
Operative 27

Major Rafsan, an agent of Secret Services of Bangladesh in the time of 1977.His country got a threat of Entering Mass Drugs in its territory from neighbouring country Myanmar .He along with his team Conducts many operation in various regions of Asia and Europe.But Suddenly,he notices that its not actually what they are looking for.Something more Dangerous is waiting for his country.What happens next? Later will be seen on the ongoing story......

Rafsan_Zany · Action
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1 Chs

The Conclusion

26 January,1977

SSB Headquarter


1000 hours

Major Rafsan was taking a cup of Coffee in his office.Recently he got posting at counter intelligence branch in Secret Services of Bangladesh.He is from East bengal regiment,the prominent regiment in the time of Liberation war in Bangladesh.While taking cup of coffee,suddenly the telephone in his table rings.He picks up the phone.it was his Superior, head of the ci branch Major General Shohel Adnan.His eyes got sharp.something is very serious.Why his boss is calling him urgently? But no time for thinking now.He stepped out of his room on quickly to Shohel Adnan's room.

The same day

Conference room of SSB

1130 hours

"Look,so this way they are entering with drugs in our territory.The BDR(Bangladesh Rifles) have arrested several of the drugs package and some dealers.they have reported that all are coming from Myanmar."

"Did they tell about the main point sir?I mean from where it has been supplying from?" Rafsan questioned to his boss Shohel Adnan.

"Not actually,but from other sources we have been confirmed that It's main character is General Naki muchi."

After listening it,Rafsan suddenly remembers that Naki Muchi used to be an officer of Burmese Army once.He was well known for secret evil deeds.Finally,he came up with his real face.Rafsan adds more to his boss,"sir i think this not only Naki Muchi.Someone big is behind him,otherwise he can't be so brave to push in drugs in Bangladesh so openly.Recently,Pablo Escobar is very active in this Line in worldwide."

"maybe you are right.Now how we can prevent this mass drug entering in Bangladesh?Already it has been spread across the country.Diplomatic move has failed.We are just after Liberation war,so we can't involve in wars directly.what way should SSB follow?

" Covered Operation sir.By this we break the chain and stop entering drugs.We need to launch it."Ok,meet my office tomorrow after getting your team ready.Here are the details of officers you need. Let me know whom you will choose from them.Get ready Agent 27!!"

Hearing his codename, Rafsan gives a cool smile.Quickly he took the file and returned to his room.Still many works to do to stop this Naki muchi....

To be Continued...