
Opportunities of a second life

I thought of a question today. What would happend if I had the power to change my world?My reality? would I a normal human be capable to wield such power? So I decided to write about much musings as a form of self discovery. give it a try you might like it.

Paulo_D_Manoel · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

Teaching is never easy.

3rd person pov

Boxing was a sport where cardiovascular endurance was an important prerequisite to practice. One would look at the sport and say that other practices like mix martial arts would be more exhausting one. They of course would be mistaken.

In boxing your movement has to be constant and you are skipping on the ball of your feet for 3 minutes at a time. Even an in-boxing type of fighter tire himself in the pursuit of the out-boxer type. Or if he finds himself a match, he exhausts himself in the wild trade of blows that follow.

This all of course is to show that poor Pollyana could not be blamed when 3 more rounds were added to her session of mitt-work. There she was gasping for air laid on the dirty ground looking at the sky, she was of course contemplating the reason of her existence.

"Get your ass up! If you lay like that your lactic acid will build up faster and you will get sore more easily." Paulo of course didn't have a drop of pity in him. He knew that her objective in asking him to teach her was to somehow woo him, but he had pride in himself and he will train her to be good in the sport and be able to defend herself on most cases.

"Sensei, don't be like that. Let me have a minute to rest, have mercy on me." Polly said with pain in her voice. She sometimes regrets asking her sensei to teach her, but after coming here and beginning to co-exist with Paulo more frequently she just found him better and better.

"You can rest, but you must rest on your feet." Paulo said as he was taking off his mitts. Going to the side he picked up a roll of tape and glued two one-meter crosses on the ground. They were 50 cm apart from each other.

"Alright, you had your rest. Now come here and let's work on your footwork, you are too static when you move. You must work on your dynamism." Paulo said as he positioned himself on one of the crosses, pointing to the other in front of him and gesturing to the now sitting girl to speed up.

Pollyana jumped on her feet quickly, she did not want to appear to be slacking and get scolded, or worst, get punished with more work.

Arriving on the cross she put her base, her left feet on the front and the right feet on the back, forming a imaginary triangle if you connect the lines from her waist to her feet.

"Alright, I will demonstrate the footwork and you will try to copy me, if you have difficulty, I will correct you." Paulo said and not waiting for her response he began.

His steps were slow and methodical to be easily understood by any observer, at least he thought it was, and the girl in front of him didn't think so.

'Huh? What? I have to reproduce this? At least when I commit a mistake he will have to come here and correct me, he will have to put his hands on my waist and on my legs…' The girl was lost in her own head as she observed.

"Now, it's your turn." Paulo said pointing to her to begin.

Pollyana tried her best to imitate her sensei but ended up fumbling crossing her legs and almost falling down on her ass.

"No, let me correct you now." Paulo said as he began to approach her.

'Now it's the time.' She thought in anticipation.

"it's like this." Paulo said using a stick that he picked on the ground close to him to point to the place on the leg where she did wrong.

'Why are you like this, sensei??' She cried in her mind.

Late at night same day

Paulo had a black hoodie on and a pair of black sweatpants. He had boots on, and had a surgical mask on his face.

He had decided to go out at night because at night he could hide better and not be stopped by any other crook that saw him as an easy prey on the streets. Paulo had searched on the net and found a forum with a good number of people that shared rumors of things happening in the city.

This part of the city was famous because there were sometimes women that were attacked at night coming back from work. Those women were assaulted and when asked to describe the assailant they never knew how to do it. It seems that they used ski-masks to commit the crime.

Paulo had chosen this spot because even if his patrol didn't bear fruit today, he could still find other types of criminals, this was a dangerous part of town and the number of criminal activities were more than normal.

He moved in between buildings nary making a sound, he aways scanned the streets first in search of security cameras before me decided to move. Sometimes when he saw that the building had a concrete roof, he climbs it up to perch and take a look at his surroundings. He had his ears open to hear any sign of screaming or confrontation.

It was the night so the quiet was predominant. So, Paulo could easily hear a yelp at a distance, making him move to the direction of the sound quickly but still without a sound.

What he found was not the criminal that he came to apprehend, it was a pair of man robbing a group of teenagers that were coming back from a party. One man was holding then at the tip of a gun and the other was gathering the valuables of the group.

Seeing this Paulo quickly took his phone and began to film, he captured the faces of the pair, the gun, and the fact that the other one was accomplice in the theft. After recording all that was important, he took a stone from the ground near him and with some force he aimed at the man holding the gun.

He threw the stone with just enough force to disorient, so when it hit the assailant was shook but did not lose consciousness. But this was enough as Paulo approached him from behind and easily tripped him taking his gun from his hand.

Using the butt of the weapon Paulo bashed the disorientated man making him go to sleep. Picking the gun, he pointed at the other one and spoke with a deeper voice.

"Now you gonna leave the bag with the items of the kids with them, and you kids will go on your way. One of you will call the police and say that you were robbed but a passerby managed to defeat the robbers, you are going to say the name of this street when you report this. Now go and don't worry none about this." Paulo said ad he was approaching the other thief that had his hands up all this time. When he got close to him Paulo grabbed his shirt collar and pull him abruptly, using his elbow to strike at the tip of the chin of the man.

Like a sack of shit he plummeted, but Paulo was holding him by the collar as to not let him bash his head on the ground when he was falling, he didn't want him to die by accident after all. Putting him slowly on the ground Paulo got to work to get them together and using tape, that he brought with him for just this type of situation, he tied their arms and legs.

Cleaning the gun and tape of any sign of his fingerprints, Paulo took a sharpie and wrote on the forehead of the two criminals.

-I am a crook and robbed kids with a gun, please apprehend me -

"Sigh, one more work well done. Let's get the hell out of here." He said after taking a look at his work.

As he was running away, he posted the clip he took on the site of police using a anonymous account and a VPN for good measure.

'I will do half an hour more of patrol and gonna go home, tomorrow I have training to do.' Paulo thought as he was climbing a building already hearing the sirens of the police approaching.

(AN: Yeah, more development on the character relationship side and a bit of his personality. I'm trying to show his personality in his actions and not tell you guys much on dumps. I think I did a good job so far.

If you guys find odd that he encounters cases of rubbering so frequently I say to you to go out on the streets of my city. Every day you can find someone saying that they got robbed or know someone who got robbed. So, this is a realistic part of the story.

 Drop me some stones guys, I need them to light a fire.

As aways the link to give me coffee is https://www.buymeacoffee.com/manoelpaulf )