
Chapter 2


Inside the supermarket, Eita walked with a basket accompanied by Chiwa while they decided what they would do for dinner today.

"Meat, I want meat" ordered Chiwa.

"I understand, and like the 5 previous times I'll tell you again that it can't just be meat, you have to eat vegetables to be healthy" commented Eita tiredly who felt like he was arguing with a little girl.

"Hmph, I hate vegetables, they're sour," Chiwa spoke as she pouted.

"Okay, if you don't want vegetables, then I won't, but remember that models and beauty queens eat a diet high in vegetables that helps them to be beautiful, I wonder what Chiwa would be like if she became even more beautiful, I think everyone men would fall in love with her" commented Eita randomly while looking at her out of the corner of his eye.

Eita saw how imaginary dog ears and tail appeared on Chiwa and moved with excitement, 'I guess only the logic of the anime could explain why I see this, that or I'm going crazy and hallucinating'

"Ne ne, E-kun, do you really think that if I eat vegetables I will become more beautiful?" Chiwa exclaimed excitedly looking into his eyes with hope.

"Mmmm I think Chiwa is already beautiful, but if she eats vegetables she will be healthier and therefore her beauty will stand out more, but well you said you didn't want them so let's forget about it" Eita said as he began to walk towards another section of the Supermarket.

"Wait a minute E-kun" Before Eita could ask him what she wanted, he noticed that the basket that was empty was now full of various vegetables, far exceeding the meat that had been thrown in.

"Okay, after thinking about it I think that E-kun is right so let's eat more vegetables, in fact, I think we should eat a portion of vegetables in all our meals" Chiwa spoke happily as she walked with him.

'Not only her body is small, she is even easy to fool as a girl, the good thing is that I am sure we are the same age or else I might mistake her for a little girl, not only because of her body but of her childish personality.'

"Well said Chiwa, I'm sure that in the future you will be a very attractive woman who will bewitch all men" Eita congratulated her and even stroked her head gently.

"Mmnn" Chiwa, feeling his touch and hearing his words, closed her eyes and enjoyed the caresses while she blushed.

The two continued playing and shopping until they reached the cashier where they had to pay.

As they passed the products, Eita and Chiwa heard the housewife couple behind them talking.

"Look, it's the couple from before, the one who was flirting in the halls" The first one murmured.

"Yes, they look so cute shopping for dinner supplies together, they look like a newly married couple" The second one replied.

"Especially the scene with the vegetables, they looked so cute, I wish my husband cared so much about my fufufu" The first commented again.

Hearing their mutterings, that they couldn't be called that because they could be heard clearly, Eita and Chiwa quickly left the supermarket after paying.

On the way home, Eita and Chiwa didn't speak and just walked in awkward silence while their faces could be seen blushing.

Even Eita who had arranged everything felt embarrassed after hearing the two housewives talk about them.

"Kuhum, Ummm Chiwa today you will have dinner at my house right" He asked even though he was almost sure that she was going to, after all, they were not only childhood friends, they live next to each other and their families were friends, so much so that usually Chiwa's parents who were not at home asked him to take care of her.

Chiwa nodded and then continued walking with her head down. Despite how embarrassed Eita was, he knew that everything went well and despite the fact that Chiwa didn't speak to him, he knew it was just because of the embarrassment and shyness she had.

Knowing this, Eita decided to ignore her for now and they returned to the house in silence. When Eita arrived, he left the food in the kitchen and then took the care products to his room.

As he went downstairs after coming back from his room, Chiwa finally spoke to him.

"E-kun, what are those products you bought for, I've never seen you buy or use those things?"

"Maybe I didn't use them before, but I realized that to be a good doctor it's also important to have a good appearance or at least a decent one, that's why I decided that from now on I'll take more care of my appearance" Eita commented matter-of-factly after everything had already thought of this excuse to justify his change, taking advantage of the previous Eita's goal of wanting to be a doctor.

"Mmmm I see, even though it's weird to hear that from you, I thought you would never care how other people saw you" Chiwa said.

"Maybe, but as I said it's important to make a good first impression if you want to succeed so I decided to give this little change" Eita replied while thinking 'let's see how much my appearance improves if he starts taking care of me since after looking at me well in a mirror notice that my appearance is not bad, it's not that I'm the most attractive but Eita can be considered to have symmetrical and decent features, at least a solid 7/10, too bad the original didn't care and only focused on his studies.

Seriously, I understand his obsession with studying since he wanted to be a doctor to help his friend, but he took it to the extreme and practically did nothing else apart from studying, completely ignoring his appearance which led him to look so mediocre.

That without taking into account his anti-love ideology that basically put the last nail in to completely neglect his appearance, although I can't complain about it, since it was thanks to that that the original could be related to the main heroine and I think that I'm going to follow that path too, it's the easiest and fastest, in fact, I think it would be the only one since any other approach will be ignored'

Coming out of his thoughts, Eita finished making dinner and after eating he said goodbye to Chiwa.

"See you tomorrow E-kun, rest up"

"The same, see you tomorrow Chiwa"

After saying goodbye, Eita entered his house and after using the masks and night care products, he lay down to sleep.

I hope you enjoy the chapter, if you want to support me you can go to my Pa-treon / acoms where you will find advanced chapters.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Acomscreators' thoughts
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