
Operation Open Sky

In the steampunk/fantasy world of Terra. Industrialisation allows the spark of prosperity, in exchange for uncertain consequences. Terra stares into its future, uncertain of what may yet come. Can the three races band together to help face off whatever comes at them as these troubling times etch closer? Can they deal with the enigmatic weather? Can they deal with the populous and their radical ideals? Will they persevere in these hard times?

R_Gasanov · Fantasy
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23 Chs

Chapter III: Viridi Conference IV

24 Degrees Central Britannica, Afternoon.

Oreal Ambre Blanc, 27th February 1894, Viridi Conference.

Silver looked in concern;

"Are you alright madam, did something happen?" He shares his hand, and in it held a hanker chief.

"When tears stay on your face it causes it to puff up. Use this, it'll help you." We'd just met and already he has seen me at my worst, the concoction of humiliation mixed in with the stray of other feelings I couldn't describe any better than one word, worthless. Dear Irene, what is wrong with me? With no audible answer, he continued.

"Claire, I may not be close to you or know you too well for now but I can tell that you have many burdens. One being that you put a lot of pressure on yourself. Whatever happened know this." Silver then quickly tucks something out of his pocket.

"Everything is going to turn out alright, it might not look like it now or maybe for a while but know that things can be. Alright?" He reaches out offering what was in his pocket. A small wrapper covering caramel. I shakily take it and unwrap it.

"T-thank you." When was the last time I had a treat? I take a bite, bringing a tender warmth I hadn't felt for a while.

"It's nice." It didn't take long before I had the whole thing. Tears drenched on Sophie's dress, she was right, it was beautiful.

"Crying is proof that you care. Proof of your values and conviction. There is no shame in that. Might be a surprise but I cry a lot of the time too." I turn my head up to look at him, ignoring the fact that I probably looked like a ghastly spirit in my current state. I couldn't help but chuckle a little. Silver crying? He didn't seem to be the type that would. I couldn't tell if he was being honest or nice but either way, it helped even a little.

"I'm just being selfish, I'm helpless. I couldn't stand on my own out there." He grins.

"Is that what others told you? Or was that yourself? Regardless it's also alright to rely upon people from time to time. Humans work best together after all." Part of me forgot he was an elf, he didn't act like many of the elves I've met. They either glared at us with pity or a sense of superiority, at least whenever you'd stumble upon them in public. They'd keep to themselves, I don't blame them considering what's been happening to them. Although dark elves are on their own level, they're even proud of their narcissism...

He turns back;

"Sophie has always supported you and you have done so for her as well, don't forget that." He lightly pushes his fiddler cap down, followed by the click of a finger. The sudden dampness that was once on my dress disappeared just like that. The bubbling feelings turned sombre, they weren't quite gone but almost pushed far away.

"You've got a visitor, it may be best to go and talk to her. She's no ordinary individual." Partially confused the door opens beside me.

"Don't leave her waiting." Before I could utter a word I stop myself, heading out to see Sophie along with a woman.

"Good afternoon, it's a pleasure to meet you, Claire Elford. I don't believe we've formally met before. I'm Oliva, Olivia Rebane; acting in place as the Central Empire's envoy. He's been too busy in the far east with his usual plots. Considering I'm on holiday here after all, they'd called it killing two birds with one stone." I recognised that name and Germanic voice, anyone would. The Goddess of War, Tsaritsa of the East, the White Fox. Her delicate silver hair was popped up in a bun, and although supposedly on holiday she bore the full military uniform. Equipped with a set of medals representing her achievement in battle. Olivia's hair contrasted with her crimson red eyes, little bomb-like symbols imprinted on each one of them. A certain rarity for that matter brought about a unique sense of beauty to her. She was tall too, five ten, five eleven? Wearing sleek black military boots that only grew her in height, I could only stare in awe. Everything about her domineered a sense of power, even the air felt heavier as if guarded by her presence. She didn't get those titles without a reason. Her contributions to the Great Eastern War over a decade ago had an undeniable effect. Nearly singlehandedly liberating her own country with her unrivalled power. She approached calmly and quietly. I tensed, a single move felt punishable by death. She extended a hand, awaiting what appeared to be a simple handshake.

I eagerly reciprocate, having a slight slither of fear that there would be consequences if I'd continue to stand there in awe. Although part of me was relieved it wasn't anything else besides a simple handshake.

"It's a pleasure and an honour to meet you." My throat lumped from the sheer thickness of the air, thankfully the words did manage to come out, keep it together Claire.

"The pleasure is all mine, I'm a big fan of your studies. Nature does fight in every war. Having it by our side can topple the balance in our favour. That's how the Eleven Empire fell after all. Apologies, I'll get to the point." She reaches out to her pocket, handing a small envelope over. A letter marked with the Central Empire's sigil.

"In exchange for sharing your findings regarding weather phenomena and temperature fluxations, The Kaiserliche Zentralarmee will grant funding. Of course, our Kaiser will authorise and determine the amount we can fund. But that'll be no issue. The letter holds all the relevant information, danke." I couldn't believe what I was hearing, funding? Although Sophie entertained the idea of her father granting us buckets worth of ducats, it would go against the organisation's policy. State institutions are the only thing that we can rely on since it was easier to regulate, at least in principle. Non-state businesses could use their funding as a way to corrupt the organisation and threaten to cut us in the future. State funders had a reputation to uphold. We always had the backing of the Grand Republique but with the Central Empire, we can finally expand our research further, with more equipment and more personnel. The opportunity was something like plucking out an ancient powerful catalyst capable of plunging whole buildings in flames. I couldn't still quite accept the reality.

"T-thank you, this truly means a lot to me. On behalf of the United Terra Environmental Board, we thank you for your contributions to our organisations." Never had I ever thought those words would come out of my mouth. I couldn't help myself but smile with sheer appreciation.

"Ah, there's no need for the pleasantries. Unfortunately, as much as I would like to stay and chat I have some business to attend to. Pleasure meeting you, Claire Elford." Oh my Irene, she just called me by my full name. It felt like a fierce tug of war trying to restrain the sheer joy building up inside of me. She exchanged a light smile before heading back inside the building, her steps silent as the night.

Sophie leaps at me, tightly embracing me with one of her classic hugs. An endurance test for that matter.

"I'm proud of you Claire! Don't let that chatter-mag Mizer bring you down." She steps back, taking a good long stare at me. Thank Irene for Silver's power. She smiles which deceptively lowers my guard just as she comes in for another. As if the first test wasn't enough...

"Alright? You truly did amazing out there."

"Thank you, Sophie." But I still cracked under the pressure. I felt a slight touch of guilt, almost undeserving as if I hadn't truly earned it. I managed to get additional funding, right? The thought plagued my mind. Before it distracted me further, Sophie continued.

"Anyways Oreal has personally invited us to another event! Oh, and the well-renowned inventor Edwin Sudwig will be making an appearance too!" The famous escapee?

"On the twelve of March, we'll be attending the DeLouvre meeting in the Grand Republique." Her smile widens gleefully as though a child receiving a tray of desserts.

"We are going to Pariol!" She bopped up and down with excitement, and part of me braced for the slight possibility of her popping like a balloon if she finally decided to combust with the energy accumulating inside of her...

"I think I need a bit of shopping for some clothes myself." I laugh a little, feeling a little bit self-conscious for lacking the proper attire prior.

"Driver, send us to the nearest telegraph station!" Sophie speaks in a thrilled manner as we jump into the automobile.

"Right away madam." He thrusts the pedal as we rush out of the gardens of the Gibsonian Hall.

I look back, the building itself inserting back into the background, I hope I managed to make a difference.