
Operation Teardown

What if (nearly) every person that Daddy and Mommy wronged united and launched an all out invasion on their home? You'd get Operation Teardown. You have done it. Assembled a massive team of 20 people to launch the greatest heist ever seen in Newgrounds City. Relationships were had, fights were won and blood, sweat and tears were shed to get it to this point. Tonight The Family Will Fall.

odaocer · Video Games
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23 Chs

Cauda 07 - Bear Witness

Movements: https://twitter.com/odaocer/status/1783812367253438517

Kapi had played a lot of video games in his life. Shoot-em-ups, sports, puzzles, whodunit and more. He never really touched RPGs in general, much less dungeon crawlers. Yet this is what his fate was, wandering with a 4-men group in a dark tunnel...Or 5-men. Blackjack lagged behind, the demonic gambler still recovering from his earlier wounds.

Moments ago, they had left the lab, the group taking a break.

"Who exactly are all of you?" Blackjack asked as he walked behind. "Aside from friends of Kapi." He walked with a limp, using the ripped table leg as support.

Surprisingly, the tunnel remained unguarded. Somehow none of the other demons bothered to check on the violence. Unspoken, Updike determined it a result of demons already used to Blackjack screams. Probably just someone torturing the beast. They must think.

"My name is Theodore. I am a roller coaster designer. And that is Huggy, monster supreme and strange being." Huggy nodded in agreement, knowing at the very least he was being introduced.

"I see."

Blackjack looked to Updike.

"I remember you. Got jumped at my arcade. I had nothing to do with that by the way."

"I am aware. Gabriel Updike. The Greater Good Triumvirate Leader."

"TGG, eh? Figured you were some agency. Had your agents crawlin' all over the place. A lot snooping into me too. Didn't much appreciate it." Blackjack gave a weak smile.

"Hmph. Your kind is at odds with my people. I hope you are aware this alliance is only temporary."

"Heh. Much as I'd like to debate you, I'm gonna have to pass. Don't get the energy." Blackjack nodded, understanding just who Updike was.

Reaching the 'hole in the wall' they made it to the actual basement. The two guards the crew ambushed hadn't been replaced. Next to the hole leading into the basement were two shelving units on either side. Both were full of glass jars, preserves, jam in each. While most on the team didn't care, Blackjack noticed immediately. Finally. Some proper food.

Kapi took a seat on one of the stools, pulling out his phone and finally taking 15.

Supporting himself on the shelf Blackjack grabbed the first jar he saw. Strawberry jam. Not even ripping the lid off he pulled his mask ajar and downed the whole thing, biting the top off.

Glass shards and red jam dripped onto his clothes, themselves already stained in dirt. He did so with a few other jars containing pickles, dry soup ingredients and powdered milk.

Huggy too, joined in, fascinated by Blackjack's ability to pick up and just start consuming. He felt peckish too. He knew he couldn't eat glass, so he tried ripping the jar lid off, to no avail. He turned to Updike, pleading eyes to help him.

Updike moved to stop him, shaking his own head, but Kapi stopped Updike. After all, he essentially owed Huggy his life. Furrowing his brow, he motioned for Kapi to open the jars.

"Status update, Team Zig. Are you all alright? Can I get a status update?" Displo rang in.

"We are in adequate condition. Reporting now. TGG, listen in." Updike began as he explained to Solazar the past few moments.

Huggy had entered a new world of discovery. He had seen jars at your house and Pomona's farm but never got into them. He could always smash them but after leaving the factory and not having to eat scraps, vowed to never eat glass again. With Kapi opening them he was finally able to sample the vibrant colours with each jar. He knew he had a lot to try after this. He downed the jars he found most interesting, some having a sharp taste while others reminding him of scraps he ate back at the factory, but more in date.

Kapi continued to scroll through his phone, catching his breath from all the excitement, taking a breather as the team paused. He needed it. Silently, he felt a bit safer with Blackjack present, feeling just a little stronger.

Theo stood by, checking on his drones and deployed the final magic booster the team was meant to.

Satisfied, Blackjack threw the emptied jar upon the ground, said jar not smashing upon impact.

Having filled the COs on Blackjack, Updike concluded his conversation. Solazar was likewise skeptical of Blackjack's inclusion but nonetheless agreed with his accompaniment. Solazar found Blackjack's case file on an IRIS database, noting his gold ability. Updike planned to knock the archdemon out if he turned against them. He knew that in Blackjack's weakened state he could take him easily. He also had a brief communique with Abbott, letting him know they will have to take Blackjack in for questioning.

Updike did have a question for the gambler, however. "Blackjack. Could you always turn people to gold?"

"Yes." He said, eyes perking up, smiling behind the mask. "How do you think I got so rich?"


"Relax. I only ever did it with those who couldn't pay off debt." Blackjack said, still grinning.

"I see." Updike changed his strategy to possibly kill Blackjack later. "Can we hurry this up?" Updike asked, tapping his foot.

"We should." Blackjack said, taking the mask off and wiping his face.

Huggy too nodded, full of food now. He ate sloppily, plenty of jam staining his fur, giving the appearance he had been wounded.

Kapi let out a sigh of relief and stood up, stretching his arms out.

Having sufficiently wasted enough time the five of them entered the proper basement. They'd only gotten a brief look before going off to save Blackjack. Now stepping into it their first impression was that of a factory floor, not an area beneath a mansion.

Concrete lined the ground and walls making the 'hole in the wall' appear sloppily made. A generator, an electrical cylinder half in the ground covered in various markings and indentations, was powered off. Large as a car, it looked to provide power to surrounding machinery of industrial tools. They all remained powered off.

A few conveyor belts were strewn about the place, as were some large nondescript machines, cables and hooks hanging from the ceiling looking to help move stuff around.

The room was far bigger than the tunnel and bigger than what Kapi expected the 'basement' to be. He could even see a part of the floor continued into another room, past the walls, dividing the space in two.

It must have been two floors combined into one with how high the ceiling was.

A thick layer of dust covered everything, giving it all the same grey tint. Clearly nothing here had been used in some time.

Huggy's trip so far has been him thinking he returned to the factory to find friends. After having the preserves, he started to have second thoughts about his location. Seeing this basement smashed those. This looked just like the factory. Even smelled like it too. Musty and old. Not dirty, just unkempt.

Large fluorescent lights lit the room, though poorly placed they left corners and spots dark. Many were off as well; time having defeated them.

A metal staircase in the corner led upwards to a shipping-container shaped box that acted as an overlook for the whole floor. Lighting inside was far better, a long horizontal window giving view of the floor. It looked to be the only way out and a connection to the ground floor of the mansion.

Updike surveyed the place. Rather defensible. Two key exits. Wide open space. Possible weaponization of surrounding material. Plenty of hiding spots.

He stopped.

"What is it?" Kapi asked first. Updike put a finger on his chin as he looked around.

"Our next step is to reach the surface, find Retro and release those kennels. With such a large team I don't believe we stand a good chance at keeping stealthy. Especially now."

"What to do you propose?" Theo asked rather diplomatically.

Updike surveyed his hologram. S still in contact with them appeared.

"Yeah, bub. What's the plan?" He asked snarkily.

Updike ignored him, shaking his gauntlet which in turn made S fly around, hitting a virtual building.

"Geez. Why you gotta be so mean Starline. You really are-oh. Hold on. Business calls!" S shouted as he vanished.

"As I was saying. We should split up here." Updike began. "Kapi, Huggy and I shall make way upstairs and locate and retrieve Retro. We'll bring him back. Then I and Theo shall make way to the vault to assist Team Python. Until then, Theo and Blackjack shall remain here, defend the antennae and wait until we return."

"Very well. I could use a rest." Theo nodded.

Blackjack nodded, putting his makeshift cane away and sitting down.

"Theo. I propose you use your drones to destroy the kennel fence. Is this adequate?" Updike asked Theo.

"Yes, absolutely. Gives me something to do as well!"

"Kapi? Any objections to the plan?" Updike asked.

"Do I have a choice?" He sighed.

"Yes. You can stay here and Huggy and I do this."

"...Nah. I'll come. For Connor." He said steadfast.

"Then let us depart."

Making their way towards the stairwell they departed, Blackjack and Theo staying behind, creating a makeshift work area. They returned back to the lab to grab furniture so they could better work.

"So, Blackjack. Is that your actual name or an alias? I mean, you mentioned that you run an arcade. The name Blackjack-"

"It is. In fact, my real name."

"Fascinating!" Theo said as the two's conversation trailed off.

"I still don't trust him." Updike mumbled as the three made their way upwards.

They entered the shipping container shaped room, finding it designed like an actual basement. A few couches around, a large screen TV, dartboard and some photos plus artwork on the wall, table with a board game on it, a bar counter, few cabinets behind it and not a soul in sight.

"He's alright. He really did save my life."

"Perhaps...but that wasn't out of good will, I'm sure. You had to exchange something for it correct?"

Huggy stuck close as they walked through the basement. He watched as Updike moved without a sound. He hadn't noticed until now, but it surprised him. He was stealthy for his size.

"W-well yeah. We helped him in the arcade, win a bunch of high scores. S and Nikku helped too."


Updike stopped at the next stairwell. Just several steps up another door, leading out of the basement. Closed, he could see light pouring through the cracks.

Updike double checked the map first, then motioned for Kapi and Huggy to stay put. He needed to check for guards.

Kapi watched as Updike climbed up and peered into those cracks, and then just slightly opened it to look around. Satisfied, he motioned for the two to come behind him.

"Now Huggy. We are going to give this to you. See if you can smell anything similar to it. And DO NOT run amok. Stay close to us. Got that?"

Huggy nodded.

From out his backpack Kapi obtained the blue hoodie. According to Ace it belonged to Retro, one of his favourite ones. Huggy held it close to his face, inhaling whatever scent still remained on it. His expression changed to focus as he breathed. Handing the hoodie back to Kapi he closed his eyes, allowing his nose full control. He could smell it, just faintly and mixed heavily with dirt. It was upstairs. Nearby possibly.

He opened his eyes, motioning for them to go forward. Updike nodded and opened the door, doing one last check before entering the mansion. They followed suit, Kapi getting a good look.

He had joked with Boyfriend about Girlfriend living in a palace, but never really thought it was like that. They were in the West Wing. Red carpets lined the floor, royal in colour and not a scratch on them. Huge banners hung from the ceiling covering rows of windows. In-between the windows, pillars lined the walls, holding up the magnificent archway that stretched above them.

It really looked like a palace.

Now Playing...

Artist: Kataskopos

Song: Boring Dystopia

Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vuRvknARbps

Likewise, Huggy was in awe, though it lasted brief as he returned to his mission. He knew he wasn't in the factory anymore. There was no way he could have missed this. He motioned down the hallway to the right. They followed as Huggy led them to one of the windows. Pushing the curtain out of the way they found the window ajar, a cool breeze flowing in.

He pointed outside, getting ready to climb out. Updike stopped him, grabbing his paw. Though the window vertically long it was not enough for Updike to fit through. A grid-like grating covered it too and though it added a gothic pattern to it, made it impossible for anyone but Huggy to go through.

"We'll find another way."

Doing another quick check to see if they were seen, Updike took out the hologram again.

A notification on it rang that Team Python was enroute.

According to the map, the window let out northeastward. A backdoor exit existed which as well would also put them out east, just south of the smoldering ruins and west of the kennel. It would take a few more hallway turns but they would reach it.

In silence they continued traveling, Updike treating this with upmost stealth. Huggy considered himself the stealthiest, being able to comprehend he was practically built for it. But watching Updike maneuver with no sound, creep behind corners and command he couldn't help but be impressed.

Kapi stayed close too, a little more alert than usual. Despite anxiety bubbling below he could feel Huggy and Updike's determination. It helped him.

Likewise, Updike stopped at a corner, putting a hand behind him. He peered closely over.

"Two demons standing guard." Updike said quietly. "Stationary. Blocking a doorway outside." He reached into his coat pocket and drew a black pistol. Taking out a silencer as well he screwed it on.

And while Huggy was nonetheless impressed by Updike's stealth he felt as he if should one-up them. He put a paw on Updike's arm and nodded at him. I'll show him how its done.

Understanding instantly, Updike nodded back, putting away his handgun. Huggy winked at Kapi, who remained unsure.

Huggy scampered upwards, climbing to the ceiling. He had no issue grabbing a hold of the arches up top and moving past the chandeliers. He concealed himself in those arches, pulling himself across the top as he crawled towards the demons through the ceiling. They remained ignorant even as Huggy hovered directly above them.

Updike bent over to watch the scene, Kapi ducking and watching from below him.

Using his long arms he reached down and knocked on the door. The two demons turned, figuring someone wanted to be let in. As one opened the door, Huggy reached for the other one. Arm wrapping around their neck he quickly hoisted it up without a sound.

It happened so fast that the other demon, not realizing nobody was out there turned to see himself alone. With a thump, Huggy dropped the unconscious demon on the ground. This alerted the remaining guard though he only had about 2 seconds before Huggy repeated himself.

Smothering it with his paw he waited until the demon lost its consciousness. Kapi and Updike turned away, figuring they didn't need to see the violent scene, and also to check behind them.

"Beep?!" Someone exclaimed from further down the hallway. Having been detected Huggy hissed at whomever saw him.

And in that same instant, Kapi ran out into the hallway, knowing full well whose voice that was, and that Huggy wouldn't waste a second wasting them. Updike reached to grab him but didn't move fast enough.

Indeed, he saw the scene just as it was doing to unfurl. Huggy, making his presence known, ready to take out the nosy neighbor.

"Huggy don't!" Kapi shouted, startling the two of them.

Updike stayed where he was, face palming himself that Kapi would just reveal himself.


"Huggy, to me!" Kapi ordered, tapping his knee. He sighed, now getting a better look at who witnessed the 'execution'.

Messy blue hair though not dressed in his usual attire. He wore a brown shirt, light brown X designed on it, with blue pajama pants and brown slippers. Clearly not just passing through he was staying the night.


He had a surprised look on his face. First for the unconscious demons, second for the anorexic cookie monster and third for Kapi, a friend he hadn't seen nor heard from in months.

"H-hey." Kapi said meekly. He waved a hand, though made it look terribly awkward.

"Beep??" Boyfriend exclaimed, still confused.

"Uhh. I can explain." Kapi stammered. Huggy, still unsure of Boyfriend's status moved off the ceiling and slithered behind Kapi. He stood upwards, one arm in front of Kapi and the other in the air. He posed, standing as a dog would defending its owner. He hissed hushly.


"T-that's Huggy."

Between the sheer excitement this trip had wrought and this surprise Kapi didn't notice his ticks outright. He simply didn't have time to faulter. He also knew he would completely crash later, constantly having to remind himself to not tense.

"He's, um, a friend."

Huggy looked down to Kapi expectantly, not moving until Kapi ordered him to. Feeling Huggy's gaze he looked up, nodding at Huggy. He was okay. Huggy understood, nodding towards Boyfriend.

"Bebop. Beeeep! Bobeep!"

"S-sorry. There's been so much going on. Just been, uh, busy with other stuff." Kapi said. He did feel bad, having not contacted Boyfriend at all since he joined the Carnival. But he wasn't sure he could trust the blue-haired boy then either.


Kapi looked away. Though not technically anything Boyfriend specifically did drew him away, he simply couldn't get him involved. If Daddy caught even a whiff of BF with the Carnival he would have been killed. It was just the way things turned out.

"No, I, um, came here to um..."

Updike listened in. Hearing Boyfriend speak he knew exactly what he was too. He was of two minds. He knew Boyfriend's innocence, but he also knew the sheer amount of luck Boyfriend had, that he survived many encounters with abominations. So many in fact he believed Boyfriend to have powers of his own. He never disagreed with Annie about his 'evilness', Updike just didn't care.

He had considered putting an APB on Boyfriend for a long time but never got to it. But. Despite the kid's 'possible monster-ness', Boyfriend never really did anything evil. He had no casus belli.

Updike kept quiet, figuring his presence better left unknown. He paged Solazar to listen in, a one-way to Kapi's link. He heard Kapi make some excuse and Boyfriend immediately see through it.

"Fine. I came to end this." Kapi said sadly. "Daddy put a hit on me. He put one of my friends in danger too, Connor." Kapi didn't mention Blackjack's contract purchase. It was a half-truth, and a partial lie that Kapi pulled off.

"Beep?! Beeeeeeeeep!"

"Sorry. I didn't know. I was scared, thought I was on my own." He felt bad lying, but Boyfriend believed it. So much in fact he was angry Kapi kept it from him.

"Beep! BEEP!" Boyfriend held up 3 fingers.

"He's here too?" Kapi thought about it for a second. That if Boyfriend, Girlfriend and their friend, joined they could bum-rush Daddy and take him out, ensuring the operation be a success. Though a Hail Mary of a plan he really didn't want to get Boyfriend caught up.

Before he could answer Huggy bent down and petted Boyfriend, rubbing his yellow paw through his blue hair. Huggy found it mesmerizing, finding the boy cute.


"I don't know what he is. Me and uh friend found him. He's helping me and..." Kapi stopped, almost giving away Updike's role.

"Bebop! Beep."

"Thanks. But I, uh gotta do this alone. Plus I-"

Something whirred by the window fast, something else in pursuit of it. It was close enough it caught everyone's attention. But just as quickly as it flew by it vanished, its pursuer close by.

Listening in to the comlink Updike heard Theo complaining about something chasing his drone.

Kapi took a deep breath.

"I do have others helping me. I just..I didn't want to get you and GF involved. I mean, what if Daddy found out. He'd kill you both!"

"Bebop." Boyfriend understood, though still felt a little betrayed. But, just as quickly as disappointment came, it vanished. "Bebop!"

"Soon as I'm done here you're on! I still run that arcade."

Boyfriend nodded. "Bebop!"

"Yeah! And a rematch. Once I'm done with Daddy, I'll be the real man of this house! Just you watch!"

"Beep boooop!" Boyfriend exclaimed.

Updike turned round to see what the excitement was. Whatever they were talking about, the two were having a good time.

He saw them embrace in a hug, the two holding each other closely. At least, sort of. Huggy's body obscured part of the scene. He glanced the other direction, just to make sure no demon had spotted him.

As they let go, Boyfriend spoke, a snicker in his voice. "Bebop!"

"I will. If anything happens I swear I'll call you."

Boyfriend nodded in agreement. He gave a fist bump to Kapi before leaving.


Kapi shook his head. "No sorry. I haven't seen him. But I'll keep watch!"

Kapi waved as Boyfriend continued on, presumably back to Girlfriend's room. Right in the direction of....Updike.

He remembered too late Updike standing at that corner, only managing to get out an "Oh!" as Boyfriend rounded the corner coming face to thigh as he bumped into Updike.

Updike cleared his throat.

"Bebopbop!" He turned back to Kapi.

In one feel swoop, Updike withdrew his handgun and silencer, aiming it at Boyfriend.

"Y-yeah, he's with me too."


"W-What?!" Updike exclaimed. "No-I-How do you know about Whitty?" Now confused as to how Boyfriend knew him and Whitty he withdrew his gun. He was so getting an APB on him after this.

Boyfriend just turned to Kapi, him waiting on some kind of answer.

"He's okay too. Just, uh, leave him." Kapi said to the both of them, unclear who he spoke to.

They book took it their own way.

"Yes. Just pretend you hadn't seen me."

Boyfriend just shrugged. "Beep!"

"The...Laughing Plan?" Updike asked.

Boyfriend nodded. "Bebop."

"Well if you hear anything lemme know." Kapi said.

Before he left he shot one last glance at Kapi, a mix of approval and confusion. Figuring if Kapi got TGG involved he must know what he's doing.

Updike shook his head as Boyfriend walked off. Once the boy out of earshot, he complained. "Well. At least you didn't blow the entire plan." He walked right past Kapi and Huggy to the door.

"Well, what was I supposed to do? Huggy woulda killed him!"

"..." Updike continued on as he pushed open the doors to the yard.

Though the rain ceased, everything remained damp. Even the concrete walkway stayed a dark grey, water seeping into its cracks. Fog started to form, adding a white glaze over the compound. In its early stages it obscured any smoke still rising from the ashes of the church.

Peering out Huggy found it most fascinating, thinking it steam. He'd seen something similar back in the factory days but only once; when a pipe burst, spraying hot water over everything. At the time he thought it meant the placed cursed and stayed away.

Had he been able to explain his theory, Updike would have agreed on the cursed part.

The drone that whipped past earlier was gone, no sign of a chase. Looking around Updike saw some patrols, the barely visible ruins of the church and cliff in front, leading out to the watery enclave they entered from. They were too high up to see Ace, but Updike knew he was still there. Probably moping.

He also felt a chilling sensation. That he was being watched. Not wanting to appear suspicious he stopped looking. Through the comlink, S started explaining the guard routes.

Kapi saw the same things, though without the chilling sensation. He did, however, notice a shadow very briefly jump off the cliff. So brief, he felt unsure if he saw it or not. It made him feel earie, causing a shiver.

"You feel it too?" Updike murmured.


"Nevermind. Where to Huggy?"

"Has anyone been able to get in touch with Ace?" Solazar rang through the comlink. "He's been silent for too long."

The next chapter will be called Rogue Waves / The Other Robot.