
Operation: Make Him Fall For Me!

Excerpt: "Chance, let my wrist go, or else, I will kick you right into your balls!" She threatened but he didn't listen.  Rather,  he pulled her closer to his touch and ambled out of the building. She kept shoving his grip around her wrist apparently, he didn't have a plan to let it go.  "Let me go Chance!" She protested.  He loosened the grip, stopping their track. He started right to her fiery, glared eyes before he implores seriously,  "why are you averting me? Why did you accept my mother's offer?!"  "Why do you care? I can date whatever I want!" "Christian doesn't like you! He likes Mia so don't be so desperate for his attention! He will never like you!"  Her eyes widened while stroking her wrist and to eased the pain. He bites his lips, realizing his statement. He strolled closer to her, feel the pang of guilt inside his chest when her tears rushed through her cheeks.  However, she was taken aback, and hastily, she wiped all her tears...  "You don't need to rub the reality onto my face, Chance… In the first place, I know Christian didn't like me and will never be. Yet, you rejected your mother's offer." She uttered softly but her eyes kept telling her despair and anger.  "Aly… I—" "Yes, I liked Christian but… It's in the past. You have your chance to win my heart but you lose it. Now deal with it." She sternly said and left him behind... Melancholy.  She fell in love with a guy who protected her from the bad guys when they were little and she made a promise to herself that she would follow him wherever he went. She was very happy when seeing him and they became friends in school.  However, the guy didn't even notice her feelings for him and instead, he loved someone else before he left without any track. She tried to ask his two older brothers but he can't say it since it became covert and even his friends didn't know where he went. He left her with her heart broken and lived in despair. She just wanted him to love her.  Her name was Alyssum Bryne and she fell in love with her best friend, Chance Bailey.  Will they have a happy ending?  Or… Will their path cross when fate gives them a chance to meet?  The photo is not mine. It was taken on Pinterest, if someone wanted to take it down, you can DM me in discord. Thank you.

liyanpark1013 · Teen
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167 Chs

Operation: Make Chance Fall For You

The Next Day…

Alyssum stopped in the hallway, didn't expect there weren't many students around the campus. She came early for him and strove to get some information about his date with Miranda.

She heaved a deep sigh when opening her locker, grabbing all books she needed for the class. She wasn't a morning person by doing this however, her mother pushed her to wake up early so she could talk with Chance by herself.

Mrs. Bryne was determined for her daughter's success, winning his heart over Miranda. But, in her case, she needed to do it process by process and be patient. It was the key to success.

Then, she closed her locker and walked inside their classroom, humming incomprehensible sounds. Her lips formed into a smile, seeing a familiar figure, who was facing towards the window.

Secretly, she strolled closer to him and sat beside him, without him noticing it. She touched his shoulder for his attention and giggled when she noticed he was stunned.

He shivered down to his spine when someone touched him and therefore, he turned over to look who it was. He sighed and shook his head in disbelief.

"Why are you so early, Aly?" He asked as he leaned his right cheek to his palm.

"Well, my mother needs to leave early and wake me up for no reason." She mumbled while leaning her head on the table.

"As far as I know, you are not a morning person and you get annoyed easily when someone wakes you up." He explained.

She chuckled knowing that Chance perceived most of her manner. What could she say? They were best friends since toddlers and inseparable, always sticking together as if someone will kidnap one of them.

"I hate it when you really know me." She whined, lightly hitting his shoulder.

"We're best friends, Aly. Of course, I know you from the color and the size of your underwear down to your hideous mind."

She frowned when he needed to mention the color and size of her panty. But not going to lie, he really knew about that because last year, her 14th birthday, Chance gave her underwear and it fitted so well.

"You don't need to mention it, Chance. It's weird." She mumbled and fixed her seat.

He chuckled and ruffled her hair. She glared at him while fixing her hair. "You just cluttered up my hair, Chance! Did you know how long I fixed it?" She exclaimed with a pout, forming into her lips.

"You know, your hair will be messed up since you're outside," he replied.

"I know but still… I need to look presentable, Chance. You know, fashion comes first before anything else."

He responded with a nod and snickered at her. Then, Alyssum leaned closer to him and placed her head on his shoulder which stunned him. His eyes gazed at this woman beside her and unintentionally smiled.

It's been a while since they were this close without any interruption. When they were having a peaceful moment, his brother invaded their privacy and sometimes, Caine annoyed them. But now, they were just two of them.

"I really miss this." She mumbled and placed her chin to his shoulder, grinning at him.

He glanced at her and lightly pinched her nose. "I miss this too. It's been a while since we are having a peaceful moment."

"I know, Caine always interrupts us but we can have a date sometimes."

'That's a smooth entry. Well done, Alyssum!' She thought to herself.

"Of course."

She giggled and fixed her seat when hearing someone coming inside the room. She glanced at it and all her mood changed when Miranda strolled closer to their direction. I looked at Chance, who's smiling suspiciously at Alyssum.

"She's coming…" she mumbled.

"I know…" then, he leaned closer and continued his words, "...are you jealous?"

She bit her lips when his face was closed to her and couldn't even think straight when his stare was intense. Then, she snapped into a reality when hearing footsteps behind her and pushed him away. She glared at him before she replied,

"I-I'm not!"

She stood with a bag, clasping around her grip but before she could leave, her brow furrowed while staring at Miranda, who's waiting for her to leave. She screamed when Alyssum shoved her away which almost stumbled her on the floor.

"Sorry, you are in my way," she mumbled and flipped her hair.

"You will regret this, Bryne!" Miranda cried out but she didn't dare to look at her nor listened to her.

She strolled to her seat, beside her best friend, Brenda, who was smiling at her, proudly. She winked at her best friend before she crouched beside her and placed her bag on the hook and placed her books inside the space.

"I like what you do but the worst part…"


She pointed at Chance and Miranda's direction so she didn't hesitate to look at it and there, she saw Chance helped her to stand and even removed the dust around her dress. She poked her tongue into her inner cheeks in annoyance and looked away.

"She was using her weakness to get his attention, Aly. You should be cautious." She uttered.

"I know, Bren."

Then, Brenda grinned at her and looked away when she grabbed her bag. She placed it on the table, opening it as if she was looking for something. And all of a sudden, Alyssum's eyes sparkled when she glimpsed Brenda's secret notebook.

"You really bring that here. For what reason?" Alyssum asked.

"Well, this is where I write all the plans that we are going to do."


"And… I call it. 'Operation: Make Chance fall for you.' Isn't it great?" She asked.

Ayssum, on the other hand, responded with a nod, agreeing to her. She didn't even know that her best friend planned for everything. However, they needed to know where Miranda would bring Chance for their date.

"Bren, it's great but first… we need to know where Miranda would bring him for their day."

She chuckled, not just a simple laugh but it was something else and it felt like she gathered all the information about their date coming from Miranda.