
Ordverse Ascension

Hello, Everyone. This is Author: Lakshay_Thakur_9837. This is my very first novel. And since English is not my first language, I am sure there will be some pronunciation errors. Hence, I am apologizing in advanced because of that. First World: Danmachi Second World: Akame Ga Kill Third World: Re:Zero − Starting Life in Another World Fourth World: Fate/stay night: Heaven's Feel Fifth World: Guilty Crown Sixth World: Black Bullet Seventh World(Currently): Genshin Impact *Note: Only 3-4 chapters will be released per week.

Lakshay_Thakur_9837 · Anime & Comics
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505 Chs

Volume 4 - Chapter 16(End of the first Arc)


Author Note:

[ ] = When Twilight is speaking.

{ } = When talking through Telepathy.

' ' = When thinking in your mind.

<< >> = When talking with your Pokémon or Tamed Beast.

--- --- = When describing a certain period of time.


[H-How does she know your n-name? This is the f-first time you both are meeting in this l-loop.]

'Primis: ......…'

Primis remained silent. He turned to Subaru and saw that he also had a shocked expression. This proved that he didn't tell Felt about him. Turning to Felt who was still looking at him, Primis shook his head and decided to think about it later.

Primis: Stay back. You are not her match.

Felt: B-But----

Primis: Subaru.

Snapping out of his thoughts, Subaru hurriedly grabbed hold of Felt not letting her charge recklessly.

Felt: YOU. LET GO.

Subaru: I won't. Now that Rigla is here let him handle this.

Stepping forward, Primis looked at all the ice spikes and crystal that were all around the room before turning to the last person.

The person was a beautiful half-elf with long silver hair and purple-blue eyes. She was wearing a white and purple outfit along with a white flower in her hair. Although she appeared to be in her late teens, Primis knew that her mental age was between 10-15 years.

Primis: What's your name?

???: Huh?

At first, she was surprised when Primis asked her name. Because instead of asking, it's more like he was demanding her. Still, she replied.

???: E-Emilia.

Primis: Hmm. So, you are one of the five candidates chosen by the Dragon Insignia. The one who will fight for the throne of this "Kingdom of Lugunica".

Emilia: Yes.

Primis: I see. Then get up. You will also be joining this fight since you are here for your Insignia.

Emilia: U-Um.

Emilia nodded meekly before standing up and walking up to Primis. Once she reached him, Primis moved a step forward and stood in front of her.

Primis: I will handle the close combat. You support me from behind. Focus completely on attack. Leave the rest to me.

Emilia: What if she used something that to catch us off guard.

Primis: Don't worry about it. With me here, no harm will come to you.

Emilia: .........

Emilia eyes opened wide as she looked Primis back who was walking towards Elsa. She then pointed both her hands in front as many ice icicles started to appear around her. While she was completely concentrating on her enemy, she didn't realize a tinge of blush that had appeared on her face.

Primis: Sorry to keep you waiting.

Elsa: No problem. I can wait some more to see your beautiful bowels.

Primis: I see.

Replied Primis before picking up the Gun Blade from his back. Elsa also pointed her black kukri blade at him before charging.


Deflecting her first attack, Primis took a turn before attacking with a kick from the side. In response, Elsa brought her free arm in front to block it.


Since Primis didn't put strength in his kick, it only pushed her few steps towards the side.





Grabbing the chance, Emilia launched her ice icicles at her. Elsa did some flips and dodged almost all the icicles. As for the remaining one, she destroyed them with her blade.



Once she did so, Primis appeared in front of her. And attacked.





Both kept on clashing their weapons with each other. Neither getting any upper hand. In between, many times Primis pushed her away giving Emilia chances to attack.

Primis: Look at her actions Emilia. She is not just attacking but also using her surroundings to her advantage. That's also something you must learn. Your surroundings can sometimes help you to turn the tides of battle.

Emilia: Um. But what if they can only be used for the enemy's advantage?


Primis: In that case, you can use some countermeasures. First, you can do something that can throw or push your enemy away from that battlefield. With this, he or she will lose that advantage.

Emilia: Um.

Primis: Second, use one of your stronger moves and destroy the entire battlefield.

Emilia: What if you can't do that? Like what if there are people around you who might get caught up in it?

Saying this Emilia glanced at the Subaru and Felt who were hiding in the corner.

Primis: In that case, you can use third option. And that is to make some changes on the battlefield. Like how your ice icicles were changing the shape of this battlefield.

Emilia: Oh.

Said Emilia and looked around. By now most of the room was covered in ice crystals.


Emilia: Ow!!!

Emilia let out a cute yelp before covering her forehead and looking in front with her slightly moist eyes. Primis, who was fighting Elsa, was now standing in front of her.

Primis: The most important thing. Never turn your attention away from the battle.

Blushing in embarrassment, Emilia lowered her head.

Emilia: I am sorry.

Sensing her sincerity, Primis gave a sigh before putting his head on her head and started patting her. Emilia became shocked because of his action but didn't say anything. On the contrary, she unconsciously narrowed her eyes and started leaning forward towards his hand.


On the other side, Felt was looking at this while gritting her teeth in jealously. Removing his hand, Primis turned to Elsa again. If it was another time, then she would have attacked not giving other party any time for their casual talk. However, this time it was different. She was forced to go all out from the beginning. As a result, fatigue was catching up to her. Hence, she needed a moment of breather.

Primis: Let's continue.

She could only nod in frustration. By now even she knew that Primis was just playing with her. No, he was using her as a punching bag to teach her target. But she can do nothing about it. The difference between them was just too big. She must find a way to escape.

The Battle Begins again.








The same scenario was repeating with Primis keeping Elsa occupied while giving Emilia the chances to attack. Though this time, Emilia had improved. She was looking at the surroundings and attacking in a way that it became more difficult for Elsa to defend than before.

Time went by.


Another exchange and both took maintained some distance between each other. Primis was still calm, but Elsa had lost her smile. She knew that there was no point in fighting because this was no longer a life-or-death battle but bullying. Ignoring Elsa's piercing gaze, Primis turned and looked at Emilia who seemed tired after fighting all this time. Still, she was keeping a strong front to not show her weakness.

Primis: I guess that's enough for now.

Elsa: Huh?

Putting the sword back on his back, Primis walked towards the 'corpse' of old man Rom. He picked him up casually with one hand and took him towards Emilia. Reaching her, he dropped him on the ground.


Primis: He is still alive. Heal him.

Emilia turned her attention to the corpse of old man Rom and crouched down to check. Then she became surprised.

Emilia: You are right, he is still alive.

Felt: Really.

Felt broke free from Subaru grasp and approached the two.

Emilia: Um. He is. But...…

She looked at Primis as if trying to say something. Primis understood what she meant and replied instead.

Primis: No need to reserve your magic to fight Elsa. Use it to heal him. Elsa is no longer our problem.

Emilia: No longer our problem?

Primis: Um. I think you have seen enough. Why don't you come out?

Emilia: ......…

Felt: ......…

Subaru: ......…

Elsa: ......…

All four were astonished hearing this because they expected there to be someone else except them. A ticking moment went by and someone entered through the broken door.

???: Sorry about that. I was thinking about helping when I arrived. But seeing how you handle it easily, I decided to stay put.

Subaru: Reinhard.

Reinhard: Hello, Subaru. I never thought we would meet this soon.

Subaru: I-I didn't either.

Emilia: Reinhard? Don't tell me "Reinhard Van Astrea".

Primis: Yes.

Elsa: To think that the sword saint of the Capital is in front of me. It's an honor.

Primis: Since you are here, I will leave the rest to you.

Reinhard: Sure, thank you.

Even though it seemed Elsa was smiling but in truth she was irritated. First, there was already someone who was not only stronger than her but was also using her as a sandbag to teach her target. And now came the strongest person of the Kingdom. She started to wonder whether her client sent her to be captured or killed.

Nevertheless, she decided to put that thought at the back of her mind for now. Licking her lips again, she charged at Reinhard. Primis ignored their fight for now and motioned Emilia to heal Old Man Rom. Except Subaru who was watching the fight between Elsa and Reinhard, other three were focusing their gaze on Old Man Rom which was being healed by Emilia.

At this moment, Primis felt a tuck on his jacket. Turning he saw Felt looking at him.

Felt: Don't you have nature spirit? It can heal Old Man Rom faster.

Primis raised one of his brows hearing this.

'Primis: This confirmed it. Felt remember the past loop.'

[But just how?]

Primis remained silent because he didn't know why either.

Primis: Something happened so it went to deep slumber.

Felt: Deep slumber? Did it get injured or something?

Primis: You can say that.

Primis decided to tell half-truth and half-lie. It's true that Celebi went into deep slumber but not that it was injured. It seemed like Primis was not the only one who benefited after absorbing that crystal. When he was rushing here, Celebi temperature started to increase before it went into deep slumber. The same happened to Moltres who was inside "Pets" world too. As a result, both of Primis pets were currently resting in "Pets" world.

'Primis: Looking at them, I can tell that they will wake up by tomorrow's morning.'

Felt: Is it ok?

Felt became worried remembering the cute little spirit.

Primis: It will wake up by tomorrow.

Felt: Thank Goodness.

Felt gave a sigh of relief hearing this. Primis wanted to ask how or how much she remembered about the previous loop. Did she only know about the previous loop or the last two loops? But he restrained himself from asking. Why? Because it was as if his instincts were screaming and warning him not to ask.

'Primis: This happened for the first time. Why am I having a feeling that asking such question will bring more harm than good?'

[Then you should believe your instincts. They never failed you.]

'Primis: That's true.........…There is one thing or being who can be danger to me.'

[It's 'that' existence.]

'Primis: Um. If I trust my instincts, then this means............'

[Somehow asking this question may led to something that will let that 'existence' know your location.]

'Primis: Mn.'




Turning around, Primis looked at the one-sided battle. Reinhard was just too powerful. He was in his own league. No matter what Elsa did, Reinhard casually countered it.


A shockwave from his attack sent her away. At this moment......

Emilia: I-I......…am...done.

Emilia replied in a tired voice. Old Man Rom injuries were healed, he was just unconscious now. Looking at Emilia condition it's not hard to tell that she was at her limit. Noticing this, Subaru asked in a worried voice.

Subaru: Are you ok?

Emilia: Um...... Just a little...tired.

'Primis: She won't be able to stay awake for too long.'

Primis: Reinhard, you can end this now.

Giving a glance at Primis direction, Reinhard nodded his head. Once he did so, blue mana began to come out of his body and started to grow.

Elsa: Oh. You really are loved by this world.

In response, Reinhard smiled.

Reinhard: You are an evil being that must be purged from this land.

Next, he changed his stance and his sword started gleaming with blue light as mana from the atmosphere started entering his blade.

Reinhard: In the name of Astrea Family, I purge you from your malice and evil.

The light condensed and launched towards Elsa who was too shocked to even move.


The entire shack exploded, and the light of the moon fell on them. Primis, Emilia, Felt, Subaru, and Felt seemed fine.



The sword in Reinhard's hand shattered and turned to dust.

Reinhard: Sorry, I asked too much of you.

Just when Reinhard thought it was over.


Elsa came out of the wreckage, completely fine. Next, she turned and ran to escape. She ran towards Emilia who had barely recovered her mana, and slashed.

Reinhard: Watch out!!!

Subaru sprang into action this time. He pushed Emilia away and took the blow.




His bowels got cut and he fell on the ground bleeding profusely.

Elsa: Tch.

Clicking her tongue, Elsa jumped and hid herself in the shadow. Reinhard sighed and looked at Subaru who was being healed by Emilia. Then he came over.

Primis: Good job.

Reinhard: Thank you. Though, I think you could have handled it without me.

Primis: True. However, I want you to display your power. With this, it's proved that you can keep other party safe.

Reinhard: .........…Did what you tell me before true?

Instead of answering, Primis turned and called Felt.

Primis: Felt, come here.

Felt: Huh?

Felt became confused and approached him. Reinhard looked at Felt before astonishment appeared on his face.

Reinhard: ......…It's really her.

Felt: Hmm? What do you mean?

Felt showed a puzzled expression to Primis.

Primis: You will know once you go with him.

Felt: Go with him? Sorry, I have no such intention.

As Reinhard was thinking of taking her. Primis waved a hand at him.

Primis: Let me handle it.

Reinhard looked at Primis before nodding his head. Turning his gaze at Felt, Primis spoke.

Primis: Felt, tell me something. Don't you want to change your fate as a slum dweller? Don't you want to give a piece of mind to those people who looked down on you? Don't you want to change this, Kingdom?

Felt: ............I do.

Primis: Then such an opportunity is front of you now. Don't let it go, otherwise, you will regret it for the rest of your life.

Felt became silent and looked at Reinhard before turning to Primis again.

Felt: Are you sure I can get that chance by going with him?

Primis: I guarantee it.

Felt: ..................…...Ok.

Reinhard smiled hearing this and grabbed Felt arm. Felt didn't resist but still turned to Primis one last time.

Felt: .........Will we meet again?

Primis: Yes.

Felt: ............…...Um.

A smile appeared on her face as Reinhard took her with him before giving a wave to Primis. He also took Old Man Room with him. Primis looked at their disappearing figure before raising his head and looking at the Moon.

Primis: With this, the first Arc came to an end.


*A/N: Please throw some power stones.
