
Chapter Kaitlyn's guilt

...Then a hand stopped her and held her in an embrace and let her cry her eyes out.

...Until she stopped and hiccups was heard from her for a while Douglas just held her and let the waves of tears and sadness subsides. He understand the pain and the guilt she is feeling at the moment.

"Feeling better now?" she just nods her head and pushed him gently.

"Thanks, your shoulders are great to cry on." he handed her his handkerchief for her to blow her nose and wipe her tears.

"Well it's not always I will be able to see the formidable sparrow cry her eyes out, makes me realized you are still human, even though I will have a hard time explaining to Mom why I spoiled the best birthday gift she gave me." he shrugged looked at his shirt..

"Don't start now Pinocchio. As if it was beyond redemption just give it to me I'll have it dry clean free of charge, I'll handle it." she smiles truly grateful for the way he showed his compassion for her feelings and letting her use his broad shoulders to cry on.

"I just want to see you didn't loose your spunk. Come we have a report to comply."

After they finished filing their report, Kaitlyn was alone on her room in front of her laptop trying to assess the events of the day.

After she has beaten the slim gangster and leaving him half dead, she initiated the attack that her group was planning for a while.

The operation went smooth due to the precise calculations and covering all the aspects that might hinder and cause the operation to fail. The operation was carried out to three locations simultaneously to ensure that the culprits won't be able to escape. But somehow that was just the tip of the iceberg. They just managed to cripple the organization, but then she realise that the lost members will just be replaced in no time, and the operation will be in full force since the brain of the organization is still free, and enjoying what life has to offer in the expense of destroying the lives of the innocent, naive and people who want to escape the hardship of life through substance abuse enjoying the limited time to forget their burdens while unknowingly getting hook and committing crime just to be able to continue their vices through temporary means.

For this reason she was aware that these events means they have to work three steps ahead of their opponents.

Their opponents... enemies, In other word. Just like Jessie.....

Just like Jessie who has forgotten what he's fighting for or choose to forget, when the lives of her love ones were involve.

Jessie lost his will to live including his love for his work.

Then her eyes began to well in tears once again.


"Damn!!! Why does it have to be me???" she was screaming at the same time beating the table where her laptop lay causing it to bounce every time her hands hits the table.

"Kaithy dear,,, are you alright?" her mother peep at the door of her room worrying after hearing the noise coming from her room.

"I'm fine Mom." she hastily wipe her tears and compose herself before turning facing her mother.

"Why are you screaming? Your voice can. be heard downstairs. You have us worried." her mother was staring at her tearstained and puffy eyes, but said nothing.

"Oh,,, I just hurt my fingers when I shut the drawers."

"Is there something bothering you dear."

"I'm fine Mom. just a bit under the weather."

"Drink medicine before it got worst, take rest. I'll make you chicken noodle soup it's great for you."

"Thanks Mom." her mother cook the best chicken noodle soup.

"I'll bring it up, when it's done."