
Orc: Growth of a Champion

Follow Roy Palmer, an ex streamer who suddenly dies and is reincarnated into... an orc(Piggy kind)?! Join Roy-Boy as he grows mentally and physically in this new world, as he meets new friends, enemies, and adventures.

Hakoer · Fantasy
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67 Chs

Calm After the Storm

In a dimly lit room, that looked to be crudely made of wood and stone, a dark green figure was idly sitting on a bear pelt throne. A fire raging in the fire place nearby, warming the room.

Holding a cup filled with some kind of alcohol, the figure's pupils suddenly shrank. His wooden cup shattered and the wine spill all over the being and his throne.

"Shit, my wine... Anu, bring somebody in here to clean this mess. Also, recall our current troops and let the commanders know that that lazy gob Nabik is dead." At this, the figure stood from his wet throne and left the room.

"Yes, my king..." The goblin standing in the corner of the room responded as he quickly left to fulfill his orders.

"He probably did something stupid. I warned him not to target villages with tier two powers, I even sent him specifically to the area near the outskirts. Well, it's a small loss, we have ravaged enough villages to consolidate our power. Now we just need to wait for the young to train some more and we can begin the raid on the Fairy Kingdom..." The king's goals began to come to light as he dipped his wine covered lower body into a small bath.

"Ahh..." He let out his stress as the relaxing touch of the warm water caressed his skin.

He began to train his Mana Heart as he bathed, the mana in the air being drawn in towards him. "Seems I won't be able to reach tier four any time soon... Still tier three should be more than enough to conquer much of the Forbidden Forest. I'll make sure the name of Aslan the Goblin King goes down in history!" Aslan proudly announced, as he leaned his head back with a wicked smile on his face.



"UGH!" Roy jolted awake and suddenly felt an insane amount of pain run through his entire body. Looking down at himself, he was covered in wounds that had a sticky green sap on them.

"What the hell?" Roy asked as he looked to his side to see Solus running towards him.

"Rrrr-ooooo-yyyy!" Solus screamed, obviously not used to talking as she had to force out the letters one at a time.

"Buhih-urgh, g-good job Solus." Roy complimented her attempt and gave her a head pat with his now almost bare and bloody right hand.

"Ah! Sorry I didn't think about the blood." Roy felt bad for putting his blood and the sticky green juice covering his wounds on Solus' head. Though Solus just shook her head and smiled, as if not really caring at all.

"Arroo ru fuun?" One of the kobolds said as she walked over to him. In her hand was something similar to an aloe plant that she had cut. Roy assumed this was the fluid all over his body.

"I don't understand what you said, but thank you for the assistance." Roy said as he gave her a smile.

He immediately began using [Keratin Growth] to heal his skin injuries and armor. The kobold that just walked up, looked on in shock. Roy, not able to explain just let her look in confusion as he rested.

'Haa... Might as well look at my system and see all our progress since I'm stuck here for a while.' Though Roy could heal his skin, he didn't have true regeneration, so the deeper wounds needed to heal naturally.

[Goblin Warrior killed]

[121 EXP Received]

[Enough Experience has been accrued]

[Inbellis Level up 7->8]


Name(s): Roy Palmer

Species: Infant (Lesser) Babirusa Orc Lv. 9/10

EXP: (75/90)

Job(s): [Apprentice Tamer Lv. 12/100]

EXP: (99/120)

{Available Jobs}

[Apprentice Craftsman] [Apprentice Assassin] [Apprentice Dissector]


HP: 10.4/ 30.0

Str: 30

Agi: 11

Int: 21

MP: 10.3/ 10.5


[Lesser Victories] [Lesser Strength] [Mana Heart Killer (Tier 0)] [Lesser Intelligence]



[Mental Fortitude Lv. 6] [Apprentice Crafting Lv. 9] [Taming Lv. 2] [Hatchet Arts Lv. 6]

[Apprentice Assassination Lv. 5] [Apprentice Dissection Lv. 1]


[Pierce Lv. 2]

Trait Skill(s):

[Keratin Growth Lv.8]

Unique Abilities:

[Other World Reincarnation Tutorial] [Aptitude]

Pet(s): [Inbellis]

Language Level: Bilingual

{Known Languages}

[English 97%] [Latin 94%] [Gobish 22%]

'Nice, only 15 EXP until I can evolve again! I'm really excited to be able to create a Mana Heart! Though thinking about it, maybe I should wait and get the [Lesser Agility] achievement... I'm only five points away after all.' As Roy considered this, he looked over Solus and Inbellis' status plates too.


Name(s): Inbellis

Species: (Lesser) Shielded Isopod Lv. 8/10

EXP: (29/80)


HP: 8.0

Str: 8

Agi: 10

Int: 1

MP: 0.5



'Still living up to his name, so I didn't really expect much to change here.' Roy wryly smiled. He hoped that after evolving, Inbellis could start to fight alongside him and Solus.


Name(s): Solus

Species: Infant Kobold Lv. 13/20

EXP: (59/130)

Job(s): [Student Lv 13/100]

EXP: (14/130)

{Available Jobs}

[Apprentice Assassin]


HP: 70.0

Str: 70

Agi: 70

Int: 19

MP: 9.5


[Mana Heart Killer (Tier 0)]



[Apprentice Assassination Lv. 3] [Gauntlet Arts Lv. 1]


[Scratch Lv. 4]

Language Level: Monoglot

{Known Languages}

[English 48%]


Roy gave the classic surprised whistle as he looked over her stats and new skill. 'So she received [Gauntlet Arts] already? I know she fought a lot of enemies at once, but she might just be a prodigy!'


Roy forced out a laugh as he looked at Solus and gave her a thumbs up. "Seems my little sister is a prodigy."

Solus looked at him and tilted her head, not understanding what he called her. Roy quickly clarified though, "It means that you are super talented!"


Solus gave a proud bark and nodded her head as if to say, 'Of course!'

Roy chuckled once again and went back to focusing on his healing. For the deeper wounds he tried to stitch them together using thin strands of keratin, before healing the skin.


As night approached, the kobolds had started a fire and cooked the goblins to satiate their hunger. One of the kobolds brought the some cooked meat and the Mana Heart to Roy and Solus.

"Thanks." Roy said with a smile as he took the items.

As Solus and him ate, Roy decided to plan out his next course of action. 'It seems that there are more goblins than what we saw here, though I have no idea where or how many there are.' Looking up at the beautiful night sky, Roy became lost in thought for a bit as he chewed the tough meat.

"I guess it doesn't matter, we'll just keep doing what we've been doing and head up the river..." Roy said aloud as he took another bite of the meat.

With the battle concluded, Roy & Company move on to face worse dangers...

Hakoercreators' thoughts