
Ordverse Ascension

Hello, Everyone. This is Author: Lakshay_Thakur_9837. This is my very first novel. And since English is not my first language, I am sure there will be some pronunciation errors. Hence, I am apologizing in advanced because of that. First World: Danmachi Second World: Akame Ga Kill Third World: Re:Zero − Starting Life in Another World Fourth World: Fate/stay night: Heaven's Feel Fifth World: Guilty Crown Sixth World: Black Bullet Seventh World(Currently): Genshin Impact *Note: Only 3-4 chapters will be released per week.

Lakshay_Thakur_9837 · Anime & Comics
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459 Chs

Chapter – 123 (Raven Sight)

(*A/N: Here goes 1/3 chapter of this week. Please Enjoy.)


Everyone became silent after listening to Primis impossible request. What is The Top Floor of Babel? It's the place where the strongest Familia of Orario, Freya Familia resides. That floor can't be bought with any amount of money.

Ryuu, Chloe, Anya and Lunoire thought that Primis was just joking around. After all, didn't this mean that he was indirectly saying to kick Freya out of that Floor? But Mia and Syr had different reaction. Mia narrowed her eyes. She felt that if Primis wants, he is more than capable of doing that. Syr showed a wry smile before answering.

Syr: Y-You shouldn't joke like this, Primis.

Primis: Is that so.

That's all Primis said. As Syr took a sigh of relief, she heard Primis voice near her ears.

Primis: But I was completely serious about it...…Freya.

Syr eyes wide opened. She can't believe what she just heard.

Primis: Did you really think your camouflage can work in front of these eyes of mine?

Primis Sharingan kept on releasing boundless power. Since Ryuu and others had also got used to it by now like Loki Familia, they tried to not make eye contact with him. Syr was still having hard time believing it. She really wanted to know since when he figured it out. Primis saw through her thoughts.

Primis: I knew it since the first day we met.

'Syr: Truly a blunder.'

In the entire Orario, the only person who can see through her disguise is Hestia. Why? Because Hestia possessed "Divine Perception". Because of that Freya always avoid appearing in front of her as Syr, as she can see right through it. But she never expected that there could be someone else who possessed such eyesight in this world.

Well, Primis was not the only one. Even Ophis and Sheng Ming saw through her in an instant. Since Primis was compressing his voice only Syr heard him. So, others became confused when they saw Syr who kept on changing her expressions.

Primis: Shall we go now to see which House or Mansion you recommend, S.Y.R?

Syr: Huh? S-Sure.

Syr understood that Primis wanted to talk privately with her. And now that he knew her secret, she can't refuse either. Not that she wanted to anyway. She then hurriedly got up and returned to her room to change. Others became confused because of Syr behavior but didn't give it much thought, when Primis spoke to them.

Primis: Why are you all still lazing around. Go pack your stuff.

Ryuu and Others: Huh?

Ryuu: But aren't we going to move tomorrow.

Primis: You all are free right now. Instead of wasting time right now why don't you all complete the packing now so that you can relax later.

Chloe: We can just pack our stuff later, meow.

Anya: Yes. Yes. I want to rest right now, meow.

Lunoire: Me too.

Primis: Is that so. Too bad, I was thinking of taking you all to shopping once I am done with looking for House with Syr. As a present for you all moving to a new house. Well, it can't be helped since you all will be busy packing your stuff later.


All four of them stood up at the same time and the chairs they were sitting on fell backward with a loud noise. Their eyes were glittering. Primis can even see the tails of Chole and Anya wagging right and left. But there was one thing, he never expected. And that is, Ryuu long ears were also twitching in excitement. Seeing this, Primis shakes his head.

'Primis: Women really become excited when it comes to shopping.'

Chloe: I-I think we should pack our stuff since we are free right now, meow.

Anya: Yes. We can go to shoppin--- I mean rest later, meow.

Ryuu: Mn. I-I also need to sort my stuff.

Lunoire: Me too. Let's go.

Then they hurriedly fixed their chairs that had dropped before leaving. Primis then sent voice transmission to Haruhime and Lili who were resting in their room.

Primis: Rest for today. Tomorrow morning you both will be joining a Familia and will also move to your new House. Once you will receive the blessing then we will enter dungeon.

Lili: Ok.

Haruhime: Ok, Husband.

Primis: Later today I am going to take Ryuu and others for a shopping. You both will also join. Make a list of things you want to buy. No need to hold back. You both can go all out.

Lili & Haruhime: YES!!!

This time they answered enthusiastically. Primis then turned his gaze at Mia who was glaring daggers at him. Primis didn't show any change of expression. He just took out a bottle of wine and placed it in front of her. Mia showed a confused expression before picking up the bottle. She opened the cap and the smell of wine spread all around the hall. An intoxicated expression appeared on her face before she hastily closed it.

Mia: *cough* I will forgive you for now.

Then she also got up and left. Primis didn't reply as he silently saw her walking away. At this time, Syr was done changing and walked down the stairs. Primis got up from his chair and moved towards the entrance.

Once he was outside, Syr also followed behind. They both were walking side-by-side. Both remain silent during the whole time. Soon, they reach the real estate building. Primis remained behind while letting Syr do all the talking and stuff with Real Estate Manager. Since Primis was hiding his presence no one could see him. Not even the manager himself. It may appear that Syr was alone, but Managers didn't dare to look down on her since everyone in Orario knew Syr.

Even though Noble Troops were all around, some high-level businesses like Guild, Real Estates, Black Smith Shops, Potion Shops and so on, were still running. Then one-by-one Manager showed them one Estate after another. Primis declined them before they even enter the House by notifying it to Syr.

Manage became bewilder cause Syr declined without even looking inside. But he kept on showing his business-like smile as he introduced next house. Primis had no need to check House since his Elemental Sight do the thing. He can already tell how many bedrooms, kitchen, basement, hidden rooms or so on present in the House or Mansion from 5 Km away.

Many appeared good on the outside but on the inside, they were dregs. Materials used in those houses were the worst. There were many hidden cracks in between. Primis even saw some which were still being used by the thieves and Assassins as a base. As time went by even Manager started to feel irritated. He then started to show more and more expensive Estates. And in the end, they finally found a mansion which Primis considered 'ok'.

It was four-floored mansion with a large black iron fence around it. The mansion used to have inner garden and front garden. But now it's barren. It also had a basement with many hidden rooms. There's even a large bathroom inside. Primis didn't care much about the inner and front garden being baren. With Sheng Ming here it's not a problem. But even if the mansion looked old, it's very sturdy inside.

The mansion was at the perfect location too. And that was North-east part of Orario. Why this was the perfect location? It's because when Behemoth will attack in one month, it will first attack north. Then it will proceed towards North-west direction. Why will it attack North first? It's because that's where Twilight Manor resides.

It's true that Twilight Manor currently is Loki Familia residence but before Loki Familia got that Manor, it was Hera Familia residence. Granted Hera Familia was responsible for killing Behemoth for the first time, there home will become its first target. Then it will proceed towards North-West. Place where Guild is. Moreover, North-west is where a lot of Nobles also live.

That time, Primis can offer Loki Familia main members to live here. This will increase the safety of Hestia Familia and Ryuu and others even more. He also planned to make Takemikazuchi Familia move here later. Primis want to make this place so secured that when he will leave for the next world, his heart will be at ease. As for himself, he already planned to live in the top floor Babel Tower. And he knew how.

Primis then sent the voice message to Syr confirming this place.

Syr: Mr. Manager, I like this place. How much it cost?

Manager: R-Really? I mean sure. The price of this Mansion is 3,635,000,000 Valis. With discount you can get it for 3,630,000,000 Valis.

[3 billion and 630 million. Huh]

Primis sent another more message to Syr. Listening this Syr became stupefied.

Syr: You. You want to me say that.

Primis: Go for it.

Syr gritted her teeth in frustration.

'Syr: You are clearly taking revenge on me, aren't you?'

Then she took a deep sigh and turn towards the Manager. Syr tried her best to make sure that the Manager won't be able to see through her fake smile.

Syr: Mr. Manager, we knew each other for a long time, didn't we?

Manager: Huh? Y-Yes.

Syr: And I have helped you many times before.

Manager: Y-Yes.

Manager started to have a bad premonition suddenly. He felt like he was going to lose a big one.

Syr: So, for our friendship till now. Let's roundoff the price to 2 billion valis.

Manager felt like coughing blood. From 3 billion and 630 million to 2 billion. Who do roundoff like that? Even though Syr was showing smile, she was cursing Primis inside.

'Syr: Damn You, Primis. This is 100% revenge. To think you will make me owe him.'

Syr: I-I will owe you one.

Manager: Huh? I-If you say so then I will accept this lose.

Manager sigh but inward he was happy. To think Syr will owe him.

Manager: I will prepare the documents. When are you going to move Ms. Syr?

Syr: Tomorrow Morning.

Manager: Ok.

Manager then showed a business-like smile and hurriedly left to prepare the documents. Once they can no longer saw his back, Syr turned and glare at Primis.

Syr: You—

Primis: Undo your disguise.

Syr: ...…

Syr took a breath before looking around. After making sure that no one was present, light started to emit from her body. Her height increased from 162cm i.e., 5'4'' to 170 cm i.e., 5'7''. Her bluish gray hair and eyes turned silver. And her skin turned to white skin like that of fresh snow. She had a perfect golden ratio, enough to think that the golden ratio originated from her.

This was how Primis met with the Goddess of Beauty, Freya in her real form for the first time. Even after returning to her real form, Freya was still glaring at Primis. Primis ignored it. He grabbed her hand her suddenly and pulled her.

Freya: Huh?

Freya stumbled and in the next second, she found body lying on Primis left arm. Before she could understand what is going on, Primis right hand slapped her butt.


Freya: Ah...


Freya: W-What are you doing?


Freya: S-Stop...




Primis slapped her butt few more times before letting her go when moan escaped her mouth. Freya hurriedly put her hands on her butt. She was scowling at him with flushed face and moist eyes. No one had ever treated her like this before.

Primis: Think of it as your Punishment.

Freya: W-What punishment?

Primis: Punishment of you stupidly trying to charm me till now even when you realized it won't work.

Freya: ...

Freya became silent. Just like what Primis said, Freya kept on trying to charm him whenever they were together. Even when she realized it won't work, she just kept on trying. This irritated him so he decided to punish her.

[By the way, what will be name of this Mansion?]

Primis moved his gaze from Freya to Mansion. He thought for few seconds before replying.

Primis: Raven Sight.