side as my tail Swift back and forth on the ground and my wings shuddered from time to time making little flapping sounds. The noises I made didn't help as I felt like I was about to have a mental breakdown I realized I was basically seeing my mother-in-law.


I just realized I was already completely agreeing to be Dina's husband and it hasn't even been two days since she declared it.

I came to realization that for most of the time even if I wanted to unless I snuck off. I wouldn't be able to go to a brothel or someplace that I can get my satisfaction and relief.

"This is oreus, my husband"

I must have zoned out a bit because she was pointing at me and she introduced me to her grandmother. I stood there nervously lifted up my pond gently wave back not knowing what to say.

I noticed her grandma slightly raise an eye brow before looking at her granddaughter suspiciously. Seeing her grandmother stare at her like that she became slightly sheepish and however she stood around still hands stretched out gesturing at me.

"You didn't force this poor creature did you"

"W what no, he agreed to it"

Towards the end of her response she couldn't help but look at me for response and seeing me gently not instinctively gave her more confidence. I just stood there not knowing what to do honestly wanting to bury myself due to my embarrassment and the situation I caused. I didn't want to embarrass her anymore so I decided to speak up.

"I I agree with her proposal"

"See he agreed, now introduce yourself"

I knew I had basically blocked my own ways of getting out of this situation and just waited for any new development. I heard a grandmother let out a sigh of exhaustion.

"I'm Shima, the tribes healer"

. . .