
Ordinary to Martial

Three planets, four races. Conflicts are common. Schemes are a norm. In the shadows a powerful enemy is lurking with the intention of malice. In this chaos, a man gets the scripture of sages. He walks the path of a martial. Follow his journey as he rises from an ordinary to a martial who can move even the celestial entities. **************************************** This is my first work. Hence, before requesting powerstones, I would like to ask everyone's opinions, through comments and ratings. Through your feedback I will be able to improve.

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Advanced Knowledge for Climbing Martial Ranks

Mahaansh said: " Good. But you must collect information as soon as possible." Malcen replied: "Commander, my clearance is extremely low to get that information. Also, I doubt it is stored in the main server. Most likely there will be an alternative storage, not connected to the network and the department server. But to access that I need more information and official power." Hearing this Mahaansh was deep in thought. After a few seconds he said " No you cannot promote yourself now. If you get promoted to the rank of inspector, it will lead to more stringent background checks. Not only government, but there will be checks from the mafia and the influential people as well. They will find the discrepancies in your service history. That cannot happen. Your family is also in this city. So for now, sit tight." Malcen was not that much satisfied. He said "Commander, I have been a private in the army. With that rank I could not do much there because of my lower rank. I also had to remain in that rank due to my recruitment to the agency. Now I can't get promoted to Inspector rank also? Not only is it beneficial to the agency, it is good for me as well." Mahaansh was not having any of it and he said " HAWK, this is a direct order. For now sit tight!!" Malcen was not satisfied, but he did not tell any thing further.

Ben woke up after about 45 minutes. He felt fresh after healing. His aura reserves was still at half its capacity. Mahaansh was sitting and meditating nearby. He had sensed Ben waking up. After Ben gained his bearing Mahaansh asked him : "How was the spar?" Ben answered : " It was good. I got to understand my limitations." Mahaansh asked : "So what are your limitations? What did you find out." Ben thought for a second and answered : "The immediate problem is I lack aura reserves. It caused my aura to plummet after just using an attack and sensory capability one or two times. I also think that practice is also necessary. I could feel that I was using more aura than necessary and thus wasting it. Another problem is lack of experience. This caused the type of attacks and the variability of attacks to be affected. These are the problems I understood. Any thing else teacher?" Mahaansh was stunned. That was almost 90% of what he was going to say. ' This guy is he an overthinker or what. That was almost what I was going to tell. Not bad, not bad at all' : Mahaansh thought. Then he said : "Good. That was most of the problems. You have analyzed your strengths and weaknesses well. But there is something which you forgot to mention." Mahaansh paused for dramatic effect, then with very serious face said, " You have not trained in any techniques yet." Ben was stunned. "So the training you gave me regarding aura and all the fighting techniques you taught me, what about them?" He asked. Mahaansh answered "You said it correctly. They are fighting techniques only and do not qualify as martial techniques. That is because they don't utilize the full capabilities of your meridian seed. For that you have to develop or find techniques that are suitable to you." For Ben this was new knowledge. He always thought that he could just take any technique and use them, except the elemental and weapon type ones. Understanding Ben's doubt, Mahaansh explained : "Look, the martial seed is connected to the growth of shamanic script in your case. Only when you work on shamanic script will the meridian seed grow. But the shamanic script is connected to your energy absorption capability which is connected to the development of your meridians. So it forms a vicious cycle. That is where martial techniques come. When you use suitable martial techniques, which has the pathways of internal and external utilization aura combined with movements, meridians on that part of the body develop more. For example, the claw technique you used, when you use it continuously, you will understand more about it and learn to use it more effectively by guiding your aura only through your hands, or to be exact your forearms including wrist, palm and fingers. When you properly utilize it, the meridians in those parts will grow to be more strong and more conductive of energy than other parts. So in that way you would have developed your meridian helping in the formation of shamanic script and thus your power levels will advance. This is the importance of martial techniques." Ben was enlightened. Now he understood why he needed to find martial techniques. But he did not know where to find them. Mahaansh obviously understood this and said: "Unfortunately I am unable to help you here. For all the martial techniques you need money. While I do know a few places to get techniques, you won't be able to afford them. But in 3 months you will have an opportunity." Ben asked, "What opportunity?" Mahaansh said: " Just wait for 3 months and develop your power. I will inform you. During these 3 months try to develop yourself. Make techniques like the claw attack you used. Master the techniques you currently have. It will greatly benefit you. Also, one more thing. The wonders of martial seed have not been fully explored even now. So, limiting your scope to already established paradigms means that you are limiting the potential of your martial seed. Power of creativity, imagination and instincts are limitless. Not everything has been explored by science. Not everything can be explained by science. Not everything limits itself to the confines of laws. Be it man made or physical. Remember, to walk the path of a martial, to walk the path of a warrior, do not confine your mind with the chains of convention." Mahaansh was very passionate when he said the last part. Ben nodded. 

Soon Ben got home. He had some work to do. His soreness was gone and he was in a great mood. The sparring was great for him. He had understood the weaknesses he had. He did the works and was too tired for anything else. He straight away went to sleep. The next day he woke up early. He did his morning chores and he went on to practice. He had 90 days to develop himself. He did not know what the opportunity was, but he was going to seize it any cost. He practiced his aura control and then did meditation. He also did some training with his claw attacks and he also practiced the spatial sensing. He could now sense a spherical area of 5m around him for about 5 minutes continuously. After which his aura would be lost. He also had issues with obtaining the energy required for his martial seed. He was absorbing energy from the radiation of the sun and other sources along with the energy from food and some amount of life energy from the nearby small forest. His energy absorption was not going well. His progress was still there at stage 3 Knight.

At night Ben sat for some time to introspect his progress: ' At last I had spar with some one in the same realm as me. It was indeed enlightening. Now what I need is combat experience, martial techniques and money. But how am I going to get money without power? How will I increase my power without techniques? This is indeed a problem. I did have some realizations regarding the martial arts I should develop. First is the claw technique. I will just name it "Aether Claw". Aether Lupis used its claw to tear through space itself. I won't reach that level easily. I can only sense space now. It is very difficult to understand it. But to strengthen that technique in short term, I will have to use martial techniques that focus on hands and fingers. Or I have to learn about the structure of hand including the skeletal, muscular, meridian, nerve, veins and artery make ups. Only then can I use the aura efficiently. I also need to hone my hand properly to exert full force. I can use the help of 'Agastya Parvam' here. I will modify it for claws.'