
Volume 4 - Chapter 39(Battle)


Author Note:

[ ] = When Twilight is speaking.

{ } = When talking through Telepathy.

' ' = When thinking in your mind.

<< >> = When talking with your Pokémon or Tamed Beast.

--- --- = When describing a certain period of time.



The summoning circle shone for a moment before becoming silent again.

'Primis: Good. The contract has been established. Though because of time mechanism in the circle, the servant will only come out at the established time.'

Nodding Primis didn't stand up but kept on looking at the circle. He then kept on sending Zenith inside the circle as if trying something else.

At this time, someone crawled into the shed and then.


A reddish color light attacked from behind. Shirou hurriedly used his Magic-craft to solidify a paper to defend himself.


Shirou: Guh!!

The attack was blocked but he was also pushed further inside. Then a man entered. He was blue-haired, red-eyed man and was wearing a deep ultramarine full body tights covered in Runic protections, grey metallic pauldrons, and a metal plate over his lowest abdominal section. He wore his hair on a rattail that reached his mid-back. He was also wearing a pair of silver earrings. He gave off the impression of a beast, even carrying a bestial smell.

That man was Lancer, Cú Chulainn.

Betty and Kyubey turned and looked at them. Because Primis was still using "Denial and Acceptance of Plane", neither Shirou nor Cú Chulainn could see or sense them. Though, anyone can tell that Cú Chulainn was here to kill Shirou. Nevertheless, they didn't make any move. Whether Shirou live or die, it's none of their concern.

Primis also didn't turn and put his entire attention on the summoning circle. He had no intention of hearing their last conversation.


Suddenly, the Summoning Circle started to shine again.

'Primis: It's time.'

Magic was released from the circle. Before it could take a shape a person, the person rushed forward.

Cú Chulainn: This magic. The Seventh Servant!


Bringing Gáe Bolg in front, Cú Chulainn protected himself but was pushed out of the shed.

At this time, in front of Shirou stood a young girl in her early-mid teens with a slender physique, soft skin, and green eyes. She had "finely textured" blonde hair that seemed "as if sprinkled with gold dust". She was wearing shining armor with an old-style dress, made from old-fashioned blue cloth, underneath.

Beatrice: Oh. She is strong.

Kyubey: True. But not someone you should be afraid of.

Beatrice: Betty knows that.

???: I ask you.

Shirou: Huh?

The young girl turned and looked at Shirou.

???: Are you worthy to be, my master?

Shirou: ...............…Your…Master?

???: I am your servant, Saber. I have come in response to your summon.

Shirou: ............…

As Shirou was still showing confused expression, Saber turned and looked outside. Wind started to gather around her hands and an invisible sword appeared. She then dashed outside to fight Cú Chulainn.

Shirou: Wait!!!!

Shirou also followed behind.

Beatrice and Kyubey who were looking at their interaction from the side returned their attention to Primis.

Beatrice: Big Brother. As your contracted Spirit, I can tell that that girl is connected to you not that human.

Kyubey: Of course. Because our master is her Master not that human.

Beatrice: Then why is she saying that that human is her master.

Primis: Because she doesn't know herself yet. Not only are we hiding our existence, my power is not magic but Zenith.

Beatrice: Zenith?

Primis: I will explain more about my power later. Anyway, because that human is the only one around to have magic circuit and with the spur moment to protect him, she didn't check her contract with him. As a result, she thought of him as her master for now.

Saying this, Primis removed the leather glove from his left hand till he could see its back. There he can see a command-spell on it. However, there was something different. This command spell was completely different from any another command spells.

It's the diagram of a planet surrounded by two rings. Not only that, but this command spell was also blue in color rather than red.

'Primis: This command spell is as if it is representing the counter force itself.'

[This is not a simple Command Spell.]

'Primis: I know. Not only is this Gaia, Alaya, and Counter Force. This spell can only be activated by Zenith not magic.'


Wearing the glove back, Primis turned his attention to the summoning circle again. Soon the circle rose from the ground. And then it got completely absorbed in Primis right hand.

Primis: We are done here. Let's go outside.

Beatrice: Um.

Kyubey: Yes.










At this time, both Saber and Lancer were fighting each other. Primis and others walked up to Shirou and were looking at the fight. It was obvious that Saber had the upper hand.

Primis: Betty.

Beatrice: Hmm?

Primis: Want to fight them?

Beatrice: What?

Beatrice showed a confused expression to Primis.

Primis: Don't you want to test their strength?

Beatrice: ...............Ok.

Then Beatrice walked up to them.

Saber: Haa!!


Lancer: Urgh!!!

After blocking another attack, both maintained some distance between each other. Lancer changed his stance and looked at Saber.

Lancer: Since this is our first meeting, would you like to call it a draw?

Saber: No. You will fall here, Lancer. I will make sure of it.

Lancer: Is that so. Well----




At this time, Beatrice walked between them which attracted both their and Shirou's attention.

Shirou: Wha---What are you doing here? Leave.

Shirou started to panic when he saw how a little girl appeared and walk between them. While Shirou was panicking, Saber and Lancer got stunned and raised their guard to the limit. That's because they didn't even sense Beatrice till, she showed herself.

Lancer: Who are you?

Beatrice: Betty wants to see how strong you Servants are. Especially you.

Glancing at Saber, Beatrice continued.

Beatrice: Betty wants to see the strength of the servant that Big Brother summoned.

Saber: What?

When she heard this, Saber looked at Shirou. Seeing her gaze, Shirou hurriedly shook his head.

Shirou: I don't know her.

Beatrice: You really are a fool. That human is not your master. You were so concentrated on fighting this Servant that you didn't even check your connection with him.

Saber: What do you say?

Saber looked at Shirou again and realized what Beatrice was saying was true.

Lancer: Hmm. Now that I look at it, that boy doesn't have command seals behind the back of his hand. It's just stigmata.

Shirou: Stigmata.

Shirou looked at the back of his left hand and saw traces of blood that were forming a pattern. Though they stopped midway.

Lancer: Once the Servant is summoned, Stigmata becomes the Command Seals. If you don't summon the Servant that it will remain like Stigmata.

Saber: If you are not my master then who is it.

Saber then used the connection to find her master. Once she turned her head towards where she sensed the source......

Beatrice: I said let me test you. Minya!

Beatrice raised her hand and used her magic to create stakes made of crystallized mana covered with light purple flames above her head before launching them towards Saber and Lancer simultaneously.








Lancer & Saber: Wha----

Witnessing this both started using their weapons to destroy those stakes.






Lancer: This...

Even though they were destroying the stakes, they were stepping back.

'Saber: Not only they are too many, but they are also very fast.'





The ground where those stakes got stabbed started to erode. As they were destroying and dodging them, Beatrice launched one of the stakes at the roof of Shirou's house.



The roof exploded.

By now Saber and Lancer had gotten rid of all the stakes. When they looked at Beatrice, they saw her looking at the other side of the side. This attracted their attention too.

Beatrice: If you think you can hide yourself in spirit form then you are wasting your time.


There was silence for a few seconds before a voice came.

???: For a Caster you really have sharp senses.

Then that servant dispersed his Spirit form and showed himself. He was young man in his mid-twenties. He was wearing black body armor and a red overcoat over it.

Lancer: Archer. Huh. So, you also came.

Archer: This was a surprise. To think four Servants Saber, Lancer, Caster, and Archer will all gathered.

Lancer: Yeah. It was truly unexpected. But that's what the Holy Grail War is. Full of surprises.

Saber: Yeah.

Beatrice: Oh, well. Betty will face all three of you then. El Minya!!


*A/N: Please throw some power stones.


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