
Class Dismissed for a few weeks!?!

It was just a normal day at school, and I sat at my desk next to my best fried Jessie. We were kind of cool, and a bit on the popular side, but not to the point where we would be asked out 24/7. So, we just chatted before the class started and ate a few snacks until, well something quite weird happened.

"Jessie, fill me in on the tea." I said to my best friend.

"Alright Brook, so there is this new game people have been talking about lately, and I think you might like it." She said while scrolling on her phone.

"Hm, a new game? Tell me more!" I said excitedly.

"It is a VR game called Virtual Life. But only certain people can try it out because it is a beta, and according to what I just searched, they are searching for beta testers, of all ages!" She said.

"Interesting...maybe I could sign up to test it out..maybe we could do it together?" I ask while scratching my head.

"Of course, I wouldn't do anything without ya!" She says while giving me a side hug.

I hug her back, then I am surprised by our homeroom teacher who enters the classroom with her pajamas on, and a coffee mug in her hand...she smells like a carnival, and why does she look like she just climbed out of a garbage can. Damn, I feel bad for her hair, its probably crying for help. I look over to Jessie and giggle a bit, then look back up at the teacher who's eyes lock with mine.

"Brooklyn and Jessie, what's so funny, huh?" She said with a staggered voice.

"Nothing, Ms. Wallis!" We both say in sync.

Ms. Wallis settles into her seat and suddenly her phone chimed. She looked at her phone and that's when her whole expression changed, from ugly and grouchy, to not that ugly, and excited.

"Woohoo! I'm a beta tester! I stayed up all night for this, ya know what, no class for a few weeks! Haha!" She yelled.

What the actual hell? What is going on? Am I the only who is seeing this, why is nobody having any reaction? She literally just canceled school over a notification! Welp, that's exactly how to fail high school, make your teacher so happy to the point where she doesnt give a care about her job!

"I am so confused right now Jess." I said to Jessie.

"Brook, who cares if it's confusing, we just got weeks without school! Let's goooooo!" She said out loud.

"HECK YEAH! LETS PARTYYYY!!!" The whole class screams happily.

This is the day it all began...I really hope nothing crazy happens, but I guess I could be happy about not having school. I joined the class, and we started playing music and started dancing, then someone ordered pizza, so we ate pizza and had a good time. It was finally the end of the school day, and me and Jessie were walking home, we literally live right next to each other.

"So, Jess, where are we going now? I don't feel like heading home so soon." I said.

"Oh yeah, should we test for that beta game today to get it over with?" She said.

"I almost forgot, but we still don't know that much about it, so we should do a bit of research, then we can test tomorrow."

"Alrighty! Sleepover at your house!"

"Okay, don't forget to tell your mom, she'll think someone kidnapped you, lol."

"I already did, lol."