
Ordverse Ascension

Hello, Everyone. This is Author: Lakshay_Thakur_9837. This is my very first novel. And since English is not my first language, I am sure there will be some pronunciation errors. Hence, I am apologizing in advanced because of that. First World: Danmachi Second World: Akame Ga Kill Third World: Re:Zero − Starting Life in Another World Fourth World: Fate/stay night: Heaven's Feel Fifth World: Guilty Crown Sixth World: Black Bullet Seventh World(Currently): Genshin Impact *Note: Only 3-4 chapters will be released per week.

Lakshay_Thakur_9837 · Anime & Comics
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504 Chs

Volume 4 - Chapter 11(Stolen Goods Warehouse)


Author Note:

[ ] = When Twilight is speaking.

{ } = When talking through Telepathy.

' ' = When thinking in your mind.

<< >> = When talking with your Pokémon or Tamed Beast.

--- --- = When describing a certain period of time.


Primis opened his eyes and found himself walking in the middle of the streets like before. Sun was shining brightly in the sky.

<< Celebi: T-This.........…No way. We are sent back into time. How is this possible? >>

Said Celebi in astonishment. As a controller of time, of course, it could see the movements in time.

<< Primis: It's true that we are back in time. However, there are limitations. Like a specific destination. >>

<< Celebi: A specific destination? Master, do you mean this point in time has been recorded and formed some kind of---- >>

<< Primis: Checkpoint. >>

<< Celebi: Yes, checkpoint. In other words, even if we go back in time again, we will return to this specific point. Neither before nor after. >>

<< Primis: Exactly. >>

<< Celebi: Then how can we proceed forward if we will keep on returning here? >>

<< Primis: To do that we must reach next checkpoint. >>

<< Celebi: Next checkpoint? Do Master know where it is? >>

<< Primis: I have some thoughts. >>

<< Celebi: Ok. Still, it's amazing that someone can use time in such a way. >>

<< Primis: That's true. >>

Saying this, Primis continued walking before giving a glance at the side where his status window was.

'Primis: At least my stats didn't drop because of reset. They were S-968 before reset. And now they have reached S-971.'

[Well, if you have improved or trained your body then it must have returned to what it was at this checkpoint. However, you are not doing that. You are just making yourself more used to Zenith. That's why they didn't reset.]

'Primis: Yeah.'

<< Celebi: Master. >>

Primis turned to Celebi who called him.

<< Primis: What is it? >>

<< Celebi: Master, is the rewind---- >>

<< Primis: Let's call it 'reset'. >>

<< Celebi: Oh, ok >>

Celebi nodded and continued.

<< Celebi: Master, is the reset, related to that human? >>

<< Primis: ............ I suppose. >>

<< Celebi: But how? >>

<< Primis: Let's just say, someone don't want that person to die. >>

<< Celebi: But---- >>

<< Primis: That's enough for now. You will know more in future. >>

<< Celebi: O-Ok. >>

Both became silent. Celebi can tell Primis was thinking something important and didn't want anyone to disturb him.

[If it was before I would have also believed that. But not anymore. Even you are having doubts now, don't you?]

'Primis: ...............'

[So, you do.]

'Primis: ...............You remembered those words before the reset.'

[Yeah.........It was Satella who spoke them.]

Primis became silent and started pondering those words.







???: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. I gave that power to you, NOT HIM. WHY DID HE RECEIVE IT INSTEAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!







'Primis: Those words. It was as if they were implying............…'

[That she wanted to give the power of "Return by Death" to you instead of Natsuki Subaru.]

'Primis: But why?'

[You must ask her yourself.]

Primis kept on walking.

'Primis: Well, I know why Natsuki Subaru received it though. Since I don't exist in any time-axis, "Return by Death" is useless to me. But because I connect myself with his time-axis, he got that power.'

[Either way, the plot is moving smoothly for now.]

'Primis: Somewhat.'

[Yes, somewhat.]








Primis was currently sitting on the rooftop of one of the old houses in the Poor District. His attention was on two things. First, "Darkness, Incantation Symbol" inside him. Second, the man who was outside sitting on the steps leading to the door of "Stolen Goods Warehouse". He appeared to be waiting for someone.

The man was wearing athletic outfit which consisted of deep-grey tracksuit bottoms with an orange stripe down the side, black sneakers with vibrant orange laces and soles, and a black t-shirt. Additionally, he had a zipped-up white tracksuit jacket with a stand-up collar, deep-grey sleeves with an orange line running down their sides and orange cuffs, and deep-grey shoulders. On the left breast of the jacket was a black brand symbol that is reminiscent of the letter "N."

He is the protagonist of this "Re:Zero − Starting Life in Another World". Natsuki Subaru.

[He is waiting for Felt.]

'Primis: Yes.'

Primis replied from leaning back on the roof with his hands behind his head. His Gun Blade was placed at the side as he was looking at the orange sky while regulating "Darkness, Incantation Symbol". Even Twilight was confused about what Primis was trying to do. Ever since Primis gained his Second Template "Planar Lord", he was very focused on this Incantation Symbol. As a result, Darkness purer and more sinister.

[What are you planning with it?]

Primis didn't reply. Twilight asked a few more times but seeing his lack of response, she stopped. On the other hand, Celebi was flying here and there around Primis while poking him occasionally. Whenever it poked Primis, it ran away while giggling. Then returned and continued. Primis didn't mind. On the contrary, he moved his hand from time-to-time to catch Celebi. He didn't use real strength since he was also thinking of playing with Celebi to pass some time.

Time went by.

Finally, Primis raised his body at the arrival of the new presence. He saw someone approaching "Stolen Goods Warehouse". Subaru became elated seeing the person.

She was a short girl with fair skin and medium-length golden hair with a black bow. She had red eyes and wore a black top, red scarf, and black pants that were incomplete on the left side, where she was also wearing a red ribbon. She also wore a vest, gloves, and brown shoes, and had a belt with a sheath where her knife was.

[She's here.]

'Primis: One of the five candidates that will be fighting for the Crown. Felt.'

Next, Primis stood up and approached the shack. By now Natsuki Subaru and Felt were done talking and were about to knock on the door when Primis appeared behind them, and his shadow fell on them. Both stopped on their tracks. Subaru didn't give it much thought thinking that it was just another person who came to buy something from here.

But Felt was different. She tensed up and hurriedly moved her hand towards her knife on her belt. For someone to appear right behind her without even realizing it was clearly a sign that not only the said person was strong but also dangerous.

However, the moment her hand grabbed the handle, Primis's hand moved and touched on the tip of the handle. Making it impossible for her to draw the knife out of its sheath.

Primis: Calm down, little girl. I am not your enemy.

Veins appeared on Felt forehead before she spoke in anger.

Felt: First, I am not a little girl. I am a grown-up woman. Second, why should I believe you.

Ignoring her first sentence, Primis continued.

Primis: You already knew the answer. Since I can appear behind you without you sensing, this means I can also kill you before you even had the time to react. But I didn't. This answers your question.

Both parties remained silent for quite some time before Felt let out a sigh and removed her hand from the handle.

Felt: You're right. I am sorry about that.

Primis: Um.

Primis nodded before removing his hand and turning his attention to the next person, Natsuki Subaru. Subaru had also turned by now and was looking at Primis. But the moment, he did so......

Subaru: Grr...…

He let out a painful voice as he got an intense headache. Because of that he started sprawling around on the ground. Witnessing this, Primis remained apathetic and just gave a glance at Celebi on his shoulder. Celebi understood what Primis meant and started flapping its clear wings on his back and flew towards Subaru. Next, it pointed both its hands at him, and a green light covered him.

Subaru expressions started to ease up as he finally calmed dowm and looked at Celebi in gratitude.

Subaru: T-Thank you.

Celebi: Bi…Bi…Bi

Celebi replied happily before returning to Primis who approached him.

Primis: How are you feeling?

Subaru: Better. I am sorry but seeing you I thought I've seen you somewhere before.

Primis: You're not wrong.

Subaru: Wha----.

Primis: Let's talk inside.

Subaru: Ok.

Saying this Primis turned and looked at Felt who had been standing on her spot while looking at him in daze for quite some time. Because of that he heard Subaru murmuring something under his breath behind him.

Subaru: Tch. Damn, Ikemen.

Ignoring Subaru's words and Felt dazed look, Primis continued.

Primis: It would be fine if we discuss inside um...…

Felt: FELT. My name is Felt.

Primis words brought her out of her thoughts as she responded enthusiastically.

Primis: I see. So......


She replied loudly before turning towards the door again. Still, a faint tint of red on her cheeks didn't escape other eyes.



She knocked two times on the door as the voice of old man came behind the door.

Old Man: For a rat…

Felt: Poison

Old Man: For a white whale…

Felt: A harpoon.


Neither of them noticed Celebi who flinched at the name of White Whale. Primis, on the other hand, didn't say anything.

Old Man: To the noble Dragon Lord, we are…

Felt: Shitbags.


The door opened a Giant could be seen. This Giant named Rom sported a bulky figure with height at towering 220cm or 7'3''. Still his hunchback-like style of walking made him look shorter. He had white strands of hair lining his eyebrows and was bald. He wore a sleeveless vest and possessed a crimson symbol across the left side of his head.

Felt: Sorry to keep you waiting, Old Man Rom. My target......…

Ignoring Felt talk with Rom, Primis walked inside with Subaru and took a seat with him. Rom closed the door behind them and gave the glass of Milk to Felt which she ordered. As they both were talking with each other, Primis turned to Subaru and asked in a voice that only he could hear.

Primis: So, um......

Subaru: Natsuki Subaru.

Primis: I see. So, Natsuki Subaru, you are a transmigrator, aren't you?

Subaru: How do you know? No, what a minute.

At first, Subaru became shocked that Primis knew his secret but then he looked at Primis' clothes carefully and came to a conclusion.

Subaru: Don't tell me you too?

Primis: Yes.

Subaru: Wow! I can't believe I am not alone. This protagonist just got a sidekick.

Primis: ......….


'Primis: ......…'


Well, Twilight was not the only one. Even Celebi was looking at Subaru as if he was a unique species ever born.

'Celebi: Master, sidekick? Of someone who can be killed even by the weakest of our kind, he really has a big mouth.'

Then, Celebi lowered its head and looked at its tiny hand before looking at Subaru again.

'Celebi: Should I slap him? Should I slap him? Or Should I slap him?'

[Hahaha. I guess someone with his brain cells, such thinking is not that surprising.]

Subaru: By the way, what's your name?

Primis: I am Rigla.

Subaru: Rigla? That's a weird name.

Primis: I guess.

Subaru: Anyway, you must be a college student Mr. Rigla. Because you appeared to be in your 20s.

Primis: I am 19.

Subaru: Seriously?

[Yeah, right. 19. A nineteen years old Great-Great-Great-Great-Great.........Great Old Man.]

Subaru: This means there is only one year difference between our ages.

Primis: Two years. You are not 18 but 17.

Subaru: ......…...How do you know?

Primis: I guessed. And your expressions just now confirmed it.

Subaru: Damn. You got me there.

Primis: Anyway, how did you come to this world?

Subaru: Oh. Sure.

He then became silent for a minute remembering everything that had happened before opening his mouth.

Subaru: Hmm. I leave my home to buy ramen and snacks from my local convenience store. At first, I wanted to return as soon as possible but then some new comics grabbed my attention.

Primis: So, spent some time reading those comics. You got so emerged in them that you even forget why you came to the store for.

Subaru: Correct. After reading them for some time, I realized that I spent too much time there. Because of that I hurriedly bought the things I came to buy and left the store.


He then raised the packet to show Primis the things he bought before continuing.

Subaru: After exiting the store, I walked a bit closer to the street but then I saw myself back at the entrance of the store. Weird, right?

'Primis: That's when his summoning to this world began.'

Subaru: Then I looked around and saw the world going black. When I opened my eyes again, I was in this world.


*A/N: Please throw some power stones.
