
Ordverse Ascension

Hello, Everyone. This is Author: Lakshay_Thakur_9837. This is my very first novel. And since English is not my first language, I am sure there will be some pronunciation errors. Hence, I am apologizing in advanced because of that. First World: Danmachi Second World: Akame Ga Kill Third World: Re:Zero − Starting Life in Another World Fourth World: Fate/stay night: Heaven's Feel Fifth World: Guilty Crown Sixth World: Black Bullet Seventh World(Currently): Genshin Impact *Note: Only 3-4 chapters will be released per week.

Lakshay_Thakur_9837 · Anime & Comics
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502 Chs

Volume 5 – Chapter 42(No Clue)


Author Note:

[ ] = When Twilight is speaking.

{ } = When talking through Telepathy.

' ' = When thinking in your mind.

<<  >> = When talking with your Pokémon or Tamed Beast.

--- --- = When describing a certain period of time OR Another place.

** ** = Point Of View i.e., POV

/// /// = In Call

" " = System and when talking to it.


Ningguang was having hard time processing what just transpired.

She was in her office, going through the documents about the current state of Liyue Harbor. The documents contained information of every tourist, merchants, scholars, adventurers and so on that were currently in the city. It also included their background check to confirm whether any of them would be harmful to the nation.

All this knowledge helped Ningguang in her next move. Letting her know if by making contact with that person would bring profit or loss. In past, thanks to such intel that helped her establishing many businesses relationship with other party letting Liyue prosper till today.

Things were moving same as always but then all of sudden one of her servants came into her office in panic and present her with a piece of paper.

Seeing it Ningguang had a drastic change of expression.

That unusual paper along with divine power on it clearly indicated that it was sent by their Geo Archon. Why she was so sure? Because their Archon had contact Liyue Qixing like this in past. Even if it's been years since their God last sent message like this, everyone in Liyue Qixing knew about it. Hence, Ningguang was certain of the paper authenticity.

She hurriedly took the paper from her servant hand and read it. The message was "Take good care of the couple".

That was the only message.

Next, Ningguang ordered her servants to brought the information of all the couple that had arrived Liyue today. Why today? Because their God only messaged them today. In other words, this couple must be among the people who just arrived Liyue.

Soon, a stack of paper was placed on her table. Many people came and left Liyue every day. Among them there were many husbands and wives who came to settle down or just for vacation. Hence so many of them.

As Ningguang was going through all of them one-by-one, one of the duos grabbed her attention.

It was man with black hair and bluish blue eyes and woman with violet hair and purple eyes.

They appeared to be newlyweds and seemed to arrive on the ship which was on its way to Mondstadt but had to turn back thanks to the captain who forgot some important stuff behind.

Ningguang was also surprised when she learnt that this couple had attraction in whole Liyue Harbor after their arrival that people started calling them "Loving Couple", "Beautiful Pair", "Best Fit" and many more.

But then Ningguang caught something between the lines and told her servant to bring the list of the passengers who aboard the ship when it left before. Since that time ship only took the people who were in Liyue that time, it didn't make sense that people didn't notice this couple before.

A minute later, the list of passengers was present before her. And just as she expected, that husband and wife were not among them. This meant they abroad the ship in between the journey. However, the data said that ship didn't stop the whole way before returning.

In other words, that pair appeared out of nowhere.

This made her certain that this duo was what their God told her to look after. Hence, she decided to meet them.





---Present Time---

Looking at the Primis and Makoto who had left, Ningguang brain were running miles in a second. Even after introducing herself, the other party didn't give a damn. She just barely said a word but that man already saw through her and concluded that she was sent here but her god.

Ningguang had never met such a person who caught her off guard like this. All the plans and words she thought off all went down to drain. Still, she knew what was important at this moment.

She hurriedly rushed to stop them.

Ningguang: Wait, Sir. Give me a minute to explai---

Though her words trailed off when she noticed that they were no longer there. She looked around didn't even saw a shadow of them. So, she asked the guards around. But their answer was that they didn't see them either.

Realizing that things were more arduous than they appeared, Ningguang returned to her suite and ordered every single bit of information to be brought to her as fast as possible.





While Ningguang was busy with her things, Primis and Makoto walked to the other section of Yujing Terrace.

Makoto: Since Morax sent her, don't Lord think we should at least have a word with her?

Primis: There is nothing for us to discuss. So, what's the point?



Suddenly Primis received two system prompts.

Raising one of his brows, he clicked them in his mind and two new windows appeared in front of him.

He read both of them one by one and the corner of lips rose a little.

'Primis: Interesting.'

Next, he put them away and his gaze fell on an elderly woman who was staring at a bright, sky-blue flower with a frown.

Still, he only gaze at the woman for a moment before turning his attention to the table at the side.

There on the table a tea set was placed on it. Primis attention was only on that ceramic teapot.

At this point as if sensing something, the elderly woman turned and looked at Primis direction. However, he was no longer there. This made the woman frown as she was sure she felt someone standing behind her.





By now Primis and Makoto had already stepped down from the stairs and reached the streets of Liyue.

Makoto: That woman is an Adeptus.

Primis: She is.

Makoto: What business you have with her, My Lord?

Primis: I was there for that Serenitea Pot.

Makoto: Then why didn't Lord ask for it?

Primis: Because there was no need.

With this Primis brought his hand in front as electricity appeared in his hand.


It hurriedly condensed and formed something.

By the time, it disappeared, Makoto agape seeing the same teapot now in Primis hand.

Makoto: M-My Lord, did you just create Serenitea Pot out of nowhere?

Primis: Yes. Though since I don't need it for myself, I downgraded it. As a result, instead of going inside and living there, one can only put things inside and take them out.

Makoto: Like, the materials.

Primis: Exactly.

Next, the space wrapped and the pot disappeared.




Back at Mondstadt.

The pot appeared on Katheryne desk with a note attached to it.

Getting confused, she checked it out.

After reading it, her countenance change since she learnt that it was sent by Primis. He told to put all the materials that Yuuya and other Adventurers will collect into the pot.

Once the message was correctly delivered, a spark of blue flame appeared on the note and burnt it to nothing.

Katheryne gulped nervously witnessing that. If "The Crimson Moon" can send the things and message to her while in Liyue, this meant he could also return to Mondstadt in an instant whenever he felt like it.

She also had a feeling he could also kill the people from afar like what he did to the note just now.

Having no intention of becoming the target of his wrath, Katheryne followed as she was ordered.





Ningguang had frowned her forehead as she went through everything. No matter what kind of information she was given to her, what she got every time was nothing.

Yes, Nothing.

The people on board didn't know them. Even the captain and crew didn't know about them.

When Captain was asked about it his response confused Ningguang even more. According to him, they were on the ship from the very beginning. It must be the mistake of the person who made the list of passengers.

What made things even worse was that, Captain was blatantly protecting them. To the point that he trusted that couple more than even his own crew.

With further investigation, Ningguang learnt that one of passenger had a very good relation with the couple. That person spent most of the time with them.

But when Ningguang investigate about it, she was shocked to hear that no one know who that person was. As if the information had been erased from all of their mind at once.

Ningguang faced turned ugly. She leaned back on her seat and rubbed her forehead because of headache.

They were barely getting any clue. She even thought of gathering information from other nations. Thinking that that couple must be residence of other countries.

Still, in the end, she had to put that thought away. Seeing the condition of passengers and ship crew, Ningguang was certain that even if that husband wife did come to other nation, the people of that nation would also have their memories tempered.

In the end, she ordered her servant to call someone while she also secretly contacted another person.

A minute later, the door of her office opened and someone entered.


???: Do you need for something, Lady Ningguang?

She was youthful-looking woman with the physical appearance of a late-teenage girl to her early twenties in terms of her appearance. She had long blue hair that fades into a brighter shade at the tips as opposed to the lighter shade it was the closer it gets to her scalp. Her eyes were a mix of pink and purple. Her outfit was a black bodysuit with golden details around her legs underneath. Her sleeves were white with blue at both ends and are detached from her dress, matching her dress' bodice. She had a noticeable pair of black and red horns on her head similar to those of a horn, indicating that she was half-Adeptus.

Ningguang: Yes, Ganyu. I want you to find a person or a couple for me as fast as possible.





Makoto: My Lord, since Mondstadt doesn't have much time, won't it be good if we ask the Liyue to provide them with assistance?

Primis: It isn't. Liyue has its own share of problems. Instead of helping the other nations, it would be better if they focus on their own.

Makoto: What kind of troubles?

Primis: You will know.

Saying this, Primis eyes fell on the pavilion in the distance.

Both made their way to it in the matter of minutes.

The area around it was silent. No one was even trying to walk towards its direction. It was as if some kind of power was keeping people away from it.

Once they reached there, they saw a person sitting inside as if waiting for them.

However, that someone was completely unexpected.

Makoto had a drastic change of expression seeing the person while Primis remained calm since he had expected this.

She opened her mouth and spoke in trembling voice.

Makoto: W-What are you d-doing here in Liyue, Ei?

Yes. The person was none other than the current Electro Archon of Inazuma. Raiden Ei.



*A/N: Please throw some power stones.
