
Ordverse Ascension

Hello, Everyone. This is Author: Lakshay_Thakur_9837. This is my very first novel. And since English is not my first language, I am sure there will be some pronunciation errors. Hence, I am apologizing in advanced because of that. First World: Danmachi Second World: Akame Ga Kill Third World: Re:Zero − Starting Life in Another World Fourth World: Fate/stay night: Heaven's Feel Fifth World: Guilty Crown Sixth World: Black Bullet Seventh World(Currently): Genshin Impact *Note: Only 3-4 chapters will be released per week.

Lakshay_Thakur_9837 · Anime & Comics
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459 Chs

Volume 3 - Chapter 14(Despair)


*A/N: For every 150 power stones extra chapter will be released on the last day of each month.


Before he could say anything, those people punched him on the face before dragging his wife and sons out. The Mayor tried to fight back but these people had weapon in their hands. One of them slammed the back of his sword on Mayor face. The pain was too much that he fell unconscious.

Opening his eyes, he found himself in the plaza of his town. He tried to move but since he was tied with the chains, so he failed. Suddenly, he heard the sound of moans. Looking in front his face turned into despair.

In front of him, he could see his wife being ravaged by the men. She was completely naked. All three of her holes namely mouth, pussy, and ass were being ravaged by men altogether. Her body was completely covered with men semen, completely indicating that they had been playing with her for quite some time.

At the side, he could even see three of his sons also being raped by these men. These men didn't care even if they were raping same gender. They just wanted to play with their heart content.

The Mayor eyes got filled with tears. He tried to say something. But because of cloth in his mouth his voice muffled. However, these men heard his muffled voice and turned to look at him. Then they started laughing at him maniacally.

Looking around, Mayor saw his town's people standing some distance away. They were watching this show with smile on their face instead of helping him. The mayor tried to shout at them but to no vail.

This spectator kept on going for the next few days. By now, mayor had given up hope and his eyes became lifeless. After raping his wife and sons one more time, these men got tired of them. They drew their weapon and slitted their throats.



Mayor saw as the blood of his wife and sons painted the ground.






Suddenly rain started to fall. Everyone gave Mayor a mocking look before they left the plaza one-by-one. Mayor kept on looking down as if soul had left his body.

Sometimes later when the entire floor was covered with rainwater, Mayor saw a reflection. Raising his head to look, Mayor opened his eyes wide. There was only a single person standing in front of him. Primis. Primis was looking down on Mayor with neutral expressions while the pattern in his Mangekyō Sharingan was rotating.

Light returned in Mayor's eyes before they were filled with hatred. He could tell that Primis was the responsible for all his suffering. So, he wanted to do nothing more than tear Primis apart.

He started to struggle to free his hands which were tied to the chain, nonstop. Even if he felt pain, even if blood started to leak out of them, he didn't care. Finally, he freed his bloody hands from the chains. He showed a bloodthirsty smile before jumping at Primis. Nevertheless, Primis didn't show any change in expression witnessing mayor's actions. Mayor thought that Primis can't move because of fear and his smile became even large. But the moment he touched Primis......…

Scene Changed.

Mayor became confused as all of sudden, he found himself in a hill station. As he was wondering what was going on, someone tap his shoulder. Turning around he saw his wife and sons looking at him with worried expression. He can't believe it. Just few minutes ago, he saw them being raped and killed. But now they were standing before him completely fine.

He no longer knew what was going on. His wife then dragged him to enjoy the sightseeing while telling him it would help him got rid of bad thoughts. Seeing how his family was waiting for his response, he took a sigh and complied with them. Time went by. Soon he decided to let go of those bad thoughts. Thinking them as a bad dream again and started to enjoy.

However, the happiness was short lived. As they were enjoying their time, they were attacked by a group of bandits. And then the same thing transpired. They made him witnessed how they raped his wife and sons before killing them once they got bored.






As the Mayor was again looking down with despair ever since rain started. Primis appeared in front of him. Without a second thought, Mayor jumped at him again. And then......…

Scene Changed.

This time Mayor was visiting one of his friends with his wife and sons. Everything was going fine until that friend of his said that he was coveting his wife for a long time. And then out of sudden, all of them got surrounded by mayor's friend's soldiers. The same thing happened again.

Scene Changed.

Scene Changed.

Scene Changed.

Scene Changed.



After who knows how many times, Mayor finally gave up. Since, he realized it's pointless. No matter what he will do, the result won't change. Primis appeared in front of him again. Mayor raised his head. Just when he was going to say that he had enough, Primis cut him and spoke in his cold tune.

Primis: Now, it's your turn.

Mayor: !!!!!!!!!

Scene Changed again.

Mayor again found himself in his house having dinner with his family. It's the very first scene where his despair started. Before he could warn his family and call guards, those people kicked the door and entered in the room. Then the same thing happened. And this time instead of watching his wife and sons being raped, he was also part of it. He was also raped along with all his family. Over and Over and Over again.

Scene Changed.

Scene Changed.

Scene Changed.

Scene Changed.



Finally, Mayor's mind and spirit broke.




Back to reality.

Mayor suffered for many years in Tsukuyomi world, yet only a moment passed in reality. Primis was looking at Mayor face while grabbing him with his hairs. The mayor's eyes had long been rolled back behind his head as he was dripping saliva from his opened mouth.

In the next moment, Primis threw him away like some kind of rag doll.



Neither Ophis, Sheng Ming, nor Ais showed any change in expression witnessing this. In Primis hand there was a signal fire. He found it in one of Mayor's pockets. It's an emergency help signal fire provided by the Empire to those who were loyal to it.

Ophis: Should I erase these corpses?

Primis: No. It's a gift to the Empire by me.

Ophis: Ok.

Saying this Ophis became silent while Primis gave these corpses one last look. The one who died the moment they fell and had lifeless eyes were killed by Sheng Ming. She used her life magic and stole all the lives from them.

While those who died because of trouble breathing were killed by Ais. She controlled the air around them, making them unable to breathe in.



A whistling sound was heard as Primis launched the signal fire in the sky. It was like a firework but the light that was released by it could be seen from the far distance.

After throwing the used signal fire gun on the ground, Primis spoke.

Primis: Let's go.

Ais: Yes, My Lord.

Sheng Ming: Husband, what about him?

Sheng Ming said while pointing at the broken minded Mayor. After all, unlike everyone in the town, he was still alive.

Primis: Let him be. I have already destroyed his mind. So, he is nothing more than a vegetable now.

Sheng Ming: Ok.

{Primis: Ophis, make sure to erase all of our traces.}

{Ophis: Mn.}

Next, an abyssal black vortex appeared all sudden. Sheng Ming and Ais startled watching this. They felt like as if this vortex will devour them whole. As they were having such thoughts, Primis walked forward and entered the vortex without a second thought. Witnessing this, Sheng Ming and Ais took a sigh of relief because it was an enough proof that this vortex was made by Primis. Hence, they both also entered the vortex together. Once they entered, the vortex also disappeared. They left while leaving a carnage behind.




On a farway Plateau, the space on it split apart. An Abyssal dark vortex akin to a mouth of darkness slowly took a shape. The light around the place started to gather around it. This vortex was like a black hole which would devour everything. Once this black hole stilled, Primis and others stepped out of it.

Primis took some steps forward, while Sheng Ming and Ais stopped and looked at the vortex with curiosity visible in their eyes. After being unable to figure it out, Sheng Ming asked.

Sheng Ming: Husband, did you make this vortex using "Devouring" Incantation symbol?

Primis: Not quite. I combined three Incantation Symbols. Devour, Spatial, and Darkness.

Ais: Amazing.

Sheng Ming: Can't agree more.

As they Sheng Ming and Ais were getting astonished seeing the vortex, Twilight was thinking about something too.

'[Because of Incantation symbols, Primis can use these elements at Master Level. The same level as real Gods or 3rd Level Existence. But to think he can even combine them now. This fast. It's truly astounding.]'

Then Primis willed and the vortex disappeared. Sheng Ming and Ais also came back to their thoughts and walked over to Primis. Primis and Ophis narrowed their eyes all of sudden.

{Primis: You saw that.}

{Ophis: Mn. Someone is trying to interfere with fate.}

In front 5 Km, you can see Empire's soldiers surrounding more than hundred children in an encirclement. They were making sure that none of the children escape. Children were looking at these soldiers with fear in their eyes. Their bodies were shivering as they were looking at the weapons in these soldiers hands. They really wanted to run and escape but they knew that soldiers won't let them.

All of them were in front of a very large and dense forest. Barely minimum amount of sunlight could pass through the leaves of the trees to reach the ground. It may appear a normal forest, however, Primis can see many Danger Beasts lurking inside. The amount was too much and there were many different types of Danger Beasts.

Primis: Gifnora Forest.

Sheng Ming & Ais: Gifnora Forest?

Primis: Yes.

Primis then put this attention to the other side of "Gifnora Forest". There he can see many camps with even more soldiers. At the very front, looking at the "Gifnora Forest", he saw two people.

One of them was a middle-aged with blond hair and green eyes. He had a small beard. He wore a white shirt with black pants and a red scarf. While the other person was a bald man who wore a monocle over his left eye. He was also wearing what appeared to be scientist clothes.

The name of the blond hair man was Gozuki and the name of bald man was Bill.

Primis ignored bald man Bill and put his attention to Gozuki. No, to be more specific, his attention on the sword on his waist.

'Primis: One-Cut Killer: Murasame.'

Ais: My Lord.

Hearing Ais call, Primis turned his attention away from Murasame to the children in front of the forest. Though, he didn't forget to reply.

Primis: What is it?

Ais: Do those soldiers plan to send those children......…

Ais frowned but didn't continue. However, Primis understood what she was asking.

Primis: Yes.

Sheng Ming: Why?

Sheng Ming spoke with creases visible on her forehead.

Primis: It's a test to see which children will survive the ordeal. Survivors will then be divided into different assassination group. And then they will be trained to be an Assassin.