
Ordeal of the Hopebringer: A Harry Potter Fanfiction

“The Hopebringer they call him, his parents gave him to an orphanage, leaving him with only two letters, and a suitcase.” -Richard Neil introducing Edgart Aldrich in the book “Ordeal of the Hopebringer” -im not good at synopsis so i'm just gonna put that quote here- Not a harem. Hermione x MC Mc is op, sort of. Eventual Crossover, not much though, maybe a couple of worlds. i don't own harry potter English isn't my first language, so I apologized if the grammar is a bit bad. I don't know what to say here, I'm just doing this for fun. also the owl art isn't mine, i forgot where i got it though rated r18 for description of cruelty and probably sex scenes as well, who knows.

mark_kiple · Book&Literature
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111 Chs



Divination was an elective course taught at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. It taught methods of divining the future, or gathering insights into future events, through various rituals and tools. The magic taught in this class, as well as the ability to say prophetic things was a branch of magic referred to as "Divination."


Ed was now in a room familiar to him, the circular and book-filled room, it was the Dumbledore's office, but everything was much tidier and newer, and Ed saw that Dumbledore was sitting on his 'throne', looking gloomy and grim, as if something really bad just happened.

"Tom… what have you done…" he whispered to himself.

'The hell does Tom do now.' Ed thought, but soon his thought was soon answered with the appearance of four people, or rather, three people and an owl. They suddenly teleported to the middle of the room, with feathers surrounding them as they arrived.

They were two men, both blonde, a woman with black hair, and an owl perching on the woman's arm, they have bloody clothes, like they were just coming out of a battle. Out of the two men, one was quite old, and the other was still quite young, although not too young. The old man was weeping, his face looked depressed, he's being comforted by the woman, who's seemingly weeping as well. The younger man, however, was calmer, but Ed can tell that he has deep fury beneath that cold and empty face, Ed knows that the younger man has deep craving for vengeance, Deep vengeance is the daughter of deep silence after all, so the boy knows how to differentiate normal silence and a silence that was filled with vengeance.

"Albus." The younger man said coldly, "Explain."

"I'm afraid that I didn't know this would happen Darius." Dumbledore said softly, "Tom simply didn't know your family, and he did what he usually do, taking hostages to threaten a family."

"But he didn't 'just' too hostages isn't it?" the man, who Ed of course now knows as his father said sarcastically, "he told his imps to raped them too!" he continued, his cold face was broken now, and his furious expression surface, the surroundings instantly was filled with electrical discharge, the room temperature rose significantly, making the people inside sweating from the heat, and the candles melted.

"I didn't that would happen Darius, believe me…" Dumbledore stood up, walking to the family.

"Darius… calm down." The woman in the back touched Darius's shoulder softly, trying to calm him down.

"Calm down?! You told me to calm down Bella!? Ari was raped and killed! And you want me to calm down now?!" he snapped to his wife, making her flinched and the old man weeping loudly, Darius realized this and quickly apologized to Bella. He then turned to Dumbledore with rage in his face, "Is this your plan Albus?! Trying to rope us in to your mistake?!" he said while grabbing Albus's collar, staring coldly at him using his deep silver eyes.

"Of course, not Darius… I simply wouldn't dare to do that." Dumbledore answered the questioned calmly.

"He's right Darius, he wouldn't do that…" the old man suddenly said in between his sobs, "He has an oath to fulfil, an oath that he clearly underestimated…"

Dumbledore smiled apologetically at the old man, "I'm sorry Edwyn… I simply can't react fast once I heard when the tragedy happened, I won't let it happened again, you have my word…"

"It's a bit too late isn't it?" Edwyn said coldly, who was now trying to rest on the floor, still sobbing.

"What oath?" Darius questioned, still angry at Dumbledore.

"Protecting Edwyn's descendants…" Dumbledore said.

"Well, you're clearly doing a horrible job at it." Darius said with venom laced in every words. Darius was about to punch Dumbledore in the face, but the commanding tone of a woman suddenly was heard.

"Enough Darius." The voice said, Darius turned around, and he saw that the owl from before had turned into a gigantic owl, staring at the two with fury on her eyes. "Release the oath-breaker."

"Baldeth! He's the reas-"

"I said ENOUGH!" the owl, who Ed knows that it's Baldeth repeated sternly.

Darius reluctantly complied and released the grip on Dumbledore's collar. He step away from the old man, while the owl suddenly appeared in front of the old man, staring at his eyes.

"Oath-breaker, do you want to say anything?"

"It is simply my negligence of watching Tom that made to this, I can't fix any of this, but I will try to do better in the future…" he said, his voice was shaking a bit from the peer pressure that Baldeth released in front of him, Dumbledore felt like he was facing an enraged mountain-sized dragon, making him, for the first time in the last 50 years of his life, scared for his life.

Baldeth scanned Dumbledore's face for a while before appearing back to the family, "Very well oath-breaker, we will give you one more chance in the future," she said as she looked directly at Ed in the corner of the room, which shocked Ed, "But until then, you will have to work with us to have revenge on who did all this, if you did not complied, then I will make sure that your so called order of the phoenix will be nothing like the name said, cannot be reborn, as I will slaughter every one of the members." She threatened, which Dumbledore just nodded blankly, "Don't stop us from what we're about to do right now, if you did, I would still do what I said."

The four people suddenly turned grey and disappeared, only leaving a single feather on the ground. Dumbledore walked to the feather and picked it up, examining the item in his hand. "It's your own fault Tom… I can't do anything about it." He said tiredly, stressing about the event that just transpired.

The scene then turned black, and Ed was suddenly woken up by a slightly terrified Harry, who has the Marauder's map in his hand.

"Ed, you all right mate?" he asked, slightly worried of his condition, "You were shaking and sweating when you're asleep…"

"I'm fine…" Ed said weakly, "Sorry to disturb you Harry, you can go back to sleep or whatever you're doing."

"Are you sure? Do you want to go to Madam Pomfrey?"

Ed shook his head, "No… I'm sure, you go back to what you're doing Harry, testing the Marauders map right?"

"Um, yeah, it really does work…" he said, rather excitedly looking at the map. "Magic is really something…"

Ed chuckled, "Right, you go back to sleep Harry, I'm going to the bathroom."

Ed stood up from the bed and walked towards the bathroom, leaving Harry alone to test the Marauders map.

Ed then took a quick shower, ridding himself of the sweat, after that, he stood in front of the mirror in the bathroom, pondering to himself.

"Oath-breaker…" he whispered to himself, "What are you trying to show me O' Guardian?"

The rest of the night seemed normal, Ed didn't sleep, instead he read a book, while Harry continued to admire the map. Eventually, Harry felt tired and decided to sleep, leaving Ed alone that is still awake. The rest of the night Ed was in deep thinking, he didn't really focused on the book, instead he was thinking on why the Guardian of Knowledge showed him the past and future, does he have job to do? Does he have a more major role to play in the future? He can never know unless he asked the Guardian of Knowledge himself.

The next morning Ed decided to do his morning routine again, he ran around the lake a couple of times, then trained his now developing space magic, he went inside the suitcase, but before he went to train, he talked to Gilligan a bit, he asked about the vision and the owl told him that it was true, the vision did happen, the Baldeth did call Dumbledore and oath-breaker.

"So, he didn't do an unbreakable oath?" Asked Ed curiously as he wiped his sweat from the run.

"It's not really an oath, it's a favour, but the family still views it as an oath, he promised to protect the descendants after all…"

Ed hummed, "But why did your father showed me the past? Does he wants something for me? Or is he warning me?"

"I don't know Ed, he's always a mysterious entity…" Gilligan said weakly, "Perhaps he's trying to divert your attention from the nightmares, there are signs that he's one of your favourite in the family after all."

Ed sighed, "I don't know if I like it or not Gilligan, seeing the past and the future… especially the future…"

"Just take the visions to your heart Ed, he's showing you all of that for a reason, we just didn't why yet."

Ed ruffled his hair in annoyance, "Damn… since my 'death' he's been interfering with my business… he guided me to the book, and now he's giving me visions…"

"At least it's better than nightmares…" Gilligan commented.

"Are you sure you don't have a solution for this nightmare Gilligan? It's seriously killing me slowly."

"You need to do it yourself Ed, embrace the feeling instead of fearing it. Accept it as a normal occurrence, the feeling of hopelessness is always like that, you can't do anything about it."

Ed sighed, "Right, I'm going to train…."

Ed stood up and walked to the training room, practicing his space magic slowly. After that he finished his training and went to take a shower to clean up, then he goes to the great hall for breakfast.

In there, he was greeted by a slightly worried Hermione that heard that his nightmare didn't go away.

"You should go to Madam Pomfrey Ed, maybe she knows something…" she advised in worry.

"Honestly Hermione, I've told you a million times, I. am. Fine." Ed said in annoyance, "You over-worrying is making me more stressful than it already is, just let me deal with it all right?"

Hermione was taken aback at how hostile Ed talked, but then quickly nodded, agreeing that she won't worry any longer, unless something bad happened.

"I'll talk to Dumbledore this evening, my classes are packed today…" Ed commented, "You want to come?" he continued to ask Harry, who was in front of him, eating breakfast.

"Sure…" he said blankly, "Do you know the password though?"

Ed then smirked and said smugly, "I don't need a password remember?"

Harry snorted, "Right, forgot about that."

After breakfast, Hermione and Ed quickly stood up to prepare for his first class, ancient runes. They walked to the class and saw that only a couple of people took the class, Richard and Daphne included.

"Hello guys." Ed said while he and Hermione sat beside them. "Richard, I forgot to tell you on the train yesterday, we've got a live specimen we can use for experimentation." Ed continued while grinning madly.

Richard grinned back with the same madness as his friend/brother-in-arms, "Who is it?"

"The Weasley twins." Ed answered, "It's quite easy persuade them, told them I'll invest around 10000 Galleons to their shop and they instantly agreed."

"Well, nice move." Richard said, "We'll be having some fun with that."

"What are you two talking about?" Daphne suddenly interrupted, creeped out by the mad grin both of them possessed.

"They were planning on making a company." Hermione snorted, "And he didn't ask me to join him, instead they asked the Weasley twins to join."

"I didn't ask them to join Hermione, I ask them to be a test subject, do you want to be a test subject?" Ed refuted.

"No, of course not…" she mumbled.

"Wait? What company?" Daphne asked again, more confused than ever before, "You didn't told me Richie."

"Well, we didn't make it yet, the items that we're going to sell are still prototypes, and we don't have an adult employee yet…" Richard answered, "Ed already have the shops from his family's inheritance though."

"What type of items are you selling?" Daphne asked, interested in the company now.

"Oh, you'll see later…" Richard said mysteriously, "We're using a new type of magic created by Nicolas Flamel and perfected by none other than Edgart Aldrich."

"New magic?" Daphne was more interested now.

"You'll see later, the Professor is coming." Ed said as he sensed Professor Babbling coming to the class now using the space magic. The group quickly dispersed and seat on their own seats, and after that, the class went by normally, the professor introduced herself and the lesson started.

After Ancient Runes, Ed and Hermione quickly hid behind a cupboard and for the first time tried to use the time turner.

"You know how to do this?" Ed said, "I don't know how to use it, and frankly, I hate anything that meddles with time."

"Professor McGonagall taught me this morning." She said, "It's fine, here." She then made the necklace longer and wrapped it around Ed's neck, making them both wear it. Then she used the time-turner, she turned the sandglass a couple of times, and before Ed knew it, he travelled back in time.

"I guess that worked." Ed commented, which Hermione didn't answer, instead she excitedly pulled Ed out of the cupboard, dragging him to the Divination class.

"That's really cool." Hermione commented while walking to the class, "I wish I have this."

"Oh, you might think it's cool, but seriously, this thing shouldn't exist in my opinion." Ed warned, "The consequences of meddling with time might be more serious than you think… it can potentially make the world itself collapsed."

"How much do you know really?" Hermione asked, really curious about Ed's knowledge in the discipline.

"Oh Hermione, I learned a lot during the summer break." Ed chuckled, "Gilligan practically drilled the knowledge in my head. You see, there's a certain connection between Space and Time, without Space, Time wouldn't have any medium to exist, and without Time, Space wouldn't expand or move at all." Ed explained, "Space and time is simply inseparable, that's why in muggle science, space and time is connected within a single concept called space-time. So, if you meddle with one of the two too harshly and break their laws—"

"Then the other will simply break too." Hermione continued, "That's one way to put it."

Ed nodded, and he stretched his hand, forming a something on his palm, it was some sort of ball, he had warped the space around the top of his palm, forming a circular ball. "Like this for example, if you warp space, the time inside this warped ball would be a bit clunky as well, gravity acts like that too."

Hermione was surprised at the display of magic, "Did you just-"

"What?" Ed asked, then he realized that he didn't tell the girl yet about his new mastery, he slapped himself in his mind and undo the warping, "Oh, sorry, I forgot to tell you that I mastered more Space magic this summer… I got a bunch new powers now. I'll probably use it instead of the ice magic from now for practice."

"You just broke a lot of laws of physics Ed! didn't that have any consequences?" Hermione freaked out suddenly.

"Calm down Hermione… and seriously? We're using magic and you're talking to me about laws of physics? We can make things float using our wands for Merlin's sake."

"But you said-"

"That's just a small thing Hermione, magic can still make it passable to the laws of physics." Ed said, "But massive events, like the creation of black hole however… even magic can't stop it, at least the magic in this world anyway…" Ed said, "Another example is meddling with time, so don't use that thing too much okay?"

Hermione nodded blankly, she probably even hammered it in her mind not to do anything stupid while using the turner. After a couple of minutes of walking, they arrived at the class, they climbed the stairs and saw that the class has just started. Once they entered the room, everyone was looking at them, making both of them nervous.

"Your fault for explaining the time-space too long." Hermione commented.

"You're the one who asked." Ed refuted.

"Welcome, welcome." The Professor walked up to them, "I foresaw that you two would be late, it's okay… sit, sit." She said in a misty voice.

"Um, okay, sorry Professor…" Ed said as the two of them walked to an empty table near Ron and Harry, both of them looked at them with confusion as they sat on the chairs beside the table.

"I thought you two went to ancient runes?!" Ron quietly exclaimed.

Ed quickly thought of an excuse and answered, "We did, but we just talked to the Professor about the extra class we'll be having…" Ed lied, Hermione also caught up to this and nodded, "Yeah Ron, we can't be at two places at once." She joked.

Ed rolled his eyes, then before the redhead can comment any further, the Professor started to speak. She started to introduced herself as Professor Trelawney, then, to starts of the class, she made predictions of Neville, saying that his grandmother might not be well, then to Parvati Patil, saying that beware of a redhead, and to the whole class, saying that instead of one in the books, she said that there's two people who'll leave this easter.

"I just realized, she's a really good seer if you think about it…" Hermione suddenly commented, making Ed surprised, "Well, yeah… she's the one who made Harry's prophecy after all."

"Not that." She refuted, "That's like her episodes, what I mean is like the words she said right now."

Ed was certainly surprised by this. "How so? I thought you didn't believe in Divination?"

"Well, that's me in the books you've read." She pointed it out, "When I read the books too, her words kind of make sense, she just really bad at actually reading the vision."

"Really?" Ed said. "Elaborate."

"The first is Neville's grandmother…" she said, "What if she didn't really see Neville's grandmother? What if she saw the scene of Neville's boggart instead and interpret it as his grandmother?"

"So, you're saying that it she saw Snape in Neville's grandmother's clothes? She saw that his grandmother didn't look like herself and she interpret it as she's ill?"

"Possibly." Hermione nodded, "And what about Parvati? What if she didn't saw Parvati? What if she saw Padma? She's her twin after all, their appearance looked similar…"

"And Padma went on a date with Ron… which he ignored her that day…" Ed continued, "That— actually make sense…"

Hermione then swelled in pride as she pointed it out to Ed, she's really happy with herself now, which made Ed chuckled. After that, they were told to collect teacups in the shelves and divide into pairs, Ed of course partnered with Hermione, while Harry partnered with Ron. They were told to read the tea leaf patterns using the book Unfogging the Future.

Hermione and Ed started to work, and they both switched cups.

"What did I get?" Ed asked to the girl.

"Um…" she said while reading the book for symbols, "You have a cross… which means trials and suffering." Then she looked again at the teacup and said again, "And you also have a skull, which means danger in your path…"

"Great…" Ed said sarcastically, "Simply fantastic."

"What did I get?" Hermione asked to the boy, curious about hers.

Ed looked at the teacup, and surprisingly, it's the same. "It's the same as me…" Ed said to the girl, "No wait, there's one more…" Ed checked the book, but it didn't have the symbol, "Um, but it doesn't have the symbol in the book… it's a looks like a bird, but it's certainly not a falcon."

"Let me see." She said, looking at her own teacups, "You have it too, but I thought it was a random shape, now that look at it, it looks like a bird isn't it? A bird with twin tails…"

"Is there a bird with twin tails?" Ed asked.

"A Swallow?" Hermione suggested.

Ed shrugged, "Probably that, but why did we get the same symbol?"

"Honestly, I don't know."

Before they could think some more the events of the books played out, Trelawney warned Harry about the omen of death, making the class turned grim. After that, the class was dismissed, and the third years making their way to their own classes.

"Well, that's one way to end a class… I mean, seeing it in person rather than reading it is definitely different." Hermione further commented.

Ed chuckled as both of them exited the classroom, "You can say that again…"

After a couple more classes, Ed and Hermione went to the Care of Magical Creatures Class for the first time, where Hagrid is teaching. The class went the same as the books, a lot of the students were confused at first on how to deal with the textbook, then Hagrid told them to stroke their back. Then Hagrid shown them Buckbeak, which Harry got to ride and play around with. The difference between this time and the books however, was Draco didn't do anything, instead he just sulked in the corner, staying away from the others.

After the class, Ed then went back to the common room, and wait for the evening to reveal the traitor that is known as Peter Pettigrew.