
Ordverse Ascension

Hello, Everyone. This is Author: Lakshay_Thakur_9837. This is my very first novel. And since English is not my first language, I am sure there will be some pronunciation errors. Hence, I am apologizing in advanced because of that. First World: Danmachi Second World: Akame Ga Kill Third World: Re:Zero − Starting Life in Another World Fourth World: Fate/stay night: Heaven's Feel Fifth World: Guilty Crown Sixth World: Black Bullet Seventh World(Currently): Genshin Impact *Note: Only 3-4 chapters will be released per week.

Lakshay_Thakur_9837 · Anime & Comics
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459 Chs

Volume 4 - Chapter 56(Dragon Tooth Warriors)


Author Note:

[  ]  =  When Twilight is speaking.

{  }  =  When talking through Telepathy.

'  '  =  When thinking in your mind.

<<  >>  =  When talking with your Pokémon or Tamed Beast.

---  ---  =  When describing a certain period of time.



Primis's car kept on travelling to distance without stopping. Once reaching the destination, the car stopped, and everyone came out.

They looked in front saw a huge mountain.

Primis: We will go rest of the way on foot.

No one denied as they entered the mountain. Even when they climbed half of the mountain, they didn't saw anything weird. Yet, none of them lowered their guard. Why? Because...…

Illya: It shouldn't be this quiet.

Yes. It was just too quiet. They can't even hear insects let alone birds or animals. When they were about to reach the top, they saw a hill station at some distance. With their guard up, they walked up to it.

Though the moment entered its vicinity.


They sensed that they had entered a barrier.

Beatrice: Looks like we are going to meet another Servant and Master.

Artoria: I don't think so.

Beatrice: Oh…

Medusa undid her spirit state and notified Primis.

Medusa: Master, we can't sense any Servant here except us.

Illya: So, it's just a Master.

Scáthach: Or a Mage.

Primis: Let's check it.

'Primis: The traces of Mew disappeared after coming here. It shouldn't be possible unless...'

[Looks like what we were following the false traces that Mew left to confuse its pursuers.]

'Primis: It seems so. Though it's still helped us because we are not the only one who fell for it.'

[That's true.]

'Primis: Now, let's see who others are tracking Mew.'

Next, Primis and others reached the Hill station. Looking around anyone could tell that it had been deserted for years.

Ophis: Primis.

Looking at where Ophis was pointing, everyone saw a destroyed area. And this destruction was recently. Maybe last night.

Illya: Bones?

Approaching the area, Illya saw some bones scattered on the ground.

Artoria: They are not human bones.

Medusa: Yes. But the same can't be said for the blood there.

Medusa pointed at the dried blood on the leaves at the side.

Primis: Follow the trails.

They then started following those trails of blood. As they were following it, the amount of blood started to increase.

Finally, after some time, they came across a corpse. Too bad that only the legs were remained of that body.

Illya: It's difficult to identify the person like this.

Primis wave his hand that the remaining body got engulfed in his blue flames.


Primis: Let's continue.

Just like that, they kept on going deeper and came across even more corpses. Still, none of the corpse was intact.

Like this, time went by.




Three hours later.

They reached the top of the mountain and looked around.

There was nothing.

Illya: It seems that the one responsible for all that left after killing those Mages.

Said Illya, though before she could continue Primis pulled her near him.

Illya: Big Brother?

As she showed a confused expression, Primis spoke.

Primis: We are surrounded.

Illya: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Becoming stunned Illya saw that others were standing back and back with each other. Then she saw some skeleton like things coming out of the forest one-by-one.

'Primis: Dragon Tooth Warriors. Huh.'

[They are the Familiars that are used by the Caster, Medea......... Sill, their amount is astonishing.]

'Primis: Um. Such amount is not something Medea could made in just a day or two. It's more like she was creating them since day she is summoned.'

Illya: They are just some cheap familiars that can be destroyed easily.

Scáthach: True. But their quantity is too much.

Illya: Yes. They are almost hundreds of them.

Ophis: No, they are not.

Illya: Huh?

Primis: They are all over the mountain. In other words, they are Hundreds of Thousands in quantity.

Illya: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Artoria: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Medusa: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Beatrice: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ophis and Scáthach also nodded at Primis words.

Illya: N-No way.


Artoria hurriedly equipped her armor and the invisible sword appeared in her hand.


Medusa also took out her weapon.

Scáthach also equipped her body suit and Gáe Bolg(Original) appeared in her hand.

Magic also started to condense near Beatrice.

Watching this, Illya hurriedly used her hairs and created her own familiars. Four birds made of her wire construct took shape and started flapping their wings around her. The name of these birds was "Storch Ritter: Stork Knight".

Glancing back at the Primis, she asked.

Illya: Should I summon Berserker to assist?

Primis: No need. They might be too many, still a Servant can easily handle them. Though it will be time consuming. But time is the only thing we don't lack.

Illya nodded her head hearing this.

Primis: Anyway...…

Putting his hand on Scáthach shoulder, Primis spoke.

Primis: Me, my Empress, and Scáthach won't be joining this fight. It's up to you four.

Illya: Wha...…

Illya mouth opened wide in shock while others just nodded their head. Scáthach also took the step back and send her equipment back into her soul.

Primis: Saber and Rider will fight in closer combat while Betty and Illya will support from behind......Now, Begin.



Both Artoria and Medusa charged at the enemies.

Artori reached in front of first enemy and swung her sword.



The warrior didn't even get the chance to attack before it got destroyed.

The other warriors near that one attacked.





Still Artoria easily dodged them and killed them.









At this time some bone arrows were launched towards Artoria. Just when she was about to dodge them...…






Magic bullets came from behind her and intercept them.

Looking back, Artoria saw Illya's bird which were flying around her and were the one who attacked.

Nodding her head at Illya, Artoria continued.

On the other side, Medusa was also moving extreme fast while killing one tooth warrior after another. She used her chains to throw one warrior to another.



The moment the group stumbled or fell, she appeared in front of them and end them.








Bone arrows were also shot at her. But the moment they were about to hit her...





They were all deflected by the wind barrier that would appear around her.

Beatrice who was standing behind pointing her hand towards Medusa. She was the one using wind to protect Medusa.

Because of that not only the wind was protecting Medusa but also increasing her speed.

You can that If Artoria and Illya side had strength, then Medusa and Beatrice side had speed.

Just like that both teams kept on destroying the warriors without stopping.



While they were engaging in battle, Primis who was standing behind with Ophis and Scáthach was deep in thoughts.

'Primis: If Medea really started creating them since the first day, this means the moment she was summoned, she was able to sense Mew's power.'

[Um. I also think so. Now that I think about it, even if Mew is the strongest pokémon. Its main type is Psychic. And since Medea being one of the best mages......…]

'Primis: She could have sensed Mew's power.'

[Yes. What do you think?]

'Primis: Hmmm............I think you are right. Sensing Mew's power, Medea must want to make it her Familiar.'

[How stupid. Even though Mew also have "disks" placed on it, it is still the strongest pokémon close to God. In other word, a True Demi-God. How could she possible think of controlling it when she doesn't even have the strength of Dimensional God.]

Primis didn't deny Twilight words. After becoming Omniscient, he knew where Mew stood. If he had to explain Mew power, then you could say that Mew could force the current Scáthach to go all out against it.

Of course, the winner will be Scáthach in the end. But still, being able to force Scáthach go all out was already an achievement on its own.

'Primis: If what I am thinking is right then Medea actually don't how strong Mew is.'

[Are you saying she only knew that there is a strong phantasm specie but don't know how strong it is?]

'Primis: Yes.'

[Then it's understandable why she is still looking for Mew.]

'Primis: Oh well, it doesn't matter. Because tonight she is going to die by the hand of the hands of true Assassin anyway.'


At this time, Primis saw that an arrow gaze at Illya side injuring her slightly. Still, she ignored that kept on fighting without stopping.

Primis: Celebi.

Space wrapped and the green pokémon with blue baby doll eyes came out.

Primis: Assist them.

Celebi: Bi.

Said Celebi before flying towards Illya and used its power to heal her.

Witnessing how her injure was healed, Illya showed her gratitude while smiling.

Illya: Thank you.

Celebi: Bi! Bi!

Replied Celebi enthusiastically before it started hovering above them. Next, it started to release its power. Then as if answering to its call, the tendrils, branches and so of of the trees started moving.





They moved at an extremely high speed and entangled the tooth warriors. Especially the roots that came out of the ground and pulled the bow warriors more than half in the ground.

Others didn't let go of this opportunity and released their onslaught.

Scáthach couldn't help but nod her head while looking at Celebi.

Scáthach: I have never seen or heard such phantasm species before, but I must say its control over the life energy is pretty good.

However, she narrowed her eyes in the next moment.

Scáthach: My Lord, is it on the verge of breaking its limit.

Primis: Yes.

Scáthach: No wonder.

Primis was also looking at Celebi at this moment. No to be more exact, most of his attention was on it.

[Just like you predicted, the moment that divine power and Arcueid started merging with the "Pets" world, the "disk" placed on your pokémon started to reveal itself. As a result, they now want to break it. Moltres is also going through the same right now.]

'Primis: Um. Once Celebi broke its "disk" then its strength will enter the realm of 4th Dimensional God. As for Moltres, its strength will enter the realm of 5th Dimensional God.'

[True. Still, why am I having a feeling that Celebi is having more trouble breaking its "disk" compared to Moltres.]

'Primis: You are not wrong. The reason is because Celebi doesn't have much Battle experience compared to Moltres.'

[This explains it.]

'Primis: That's why I call Celebi most of the time for fighting instead of Moltres for now.'

[You want it to gain more experience.]

'Primis: Yes.'

Just like that Time went by.




Night came.



With one more slash, Artoria destroyed the last Dragon Tooth Warrior.

Primis: Well Done.

Hearing this, a smile bloomed on her face. The same could be said for Medusa and Beatrice. Even after all that fighting, all three of them were still the same as before the fighting begin. Let alone feeling tired, even their breathing was normal.

Though, it can't be said for Illya.

Illya: *HUFF* *HUFF* *HUFF* I *HUFF* hate you *HUFF* *HUFF* *HUFF* B..Big Br.other.

Primis smiled a little seeing how she was pouting and glaring at him. Compared to others, Illya was sitting on the ground completely covered in sweat.

He then approached her and started patting her head gently and spoke in a soft tone.

Primis: You also do great, Illya. Well done.

Illya: .........

Illya became silent hearing this and meekly nodded her head.

As for Celebi, it was currently sleeping in Primis embrace who was hugging it with one hand. This battle was very taxing for it.

Still, it helped it to gain a lot of experience.

Primis: It's time to lea----


Suddenly, Primis words came to stop when he realized that his Command Seal under his glove had started glowing again.

Then a series of Twilight prompt appeared in front of him.




[A new feature "Noble Phantasms" has been added.]

[First Noble Phantasm has been registered.]




I.  Personal Profile  (new)

II.  Store/Shop 

III.  Inventory 

IV.  Pocket Worlds 

V.  Members 

VI.  Worlds Travel 

VII. Abyss Trial II 




I.  Personal Profile

  -> Template 1: The Black Swordsman

  -> Template 2: Planar Lord

  -> Side Skills

  -> Incantation Symbols

  -> Beast Companions 

  -> Spirits 

  -> Noble Phantasms  (new)

  -> Awakenings




Noble Phantasms

·  Tsubame Gaeshi





*A/N: Please throw some power stones.
