
The Stolen Treasure

In the Land of dawn, darkness fights to exist under the scorching light of power. Every living being struggles in order to glimpse between life and death. Same can be applied to this magical world, this is the so called survival of the fittest. Power is everything that tied this land.

The previous war between the Moniyan and Dark Abyss resulted to a devastating destruction that greatly affects the balance of power. Legends says, when darkness overwhelms the light, it will forcefully awakens the slumber of a certain Deity. She who governs balance will seek equality between power. The unfortunate conclusion of the war which leads to this imbalance will soon witness the awakening of a Goddess.

"Hey, Buddy. What do you think about this?"

A young man with a monkey on toe is pointing at the shining orb on a statue. He's staring hardly at the sphere shape object while guessing how much money could the shiny sphere would bring.

"Eh eh ah ah!"

"Yeah right, this can fetch a high price! Hehehe. I can smell a pile of gold for this treasure."

As if to understand the energetic exclaim of the monkey, he replied with great excitement too.

The young man approaches the giant winged statue of the Goddess Lunox who is holding the shining orb. He turned his gaze unto his friend and called him out.


The monkey named dexter leaps from the back of his friend and climbs to the statue to get the orb off from its raising hands.

"Ah ah!"

"Nice job. Now pass it to me, buddy."

The young man happily gives a thumbs up to his friend dexter before preparing to catch the thrown shiny sphere.

Flying through the air while forming a small arc, the shiny sphere landed on the right hand of the young man.

"Gotcha. Ohh, so this is how it looks close up."

The young man holds the sphere above his head, checking its appearance while admiring the Dark and Light hues inside the orb. On the other hand, Dexter quietly goes down and leaps from the statue to the back of his friend.

"Eh... eh ah."

"Yeah, let's go before they caught us here. Hahaha."

The two duo, Claude the greatest thief and his friend Dexter slowly walks away while happily tosses the sphere midair several times and catches it repeatedly.

What they don't know is that, the orb they took holds great importance to the Land of Dawn. The Orb of Singularity, responsible for suppressing imbalance power through the whole land, be it harmony and discord, abyss and elysium, or dark and light. It has the power that restricts other powers to overwhelm each other. Although the result of the war is the defeat of Moniyan, but through the Orb of Singularity, everything are suppressed to become balance that resulted to a great struggle in war. Which brought great casualties between both sides regardless of the winner or the loser.

If the Orb of Singularity were to be destroyed, no one knows what would happen. Only one person can predict such event, and that would be the Goddess Lunox herself.