
New Start

Before this chapter starts I just want to say that I don't own Nanomancer and that you should go read the original novel (Nanomancer Reborn As A Snow Girl), it's an amazing book and one of my personal favorites. Now that that's out of the way, let's start with the chapter.

(P.S: If you come into this with zero knowledge about Nanomancer, you are going to be confused about a few things. I'm not going to go and retype information. Even if you've only read the first 5 chapters of the novel you will be good)


*Quinn POV*

My head hurts, my body hurt, everything hurts. What's going on? Oh yeah, that guy said he was going to reincarnate me with my Soph. It was probably all an illusion or something and I'm on my way to hell, I wish I could have seen Soph one more time though.

Sigh. What I would give to hug her again. She was so huggable for some reason. Well! What's done is done, at least I killed those two cunts. I sat up and looked at my surroundings, there wasn't much to see. It was just a black void, kinda like the one I dreamt about. However, something or someone I should saw caught my eye.

When I saw her my eyes widened in shock, disbelief, and there were a few other emotions as well. It was Soph, I could be hallucinating right now but I had a feeling I wasn't. And I honestly hoped that I wasn't.

The girl at but and rubbed her eyes yawning. She clicked her tongue a few times and looked at me. "Quinn, that you?"


She got up and walked over to me. I was never good at expressing my emotions yet she always knew what I was feeling. Soph sat in front of me and wrapped her arms around my neck. She pulled me in making us both fall to the ground. Ground? Well, there wasn't really a ground but it felt like there was.

"I'm happy I can be with you, even after we died."

"D-Don't you want to know why we are here?"

"Yeah, but you are my first priority."

"Why does this feel like I'm not the older one."

"I was born right after you! Don't give me that!"

"Pff-Hahahaha." I couldn't help but burst into laughter. My eyes watered slightly from the way she was acting. She always says this when the topic of who was born first comes up. Soph looked at me and pouted turning away.

"No hugs for me."

What! I began to panic, it may seem like I'm overreacting and I most definitely am but no hugs! "I'm sorry, Soph. No need to make such drastic decisions out of the blue like that. You know what! Forget what I said!"

"Hehe. I forgive me!"

Sigh. This girl is going to get me killed. Oh wait, she already did. Nevermind then!

"So, what happened exactly. Now know for a fact that we died in that house." Soph said.

"Oh yeah, well after we died, I-" Then I told her everything that happened after our deaths. I made sure to pay attention to Soph's expression which only became more and more ecstatic the more I spoke. I'd give her the world to make sure that smile never fades, and I will.

"So-So we get to go to other worlds?!"


"With a system?!"


"And we get to be together, in those worlds with, a system?!"

That made me blush a bit but I still nodded and said "Correct again! Your reward is, tickles!" I tackled her to the ground and tickled her all over, especially her neck. She had a sensitive neck.

"W-What Q-haha-Quinn hahaha stop p-please hahaha!"

After a while, I complied with her request. I sat back and watch her breathe heavily laying on the floor. She moved onto my lap and hugged me. I hugged her back enjoying her warmth.

"So, where are we right now." She asked. I was about to reply to her question, but I heard a voice and from Soph's reaction I think she heard it as well.

[Mistresses are currently in the Void. Here you can change your appearance and name if you so wish. I am your system administrator, I will answer any questions pertaining to the system]

"How convenient." Soph said causing me to snicker and shake my head.

"So, we can change our appearance and names here. What about the worlds."

[Once you are done you will be taken to your first world]

"Oh. Soph, you wanna change anything?" I asked.

"What will you be doing?"

"Changing my name and looks since I don't want to look like their child and I want my own name that's not from them as well."

"When, can I do it for us?! I'll make us look like twins with some differences so people don't mix us up!"

I didn't see a problem with it. Soph had a much better naming sense than I did. "Sure, Doll. Go for it." She looked and turned away from me while still sitting in between my legs.

Sometime Later

"Quinn, I'm done." Soph said shaking me a bit. My eyes fluttered open and I sat up. I blinked a few times looking at the screen in front of me.

"You made me Jinx?"


"From Arcane?"

"Yeah! You make a good Jinx!"

I'm not sure if that's meant a compliment or an insult, but knowing Soph it was probably meant to be a compliment. I looked at the other screen for Soph and it was Jinx's appearance but the eyes were yellow and black hair instead of blue. Soph also didn't want tattoos, at least not now since she doesn't know what kind she would want.

I looked at the name above the screen for me and read it out "Jinx Melanie Anastasiya?"

"Yeah! I picked Rachel Yelena Anastasiya."

I snickered looking down trying to hide my face from her, but it was useless and I knew that. Soph froze on the spot and pouted "Why did you snicker! I think the names are very nice." I snickered some more rolling away from my dear sister.

"Get back here!"

Five Minutes Later

"Are you ready, Doll?" I said patting Soph's head. It took me a good minute to calm Soph down but head pats are her one weakness, and I exploit that weakness daily. She nodded her head with a small smile on her face. Then, I blacked out, fucking again.

What is it with blacking out when going to different worlds? Someone in management needs to be fired.

Somewhere Else

"I really wish I could say that I see an unfamiliar ceiling right now, but there's no damn ceiling. Do trees count?" Those were my first words after waking up. I should probably start taking this whole reincarnation thing seriously but I just can't for some odd reason.

I heard a chuckle to the side of me causing me to turn my head a bit. I was met with the sight of a girl with black hair and yellow eyes. Her hair was very long with bands on both sides of her face. Pretty. That's all I would think of when I saw her, and I like pretty things.

"Hey S-Rachel. It might take me a while to get used to saying that." I said sitting up. The grass left quite nice in all honesty. I like nature which I know is very weird considering how my behavior. I felt her hold my hand and looked back at her.

She crawled to me then onto my lap. Rachel snuggled herself between my legs placing her in my neck. My arms wrapped around her back pulling her closer. She may look different but it's my Doll, it's definitely her. Even in a different body, the warmth I gain when close to her is still present.

"So where are we now?" She asked, then I heard the same voice from before.

[You both are in "Nanomancer Reborn As A Snow Girl" within a dungeon]

I hummed and looked down at Rachel who was shaking in excitement. A small smile formed on my lips see this, I know that was one of her favorite novels. I kissed her forehead making her smile even more.

"What about the system?" I asked.

[You both have a system but Rachel doesn't have the sign-in function, but she can use it if she's close to you]

I grumbled moving over to a tree, the whole freaking reason I asked for this system was for her. Maybe I should have been more greedy or specific with my wish. At the time I thought that if I was too greedy I wouldn't have gotten anything. Note to self, be greedier!

I felt Rachel shift a bit, she moved up and sat on my lap properly. She towered over me but not by much since we were either the same height or very close.

"It's okay, it's not like I care much. At least we can be together again, and without those two this time." She smiled down at me causing me to sighed, I leaned in putting my face in her chest. It's confirmed, there's no doubt in my mind. I'm fucking in love with this girl, and I am very much okay with that.