
Order Keeper

From just an average teenager to someone the world fears as death itself, he transmigrates moments before his death to a journey filled with blood, misfortune and losing loved ones. Luo the one who was labeled by misfortune since birth breaks his curse secret moments before death and chases the seemingly simple truth, trying to find meaning in his desolate world filled with nothing but withered flowers who once bloomed only to deepen his bleeding. Fighting what fate throws at him as he marches through the corpses of comrades and friends, pilling up his sins and dimming his emotions, trying to find peace only to end up recreating the order itself. Behold the journey of The Order Keeper, someone who journeyed the void into the deepest parts of the world. He ascends as the mightiest of all.

DaGAuthor · Fantasy
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17 Chs


In the middle of a huge study with bookracks filled to the brim to the side and a 1-meter long desk in the back, an old man wearing vintage spectacles sat on a huge chair with his elbows on the desk and his fists in front of his mouth, silently staring at two young men in chairs opposite him.

"it's been a while Jack what brought you here?" Said the old man in a serious tone looking at Jake who is laid back on the chair with crossed arms

"Have you finally gone senile Charles? Stop playing the fool I already called yesterday," Jake replied with a bored expression

"Hohoho, young men really don't know how to have fun, especially you rascal. That aside is that him beside you? Does he speak English?"

"Though why would I have brought him if he is not, as for if he can speak, ask yourself" Jake signaled to Luo with his eyebrow to talk.

'What's up with this bunch, why do get entangled with weird people' Thought Luo inwardly but he still complied and responded.

"Hello, I'm Luo. I might not be very proficient at talking but I have no problem communicating"

"Then that's okay, although I'm sure Jake already told you, I'm Charles your future boss and teacher glad to have you", Charles extended his hand for a handshake

"Same, please take care of me," said Luo, returning the handshake

'Well, at least he doesn't seem to be a bad person'

"Since we are finished with the introduction, how about we do a small test kiddo?"


"Yeah, it's simple. I ask, you respond, ready?"

"Ehh, yyeaah"

"What is the capital of Moscow? How much is 1 inch in cm? In inches, how tall is your third leg? Are you a virgin? What is house flipping? What is a probate sale? Can you sing? Do you know Kung fu?..."

Luo was flustered by the amount and type of questions and by how fast Charles was asking as he couldn't keep up

"E-e, C-capital of Moscow? Wait Moscow is a city, 1 inch is uhh, third leg what do you me-, yes wait what are we talking about?"

"Charles stop fooling around" Jake interrupted Charles who was rambling on without any sign of stopping anytime soon

"Okay okay got it well, he seems like a good kid I'll take him in" said Charles with a satisfied smile

"Well glad you guys got along then I'll get going. Hey Luo"

Jake stood up and started walking to the door, just before getting out he shouted at Luo breaking out of his reverie prompting to turn his head to look at the back of Jack.

"Good Luck Kid make sure you hit me up when you get famous"

Jack turned his face to the side slightly so he could look back at Luo and said that with a faint smile then went out immediately after without waiting for a reply

"YES, THANK YOU FOR EVERYTHING" Luo stood up and bowed slightly in the direction in which Jack left.


Time flowed as Luo got used to his new life. Aside from learning from Charles about business, he was also introduced to be a student of an accomplished musician through Charles and just like that six months went by.

Charles' mansion was filled with the melodious sound of piano being played in the living room, as Luo played the piano while Charles sat opposite him in his coach with his eyes closed, absorbed in the music. Soon the sound slowly died down, making Charles open his eyes and stare at Luo with awe.

"Wow, you are really talented, dang it must be nice to have such a talent I'm kind of jealous it's like having a superpower what was it named again?"

"Absolute pitch"

"Even the name is cool, anyway, I'm glad you're adapting well. Your teacher praised you a bunch, he also told me that you guys' plan to participate in some kind of competition, did he tell you the date?"

"Yeah, it's next week you will be coming too, right?"

"Of course, I'm your first teacher. I should at least show up"

Charles grew very fond of Luo as their relationship deepened, making them seem more like a duo of grandfather and grandson. Aside from that, Luo's progress during these six months was also quite impressive, now he can speak English fluently and is very knowledgeable about real estate business; he still lacks experience which he will acquire once he starts working as an assistant, but the most impressive thing is his achievements in music, the moment he got formal education his skills soared; even his teacher recognized him as a prodigy. He was practically growing day by day with large margins.

"Well then kid get to sleep, it's already 10 past our bedtime, we should rest to have a clear mind tomorrow"

Hearing him Luo reluctantly closed the piano and sat up heading to his room following behind Charles. After reaching his room he took a shower changed into his pajamas and jumped on the bed trying to fall asleep.

"Another long day, I'm improving day by day which is good, but the competition is just a few days away maybe I should increase my practice time or ask _, sigh let's stop thinking and get to sleep"

The night was especially dark and rain started abruptly pouring with thunder crackling in the night sky giving a onimous feeling. Inside Charles's mansion two masked men broke through the house as they headed one upstairs and the other stayed downstairs. The one upstairs headed direclty for Charles's room as if he was already familiar with the house, he held gun equipped with a silencer in one hand and a knife in the other

"Alpha in, the target is sleeping, waiting for the signal"

"Beta in, searching for the documents no results as of the moment"

"Alpha proceeds, Beta keeps searching"



"Alpha, I got in the room. Shall I proceed with the elimination?"

When Alpha heard the command from his communicator, he quickly moved closer to the bed until he was directly facing it from the side. Looking at Charles he raised the gun above the head of the sleeping man and asked.



Back in Luo's room, it was 3 AM. He seemed to have woken up wanting to head to bathroom. However, on his way back he passed a different route prompting him to pass Charles' room on the way

'HUH, did I just hear something? It's like the sound of the door opening, is it Charles?'

Luo sped up his steps to check Charles' room. When he arrived there he found the door closed.

'Maybe I heard it wrong', but just before he could go his way he heard another sound this time clearer coming from Charles' room


'Why is this sound familiar? Wait!! Don't tell me!!'

This sound woke Luo from his sleepy mode, he hurriedly opened the door discovering that it was unlocked. Upon entering, he saw a man clad in black with a gun whose muzzle was directed at Charles' head


Thought Luo the reason that sound woke him up and got him vigilant was since he had been to a gun shooting range. He was familiar with this sound and thanks to his Absolute Pitch, he recognized it.

Alpha heard the door opening thinking it was his companion who finished his job. He said without turning his head.

"I'm done here let's get going"

'Who's he talking to?'

'That doesn't matter, this is my chance'

Luo creeped behind the man with a vase in his head, he broke the vase on the Alpha's head prompting him to almost fall, but he was a professional he promptly got hold of his self and turned back only to see Luo's punch coming straight at his face


'Damn it, it didn't connect, he actually managed to dodge it'

The man slightly turned his head at the last moment evading the full impact, but his grip still loosened on the gun as it had fallen. Holding his head with one hand, the man took his knife in the other and charged Luo without hesitation.

'What the hell he has a knife'

Alpha quickly closed the distance and made quick work of Luo with his knife. He made several cuts. One even landed on Luo's eye, making him lose his balance and fall to the ground feeling helpless. The world started sipining around him.

'Is this where it ends? My blood won't stop flowing.'

'No I can't fall here. I still need to save Charles; I can't let him die'.

Luo's resolve grew as he stood up to face Alpha, who had something to say in his communicator. Alpha was surprised by Luo standing up again as he got in position to subdue him. However, he was even more surprised by Luo's golden eyes, which started glowing like a beast.

'What is this what are these colors and these threads, damn I must be hallucinating from blood loss, I'm royally fu#ked now'

Despite the sudden change in his opponent, Alpha circled around him waiting for an opportunity to strike.

'These threads they are all heading in his direction what do they mean and what is that color surrounding him? Brown? My mouth is filled with spicy flavor?'

'I don't understand what's going on, but I know something if I follow these threads I can win!'

Luo instinctively knew these threads would be his path to victory, so he lowered his body and abruptly jumped backward, surprising Alpha as he followed behind him trying to stab him. However, Luo's kick hitting his arm prompted the knife to fly out of his hand, and before he could get any distance, his vision darkened.

*POP *

Having just shot the attacker in the forehead, Luo stood up and dragged himself to Charles, as he held the gun in his hand.


Luo smashed the gun to the floor; he saw Charles' head pierced by a bullet with no sign of life.

'Who are these people and why did they kill Charles, sh#t'

'What is this spicy flavor again?'

Feeling the spicy flavor in his mouth he turned around only to find another man clad in black punching straight at his face.

'What luck, just when everything was going just fine, FU#K AM I REALLY CURSED'

Luo was unable to keep up due to blood loss and was unable to fight. Taking the punch he fell backwards as he lost conciseness.

"Beta is reporting, Alpha is dead, and the target is also dead. A variable interfered and he is currently knocked out. How do I proceed?"

"Interesting to bring him back alive"