

Scott and Reed are the heroes of my story. They are totally different in every aspect, like sexuality, upbringing, education, financial and family status, and so on. The only matching personality they had was never giving up. Scott was a billionaire and CEO; on the other hand, Reed was an ordinary employee working in his company. Whenever they were facing each other, they would always end up fighting and eventually hating each other. The odds of both of them ending up together were zero; destiny had its own plan. Please find out by reading my novel.

callmepriya · Fantasy
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25 Chs


After exiting Scott's cabin, I wondered if I had gone overboard. No, right, where is David?

Why the hell he is not being questioned, let alone me? If I don't stand up, they will make my life a living hell, over here. According to Scott and Simon's nature, they won't let go of this matter that easily. I should be well prepared for any of their strikes.

Soon, the week ended for about 20 days, and Simon successfully sucked my blood thoroughly, except on Saturday and Sunday. It was Monday. After reaching the company, an hour later, Scott called me. What now again?

With permission, I entered his cabin, and he spoke. "Mr. Walker, we need to visit France again; this time only 2 of us still have pending work that needs to be completed. Hand over your work to Simon.".

Is he for real? I was not able to digest the things they did on my first trip. Once again, I need to accompany him. How the hell he is expecting that I will agree? On the other hand, I am working for his company. Whatever he says, I should follow. After contemplating for a few seconds, I spoke. "Ok. Mr. Mathew. I will but I have three conditions. If you say yes to all those conditions then I will accompany you, and the sole reason for these conditions is that I learned my lesson from my first business trip." "Conditions. Hmmm, if I didn't agree to your conditions, then you won't accompany me; you fucking dare to do that." "Of course not, but I can provide you with a medical certificate certifying that I am incapable of flying for the time being." He was fuming. Should I give a dam? "Wow, impressive. What are your conditions?

"First, I need the first trip expense reimbursement; second, I need a separate room; and third, my ride should pick me up whenever I leave the hotel, and the same applies while leaving the company." Slowly, he nodded his head while weighing my words. "OK, produce your bills to HR; I will speak with them; and I have agreed for the rest too. Other information about the business trip, you will receive via mail." "Thank you; I think you will keep your words, so I am not asking for any mail confirmation regarding my conditions." "Get out."

He agreed so easily—not even any argument—how come? Did he predict this before? Maybe I should be happy that I was finally getting my money back, or should I be worried about his next move? There was chaos running through my mind, and I made my way towards the desk.

I continued with my work. By end of the day, I received an email regarding the business trip that was scheduled for Wednesday. I needed to be at the venue by 6 p.m.

It was Wednesday. I was feeling like I was going to a battle not for a business trip. I have thoroughly prepared and I am just waiting for his move. I reached prior 30 minutes, and was waiting for Scott. Once again, we were traveling on his private plane. Being a billionaire was such a privilege, and on top of that, he was handsome and sexy—a complete package. No wonder girls would die to date him.

He came around 6 p.m. I greeted him, and he did not bother to acknowledge me as we entered the plane, it took off. I really enjoyed this high-class travel; it is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and I don't want this trip to go in vain.

We reached France early in the morning, and he kept his word. Two separate suits had been booked. Scott handed over my suit key and informed me to get ready. By replying OK, I made my way to the room.

The suit was beautiful; the first time I could not enjoy it for so-and-so reasons, but this time I could enjoy the king-size bed, large couch, and jacuzzi, whatnot. No wonder it is so expensive.

I got freshened up and made my way downstairs. After a few minutes, Scott joined me looking dashing 'uff' this guy. These mixed feelings I got over him—God should save me. I didn't want to drool over him, so I averted my eyes. Our ride approached, and it was only one car, which was ok, if I was picked up and dropped off without fail. We reached the company and went to our respective cabins, via mail. The work was assigned and I started working on it. I finished my work around 7 p.m.; my ride was waiting, which was great, and I sat in the car. Scott was in the car scrolling his cell.

The same routine continued for another 5 days. If you ask me, this is not at all good. Everything is going fine. It's not normal. Did I miss something? Or is something awaiting?

We stayed in France for 10 days; there was likely to be one more visit. This time we had to work on the weekend too, and could not find time to explore. It was the day of our departure, and the plane was scheduled for 6 p.m., and at 12 p.m., we checked out of the hotel.

On the way, we stopped in front of a big shopping mall. Scott spoke, "This is the biggest shopping mall; let's shop." I obliged like hell; I was going to shop here. He made his way toward the mall, and my duty was to follow him. He entered the blazer shop. Out of curiosity, I checked the cost; it was nearly half of my salary. I didn't bother to look further. There was a couch. I went and took my seat.

Scott was trying blazers of different colors; how the hell every color perfectly suited him was beyond my thinking, one of the perks of being handsome. The staff were like ants not leaving his side, not even for seconds. Finally, he selected three blazers, and we went near the counter.

He was searching for something in his pocket. For the love of God, don't tell me he forgot his card, and 'yes', he had forgotten. He turned my way. I saw his face, and he spoke, "Swipe your card; I will transfer the amount." No, no, no, no, I am bloody, not swiping, but these words were not coming from my mouth. The girl sitting on the counter was waiting for my response, and again, Scott spoke. "Do you fucking think I will run away by taking your bloody amount?" He literally shouted those words. I didn't leave with any choice. With a heavy heart, I gave my card. The lady took my card and swiped it.

When I checked the bill amount, I was shocked and felt dizzy for a few seconds. Bloody hell, just three Blazers cost this much. I made sure to keep the receipt safe, just in case. Not only did he make me pay for his blazers, but he also made me carry his shopping bags too. His shopping didn't stop; of course, he purchased a few other things. Let me emphasize the word 'Expensive' items. He really doesn't know the value of money. What bothered me most was that he was using my card, and I was sure it was going to exceed my credit limit.

Wherever he was swiping my card, I was carefully collecting all the receipts. I really didn't bother to check the bill amount or mobile notification that I was receiving on my cell. Who knows, I may get a heart attack any second after checking those.

I was praying to God to make him stop this shopping, and finally, he stopped and made our way towards the ride. As soon as we reached the car, I dumped those shopping bags on the back side and took my seat. Scott was on call.

I started contemplating how or when to ask about this bill amount. Will he bother to look into those bills and transfer the amount, or should I inform him? I was not getting the best way to convey to him. I was waiting for him to disconnect the call, and to my luck, he didn't disconnect till we reached the airport.

Once we reached the airport, he disconnected the call and made his way towards the plane. I followed him. Straight away he went toward the cabinet on the plane. I gave up and thought of asking him in the company. I made up my mind with a heavy heart.

As usual, rides were arranged and there were two cars. One was for me, so I made my way towards the apartment.

After reaching the apartment I got freshened up. I was not feeling tired. I took those bills. Believe me, my hands were shaking. I thought twice, made up my mind, and decided to count. Either way. I was sure I was not going to get any sleep today. Carefully, I counted the bill amount. He had swiped nearly my three months' salary which exceeded my credit card limit. I started pondering whether this was the minimum or maximum amount he usually spends on his shopping.

Before purchasing for myself. I will look into my budget, and if it comes within it. I will think of purchasing or else I won't bother. Oh boy, I need to get back this amount no matter what.

I need to behave well, like even more, which means literally shut my mouth.