
OPM: It's Hero time

After getting hit by Truck~kun, Ren Nakamura reincarnated in one punch man world. Stuck in a crazy world where life can end by simply going out for a grocery walk, MC decide to change the world for the better. ... SI (Self-insert) No harem. ... My first fan-fic. 1 chapter per day. ... Author note. I've read many OPM fan-fic some good some bad and realize in OPM why do you need an overpowered ability? since you'll never be as strong as Saitama or why do u even need to be as strong as Saitama, so I made this book, I don't know if it will turn out good or bad, I guess we'll find out in time.

Rovontheus · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs

Chapter 6

In a busy streets around the south-west side of A-city.

Several vendors where shouting out loud selling different kinds of food.

Amongst the busy street market in the corner stood a desolate area.

A young boy wearing a dirty shirt looks at the busy market while gulping down his silva.

He looked around and slowly approach the market area.

As he walks around he saw a stall owner busily serving a customer.

Without a second thought he quickly snatch a food from the stall and walk away like nothing happened.

He kept doing that ever so often while never getting caught.

He looks quite experienced.

He looked over a few poly bags fully of food without eating any he covers them with a cloth.

"Ah today must be my lucky day" he said while smiling.

"Hey kid stealing is bad you know, didn't your parents teach you that?" a young man stood next to the child casting a shadow over him.

"Ehhh who the f**k are you?" the child suddenly panicked when the stranger suddenly appear out of nowhere.

"Language kid, I saw you stealing from the vendors that's not a good habit, you shouldn't be doing stuff like that" the young man said to him with a serious tone.

"I'll do whatever I want, who are you to tell me what I can and cannot do?" replied the child aggressively while he glares at him.

"Sigh, Listen kid I'm trying to help you" the young man said as he put in his hands into the child shoulder.

"Hmph I don't need anyone help" he said and suddenly slaps away the young man arm while dashing away.

Ren looked at the child running away with a complicated feeling.

It's been a few months since his space exploration team managed to mined the minerals.

He gradually learn to hone his hearing sense although he haven't been able to stay without removing his earbud (Sound blocker) .

He reduced the device effectiveness while maintaining control with no side effects which made him able to hear all sounds in A-city.

But he also started sensing people emotions, so he gradually managed to understand people feelings.

Yesterday he heard a kid voices talking to himself about how his alcoholic dad never provides food for him and his siblings.

If it weren't for his two little sister he would have killed himself from his cursed life.

Feeling the kids anger and hatred but while at the same time the deep love he had for his siblings triumph every other emotion of his which greatly touch Ren.

But the most complicated part of all this is that Ren felt strange, he a selfish guy who only wants to be a hero for time pass felt bad about himself.

He lack conviction and he's in self doubt.

Why did he want to become a hero? Obviously it's cool having powers and kicking bad guys.

But by the time he donned a costume and become a hero it felt like he lack a heart with his laid back attitude.

Although he haven't started his hero gig he kinda felt disgusted by his lack of care attitude.

Which made him came all the way here to see for himself.

Ren looked at the kid dashing away he decided to follow him for now.


'What a strange guy, i thought the vendor owner will chase me but I guess he didn't bother telling them'

The child dashed back to his house and saw that his sisters were outside playing with dirt.

Seeing them he smiled.

"Im back look what I brought" he said as he removed the cloth from his hands.

"It smells so good brother"

"Look there a dango here" said the other sibling

The siblings quickly started gobbling down the food.

Ren stared at them as he looked around the house it was a desolated area.

The house looked worn out and inside there was no tv or toys except kitchen utensil and a worm out sofa.

The sisters looks around the age of 5 while the boy around 10 he guess.

After the sibling had their fill.

"Eat some more look there many good here" the boy said to his sisters.

"Brother eat some I'm already full"

"Yeah me too brother have some, here" she said and pass over the food.

The boy felt his heart warmth and he ate a few while forcing his sisters to eat more.

Looking at this scene Ren felt his anger rising up.

He wanted to go and beat up the kids parents for not doing their job.

So he waited outside for the kids parents to return home.

Even after the sun set there was no sign of their parents.

It was already dark outside with chilly wind sweeping over from time to time.

Frustrated he went out and bought alot of food bringing them over to the kids house.

'Knock knock'


The door opened and he saw the kid looking at him.

"It's you again, what do you want now?" the boy immediately recognised him and yelled.

"Relax kid, look I brought u guys some food" Ren said as he showed him a heavy bag full of food.

"What are you trying to do here?" the boy asked suspiciously as he look around outside.

"Gosh what a suspicious kid, look I'm just here to help you okay, no string attached" Ren said with a sigh.

As he quickly walk inside the house without permission.

"Brother who is it?" Said one of the little girls.

"What a cute little kids" Ren said while pinching their cheeks.

"What's your name?" he asked them.

"My name is Mai and this is my twin sister Aki" Mai with no sense of fear reply with a cheerful tone.

"Oh that's a nice name Mai, look I brought you guys food" he said while handing them the food.

This time the kid didn't stop him after smelling the aroma.

"Come let's have dinner here" Ren said as he open some of the food container.

There was an awkward silence except for Ren who started eating while making slurping noise.

"Come have some of this Ramen it's really good" Ren said with a mouth full of noodles.

At first hesitant the kids started eating and gradually let their guard down against the stranger who barged into their House.

After the meal Ren patted his belly with a satisfying smile.

"Come to think of it what's your name kid" Ren ask while glancing at the edgy kid who reminded him of sasuke uchiha although their appearance vastly differs.

"Why do you care freak eyes" the kid said while looking at Ren grey iris which stood out like a sore thumb from his appearance.

Ren face twitch but he quickly maintain a poker face and chanted.

'Calm down' 'clam down'

'He's just a kid'

'Inner peace' 'Inner peace'

Ren recited with a smile on his face

"Sigh, Kids nowadays have no respect for their elders, nevermind, Mai what is your brother name?" feeling that it's hopeless talking to this edgy brat he ask the energetic Mai.

"My brother name is Toshiro but we call him shiro oni-chan" Mai reply while looking at her brother.

"Oh so it's shiro-kun huh, I thought his name was sasuke" Ren said with an amused expression while thinking about shiro from shinchan.

"What Sasuke that name sound like so girlish" The edgy shrio quickly spat and suddenly remembered why was the guy in his house.

"And when are you leaving our house?" He quipped.

"Ah right about that, Kids where are your parents it's already dark outside" Ren said while looking at Mai.

"I don't know, sometimes Dad comes back home and sometimes he doesn't" Mai replied with a sad tone.

"What kind of parents leave his kids all alone? And where is your mom?" Ren asked.

There was an awkward silence in the house.

"Why do you even care, my parents will come back when they want to, it's none of your buisness" Shiro glared at Ren.

Ren annoyed of not getting any answers he picks up Shiro like a small puppy and drag him outside who was fiercely struggling from his grip.

"Listen Shiro-kun I don't care what problem in life you have with but I'm here to find out about your situation and maybe help you and your sisters"

"So stop whining like a girl and answer some of my question" Ren said calmly.

"What can you even do to help us with? Your not even an adult" yelled Shiro.

"Hmm quite observant and almost rational, Well to answer your question I'm very rich so yeah I can help you guys find a new home but you need to explain your situation to me in details" Ren said

After a fierce argument with the edgy kid Ren got to find out that his mom died while giving birth to his twins sisters, his dad feeling heartbroken started drinking and coming back late.

But he always return back home on time but it's been week a since his hadn't return and Shiro had use up all the money his dad had left.

With no one to rely on since the area he was staying the so desolate with barely any neighbour he started stealing since his sisters where hungry.

Ren felt something must've happened to his Dad since monster appearance wasn't frequent but it does happen from time to time.

Recalling the cruel reality of this world Ren resolve himself and decided to make an orphanage to settle kids like them and ensure a proper childhood and education.

Since he had alot money why can't he make a better world for these kids? It was hard for him to turn a blind eyes to see someone suffering.

It was fun to watch the parody anime but after seeing the kids he thought why not change the whole world itself?

He always had a laid back attitude and mostly focus on his own stuff to increase his power level to be significant by the time cannon starts.

But after seeing young kids suffer and with his cursed ability making him hear people fear and pain he decided and harden his resolve into becoming a real superhero.


Author note.

Sorry for the late update.

I was busy for 2 days.

I'll start updating again