
OPM: It's Hero time

After getting hit by Truck~kun, Ren Nakamura reincarnated in one punch man world. Stuck in a crazy world where life can end by simply going out for a grocery walk, MC decide to change the world for the better. ... SI (Self-insert) No harem. ... My first fan-fic. 1 chapter per day. ... Author note. I've read many OPM fan-fic some good some bad and realize in OPM why do you need an overpowered ability? since you'll never be as strong as Saitama or why do u even need to be as strong as Saitama, so I made this book, I don't know if it will turn out good or bad, I guess we'll find out in time.

Rovontheus · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs

Planning ahead

A pity I couldn't capture him.

Ren sighed, brushing aside his frustration.

Initially, he wanted to capture the tree monster, but the monster kept draining the forest vitality, leaving him no choice but to kill him immediately.

As a scientist he was curious about natural monster, but it seems he will have to find other natural monsters. 

Never mind, there will be plenty of chances in the future.

As he surveyed the chaotic scene around him around, the remnants of his recent battle lay strewn across the ground.

"Sir, Solaris has led the mother and child to a nearby hospital and as for the father...." Guardian voice trailed off.

"I'm afraid he didn't make it.....by the time we arrived, it was already too late" Guardian voice sounded heavy with sympathy.

"He suffered a sever concussion along with a strong impact breaking several bones on his body, by the time we scanned him his heart already stopped beating" Guardian voice sounded from his suit.

Ren felt the weight of the lives he was unable to save settled upon him and tightened his fist.

He felt bad for the child, if only had he arrived faster, he might have been able to save everyone.

"NO! I can't let negative thoughts take over me" Ren yelled.

"Sir your orbito frontal cortex is stimulated, do you need help cooling down" Guardian voice rangout with a concern tone.

Calming his restless mind.

"No, I'm fine now, I was just mad at the fact that if I had arrived just a few seconds earlier, I might have been able to save that guy" he said with a sigh.

"But at least we managed to save 2 people and manage to avert a possible monster rampage" Ren said as he tried to cheer himself up.

"Guardian, make sure that the mother and child receive all the help they need, If I'm going to help people, might as well help them out thoroughly," Ren said with blazing determination in his eyes.


"Good morning, A-city it's 10:30 AM Saturday, August 27. Today, the Nakamura industry announced significant leap towards producing clean energy source" stated a female news reporter.

"A few years back, the Nakamura pharmaceutical industry took a major turning point when Ren Nakamura took over his family business"

" As a child genius he managed to produce various remedies for medical science and technology"

"But their recent announcements made a considerable storm, Tomorrow a convention will be held to showcase their new technology"

"We brought Dr. Fled Berg to inquire about their results"

Infront of the television a pale young man sat on a sofa, engrossed in a paper detailing about a huge energy source. Removing his glasses, a spark of excitement lightning him up.

"Nakamura industry... it appears that kid is truly a genius"

"Do you feel it too? The human body is limited, only evolution can push us forward" he said, talking to himself with passion as he watched the television.

"He's still too young to realize the fragility of humankind, by the time you figure it out, I'm sure you'll find my research is the only path for humanity advancement" he said while daydreaming.

No one can understand the feeling of being a genius like he does, since he himself was a genius who had helped advance the development of science.

One day, mankind would recognize his brilliance and hail him as a God.


Ren POV.

It's been a few years since i started my job as a hero...without pay, Of course.

Despite my best efforts to make a difference, my actions hardly brought any dent to the growing number of monsters across the globe.

There's too many places with monsters appearing and I'm only one person.

I could deploy Solaris, my army of robots to combat these threats.

However, If I do that not only will I risk losing Saitama, I might destroy the future timeline.

Plus, I'll attract the attention of the government and many mysterious organization eager to sized my advance technology.

There's no lack of smart people in this world, they might figure out my tech and link it to my real identity as Ren Nakamura.

I still want to remain anonymous for now.

The world needs a One punch man, so i still have to hold back my urge to immediately destroy the timeline.

It's all because im weak.

Leading to my current situation.

Slowly, I've begun to implement some of my long held plans.

My Space exploration team have scoured the surrounding solar system and manage to established various gateways for easy teleportation.

To my astonishment, we've discovered more than hundreds of unregistered planets in our solar system. Guardian have been tirelessly extracting those planet resources crazily.

Yet, my current situation feels stagnant, so all I could do for now is focus more on space exploration with Solaris, but the limitations of my arc reactor as fuel for spaceship makes the journey longer than I'd like.

That's why I've decided to create antimatter reactor, using it as the main engine, It will generate plasma in adamantium coil as fuel for my space ship.

Theoretically, the new reactor might make the space ship travel faster than the speed of light. However it might take a few years since, I'll need to combine deuterium and antideuterium and find a suitable vessel.

I called this Project - New arc reactor.

Hopefully I don't end up blowing up a city in the process.

As for my other project - Super soldier...


The sun hung low over Valhalla, casting a long shadows across the training ground.

With many able bodies running around the field while training their body and spirit.

In the training ground office

"Sir, are you sure about this? I don't think they're ready" a middle age man questioned, his voice laced with doubt.

Ren, a young man of just 170cm, met Sato's gaze with a serous look.

"The world is changing Sato-san. I can'T wait any longer. we need to station them throughout the city. Monsters have started to appear more frequently once every few months"

In front of him stood a young man, with the height of 170cm, while facing the rough middle age man.

"I can't wait anymore, I need to station them around various part of the city, lately monsters started to appear once a few months" Ren said in a resolute manner.

Sato shook his head, his brow furrowed "But normal humans, even with their martial arts training, they aren't strong enough to deal with them"

"With super solder serum and their current martial arts, I'm confident that they can deal with a Tiger class threat" Ren repiled.

"Besides Sato san, I've observe their character these past few years and they are no doubt loyal to our cause and have some faith in them" Ren stated confidently.

"I understand. But please give me a month to shape them up" the middle-age Sato sighed recognizing the determination in Ren's tone.

"Alright" Ren relented as he walked out of the training ground office.

Sato's gaze lingered on Ren's retreating figure, memories flooded his mind. Ever since Ren had helped him out in his darkest hour, Sato had been very grateful.

He had been awe of the boy's maturity and vision of a safer world.

As a former soldier he once had a tragic encounter leaving him with no choice but to cut off his right leg. 

Feeling that his life was over, he retired at the age of 40, but never expected Ren to reattached his limb just so he could employ him.

After getting a second chance in life all Sato could wish for was to serve the people again.

He had gradually idolized him and trained hard so that he could help him out in any way he could.

But after training the recruit for a few years unbeknownst to him, he gradually grew soft and was worried that they might become monsters food.

Shaking of his reverie, Sato stepped out of his office and made his way toward the training ground, where a crowd of recruit kept training without noticing his presence.

"ATTENTION" he bellowed, his voice booming across the training ground. The crowd quickly line up like soldiers.

Like a hawk he gaze at them ferociously for a moment.

"I've gathered you maggots today to grant you an opportunity of a lifetime" he announced, scanning the faes before him.

"You all have been selected after a rigorous screening process, the boss has decided to grant you guys the super solider serum so that you bunch could protect the world from monsters "

A murmur of excitement rippled through the crowd.

"SILENCE" he barked.

Pausing for effect, Sato continued, "But I have my doubts about you guys, so from today o

"Now then, Recruit 1 come out" Sato commanded, ready to put their resolve to the test.


Author note.

I wrote extra chapter but sadly forgot to save it on my pc, so only one chapter today.

Few hours of work down the drain huis.

My neck hurts after sitting infront of a computer whole day.

Somebody give me a virtual massage! :/

And a power stone :)