
Aura of Death

Set in a desolate wasteland marred by a profound level of destruction, a pitch-black dome whose diameter spanned several hundred meters stood like a giant monolith.

Suddenly, a low rumbling noise filled the air as the dome began to shake!

Within moments, the vibration had increased and all of a sudden, the dome started to disintegrate, breaking apart into a shower of black dust that blew away in the wind.

As the dome crumbled slowly, piece by piece, swirls of copious energy residue began to escape into the air. You could tell that a battle of the ages had just transpired inside the advanced barrier.

From within the dissipating darkness emerged a lone figure, a mighty sword tightly clutched in his left arm.

Dedric looked up at the night sky, his keen but weary black eyes squinting at the sudden brightness.

Above him, the moonlight streamed through the clouds, casting three dissimilar light rays that illuminated his sorry figure.