
CHAPTER 3 - Coffee Stop

After school, Maeve straight to Coffee Stop where she doing her part-time work as a barista.

“How’s school, Maeve?” As usual, the Coffee Stop’s owner, Mr. Bran would greet her warmly.

“Nothing new, like usual, all I could remember was detention and lunch.” she casually stated.

“Maeve was quite a rebel student, huh? But, I believe she’s just doing all good, right?” he left a chuckle as he want to believe what he said was right.

“Mr. Bran always so positive and supportive,” Maeve commented.

“Yes, I know Maeve was a good girl!” He chirped.

Maeve just gives a single smile before continue to put on her apron and started on her work.

“For your hard work, here’s some chocolate cake for your break later.”

“Eeeeeh? Are you sure?” Knowing that Bran was a crazy fan of the sweet dessert makes her hard to believe he’s offering it to her.

“Yes, today we don’t sale it so you can eat them as much as you want.” He stated happily.

“Indeed, we never sold one. Since you like to eat them all before we could sell” Maeve stated.

“Oh, you’re right. We only sell coffee.” He won’t deny it.

Maeve continues her work by setting up her workplace, refills things and stuff. She already got customers.

“Kring~” The front door bell’s ringing.

“Yes, welcome to Coffee Stop~” She greeted cheerfully with a sweet warm smile not long until it turns into a sour long face when she saw the customer.

“Order?” She asked sternly as Rou placed his elbow at the counter and resting his chin at his palm while looking for the menu.

He lifts his eyes staring at Maeve’s face with a smirk.

“I’m busy. Go away.” Ignoring her service code, she won’t hesitate to refuse this customer.

“Black,” he stated.

“It’s just for grown-up.”

He chuckled knowing that she knows he was just kidding.

“Then, give me your best shot.”

“That would be 20$” By that, she accepted the order.

“But if I’m not satisfied I wanna refund.” Still trying to buy some time to make her piss off.

“Cash only, sir. No refund.”

With a smile, he places a note on the countertop.

“Please wait for about 10 minutes until your order’s ready. Have a nice day.” She stretches out a transaction receipt and without waiting starts to proceed with the order.

Rou took a seat and wait patiently.

While focusing on making ‘her best shot’, Maeve took a glance at Rou who was staring at her continuously without blinking with a tiny smirk on his lips, an obvious plan to annoy her. When his eyes met the sharp annoyed glance of Maeve, his smirk turns into a little chuckle knowing his intention to annoy her was a success.

Maeve pretends to focus on her work so she can at least forget his existence even she cannot. She was making coffee for him, after all.

‘What’s with him, doesn’t he had something better to do other than come here every day and bother me?’

‘A kiss doesn’t mean we’re a thing now and I’m not his, right?’

She thought as she carefully pouring milk for the coffee art. He’s gonna make a cute shape of art to mess with him. That’s at least evil thought she can think.

It’s finished.

“Why this shape?” he’s not wasting the chance to ask

“Because it suits you.” She quipped. Keeping a straight face to make it looks like she didn’t have any other playful intention.

Rou just takes a better look at his coffee with a small smile on his face.

“Why is he smiling?” Maeve noticed it.

He quietly returns to his seat and places the cup on the table.

‘He liked it, isn’t he?’ She mused.

Time to leave all thoughts about him and be more focused on the next customers who will be more productive for her. She knows she needs to be more focused if she wants today's shift to pass nicer and better.

She took a final glance at Rou and saw him already emerges in the online world, he’s playing with her phone probably chatting.

‘Who is he chatting with? A girl?’ Unwanted thought is speculated by her traitor mind as she automatically pushes that thought away.

‘Why in the world should I care?’ She squealed inside her head.


She jumped as all her thoughts soaring away with the bell chime.

“Yes, welcome to Coffee Stop!!” She yelped before realized that wasn’t the warmest greeting she could do. The two customers who just entered stop for the command.

“Uh... Hello, welcome to Coffee Stop, what can I do for you?” She swiftly changed into her gentle warm greeting with a very wide smile.

Trying to hide their laugh, the two customers keep walking forward to place their order.

“It was our first visit to this shop, we would like to know if you can serve coffee art for us?” The first guy queried.

“Yes, we do serve that. What can I get you?” She exclaimed.

“Really? Any shape will do?” he beamed. She was confused a bit.

“Yes, we’ll do our best!”

“Then, can I have a regular cup of latte with The Skeleton King from Super Robot Monkey shape?”

“And... I would like to have a regular cup of Intermediate Mocha with Roary from Roary the Racing car shape, please?” The second guy added.

‘What the hell are they talking about? I don’t remember signing for this, I do watch Super Robot Monkey and Roary the Racing Car but..’ Was all she could ask back and forth inside her head.

“Pfft... I’m sorry, we’re just joking, sweetie..” The first guy quickly chimed in. The second guy just giggles along.

‘Oh, very funny, sweet ass!’ She grunted in her monologue. Still wears a fake pleased face.

“One regular cup of latte with leaf shape and a regular cup of intermediate mocha with fish shape, please.”

‘I hope this is the last time you talk to me’ In her mind.

“It would be 40$” On her mouth.

They’re heading to Rou’s table which she already forgot about and sit there. The first guy was seen doing hi-fi with Rou while Rou was seen smiling cheerfully. The second guy proceeds to sit.

Maeve’s jaws almost dropped to learn that those two were Rou’s pals, or buddy, or whatever. Most importantly, related to him.

She swears, if she could do what she can in this world, she would add real curry leaf and fish sauce in their cups.

That’s it for a day in Coffee Stop.


It’s 5 post-meridiem and Maeve is ready to wrap up her shift when Demi enters the Coffee Stop.

“Hi.” Demi greets.

“Wanna walk along? You’re early today.” She commented.

“Yes, I finished my shift at four today,” Demi stated.

“I see. Few more minutes, okay? I’ll be done soon.” She asked as she quickly wrapping up her workplace. Tidying and cleaning. Mr. Bran will take charge of the evening shift.

“Demi, why don’t you come here and grab a bit of my delicious chocolate cake!” Suddenly Mr. Bran voiced from the kitchen.

“Yeah, I forgot about that. Mr. Bran offers me the cake earlier for my break. Let’s have it together.” Maeve beamed. Just remember about the cake.

“Oh, I would love to..” Demi won’t refuse.

“So, how’s work?” Demi questioned as Maeve placed her apron in its place.

“Like usual. Mr. Bran is sure very positive and supportive.” She assured as she took a seat next to Demi.

“I can hear that~ thank you!” Bran chimed in heard from the kitchen.

“Heheh” Maeve grinned.

“Good to hear,” Demi commented.

“Did something happen?” Maeve casually seeks

“Eh? What do you mean? Nothing at all…” Maeve could see the other girl flinched a bit from her casual question.

“Heeeeh~ good to hear, then...: She drawled, meaning that she’s not completely believed her claim.

“Em.. this is so good.” Demi praised.

“How’s your mom?” Without responding to her praise, Maeve asked another question.

Demi’s face seems a bit lighter and calmer this time.

“She’s good. My sister also helped a lot, she started saving you know? After she lives together with her boyfriend.” She crooned.

“I see. Just tell me if anything happens, okay?”

“What? Nothing in particular” She replied. Maeve just smiling.

“It’s getting late, Maeve. Shouldn’t we start to get going?” Demi hinted.

“Yeah, you’re right.” Maeve quickly looked at her wristwatch. The clock shows it’s 6:30 PM.

“We should start to get going, Mr. Bran.” Maeve voiced out.


“Let’s go, Maeve.” Demi called her as she already standing at the front door.

“Bye, Mr. Bran. Thanks for the cake!” Maeve voiced one last word.

“No problem. Take care, girls!”

Maeve and Demi just walking to their home, chatting casually, talk back and forth before three guys stopped their step in halfway.

“What do you want? We’re already late.” Demi contended to let them know, they want to get home hurry.

“Where are you going at this hour?” The first guy asked.

Demi sighed.

“We’re coming home, idiot!” Maeve replied.

Two of the guys looked at each other’s faces.

“Heh, this chick sure with attitude.” The first guy commented.

“Not bad.” The second guy added.

“Of course I’m not bad, you guys are bad, isn’t it?” Maeve guessed.

“Let’s go, Maeve.” Demi grabbed Maeve’s hand not wanting to stay there any longer.

“Hold on, why so hurry? Let’s go for a drink, shall we?” The first guy offered.

“Sorry but, we’re already full. Stop it, you’re already seen through. We’re not interested.” Maeve spatted.

“Just ignore them, Maeve,” Demi warned.

“Schoolgirl is the best!!” The second guy gushed. Continued by the sound of laughter from the rest of them.

That’s before Demi feels like someone grabbing her bag. Faster than the wind, she swiftly smacks him.

Two of them stop laughing and puzzled for a moment.

“What are you doing, Fool. Hahahhaha” The first guy mocked.

Maeve just kept walking leaving Demi who starts grabbing the third guy’s collar. The other two following her.

“Let’s just straight to the point. You know, we want money.” The first guy talking as he making a money gesture with his left hand.

Maeve stopped walking.

“Eeeeh? But it’s not payday, sir.” Maeve drawled.

“Nice, smart girl. So, why don’t you come with us and make some money? Don’t worry, we will surely pay you.” He suggests.

Maeve takes a look at the guy’s face.

‘Man, such a pervert face..’ She thought.

In the meantime, Demi was heard scolding the third guy who was brave enough to grab her bag.

“That’s it. Touching my bag would be 50$.” She’s charged it.

“That was so expensive, ya know?” He trying for interrogation.

“What did you say?” Demi snapped.

“Sorry, but I’m not interested. It’s Friday, I was in hurry. I'm supposed to spend the night with my girlfriend.” Maeve explained.

“Hey, did you hear that? She said ‘girlfriend’?” The first guy questioned the other guy.

“I heard the same..” The second guy confirmed it.

“Hahahhaha.. girls..” Suddenly the first guy cracking up.

“Said doesn’t interested in man,” The second guy continues.

“But if they taste it, they will easily falter and moaning like a bitch.” The first guy completed.

“Not interested, my ass!” The second guy continued to taunt her.

It’s working. It does trigger her. Without a warning, Maeve just hastily grabs the first guy’s collar and clenched her fist. Her movement grabbed Demi’s attention.

“W-wait, Maeve,” She called.

While she’s distracted, the third guy took a chance to grab her. She yelped and this time, faster than lightning, briskly smack him down real hard.

“So rude, taking chances while I’m distracted..” Demi grunted.

“We ended up smacking them, what’s now?” She uttered as she walking towards Maeve who had already done beaten the first guy. She kicked his butt for the last touch.

“How dare you!” Suddenly the second guy who was still uninjured blurted in.

Maeve just looked at him with an annoyed look when she saw someone sneaks behind him.

“Pang!!” Suddenly someone knocked him out with a violin case. Maeve smirked while Demi’s eyes widened.

“Nice one, my girl!” Maeve’s cheered.

“You’re so slow~ don’t you know I missed you already~?” The girl whined.

“Yuri?” Demi guessed.

“Oh, you must be Maeve’s friend, Demi, right?” The girl called Yuri guessed back.

“Y-yes..” Demi won’t deny it.

“Yuri Caroline, nice to meet you.” She chirped, introduced herself as she stretched out her hand for handshaking.

Demi reluctantly reaching for her hand. Then she dragging her out of that place.

“Let’s get out of here first.” She submitted. Yuri Caroline just walks, followed by Maeve.

“That surprised me when you suddenly showed up,” Demi commented.

“Thanks, anyway.” She added.

“No, I’m not actually do anything, anyway.” Caroline won’t take the credit.

“I’m sorry, Caroline. We finished late from Coffee Stop.” Maeve explains herself.

“It’s fine, though... or.. are you having a date with Demi?” She accused.

“N-no.. there’s no way~” She denied.

“Aaaa~ I’m happy~” Caroline responded with her usual whine.

Demi just narrowed her eyes slightly feel annoyed.