
Oregairu: Once Upon A Time

A story in which Yukinoshita became a cat. Adopted by 8man, they must discover the reason for this event. Hachiman x Yukino x Saki pairing. Updates are slow at no sooner than one chapter per month. I'm writing this story on Webnovel, Wattpad, AO3, and ffnet.

AllHailThe99th · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

My New Job Is Unexpected Part 1 of 2

Yukino POV

"Yukino! Stay with me, girl!" A distant voice called. "Wake up!" The sudden loudness forced me from my slumber.

I opened my eyes slowly. A bright light filled my vision as I tried to clear the blurriness.

Attempting to sit up, I was immediately pushed back down by a pair of hands. I looked up and saw a person wearing hospital scrubs and a face mask.

Looking around, I noticed more doctors looking just like them, but one person stands out from the rest. She's wearing a tuxedo.

"Nee-san? What are you doing with that huge needle?" I gulped.

"Yukinoshita-sama," A male doctor spoke. "It's ready."

Nee-san grabbed a pen and filled it with some sort of drug. She roughly grabbed my arm and rolled up my sleeve.

My eyes widen. "S-Stop it! Please, you're scaring me! I-I don't understand what you're trying to do!" My screams fell on deaf ears as my hopes that someone would stop her and explain weren't met.

"You don't have to! Just give me your arm!"

"N-NO! YOU'RE INSANE!" I could feel my resistance weaken along with my strength as her grip on me tightened.

"SHUT UP!" Nee-san screamed, which made me let out a whimper. Usually, she's far nicer to me than mother. Even though we don't always see eye to eye, why are you doing this, nee-san? Why?

She was about to put the needle in my arm.


"DAMN YOU! THIS IS THE ONLY WAY!" She pinned my arm down and roughly shoved the needle into the point of entrance where it meets my vain on the opposite side of my elbow.


"AAAAAAAH!" I scream in pain.

"One day, you'll understand! I'm sorry, Yukino." A creepy, borderline insane smile plastered onto nee-san's face. "But if all goes according to plan, then... Fufu. Ufufu. Ufufufufufu."

My body began feeling numb as I slowly closed my eyes and lost consciousness. The last thing I remember is hearing her laughter echo.

End of Dream

I jumped awake in fright, the black fur on my kitten body standing on edge as I softly hissed when I felt a hand touch me.

"You okay, Kuro-chan?" That voice... I turned behind me and saw that I'm laying on top of Hikigaya-kun.

"Mew!" I slowly got off him as I purred to let him know that I'm alright, embarrassed by our position.

Was that really just a dream? It felt so real...


Hachiman POV

"Hachiman, Komachi, I'm sorry, but I cannot give you any allowance for the month," Said dad.

No! How can this be?!

Dad sighed. "You see, your mother and I are very tight on money right now. Unfortunately, our boss at work decided to lay off a lot of employees and reduce our pay."

"Eh? Why? That sounds unfair," Komachi frowned. Oooooh! You just scored a ton of Hachiman points! Wait, she's cuter when she smiles though!

Mom finished preparing our breakfast as she set a fresh pot of rice beef curry onto the table. "That's because there is a sickness going around. It's like some sort of flu, but it sounds even worse than usual! Have either of you caught anything? You are taking care of yourselves, right?"

I rolled my eyes. "Of course. It is unfortunate that we have to make contact with other disgusting humans in order to survive as a species, but such is the way of life."

"R-Right..." Dad sweat dropped. "Well, we're both off to work. Bye-" He wants to escape my monologue! How dare you escape it!

An idea came to my mind. "Hey, wait!" I ran from the kitchen to the front door as they were about to leave, so they closed it.

"Eh? We didn't forget anything, ya know."

"W-Well, I'm thinking about getting a job. Of course, this is mainly to add funds to my own wallet-"

"so that you can spend it on those light novels, huh." Mom deadpanned.

Hey! You guilt tripped me into this! "Yeah, but also so that I can alleviate some of your stress."

"Heh?! Onii-chan wants to get a job?!" Komachi looked at me like I'm crazy. "What has the world come to?!"

"Oi! Minus Hachiman points for you!"

"Mew!" Kuro-chan purred as she rubbed up against Komachi, as if agreeing with her. 'Ara ara, I never thought I'd see the day you'd say such a thing, Hikigaya-kun,' I hear a very high-pitched voice.

I look around. "Did you guys hear that?!" I ask my parents and sister.

"Hear what?" All three of them said.

'Fufu. It's me, Kuro-chan!' I look at the cat with wide eyes. Meanwhile, my parents shrugged as they left for work. 'That's right, hooman slave of mine. I'm speaking to you telepathically, nincompoop Kusogaya.'

I'm not a nincompoop, and my name isn't an insult! Wait, why is this familiar to me?

'It is now.'

Damn you! And I'm not a slave! Just because all you have to do is act cute to get me to do thy bidding [26] doesn't mean I'm your servant!

I hear a girlish squeal. 'Eep! You... You t-think I-I'm c-c-c-c-c-cute?'

Why are you being so bashful and tame all of a sudden?!

"Onii-chan," Komachi interrupts my thoughts. "Why are you having a staredown with Kuro-chan? And you should eat your breakfast. It's getting cold. You don't want to be late for school, right?"

Before I could respond, I heard a loud POOF sound. We looked towards the source and saw a screen of smoke.

We heard what sounded like a person coughing. Then something happened that shocked us.

The visible silhouette of Kuro-chan grew bigger and bigger, and when the smoke cleared, my jaw dropped harder than Hitler's only testicle when the Soviets reached Berlin.

There sat a beautiful girl in front of me. Long raven-black hair, ice-cold blue eyes, soft supple cheeks, a flat chest- wait, what are you thinking about, Hachiman?!

Komachi could only stammer. "A-Aaaaahhh?! Y-Yukinoshita-senpai is Kuro-chan?!"

"Y-Yukinoshita?! AH!" My cheeks turned red as I quickly turned around. "Y-You're n-naked..."

"... Eh? AHHH!" I didn't see it, but I could imagine her covering her womanly parts with her arms with an embarrassed blush, glaring at me. "H-Hoh? And when did I say you can stare at me in such a way, Hentaigaya-kun?!"

... Oi. I suddenly feel a freezing aura.

Komachi just sighed and said, "Stay with her, Onii-chan. I'll go get her some clothes. Tee hee! I bet that earned me lots of Komachi points!" She went upstairs.

Nooooo! Don't leave me alone with a NAKED GIRL! Negative Hachiman points! And how can you be so casual about this?!

"I-I'm sorry, Y-Yukinoshita." Damn my stuttering! "I didn't mean to stare at you for so long. I was just shocked by this... ah, sudden turn of events."

I heard her sigh. "... I-I suppose I have no choice but to forgive you since you apologized so sincerely, then..." She trailed off awkwardly.

It went silent for a while, making me feel even more nervous.

"U-Um... Any idea why you were a cat?" I ask right as Komachi arrived and handed Yukinoshita a change of clothes with a strange smirk. What are you smirking about?!

"Eh? Oh... I really don't know..."

I heard some rustling behind me, which made my imagination run wild as little Hachiman began stirring. Oh no, you don't! Bad boy!

"... Actually, I had a strange dream."

"A dream?"

"I'll tell you about it in a bit. You can look now, Hikigaya-kun."

I turn around and inspect her attire. The clothes Komachi handed her consist of a salmon-pink shirt that clearly fits her perfectly as well as a pair of white short shorts, showing off much of her legs.

A breath of relief escaped me. "Alright, that's much better-"

"What are you saying, Onii-chan?!" Komachi rapidly waved her arms around, but then she stopped as a smirk tugged at her lips. "You're saying you reaaaally don't like seeing my future sister-in-law naked? You do find her beautiful, right? Right?!"

"Hah?!" My face felt warm, so I'm sure that I'm blushing.

"W-What are you saying, Komachi-san? Doesn't your brother swing THAT way?"

Now she's teasing me? If you're going to do that, why are you blushing, too?!

In the end, I replied honestly but in the most embarrassing way possible.

"I will have you know that I am not gay! I am a straight male. Sure, every guy is at least a little perverted, but I've got that type of behavior under control. And besides, if you really want my opinion, then for the very brief moment that I saw you naked, it is as Komachi suggested; I do find you to be extremely beautiful!" I shouted, but realizing what I said, I covered my mouth.

Yukinoshita's entire face turned a shade of reddish-pink. "A-Ah... I see. You really are a shameless pervert." She mumbled in front of me.

"Hey! I said that on impulse, so don't read too deeply into it! And weren't you the one who flashed me in all your nude glory?" I hit back.

OOOOOOOH! HOW DO YOU LIKE THEM APPLES? I bet it doesn't feel too good now that you're on the receiving end, does it?

Because of this, I couldn't help but smirk.

Her blush was replaced by a cold, disgusted look, but then a smirk of her own as she snatched my phone, which was sitting on the dining table, up to her ear. "Moshi moshi, keisatsu desu ka? (Hello, is this the police?)"

"Oi! I was kidding!" For the sake of protecting my future and not getting any false accusations of sexual harassment or even rape, I prostrated myself. "I'm sorry. Please find it in your heart to forgive me, Yukinoshita-sama, for I have sinned."

She burst out giggling. "I-It's fine! As long as you know not to stare at a clothe-less girl, then all is good."

I sighed. "... Are you done teasing me?"


"We're late for school." I glanced at the clock, which read 9:00 AM, 30 minutes past the first bell.

"I'll vouch for you so that Hiratsuka-sensei doesn't do something horrific... hopefully."

"That's not very assuring!"


"Don't just laugh it off! My life is at stake here!" Then I remembered something. "Oh yeah, you said you had a dream?"

Yukinoshita's eyes widened before she glared at the nearest random object, choosing the oven behind my sister, who took a seat at the couch at the same time as me. "Right... In the dream, I was on some sort of gurney. Nee-san was trying to forcefully inject a needle into me. I have no idea what was in it, but..."

She proceeded to tell us what happened.

"That's creepy," Komachi shivered.

I clinched my fist. "It sounds like it might have been more than just a dream, it was a memory! But why use it on you?"

"Because I wanted to see what would happen if poor helpless little Yukino would be put in such a situation," The voice of a demon answered.

I turned to glare at her. "Yukinoshita-san..."

"Nee-san..." My Club President did the same thing,

"Ara ara? Hikigaya-kun, there are two Yukinoshita's here, are there not?" She smirked, and I grit my teeth when she walked towards me, forcing me to step away from her when I suddenly lost my footing and fell backwards onto the younger sibling, who yelped, so I skootched a foot away to not crush her. "Shouldn't you call Yukino by her given name?"

"What?! Why should-" I shouted but never finished my sentence because Haruno grabbed me by my face and forced me to look at her little sister, who blushed.

And it was that at this moment that I knew...

I have fucked up.

She smiled evilly as she squeezed my face, hurting it, making me thrash around. "Now say it with me. Yu-Ki-No!"

"Nee-san, let him go!"

"Not until he says it."

"Y-Yukino..." I blushed and attempted to avert my gaze, but the female Satan still held an inhuman grip on my face. "Oi!"

"Now it's your turn, Yukino."

"Nee-san!" Poor Yukino attempted to protest. Wait, why am I already thinking of using her first name?! Is this woman brainwashing me or something?!

"Say it with me. Ha-chi!"

Yukino looks so mortified. "I... Do I have to?"


"What happens if I don't?" She timidly responded.

"Then I will tell your entire school that you're dating and set to be engaged in college and married soon after."

Oh, you have got to be shitting me.

"Gomi-chan, watch your mouth!" I felt a hard smack on top of my head. Did I say that out loud?

"You have three seconds." Haruno stood up behind me. Oi! Why there?! "Three..." Shit.

"N-Nee-san, please..."


I have a bad feeling about this...

"Please don't."


Yukino's hair covered her eyes as she made a Ha sound, but she couldn't find it in herself to finish.

"Gah!" I was suddenly launched forward. It happened in slow-mo as both of our eyes widened at the realization that Haruno just shoved me and I'm going to crash into Yukino.

"Argh!" I landed on top of her, and while my legs made physical contact with hers, I managed to stop myself from an even more embarrassing situation by using my arms to prevent anything further from happening.

However, said limbs are on either side of her head, only holding onto the couch as the only thing separating an accidental kiss.

All the two of us could do is blush as we stared into each other's eyes. Oh no! I'm getting flashbacks to that time in the infirmary! My breath also stopped when I once again began admiring how beautifully sculpted her face is.

And again like that time, my heart is hammering, flipping, doing 360 no scopes at my brain for telling me that I'll get rejected and that my desire for her overrides all else.

No! I'm a loner, dammit!

But in that moment, I realized something that I avoided to see until I was put into this ridiculous situation.

I am in love with Yukinoshita Yukino.

I, the Monster of Logic, could find no reasonable explanation for this feeling. No, I do not have tachycardia where the heart is beating fast due to dehydration. No, I did not just run a marathon.

My feelings are clear as day, but I just continuously refused to accept them, saying that it's impossible, that if I do acknowledge how I feel, I will get heartbroken again.

Just like with my obsession over Orimoto back in middle school, which wasn't even a real crush.

But this is different. This is a girl I would die for, or really do anything for her.

'Save me someday... Hikigaya-kun...' Her words rang through my head from that day in the amusement park.

"A-Are you okay... Yukino?" I wanted to lift myself up, but I couldn't find it in myself to do it. Her eyes are just so captivating.

"A-Ah, humu." She nodded, cutely poking her fingers together, blushing up a storm as she got up, ran past me, and out the front door.

I sprinted to the entrance corridor. "YUKINO!" I screamed, hoping I didn't make her feel too uncomfortable to the point that she starts avoiding me.

"Look what you've done, Hikigaya."

I turned to glare at Haruno who had a smirk hidden behind a hand. "You..."

"Me!" Her amusement increased. This damn woman!

"What's the deal with you?!" I seethed.

"I think the more appropriate question is what's the deal with you, Hikigaya-kun. Are you going to run away again like you did after you fulfilled Miura Yumiko's request?"


"How do you know about that?!"

"Fufu. I have my ways." My eyebrow twitched in annoyance. Yeah, totally not creepy at all! "But more importantly, it's obvious that you hold my sister in a romantic regard."

"... Why are you always meddling with her life?"

This time, Haruno gave me a smile, but one full of sadness, no longer wearing her mask. "Because as much as I love annoying Yukino, I just want her to be happy."

"And what of those dreams? The injection? Her turning into a cat?"

"All my doing. I did research, and after nothing but nonstop consecutive successful attempts at turning other humans into cats using the spinal fluid of a recently deceased feline combined with some other things, and seeing that they were also able to turn back, I decided to use it on Yukino."


She sighed, frowning. "You really are an idiot if you haven't figured it out by now. I did it because I wanted to play matchmaker between the both of you, my future brother-in-law."

I blushed. "Wha-"

"Take good care of Yukino for me. I shall leave her in your care, okay? Bye bye!" She got up and left.

I covered my blushing face and then looked at Komachi with embarrassment as she smirked. "I-It's kinda hot in here suddenly... Crap! I gotta go to school!"

I ran out, but not before the imouto could get one last word in. "Kay! Come back with lots of wedding photos of you and Yukino-nee together!"

A guttural scream of embarrassment was heard throughout the neighborhood from me as Komachi laughed while some older people looked at me in amusement while saying, "Ah, young love."

The bamboo forest confession wasn't even embarrassing in the slightest, but this...

Damn you, youth!

. . . . . . .

I opened the classroom door only to duck to avoid the hurricane force winds of an eight-pound textbook flying past me.

"HiiiiiikiiiiiGAAAAAAYAAAAAAA!" Hiratsuka-sensei growled.

"I-I can explain."

"You better be fast!"

"Haruno, she-"

Her anger instantly disappeared with that one name. "Oh. I see." She sighed. "You're not in trouble then. Take a seat."

Everyone looked at me funny. Usually, their stares held nothing but hidden disgust and contempt, but this is different. Their faces held surprise, interest, and I could be wrong, but a lot of the girls held looks of... regret? Why are you all staring at me like that?!

Yui is the only one who held a different look, one full of worry and a tinge of annoyance directed at... other girls? Oh. Right. She has a crush on me, and I need to deal with that soon.

Ebina, being the school fujoshi, began scribbling down notes while creepily giggling to herself. I could hear her say something about me and Hayama for some reason, which made my eyebrow twitch in irritation. Never with that riajuu bastard! I would never date a guy, but if I had to, I would choose the heavenly Totsuka!

That one girl... What is her name again? Kawa-something... Oh yeah! Kawasumi! Kawasumi Seiko looks at me shyly before averting her gaze whenever our eyes met. What's with her?

I took my seat on this Monday in late April, and as we began our 3rd and final year of high school, I realized that I needed to talk to both Yukino and Yui about our feelings.


. . . . . . .


I got up and was about to leave when suddenly the door burst open.

"Yosh! Greetings, Sir Hachiman! Tis I, thy most loyal companion, Zaimokuza Yoshiteru!"

I cringed as he came up to me and wrapped his arm around me, knowing the whole class is watching. "Who are you?"

He fell back and made a noise like he got punched in the gut before getting back up a second later. What a fast recovery!

"I see. It seems that club of thou hath washed out any memory thou possessed of moi."

Why are you going from Shakespearean to French?!

"Don't touch me, or else I'll catch your chuunibyou." I shook his arm off me as I slung my bag over my shoulder and walked away, fully intent on leaving to converse with my two closest friends.

Unfortunately, it wasn't meant to be.

"Hold it!" Zamokuza grabbed my shirt from behind.

Dammit! I can't break loose since he's far stronger than me.

I clicked my teeth in annoyance. "Tch! What is it?"

"Hikitani," Hayama interrupted as he walked towards us. Is he talking to me? Who's Hikitani? "The school festival is in a month from now. Unfortunately, the school nominated me to be a part of the rock band, and even though I wanted no part of it, I hesitantly said yes."

"Huh. So, you couldn't say no because you were too much of a coward to speak for yourself, to tell them how you truly feel, I take it?"

The atmosphere got a little tense as the girls shifted uncomfortably at their idol being insulted, but much to my surprise, none of them did anything except obviously Miura, who looked at me with a rather soft glare for the Fire Queen. Why aren't you screaming at me to apologize?!

"Y-Yeah... I suppose that's one way of looking at it," Hayama rubbed his hair. "You might be wondering what this has to do with you. Well, I get to be the one to choose who is in the band, and quite honestly, I chose you."

I turned so that my body was now facing him, and I glared. "Why? You know that, much like you, I do not like being bothered."

"That's because I'm responsible," A familiar voice spoke over the school intercom.

"Haruno! You're spying on me as well?!"

"Pffft hahahahaha! Of course I am! Currently, I'm speaking to you so that only those in your classroom can hear me, but there is something that everyone should see."

Suddenly, the light turned off as the projector turned on, the room still illuminated by the windows, their blinds not drawn.

"I have placed recording devices and cameras all over the city of Soubu, especially here at Soubu High."

I had no way to respond to how creepy that is. "... You didn't answer my earlier question. Why pick me to be in a rock band? I don't even know how to play an instrument or sing."

"Shizuka will answer that question."

I looked towards an amused Hiratsuka-sensei, who said, "Meet me in the faculty lounge after this."

Oi! What's with that smirk?! I'm not some zoo animal!

"Anyway," Haruno continued. "There is something all of your classmates need to see."

A video began playing, and immediately, my eyes widened as I exchanged shocked looks with Yui.

On the screen was a familiar scene from the past.

Past Yui cried. "If you don't say it, you'll never get through!"

Oh fuck. Oh fuck. I want to die right about now, so I proceeded to hide as much of my very being behind Zaimokuza, or at least I tried before he grabbed me and forced me in front of him for everyone to see, so I stared at the floor, or at least made it seem that way while I actually am looking up at the screen through my eyebrows and hair.

Past me spoke. "Yeah."

Miura fumed. "Hikitani, what did you do to Yui?!"

Sensei paused the video. "I've seen this, and you should know, Miura, he didn't do anything because he didn't let those closest to him in."


"Just watch, and you'll understand what I mean." She resumed it.

Past me continued with his damned embarrassing monologue. "Expecting others to read your mind is delusional. But..."

The camera shifted behind the old me to show the three members of the Service Club, both girls looking downcast. However, they lifted their heads to look up at past me when he spoke, their eyes widen when they saw past me struggling to contain his emotions, his eyes darting around.

Knowing what I said, I couldn't help but feel a rise in emotions very similar to what I felt then. It didn't feel exactly the same because the fear of being rejected isn't there, but the anxiety of how everyone else would react and combined with this stinging wetness in my eyes doesn't help.

Damn you, romcom gods!

"But... I... I... It's not empty words I'm after. There was something else I desired all along."

Everyone else in the class was astonished when they saw the scene shift to focus on further past events, showing me doing everyday activities at school, reading alone, playing tennis by myself, and walking home by myself as past me spoke to the two girls.

Hayama had a bitter-sweet smile on his face as he whispered to me, "I'm jealous."

I didn't respond, but I knew what he meant, what he's jealous of.

The soft yet beautiful piano isn't helping, you knooooooow! My hair hid my face as I tried to hold back my tears.

But of course, with the old Hikigaya's next words, I failed.

"Not mutual understanding, friendship, companionship, or anything of the sort. I don't care about being understood."

"Hikitani, that's why you-" Tobe realized, but Ebina covered his mouth. However, everyone who heard of the bamboo forest confession came to the same conclusion.

It was a request that I, a member of the Service Club, simply wished to complete, and I never held any romantic feelings for the fujoshi.

"I simply wish to understand. Understand, know, and rest easy in that knowledge - gain some peace of mind."

Other past events were displayed. Everything from the Sagami incident on the roof with Hayama slamming me against the wall to my interactions with Miura, Ebina, Tobe, Yamato, and Ooka.

In opposite corner of the room from where I sit, I could see Sagami look confused. I remember that not long after the incident, she would give me very dirty looks and such while her groupies would spread terrible rumours about me, but after a while, she stopped paying attention to me. Of course, I used Eavesdropping, one of my 108 Loner Skills, to find out why, and much to my surprise, I heard her supposed 'friends' once say that she began doing a lot better on test scores.

The current expression on her face annoys me since it's one of pity, but as a fellow loner, she understands.

Back to the humiliating documentary on my life, the camera briefly panned to others such as Kawasumi, Haruno, Shiromeguri-senpai, Sagami, Totsuka, Orimoto, and Tsurumi.

"Wanting to know people inside out because being in the dark terrifies me is an awfully self-indulgent, egotistic, and arrogant wish. It's downright despicable and disgusting. Having a desire like that makes me sick to the stomach!"

The music changed to a more hopeful tune as the camera panned back to the present at that time to show past me with tears in his eyes, and yet he continues speaking with conviction to his clubmates.

All I could think is why would Haruno show this to everyone?

They all keep glancing towards me, and I wouldn't dare look towards them. They'll just make fun of me, won't they?

"But if it's at all possible to share that desire - if it's possible to have a relationship where you're free to burden one another with that repulsive self-gratification..."

I sobbed quietly, which unfortunately, Zaimokuza, Totsuka, Yui, Hayama, Miura, and Kawasumi noticed, it seems, the first two being close enough to me that they reached out to pat my back for comfort.

"I know that it's out of the question!"

Even more memories were shown, times I spent with the two girls of the Service Club, not working as colleagues, but struggling to reach that thing together.

"I know that it's out of my reach! Even so!"

That genuine thing.

"Even so... I... I... I want something genuine!"

The whole class was clearly unprepared to hear past me get choked up. Who knew the Monster of Logic is capable of showing emotion, I thought to myself sarcastically.

The video ended, but I didn't want the atmosphere to become awkward, my hair covering my eyes.

"Hikio..." Miura mumbled, but once again, I refused to look at anyone.

"See, kids? Hikigaya-kun isn't a bad person. He may have hurt others and himself in the process, but his goal was always to get results, even if his methods were awful." Hiratsuka-sensei smirked as she stood up and looked at me. "Follow me, Hikigaya."

Not much later, I found myself in the faculty room.

"Hikigaya, I know what you're up to. You want to get a job, right?"

My eyes widen.

"How did I know? Haruno, of course. You do know that getting a job while in school is against the school rules, right?"

I returned her chiding stare with a determined look. "I know, however, my parents are in a tight pinch with their finances, which is why I need to find something to help them out."

"Then I will let you get a job and overlook it, and should anyone find out and try to have you punished, I will convince them otherwise. However, I will only do it on the condition that you become the lead guitarist of Hayama's little band for the culture festival." She smirked.

Upon seeing my irritation, she elaborated, "Hikigaya, it's good to get involved. Haruno didn't tell you, but the reason she showed that video to the class is because she wants the school to know how much of a decent person you are, or at least that you are human and should be treated with the same level of respect you give others so that others can take note of your good points. I want the same thing."

. . . . . . .

3rd Person POV

Meanwhile in the classroom, everyone was deep in thought.

Many of the females won't admit it, but their opinions of Hikigaya Hachiman are slowly shifting towards the positive, even before they saw the ground-breaking footage.

All the girls, even Sagami, thought of how they might have misjudged him, but three of them in particular had their own thoughts on the matter.

Miura glared at her desk. She felt bad that she brushed off someone as nice as him. To her, he's still a creep, but his kindness shown through his selfless actions, albeit questionable methods, is very rare and a very redeeming trait for all his other flaws.

'Something genuine... huh.' She thought. 'Isn't that what all of us in Hayato's clique want? So why can't we be honest with each other?'

She began developing a fear of abandonment, that she and her friends will drift apart after high school.

'No... While everyone desires that deep down, most of them have a different status quo aside from Yui and I, I think. Has it really been that hard to be alone, despite your bragging about it? Hikio...'

Kawasaki went from feeling depressed to determined. 'He's a very nice person and always gets along with Keika and I. Although I wish he were nicer to Taishi, I can give him what he wants! Wait, what am I thinking?! I know I at least want to be friends with him... Not something more, right?'

Yuigahama clinched her skirt and bit her lips a little in worry. She knows that what she has going with Yukinoshita and him won't last forever. Sooner or later, the three will have to have a heart-to-heart talk, but she doesn't want to make any moves on him because doing so will feel like she's betraying Yukinoshita, knowing the Ice Queen also has romantic affection for him.

. . . . . . .

School ended, and with it, students went to their clubs.

Yukinoshita sat in her seat while reading a book, but after a few minutes, she decided to put it away, unable to concentrate.

She was deep in thought that she didn't acknowledge Yuigahama's greeting of, "Yahallo, Yukinon!"


"Yukinon?! You're back!" The airhead flew towards the brunette and hugged her, which shook her out of her stupor.

"Ah! Oh, Yuigahama-san. Hello."

"What's up? Why are you back already? I thought you would be gone for two months. It's not like you to space out. And where's Hikki?"

"Well, I guess I lost interest in the universities abroad... As for Hikigaya? He... I'm not sure."

The mention of his name brought back what happened at his house in the morning to the forefront of her mind. She tried not to blush, but the more she thought about it, the more it became apparent that something happened.

Seeing this, Yuigahama frowned. "Yukinon, did something happen between the two of you?"

"W-What makes you think that?"

"Well, you're not your usual self..." She trailed off. "Hey, listen. There's something that I think you and I need to talk about."


"You and I both have feelings for Hikki, right?"

"E-Eh?!" Yukinoshita squirmed shyly, feeling uncomfortable. "W-Where did this come from?"

"Yukinon, I promise that I won't make a move on him as long as you won't either, okay?"

"... I agree obviously, but we can't just expect him to do something about it, right?"

"Maybe, maybe not. Who knows. It all depends on how he feels about us and if he knows about our feelings for him. If he does, then I'm sure Hikki will respond since he knows that we can't stay like this, but if he doesn't, well... I think he may need a little push from someone."

Yukinoshita was shocked to hear Yuigahama actually plotting something, clearly smarter in social situations, if not school. "Who?"

"Like, what if we get Hiratsuka-sensei or your older sister to talk to him?"

"NO!" Yukinoshita raised her voice, shouting a little, startling Yuigahama. "I mean... Hiratsuka-sensei as a last resort, sure, but... Please do not get nee-san involved..."

Flabbergasted at seeing her friend tremble, Yuigahama took her hand. "Um, did something happen? I know you and Hikki don't trust me with keeping secrets, but when it comes to important relationship stuff that involves those close to me, I don't gossip. Please tell me."

Yukinoshita sighed and proceeded to tell Yuigahama everything that happened.

Needless to say, the orangette was shocked, but also scared. To her, one of the scariest horror story types is the ones where the government is experimenting on people, so to hear that her own best friend had something like that happen to her while the whole thing is kept under tight ropes unsettled her enough so that she wouldn't speak of it.

She also felt a little jealous that Yukinoshita got the kabedon treatment from the person that they're both interested in, even if it was forced by a third party.

"When did this happen, Yukinon? And are you okay?"

The Club President was about to respond when the door opened, so she simply said, "I'm fine. I'll tell you more later."

Hachiman POV

"Yo," I lazily greeted the two girls.

"Yahallo, Hikki!"

"G-Good afternoon, Hikigaya-kun." The Club President averted her gaze before looking up at me shyly, too shy to call me Hachi in front of others.

'Kawaii!' I screamed inside my head.

The atmosphere felt awkward, but she didn't let it stay silent. "W-Would you like some tea, Hikigaya-kun and Yuigahama-san?"

I nodded.

"Thank you," I said timidly when she handed me the tea cup a couple minutes later, our blush increasing when our fingers made contact, which made her clumsily place the tea plates back.

Holy crap! I just touched a girl! And for a moment there, it's like I was holding her hand... but it felt cold. Maybe she is also as nervous as I am to see each other again after what Haruno put us through this morning? I'm not entirely sure.

Speaking of which...

Yukino took her seat right as I stood up and bowed to her.



"I am so sorry for what happened between us this morning. Please forgive me. I really didn't mean to put you in that uncomfortable spot."

"A-Ah, it's fine! Please don't bow! Besides, it wasn't your fault. It was nee-san's."

I nodded as I straightened my posture. "There is also something I wish to talk to you and Yui about."

"W-What is it?"

They both looked at me with trepidation.

I gulped. Here we go!


"SEEEEEENPAAAAAAAAAIIIIII!!!" A loud screech interrupted.

My eyelids twitched in annoyance. "What is it, Isshiki?"

"Tee hee!" She leaned forward while I turned to look at her. "You see, I saw a rather interesting item outside your clubroom. Senpai, you didn't tell me you can play the guitar!"


The other two looked at me in surprise.

I sighed, went outside for a moment, and brought the case inside before putting it in a corner and taking my seat again.

"This one is an instrument that belongs to the school. The truth is that I will be performing at the school festival."

Their surprise increased.

"Hikigaya-kun, is this?" Yukino gestured to the case to say, 'Is this what you wanted to tell us?'

I understood and shook my head. "No."

"Why would you, of all people, want to participate in the concert, senpai?"

"I can't tell you. I have my own personal reasons."

She grabbed me and began shaking me as she begged me to tell her. "Hey! Hey! Tell me! Tell me!"

My irritation steadily increased. "I have no obligation to tell you, Isshiki. Leave it be."

The kouhai got close to my ear and whispered, "If you don't tell me, I will tell Yukinoshita-senpai and Yuigahama-senpai that you took me out on a date."

For a moment, my eyes widened to which she gave me a sly smirk, but she is seriously starting to piss me off, so I chose to defy her.

"Go right ahead. Tell them."

"Tell us what, Hikki?"

"Senpai took me out on a date before! It was marvelous~"

I saw Yukino narrow her eyes, but Isshiki does not realize the danger she's in as she held her cheeks in her hands, her eyes closed, arrogantly wiggling her body like she thinks she's hot or something.

Time to clarify her statement before they misunderstand. "Don't believe anything she says. It wasn't a date. You two have seen the way she acts; she coerces me into being her slave, and she did the same thing with that supposed 'date' when it was nothing more than a hang out."

"When was this, Hiki-forgetful-kun?" Her ice-cold voice snapped the now scared Isshiki out of her ignorant state.

"H-He's lying, Yukinoshita-senpai! It was a date, and we-"

"Be quiet." The temperature of the room somehow got colder. "I wasn't asking you, Isshiki-san. My friend here is trying to make a statement. Continue, Hikigaya-kun."

I nodded gratefully and mentally shouted, 'Thank you, Yukino!'

"It was a little after the Christmas event. She claimed to do it because I should apparently be thankful for what she calls a reward because I got to go out on a date with someone she refers to as a 'cute girl.' However, I did not see any cute girls that day, so I wonder where she got that from."

I felt like insulting her in that way, and so I did. Why, I asked myself. My reason is simple: I'm already in love with someone else. Plus, I never saw her that way. The fact that she forces herself onto me is a huge turn off.

"Senpai, you meanie!"

"What? Did you actually think that Yukinoshita and Yui wouldn't believe me when I'm a lot closer to them than I am with anyone outside of my own family?"

Yukinoshita and Yuigahama grinned happily.

"Y-Yui?! Since when do you refer to her by her first name?! You're already in THAT kind of relationship?!"

"No, I am not. I simply refer her as such because it is easier to do so than to use her last name, and she doesn't mind it. Also because she's my friend, as well. Now what do you want exactly, Isshiki? Why are you here?"

The girl pouted, fake tears in her eyes, trying to convince me that I should probably go be her slave again, but I used one of my 108 Loner Skills known as Imouto Cuteness Deflection. Ah ha! My shields are impenetrable!

"I came here to ask for your help to-"

"No, I refuse."

"You didn't even let me finish!"

"Would I be wrong in my assumption that there is more manual labor or problems you can't solve yourself?" At her silence, I sighed. "Go, Isshiki. If you're to be the Student Council President, and if you want to learn some responsibility so that you can get things done yourself, stop relying on me, otherwise you will struggle a lot in life after high school. And by the way, I'm going to tell you straight up that I do not see you in a romantic light; there's someone else."

Silence permeated throughout the room as they stared at me in shock. What? Do I have something on my face?

Isshiki slowly got up and trudged out, her shoulders slumped over. For a moment, my shields went down, but then I remembered that she's faking it, so for once, stop trying to guilt trip me!

Yukino cleared her throat. "I've got to say that I wasn't expecting you to stand up to her, Hiki-pawn-kun."

She smirked and we both laughed for a bit while Yui grinned.

"By the way, Hikigaya-kun, why are you performing in the festival?"

"As you already know, my parents are earning even less to support our family, so I wanted to get a part-time job. Unfortunately, Haruno told Hiratsuka-sensei, who told me that getting a job is against the school rules but she will overlook it if I perform in a band."

Yukinoshita nodded. "Who will be in the band?"

"Well, I was late coming here because sensei was explaining that. It will be Hayama as the lead singer and rhythm guitarist. I will play lead guitar and one of the two backup singers. Totsuka Saika will play bass and is also a background vocalist. And lastly, Zaimokuza is the drummer. Hayama is the one who chose these members after the school nominated him."

"Hm. What do you feel about the band members other than Hayama, whom you obviously don't get along with?"

"Sensei said that Hayama chose Totsuka because he asked around for help with it and Totsuka stated that he has some experience playing bass. As for Zaimokuza, well... To be honest, I cannot think of a reasonable explanation; he also volunteered for whatever reason, but I'm not sure I agree if he's the right guy for the job. However, as we saw during the sports festival, there's more to me *ahem* him than meets the eye, so don't judge a book by its cover." I smirked.

Yukino placed her hand on her temple and muttered, "The way you just corrected yourself makes me want to run head first into a brick wall."

No! Don't do that! I'll lose all my Yukipedia knowledge!

"And you have a month to practice?" Yui chimed, to which I nodded. "Then let's get to it! We will help you learn the guitar!"

"Wait." Yukino interrupted. "What about a supervisor or theatrical producer?"

"I'll do it!" The door swung open, and in walked Kawasumi.

"K-Kawasumi Suzuki?!" I was surprised.

A blush and an enraged look formed on her face. "It's Kawasaki, you buffoon! Kawasaki Saki!"

"O-Oooh. Right. Sorry."

I took an awkward sip of my tea while Yukino and Yui stifled giggles. Are they amused by my forgetfulness?! Now that's just rude!

Realizing what Kawazame said, I coughed as I choked on my drink. "You said you'll be our manager? And were you eavesdropping?!"

The delinquent glared at me. "You eavesdrop on others all the time!"

"She has a point, Creepygaya-kun." I heard Yukino tease as Kawahasuke was speaking her next line. Oi! You're not Satou Kazuma!

"And yes, I'll be the manager. D-Don't get the wrong idea! It's n-not because I want to help you or anything!" Ah. Tsundere character. "Sensei knows that I work part-time, so she forced me to do it, too."

"I see."

"Hikigaya, she wants you and me to work together so we can quote unquote 'bask in our loneliness together to heal' or some shit, but I will only do so if you get my name right. Now... Say it back to me!" She glared at me with those dark purplish-brown eyes.

"Um... What?"

"My name, you idiot! Say my name!"

"You're... Kawanari Shiki?"

She growled.

"K-Kawagami Senri?"


Feeling like giving up, I blurted out, "Kamehameha!"

I received a hard, well-deserved slap while Yukino's and Yui's faces turned red from trying not to laugh. Yukino hid her face behind a book, her shoulders trembling, which I find adorable. STOP IT! YOU'RE BEING TOO CUTE!

Kawasagi gives me a cute pout, her lips in a squiggly line. Wait, why did I think of her as cute?! My heart belongs to Yukino!

Let's try this again.

"Hm... Oh, I got it! Kawanosuke Sachi!"

Cracking her knuckles, she prepared to punch me.

"W-Wait! I'm sorry! I'm not doing this on purpose! I'm just really bad with names!"

"Say. My. Name."

A terrifying aura of both fire and ice surrounded her, the perfect balance between Yukino and Miura. Someone help!

Seeing me struggle, Yukino sighed. "You're Kawasaki Saki."

The aura disappeared. "You're goddamn right!" [27]

She's Haizenberuku! Please don't murder me and stuff me in a barrel!

Shaking my head, I stood up and pulled the guitar out of its case as I put the strap onto my shoulders. "Okay. I should start practicing by at least learning how to tune the guitar and play certain chords. OurTube is a great video site for that kind of stuff. Anyway, thank you for offering your help, and I look forward to working with you, Kawanomu Sheri!" I winked at her.

Her face quivered. "That was totally on purpose, wasn't it, you little rascal?! If you weren't holding a school instrument, I would have kicked you in the balls."

Not my sacred gear!

I chuckled nervously. "Yeah. Sorry about that. I think I should be able to remember Kawasaki Saki now that you and Yukinoshita have drilled it into my head."

"You better!"

And so, I began practicing while Kawasaki took a seat and began going over logistics with Yukino.

But not before Kawasaki said one last thing. "Oh! Sensei wanted me to tell you something she forgot."


Flashback To The Staff Room

Hiratsuka-sensei showed a toothy smirk to the delinquent. "Tell Hikigaya-kun that this culture festival is a collaboration between Kaihin Sougou High and us, meaning their Student Council will be involved."

Flashback End


"What the fuck?!"

If Orimoto sees me, she's totally going to gossip about me, isn't she?

More importantly, other people keep getting in the way whenever I want to confess to Yukino and Yui that I love the former and think of the latter as a great friend.

I need time to find time so that we can isolate ourselves, but how? And I know I won't be able to learn the guitar until I see this through.

To Be Continued

I made up so many names for Hikigaya messing up Kawasaki's name lmao.

I know nothing about playing guitar, and someday, I might learn, but for now, to all the musicians out there, excuse my ignorance if I write something musically inaccurate in the next chapter lol.


[25] Attack On Titan Season 1 Episode 2

[26] Star Wars - Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back

[27] Breaking Bad