
Order Killer

Humanity needed the orders to live in peace... But some of them were corrupted. Danesh Jiwa was fighting against the evil lurking in the shadows to protect humanity. Against the evil created by a treacherous organization and invincible monsters hidden in order. Syndicate... The treacherous organization that betrayed humanity and infiltrated everywhere. They were corrupting the order... And Roots... Bloodthirsty beings from another world... The masterminds of the corruption... Danesh had decided that this order had to change... Humanity had two options. They would keep going to live in this corrupted order or they would rebel and fight with him against the evil...

KaGen · Action
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23 Chs

Counterattack Begins: The Military Appears

Motorcyclists were riding straight to Danesh. More than ten motorcyclists, all dressed in uniform gray motorcycle helmets and biker suits, pulled their guns with their right hands and continued to ride towards him.

The perpetrators could have easily killed the Danes by continuing their attack with helicopters, but their aim was not just murder but complete humiliation.

Motorcyclists started firing their mini-uzi-type semi-automatic weapons.

Instead of running away, Danesh started to run directly at them.

His enemies were trying to shoot him and control their motorcycle at the same time, but as Danesh was on foot, he was free to move and took advantage of that. As he ran, he made several circles, jumping into the air, doing a flip, and kicking the first motorcyclist's head with the sole of his foot.

While the biker was flying backward from the effect of the impact, he dropped his gun near his somersaulting motorcycle.

Grabbing his enemy's weapon as he landed on the ground, Danesh began to fire, hitting the first biker who had fallen to the ground with three bullets. He shot the two bikers coming from behind him in the head next, thereby expanding his standpoint.

The remaining bikers stopped firing and changed routes and began to spin in big circles on their motorcycles.

As Danesh continued to fire, he ran out of bullets, so he threw the gun and started running to the bikers again.

*** The Broadcast ***

The broadcast was recording Danesh still, but the screen was shaking constantly. It was out of control.

"What?" Nube spoke in an uneasy tone.

Two new military helicopters had appeared and were shooting at the perpetrators' helicopters.

Military vehicles appearing from the opposite side of the highway started to attack bikers on the road and killed some of them.

Real law enforcement officers blockaded both sides of the highway, blocked traffic to protect the citizens, and then came to the battlefield.

Danesh had picked up another gun from the ground and was assisting the authorities by hunting down bikers as well.

"Oops. I think the authorities have come, Nube."

"Why? Why are they doing this, Yube?

"Because they do not trust us, Nube."

"What should we do, in your opinion?"

"We made a vow, Nube. We will bring peace to the World. We will do this for their future. They are pure and we are new to their world. I can understand them...Do not blame them"

"Then, what will happen?"

"Those glorious soldiers will be martyrs for this sacred aim."

The perpetrators' helicopters counterattacked and fired rockets wildly, and although some missed, the remaining ones reached their targets.

Official military helicopters shot down by rockets exploded and fell to the ground.

Many military vehicles on the highway that Danesh was trying to help were also hit by rockets, and Danesh was attacked by cyclists. Trying to combat the attacks, Danesh stopped because of something he saw. His stance did not change even though he was hit by two bullets.

In front of one of the military vehicles that one of the rockets was about to hit, a 4-5-year-old boy was standing in shock with fear and crying silently.

Although Danesh had just been hit, he started running but was unable to get there before the rocket.

The rocket crashed into the vehicle, exploded, and left both the boy and Danesh in the middle of the flames. Danesh had managed to hug the boy a second before the explosion and had used his body as a shield against the flames. He, who had burned most of his body, rose ten meters from the ground with the child. He hugged with the effect of the explosion and continued to hug the child even when he was in the sky, preventing him from getting hurt.

As Danesh's body continued to rise uncontrollably, he looked ahead and saw the gun barrels of one of the enemy helicopters aiming at them, and unfortunately, he was completely defenseless.


Danesh looked down and, seeing the high-ranking soldier calling out to him with his arms outstretched, threw the boy at him, pulling him out of range of the helicopter. Now he was the only one to suffer.

Still, he was reluctant to give up and, clutching a gun, pointed his hand at the helicopter that was about to attack him. He had picked up this weapon from the ground before hugging the boy and was trying to use it to make his final attack despite his body floating uncontrollably in the air...But he couldn't...

He lost all his senses...

He was bleeding from the inside of his mouth and nose...

He looked at his own chest with a final effort...


He had tentacles on his chest... On his arms... On his legs... Most of his body had been torn apart by the tentacles...

The eyes of the military officer waiting to catch the boy were wide and stunned...

The bikers had stopped...

The helicopters were no longer firing...

Even the speakers wearing a golden mask, the leader of the attackers, were silent...

All the human beings in the world who were watching this broadcast... Now they were all silent. Except for a few people.

The bus that Amina was on had somehow managed to stop and all the other passengers had jumped over the barriers and fled towards the trees. Except for Amina. She stood on the highway two kilometers from the battlefield, watching with fearful eyes. One hand was covering her mouth, trying to stop her sobs, while the other was trying to touch her tear-filled eyes, unable to bear the pain of what she saw. She could only utter a single sentence in a low tone of voice..."What have I done..."




*** Putri's office ***

Putri was in shock. Her eye pupils got smaller. Her boss even stopped blocking her sight. They were both looking at the television meaninglessly.




*** Aidan's house ***

"You...You damn monsters, what the hell are you!" Aidan was distraught when he saw the true faces of those who had attacked his friend.




*** Danesh's mom ***

She was screaming...

She was out of control completely now...

All of her friends were trying to hug her but they could not...

She was moving her arms unconsciously...

Nur was screaming more and more now...




*** In the pub in Europe ***

"What is that thing? So...you were right..." The man looked at the television in shock.




*** The Broadcast ***

The child... He turned into a new creature. He was a different being now. He was big now. Transformed into a monster more than three meters tall, it crashed to the ground, shattering the road beneath him, making a great noise.

The fingers of the boy Danesh had thrown him to save had turned into tentacles while still in the air a few seconds ago. This was actually the beginning of the child's transformation, and while his remaining body was still in human form, his tentacles had lengthened rapidly and shattered Danesh's body at different points. Other body parts turned into a monster after this attack and landed.

It let out a blood-curdling cry of victory...

The remaining soldiers covered their ears because the sound was beyond human capacity.

The evil bikers who survived did not try to protect themselves, as their helmets were soundproof.

The gun held by Danesh, the prisoner with the tentacles piercing through his body, also fell to the ground. Danesh was motionless now, he was dying...