
Oracle of the Lost

When beings die, their souls all go to the same place, converging upon the roots of the First Seed, to then travel through the winding and ever turning foundation of the great seed. From there, the souls are then reincarnated, their lives starting anew within one of the many realms tied together by the First Seed. But some souls are different than others. Some souls have gone through so many reincarnations that the essence flowing through them becomes focused and empowered, creating a Greater Soul. These souls are taken to the Heart of the First Seed, where they are reborn as Oracles. The prime purpose of the existence of the Oracles is to maintain the balance of the First Seed, overseeing the flow of souls and dealing with any abnormalities or breaks between the dimensions. But what happens when the First Seed’s roots begin to decay? What happens when the realities begin to decompose, falling apart and fading to nothing as though they had never been? What happens to all the souls who become swallowed by the void? The Great Eclipse is at hand, and Keanan, Oracle of the Lost, is burdened with the weight of the the First Seed, and his mission is to stop its decay and to purge the plague that wreaks havoc upon the balance. Will he be able to save the First Seed? Or will he too be swallowed by the abyss?

Tetsuno_DGB · Fantasy
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2 Chs


In the abyss of nothingness, the infinite black of the void, stretching on and on for eternity, figures writhed and churned in waves as they walked upon bridges of pulsating amber energy. The dark figures, of which there were thousands, all came in unlimited shape and sizes, but all had one thing in common-veins of amber light flowed through their black and grey flesh, pulsing through to their horns, claws, tails, spikes and any other form of pointed or hardened masses on their bodies.

Standing above the ravage pack of beasts below, were seven figures, each adorned in different outfits of armor or cloth. They all had the same amber colored energy running through their frames, except theirs was brighter than that of the other beings below.

They looked on off into the depths of the void beyond. Behind them were pools of amber, portals leading back to their home realm. And forward, we're the countless winding roots of the First Seed, endlessly twisting and turning a cajoling together in masses of blue light.

One of the figures leapt forward to the edge of the amber bridge, leaning over the precipice as he hunched forward, legs tucked to his chest and unnaturally long arms dangling over the abyss. From a wide grin of jagged teeth, it's winding tongue rolled from its mouth and swayed to and fro.

"Ahhhh.." he let out a groan of lust and hunger, "why do we sit and watch like begging mutts!? Why don't we just take it all for ourselves, why not just eat it all and consume everything!?!" The beast roared.

"Calm down, Bakurra." Said one of the other figures, who stood far taller than the rest, towering over them as his arms were folded over his chest and another pair of arms was held out at the side. Long chains dangled from his body and he had a tattered hood pulled over his face, amber horns protruding from his head and tearing through the cloth.

"But it looks… SO…. TASTYYY!!!" The being, Bakurra, roared as he thrashed his arms and gnashed his teeth.

"Soon." The talk one spoke again. "As soon as Gaisik kills that accursed Oracle, we will be free to do as we see fit."

"Droman is correct." Came the dark, brusque hiss of another voice. All the others turned to face a figure sitting upon a throne of amber, pulsing with waves of powerful essence, which obscured his features. "Let Gaisik do his work. I trust him enough to complete the task successfully."

"And then can we eat it all?" Bakurra growled impatiently.

"Yes." A dark hand with six fingers adorned with talons and rings rose from the waves of essence, reaching out towards the First Seed and all of it's realms. "And then… it shall all fade to black! The last chorus of life itself is beginning on the hymn of death, and soon the cords will be struck, the bells will chime, and the end will come. All that is shall cease to be!"

The outstretched fist clenched into a ball as the figure's nails dug into his black flesh, amber blood oozing from his palm. Off in the distance, as he squeezed his fist tightly, an entire reality began to die and fade to nothing.

A nice and short intro to the story, just the way it should be!

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