
OPM X Chainsaw Man: A better tomorrow [DEAD]

This shit is dead, not continuing. OPM X Chainsaw Man. Who saw that coming? The main character is reborn as a roach monster with seemingly nothing to his advantage, will he die by one of the many op characters or find his way to stand at the top with them? Obviously, a lot of lore from both verses had to be changed. The story starts before Saitama gets his powers and right after the attack of the Gun Devil on japan, Blast is still around blasting away evil and the Hero association is stuck in a rivalry with the Public Safety devil hunters. My main language isn't English. It's Canadian. French Canadian. This is my second ever fic here, please give criticism.

zee_begener · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

Chapter the Filth (Fifth)

The sun. I miss it a lot. Most of our missions are at night time. Often weeks apart from each other, I rarely get to be outside. She doesn't see me as a dog. Not one bit.

When she said I was to be a tool, she meant it. Unless it's to give me orders, she doesn't talk or look at me at all. It's very disturbing.

And yet with everyone else, she's exactly as I had expected her to be. Kind though still professional. She is very good at getting people to do what she wants even without using her powers.

In the field, she uses chains. It's her whole gimmick. Sometimes, she uses her force attack to absolutely obliterate an opponent. 

Against me, she doesn't even bother with the chains. Now to be fair, I don't even bother to try against her. I just run in blind and use raw power. Trying anything too fancy is obviously a waste. 

The people surrounding her are different from her original verse. Some are annoying little fucks, others are chill as hell. 

I recognized the Angel Devil. Lazy and very dangerous…

One in particular actually seems interested in me.

Not like that you weirdo!

He asks me stuff like how I feel about whatever mission we are doing, or things about my biology like how long I can survive with my head gone. 

His name is John Johnson though. He comes from the US, who could have guessed? He also uses thunder gloves, probably something from the more OPM side of things.

I once asked him why he joined the Public Safety hunters instead of the hero association. It should have been obvious. Had he joined the hero association, he would probably only be D or C class.

But with his two devil contracts, one with the future devil and another with the curse devil (apparently it's a very common combination), He can class as an A rank with the devil hunters and get more money.

As we were walking in a suburban street (Makima probably doesn't want me to dirty her seats), he slowed down to let me catch up with him.

"Hey Roach…?"


"Do you think there's a roach devil out there? Do you think you could beat it?"

Ha. I myself have pondered on the question for a while now. 

"If it is even remotely as powerful as myself, I might have some trouble… Because I am very lacking in experience and technique."

"...But would you lose?"

Wait a moment…

"Nah… I'd… win?"

Did I just spell my own doom? Am I going to lose to a roach devil now?! I don't want to end up like Gojo!

"You don't seem very convinced."

"Because I have no way to know for sure if I really would!"

Hunting for monsters isn't that hard. Makima, being an S class, doesn't go on patrols very often. She usually prefers to wait until a call is made for S class hunters. Apparently, she's the most active S class so that's a bonus for her.

Last time, we were fighting a giant fucking squid near the shore, it was fucking epic to send the thing flying with some of my all out attacks. Combining abilities with other hinters, we managed to send it flying packing in the oceans. It was the best fight ever. 

But then it was all ruined. She congratulated everyone on her team and took time to talk to the other hunters that showed up. But she didn't say shit to me.

Worst, John asked her why she always ignored me… she said she couldn't bring herself to respect any sort of monster.

That kinda hurt man. Not cool.

The point I'm trying to make is simple. She hates my fucking guts.

So I asked myself, why? And it took me a while to come up with something I could believe. I remember her liking humanity, being supposedly motivated to save mankind by using the power of the chainsaw devil to erase death, famine and war. And probably some others too, I don't know.

So if monsters kill humans, then they are a huge inconvenience for her. But then why doesn't she hate devils? Because she is one too?

I think the reason she actually hates monsters is the same the hero association does. Most monsters are born from humans. From dark emotional states, they turn into new beings driven to violence and destruction. They are a perversion of humanity.

In the end, whatever the reason is, as long as she doesn't kill me, who cares?

After the first year, things didn't really change. Some people died but, no one important. AKA, not John so I don't care. This guy is my best friend now. He shares my tastes in all the things that matter. 

Women? Yes. Games? Yes. Cars? No. Perfect because I don't care about them either!

Who wants a car when you can fly over the city to get wherever you need to be?

But we all know the kind of story half of this world comes from. So I've already prepared in case his life was one day in any serious danger.

Part One. Keep him at least alive and in one piece. Seemingly simple, I'm sure one day even that will be a challenge.

Part Two, if he ever ends up in a critical state, stuck in the hospital or something of the sort, I will use my powers on him. Just not in the way I would usually do it.

At first, I thought my regeneration ability was just because I'm a roach monster. Obviously, that makes no sense but, this is a world with monsters and devils.

Then one day, I realised something. I've always put huge amounts of power when I try to upgrade something. So what happens when I put barely any at all? Maybe my regeneration comes from my passive production of whatever energy allows me to upgrade things…

I asked to have three plants in my cell. After days, they finally accepted. Why do I even need one? For experimentation.

I cut off to each one of their leaves and then just focused a little of my power in one, poured a bit of blood in the other.

When I accidentally poured too much power into the first, I moved on to the third.

The results were as I had hoped. I managed to help the plants regenerate their lost leaves.

So imagine if I used such an ability to help on the field? Now, I don't want them to prove into me even more, so I'd rather not ever reveal my golden touch.

Patroling over a few roof tops, it felt good to let the wind flow into my magnificent afro. This singular thing, now so much larger than before, is one of the few good things about this monster body. Super strength, perpetually looking ripped and natural armor being part of that too, I guess.

Though that means I'm always naked. Good god, at least my new crotch works like a muscle. I have absolute control over it so I don't have to worry about Makima finding me even more disgusting!

"Roach. Stay focused."

"I am focusing..." On the feel of the wind on my skin. Fuck this patrol. The chances of us finding a monster or devil above Tiger is basically null anyways.

"Where is Johnson, by the way? It's been a while since it's been just the two of us." Why do I even ask? She's never answered any of my questions before…

… Huh. I guess reverse psychology isn't infallible. She still didn't answer!

"Ahead. There's something moving. Go fetch. It's been following for a while now and you have yet to notice."

"I swear to god…"

I leaped into the air, looking downwards to find whatever she was looking for… and there it was. Some kind of kind of monster shaped like a human heart… What the hell?

I flew directly towards it. In an instant the little fellow was in my fist.

I flew back towards Makima and showed it to her.

"There… Now little guy, tell us who you are."

The thing kept on screaming in anger, it sounded kinda cute. There's no way this is a monster, right? It's so freaking cute!

"It doesn't speak. I think it's stupid."

"You would know about that, wouldn't you."

…What the hell? Since when does she bother to insult me to the face? She must be really bored or really pissed.

"Yeah, whatever. If this is a devil, I would love to kill it before it gives us a… heart attack, I presume."

"The heart attack devil… Knock it out."

Fucking hell, do I have to do everything? Why are you even here anyway?! I swear to god this devil.

"Wait. I have an idea. Hey little guy? Let's make a contract. If you give me your power, I won't kill you."

That doesn't mean Makima can't though.

Huh. No reaction. It just keeps screaming and kicking, unable to get out of my grasp. 

Devils grow in power in accordance to how much humans fear the concepts they represent. How the hell is the literal embodiment of heart attacks so weak? Are people in this world not scared of those at all? Damn. I feel sorry for the little thing.

"Maybe its just the heart devil…"

People wouldn't be very scared of hearts.

"No. Your first theory was correct. Kill it. I can feel my heart rate going out of control."

So I crushed the devil. Why does she have to make me do things like that? The poor guy really doesn't deserve it…

We quickly moved on and proceeded forward with our patrol. There were a few monsters here and there that I had to deal with while she was just watching. My fellow black folk were slaves in my old world and now I too am one in this new one.

While fighting against a puny monster, I dropped my vigilance. Grave mistake because the bastard pierced my eye with its needle like tendrils!

"Oh! You little…!"

And suddenly, it just blew up. The blood splattered all over the alley. It was Makima.

"Don't drop your guard? Can you live through that?"

I'm a roach. Of course I can.

"I don't need my brain to live. It'll just regenerate."

She was looking at me intensively. Actually kind of creeping me out.

"Do you even have a functional brain? Scans on it revealed something rather strange."

"... What?"

"There is no electrical activity inside your head. None inside the entirety of your body. By all accounts you should be dead and yet here you are, alive..."

That's… odd. But I can already guess what's replacing electricity in my body. I don't have a name for it, but it's probably the same energy powering my ability.

Probably that their equipment can't detect if.

"So I'm a zombie roachman. Sure, why not."

She turned around and sighed.

There was an odd silence. Am I supposed to do something or…?

"It's late. Let's go home."

"Alright… Roach, you might not believe me but…"

Johnson got permission to come visit my holding cell as he pleased. So now we can even talk outside of the job. 

"With everything you've told me… Maybe it wasn't a heart attack devil. Maybe it was a lo–"

"No." I cut him off. "Certainly not. In fact, I would bet both my arms and legs it was the heart attack devil."

I already know what he was about to say. I considered it for half a second myself. It's just so… unrealistic. Pure evil. Imagine that, a love devil? That would be so fricking messed up. I'd rather not even entertain the idea.

"Well do you have any other explanation for all that happened?"

"Maybe she finally realised how useful I actually am, so naturally, she decided to treat me with a bit more humanity…?"

Perfectly logical. I do recognize I can be very stupid at some points but this is one of those situations where I am definitely right.

Just think about it for a second. You really think Fujimoto would allow a love devil to exist? I don't think so, no.

"Alright. I guess it doesn't matter anyways. The effects are probably temporary so things are going to go back to normal sooner or later."

Yes. Thanks for being rational, Johnson. That's another reason why you're my best friend in this horrible world.

Alright. So I was wrong. Something is one hundred percent wrong with Makima. She's been going on more and more patrols ALONE with me… Sparing more and more with me… She talks to me… About MYSELF!

She never cared before!

"Roach… What do you think about heroes?"

I am forced to admit that she has been affected by the love devil. Now if I was a degenerate like you, reader. I would have no problem taking advantage of this situation.

"Some are even more ridiculous than me. They have the courage to walk outside and frankly, I respect that."

But I won't. First, this is going to wear off. For sure. 

"If I was a hero, do you think I would be high among the S class?"

The fuck is that question?! 

My second reason is because this is immoral. It's the same was taking advantage of someone drunk. If you disagree, turn yourself into a mental asylum before you hurt someone.

"Probably… I've never seen your full power."

She turned her head to the side, I can't even look at her in the eyes anymore.

"If I took off your collar… Would you run away?"

I don't intend to die at two years old in my new life. Hell no.

"I wouldn't. I'd rather not get killed."

And I saw her smile in the corner of my eye.

There is a third and final reason. She is a control freak. Once the effects wear off and she comes back to her senses, she will be mad to have lost control. And who will be the target of that anger? Me. I'd rather not make things worse for me by taking advantage of her too.

I feel like my life is set up by ROB to be as horrible as possible. I get powers, with drawbacks. I get the girl, but not of her own will…

But there is good in all of this. Even if I can't even touch her without being a true monster in the process, it's better being treated like this than as just a tool…

Even if my powers aren't perfect, I at least have them.

All in all, I'm sure things will get better someday.

Oh, the agony of this plot point. Why keep it then? I am far too lazy to rewrite all that. Fuck you too.

zee_begenercreators' thoughts