
Opportunities of a second life

I thought of a question today. What would happend if I had the power to change my world?My reality? would I a normal human be capable to wield such power? So I decided to write about much musings as a form of self discovery. give it a try you might like it.

Paulo_D_Manoel · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

There is someone that I'm afraid of...

It was late at night when the family arrived at home. Paulo was feeling a bit of oddness in the air, the ride home was silent so he was curious if his father was going to speak about the events of today at all.

Manoel, the father, took his keys and opened the door and moved aside to allow the others to enter. He did all that silently, he looked at them and motioned them to enter. His sister entered and hid behind the door of the yard, she must have sensed that dad would do something.

When I moved to enter the door, I had to dodge a broomstick coming at me at high speeds.

"Stop dodging you bastard! How can you do stupid stuff like that!" Father shouted, as he swung his stick at me forcing me to dodge. I'm sure that if I don't dodge, with this body of mine It would probably be damaged badly.

"You risked your life for such a stupid reason!" Father shouted at me stopping the stock to catch his breath.

I understand his ire, money is not important in comparison with our lives. I just reacted to the guy bad intentions automatically, and when he motioned to grab his weapon, I could not stay put. 

 "But at least you are okay…" He said to his father, making him stand still.

"Sigh… Okay okay, I get it. Just please stay clear of such thing in the future, Or I will beat your ass for real. Do you think you can dodge forever?" Father threatened, I was grateful for this peaceful resolution. I felt bad for dodging the punishment he was dishing out as he is my father and I feel is disrespectful dodge when he swings at me.

Later that same night.

Paulo was lying in bed reflecting on the day passed. He came back just today and already he got himself in some sort of trouble. He was still coming to terms with the fact that he was just a normal boy again.

But he cannot abandon his ways so easily. He still remembers the way he moved in the battlefield dragging his own legless body to safety. He still remembers the depressions that he felt when he had to learn to survive with only one leg.

He remembers all the friends and lovers that died in his arms because he was too weak to protect them himself. But the most important thing that he remembers is the feeling of accomplishment when he saved a person and saw years later the same person with a family and doing well. Or the way his actions mattered later in his life when he stablished his presence in the world.

'I can't live a normal life anymore with all that I lived through…' He realized. It was true, with all the vicissitudes that I went through a normal boy life will make me go crazy.

'I must give a good life to my family first. So, money is the first order of business. All that I know is violence so I must capitalize this skill of mine for something good and productive.' He thought. He was a person that aways had the desire to do good even in his youth, as he grew up watching superheroes on tv and his father even with the responsibility of raising 2 kids alone in a country like Brazil never strayed from the narrow path.

"I probably would do good in boxing or mma. I could get some money that way and I already do boxing in this life so dad would not question my decision too much." He said in a whisper as he made his decision.

'But I can do more than this. Can a person be a hero in this world of ours?' He thought quietly in his mind. It's not absurd to think such thoughts when you have the means to accomplish them.

"Not yet. Let's focus first on the main path forward. Tomorrow after the dreadful school I will talk with coach about going pro." He focused his mind on the more important thing first. The wellbeing of his family.

The next day 

It was a beautiful day in Brazil, the sun was shining in the land. The only problem was that the sun shining was scorching all that lived in said land as a normal day in the state of Bahia had temperatures at the highs of 33° Celsius. 

Paulo was standing at the gate of his school, it was a public school like many in his country, full of delinquents that only go to school because of the free lunch they gain at recess. However, there was some people that took their education very seriously, in their faces you could see that they will be something someday.

Paulo was never on to mingle in academic pursuits, he was kidnapped when he was 15 and now that he is back, he decided that it would be good to focus a bit more on academics. At the end of the day, you cannot solve all problems by punching them away.

'Who am I kidding, if violence doesn't solve a problem, you are not using enough violence.' He thought in jest. 

(AN: I somehow doubt it.)

He entered the gates, seeing all the people that he already had forgotten long ago. People that he used to make merry with. Now all of that is feel distant and unfamiliar, he saw some of his crushes that he had, girls that now look like children to him. Well, they are children now, he is one as well and that for the first time feel weird.

'Well, that sure is odd. I cannot get with none of the girls here anymore, only the teachers. Hehe' He continued to think as he walked the corridors of the school.

Arriving at class he took a seat at his desk and put his feet on the table crossing his arms behind his head, waiting for the teacher to arrive.

"Alright class, today we will learn about communism and what countries were successful at it." The teacher began to speak, and Paulo remembered that activists existed in all walks of life.

A few grueling hours later he left school exhausted, he didn't remember that being at school was such torture.

'Forget about it. Let's go to the gym.' Thought a clearly spent human being. But the grind never stops, so he walked to the gym. It was a small gym hidden in a small town with only a few members so his arrival was noticed by the trainer.

"You are early today; we don't have class for more than 2 hours still." The teacher said, it was not common for you to arrive at such hour.

"Teacher today I came early to talk to you about something that important." I said seriously. Today begins the first part of my journey.

(AN: Man, the job today was boring and I had some creative juices left in me yet. So, 2 chapters in a day. I will do a time skip in the next chapter as the training of a body takes time and he isn't in the shape to take any challenges yet in a teenage body. I'm thinking of going to the sports route at first let me know what you guys think.

If some one want to buy me a coffe the link is https://www.buymeacoffee.com/manoelpaulf)