
Optimum University (V.1 Ch.1.2)

{If you wish to read ahead, head to my https://www.(p)-(a)-(t)-(r)-(e)-(o)-(n).com/easyread}

~~~(POV: Scott Cassidy)~~~

~~~(Location: 1st Years Optimum Private Bus, Freeway Bridge, Off Coast Of Southern California)~~~

~~~(Date, Time, Year: August 15th, 9:29 AM, 2020)~~~

~~~(Age: 19 Years)~~~

My attention is fixed on the glistening water off the bridge. It's a clever way to control the University's students. Isolation from the mainland that's wholly controlled by the government and the people who run the school.

There is silence on the bus, one of several dozen crossing the bridge. Bringing all the first and second years. There seems to be an even number of women and men.

On this bus, at least.

I can't say for the rest. It was never a question to ask Jennifer or Duncun. Optimum has rules that it holds for its students, faculty, and leaders.

Rule number three; everything is fair.

A complete lie.

Not in the sense you'll be cheated or placed in a lousy class. One of morality, society, and reality. There are rich and poor. Pretty and ugly. Smart and dumb. Fast and slow. Strong and weak.

Good and evil.

The third rule of the school should say everything controlled by the school is fair. That's the correct interpretation of the rule.

I believe it's a test. Something the people who run this place leave for the students attending.

"Are you excited for orientation?"

An idle conversation begins from the seat in front of me. Small chats are starting to pick up now that we're halfway across the bridge. A couple of girls talking about guys. Another group of friends hoping to get into class together.

"The first day is said to be safe for first years. We're to be touring and getting to know the campus. I'm more cautious than excited. I've only heard rumors about the campus."

Most people don't have the privilege of having older siblings to teach them about the campus before arriving. Still, Jennifer left out a lot of details regarding the services the campus provides.

Her exact words were Optimum provides everything a student will want or need.

"Yeah, me too. I've looked up satellite images on goo..."

The voices fade as I stop listening.

We're only a few minutes from unloading. A major time waste waiting in the line of buses. We're off the bridge now and creeping forward.

The gym is where an opening speech will be made.

I step off the bus once it's our turn. Everyone starts moving forward to the doors. Instead of following the flock, I stand and stare. Taking in all the people unloading.

"You must be shocked to see this place for the first time. It's not an uncommon reaction based on what my Mom said."

Someone enters my peripheral vision. Talking to me as if we're friends. My gaze turns to them, and that's when I see a fellow male student my age.

[Analytical Vision (Locked): Activated.]

Instead of responding, Analytical Vision activates upon my will for it to do so.

---[Information On Target]---

[Gregory Farols] [Lvl. 43]

[Average Stat Level: 38.8]

[Attitude: Happy, Excited, Nervous]

[Personality: A control freak and perfectionist due to the high expectation set by his mother. Hates it when he loses or isn't the best. A terrible enemy to have. Manipulating this person and getting caught will destroy said manipulator.]

[Depth: Gregory Farols is nineteen and considered to be a prodigy when it comes to mathematics and problem-solving. He's the son of the Treasurer of Finances at Optimum and is regarded as a shoo-in for advancing to next year despite not having attended a day.]

[Gained permanent insight into thoughts and feelings of Gregory Farols.]

The beauty of Analytical Vision is once I've used it on someone, their emotions, thoughts, and attitude are known to me when they're in my presence. I've gotten used to Jennifer these last couple of months.

I use this ability throughout my life to remain precisely where I want to be.

[Gregory Farols is uncomfortable with the silence and lack of response.]

Shouldn't keep the perfectionist waiting.

"Your Mom works here?"

There is a slightly concerned turn in the corners of his eyes at my neutrally dead tone.

[Gregory Farols doesn't trust people he can't read well.]

[-5 points to your relationship with Gregory Farols]

[Current relationship (Strangers) level with Gregory Farols: 5/100]

"Yeah... She does. We should hurry; the orientation starts in 20 minutes. The last thing you want to miss."

He's quick to change his attitude with me. Turning around and not waiting a moment more. There are said to be many prodigies among the students here, along with ordinary people. Not to mention those of less intellect too.

Rule number three; everything is fair.

I follow inside the gymnasium and make my way to a seat. The place is filled with first-years only. Second years and higher aren't present.

As the lights dim, and we all take our seats, I can't help thinking this is a waste of time, only for myself. From the perspective of someone new to this place, or who isn't me. This is important. However, this serves almost no purpose.

A taller man takes the podium on the stage. Upperclassmen. I'd say around 4th or 5th year. I'm tempted to use Analytical Vision, but that's not called for now.

He clears his throat and takes on a serious expression.

"Welcome to Optimum University, first years. I'm student council chairman Josiah Campbell."

His voice is commanding yet not overly masculine. Something that has some of the girls in my year already giggling and whispering to each other.

"Optimum is the Latin word for best or one of the words for best. Only the best graduate from Optimum University and those who can't prove their value through tests, assessments, and exams are expelled."

The one thing you can trust about Optimum University is its first rule.

"Rule number one; adapt or perish. There are three ways you can be expelled from Optimum."

This isn't a welcoming speech; it's a warning of what everyone is walking into.

"The first way is having a failing score at any Term Exam or end-of-year Exam. This will be explained in more detail in your class."

We're all used to being graded through several classes. However, Optimum works differently. It's based on a scale of 0 to 100. Jennifer made that very clear to me.

"The second way of expulsion is conduct unbecoming. If you're caught fighting or hurting your fellow students, it's a one-way ticket out the door."

The keyword is caught.

Duncun told me one time how cutthroat this place truly is. People catch on quickly and know how to avoid getting caught.

"This is helped by the cameras and security around campus."

Again, only if you're caught.

"The final way of expulsion is someone buying another student's expulsion with Personal Points."

The Personal Points function.

The points are awarded to individual students. Jennifer said she was receiving an attack via this method, but there are ways to avoid or stop it.

He's not going to share that information, though.

There are worried whispers and growing concerns from around me. This would be intimidating for the first years. All nineteen and unaware of how this all works. Fresh adults are thrown to the wolves.

"Rule number two; cheaters never prosper. If you're caught cheating, it'll lead to immediate expulsion. As well as a fine charged to your account."

A given rule.

"Rule number three; everything is fair. No student will be targeted, mistreated, or ignored by the faculty of Optimum University. You can have the utmost trust in your teachers and advisors."

There is a sigh of relief from some of the students. To many, the first two rules are hard enough as it is.

This rule has many interpretations. Among them are several dangerous ones. Not to mention contradictory to unbecoming conduct. These are all things we'll learn.

"Rule number four; Anything on campus grounds can be bought and sold using Personal Points."

That's the most important rule. The most essential function of the entire University.

"With that, you all know the rules of Optimum. Once your campus tour is over, you'll be directed to your classroom. The class you're sent to will be your only class for the entire year."

So much information and so little time to absorb everything. For others, that is. In truth, the rules are very loose. It's saying anything is fair unless you're caught.

"Before you leave the gymnasium, you'll have to hand over your phones. No student is allowed contact with the outside world. You'll be provided with a phone by the school."

That's when upset sounds come from many of the women and some of the men. Josiah, on the receiving end of this, does not react.

"Now, have a wonderful tour, everyone."

The fake tone of happiness and joy is clear to me. To everyone else, it's nothing but the truth.

The lights start to brighten back up, and people begin standing. There are teachers and staff at every door holding bags. As we start exiting the gymnasium, everyone loses their phones. And gains the ones provided by the school.

The energy and excitement the first years had walking into the gymnasium have disappeared. I'm betting many won't be upset when they get used to how things work.

~~~(POV: Josiah Campbell)~~~

~~~(Location: Student Council, Administration Building, Optimum Island)~~~

~~~(Date, Time, Year: August 15th, 2:30 PM, 2020)~~~

~~~(Age: 24 Years)~~~

The throbbing of my head continues to dull my senses. It's always a headache when the first years arrive. My eyes look around the room as I lift mine from the paper. Most of the student council is here, but a few are missing.

A sigh escapes my lips. This new year is full of students, that could prove problematic for us. After all, any class or student can attack another. The difference in the class year or a person's age doesn't matter.

I need to focus on what's the actual problem.

"How many from the first year are already on the watchlist?"

It's time to find out who we need to target or support. They'll prove it through the year if any of them are good.

~~~(POV: Jennifer Cassidy)~~~

~~~(Location: Classroom 2-A, Education Building, Optimum Island)~~~

~~~(Date, Time, Year: August 15th, 2:45 PM, 2020)~~~

~~~(Age: 20 Years)~~~

"Classes E and F are working together already. I think we should speak with Emily. An early alliance with Class C before the first Special Assessment of the year will ward off any attacks from below."

Our class representative Kelson has discovered a plot from our rivals below us. The first Special Assessment is three months from now and the first of four this year.

Emily would appreciate the added comfort of not worrying about classes E and F. It gives them just as much reason to work with us.

"I agree, now that Merit Points have reset. It's the perfect chance for the lower classes to get higher. We're all at zero right now and at our most vulnerable."

One of my class's more popular and intelligent girls stands up as she speaks. You can count on Regina to agree with the most logical choice. However, sometimes logic isn't always the answer.

Since the class rankings were so close last year, everyone below Class 2-A believes they have a chance to take our spot.

Not unreasonable to think that. It's the right way to think. With a new year, everything has been wiped clean except for Personal Points. We'll have to prepare for assaults on multiple fronts, but it's not like it's the first time this has happened.

"We need to find out what Class 2-B is planning. They won't stay quiet for long. I wouldn't be surprised if they launched an attack at the first Assignment Competition a month from now."

It's only the first day, and we're moving at full speed. I was hoping to get home to my dorm by 4 o'clock. That doesn't look like it's happening.

~~~(POV: Scott Cassidy)~~~

~~~(Location: Class 1-G, Education Building, Optimum Island)~~~

~~~(Date, Time, Year: August 15th, 3:45 PM, 2020)~~~

~~~(Age: 19 Years)~~~

Ms. Amanda turns around as she finishes writing information on the whiteboard behind her. She stands behind her desk. Looking at the students individually.

The woman is objectively pretty and around the 31 age mark. She's a former student and graduate of Optimum. As well as our teacher. Many of the boy's eyes in the room focused more on her body than her words.

A dangerous thing to have... A beautiful teacher.

"As you can see, what class you got and who's in your class has been selected by the school. Rule number three; everything is fair. No class above this one has a better or worse situation than you."

The letters in front of a class can and will change based on their Merit Points. If class 1-E has gained more points than class 1-D, 1-E will become 1-D and vice versa.

The students were placed by hand in each class based on scores during our entrance exam and reviews from our time in high school. Some bad students, some average students, and some gifted students were placed in each class.

All are equally distributed.

That's if you didn't hide your potential, as I did. Being tremendously gifted makes you stand out. It's unwanted attention. Things I don't need or want.

I kept a grade average of 70.0 percent throughout my time in young academia. However, the grading system is different in Optimum.

"On the whiteboard, the grading system works on a scale of 0 to 100. This isn't high school. There are no letter grades here. A failing grade is only determined by the average score of the class."

A girl with long brown hair a few rows away and a couple seats up from me raises her hand, and the teacher looks at her. Waiting for her to ask a question.

"Does that mean if the average score on the test is 75 points, a failing grade would be around 30?"

A smile takes shape on the lips of the teacher. They're in for a surprise based on that smile.

"This is one of the ways competition with your fellow classmates manifests. The better a class tests, the higher odds a person will be expelled. Mid-terms and end-of-year tests are the time when students are commonly expelled."

What I take from this is if no one falls below the failing grade based on the average score of the class, no one will be expelled. Personal success is entirely in your hands.

There are looks of mixed reactions around the room. It's all new to them, and I don't blame them for not understanding.

It's a system that has holes in it. That much is obvious. They're making us learn a balance between cooperation and competition. Forcing us to adapt to an environment that can flip on a dime.

"Now, Merit Points determine your class ranking among other classes. You earn Merit Points through tests, exams, special assessments, and assignment competitions."

She's withholding information, as all teachers are right now. Jennifer has told me on multiple occasions that Merit Points are directly correlated to Personal Points. For every Merit Point earned in a month, it's multiplied by a factor of 10.

When a new month begins, how well your class did in Merit Points is transformed into Personal Points. Everything is as Jennifer said.

Let's say our class gets 500 Merit Points in one month. Multiple that by 10. That's 5,000 Personal Points per student. However, to help lower classes catch up with higher classes. Certain penalties and advantages can be earned or stolen.

All of it rests in the hands of the students. None of these decisions rests with teachers or faculty.

"Personal Points are your lifeblood. They're your way to buy food, clothes, and commodities. As you've seen in your tour, there are several stores and a mall on Optimum Island."

This is going to be a problem for my entire first-year class. At least those that don't know. Telling your classmates is not advantageous since you're competing with them as much as you are with other classes together.

Again, it lies with the students to figure this out and share it or not. It'll be a good way to reveal people with a level of integrity and honesty needed for leaders.

I wouldn't doubt the leaders of the class are born from this.

"Your phones are important. Remember that. Check them, and you'll see you've been rewarded with 10,000 Personal Points to start the year. That ends the introduction to how basics work on Optimum Island. Now, figuring out the rest is up to everyone else."

At least she's letting everyone know there is far more to how all this works with her ending statement. Her eyes drift to the clock at the top of the door. An unchanging expression on her features is what most see.

"Alright, your dorm room numbers and digital keys are in your phones. Now get out of here, and get some rest. Tomorrow, your first year begins here."

Everyone begins to stand up. Most are staring at their phones. They'll likely see what they can buy with their Personal Points. To find the limits. I commend that only if it ends there.

I stand up and make my way to the exit too.

There is nothing I need at the moment, and I want to visit my dorm room. Get situated. Jennifer told me every student gets an individual room to themselves. Not having to share with anyone.

However, the years are separated by building. First years get an entire building to themselves, just like all the other years. What's concerning me is they're not separated by gender. Males and females can share the same floor.

The last thing I want is neighbors who go at it when I'm trying to sleep.

Another test, to be sure.

One in self-restraint. For most people, anyway.

Word count: 3015

If you wish to read ahead, head to my https://www.(p)-(a)-(t)-(r)-(e)-(o)-(n).com/easyread

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