
Chapter 1: meeting Sonic

Hops ran as fast as he could, a swat bot right on his tail

Cmon can't you just leave me alone… I yell as the swatbot gets closer

I scream in pain as the Swat bot grabs me by the leg,

Hey lemme go, get the hell off me, I scream at it

"You are now a prisoner of the eggman empire… prepare for robotization" the swatbot says as it squeezes my leg harder, I let out a scream of pain

N-no I can't get robotized.. I don't want to end up like those mindless metal soldiers…

Suddenly a brilliant flash of blue slams into the swatbot and I fall to the ground

I open my eyes and see a gloved hand offering to help me, I hesitantly take his hand, allowing him to help me up

The name's Sonic.. Sonic the hedgehog… And you Are?

M-my.. My name is Hops the rabbit, but you can just call me oreo

Okay then oreo, Can you walk?

(I try to stand but fall back down)

(He chuckles) Well then I guess that answers my question, But don't worry I'll carry you.

Sonic picks me up and puts me on his back, Hold on tight okay? He says as we speed off towards the freedom fighter base

we arrive at the base and sonic takes me to a room, okay kiddo I got a couple questions for you.. okay?

Um.. alright, I say

Any idea why the swatbots were targeting you, Sonic asks me

I shake my head, "no it's been really weird for me lately.. They always just turn the other way and know.. Its like I've done something wrong

Hmm, well the swatbots will only attempt to capture you on three occasions

…what are they? I ask

Either you have a chaos emerald or you're pretty strong.. At which they deem you a threat… so oreo do you have a chaos emerald?

Umm.. I found this weird gem thing in my yard.. If that's what you mean by emerald

Okay and where is that gem now?

Right here actually.. I've been carrying it with me, I pull it out of my pocket

Yes!.. That's why they're after you.. They want to take the emerald from you.. But that doesn't explain why they would want to roboticize you, do you have any abilities or anything they want?

I mean these past couple weeks I have been feeling different.. Stronger, faster, and when I hold that emerald I.. just feel a lot stronger

huh .. so you can use chaos energy, the teleporting thing.. That's called chaos control… as far as the speed, you're probably like me.. Maybe

I look at him in shock.. You're joking right..

Not at all, I'm being 100 % serious, look.. Just leave the life you knew before.. Because this is about to be a whole lot different for you now.. Trust me on that, Sonic says with a serious tone

So I will help you learn how to use your speed.. And I'll ask shadow to help you learn to use your chaos energy safely, we have to make sure eggman does not capture you.. Or everything as we know it will come crumbling down

Screams suddenly fill the hallway and then an explosion rocks the building and everything goes black