
Operation Date Marry Kill.

A story of how a girl decided to change her life for the better by choosing the wrong choice. Vaselissa Drangco wanted the life she saw other's had. She wanted a family and to be loved. Follow Vaselissa's story to see if she gets her happy ending. Nothing makes sense anymore. Just when I thought things were finally going my way this comes my way. "What do you mean my parents were in the mafia and I'm the heiress to that mafia" this shit doesn't make sense nothing makes any sense. from being an orphan to hearing your an heiress of a freaking mafia. Oh and that's not the best part! It's not just a mafia it's the world's biggest mafia and someone is after my crown. these people are wack if they think I'll believe that shit. I'd rather inject myself with some deadly virus or something.

Valdanisha · Urban
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2 Chs

The beginning

Sometimes I wish my life was different from the one I'm currently living. I use to think that my life was a test to see if I was good enough for a better life but like any seven year old I was dumb and naive. I didn't know that only I could change the life I lived. I never had what other kids had growing up. I don't know who my parents are or if I even have any parents left. I was left on the door step of this creepy old boarding school in the middle of nowhere. The boarding school is on a remote island , where? I honestly don't know. All I know is I have no one ,not evens a friend. Everyone at this place looks at me with disgust for reasons I don't even know. Kids here look down on each other if your parents aren't rich or you don't know from a well know family. I honestly feel sorry for each and everyone of them and that's saying something since I'm the one with nothing. I'm treated like one of the cleaners here. I have to work here in exchange for me living at the boarding school. I hate each and every day I spent being here. They say that help isn't suppose to be seen or heard only work so that's what I do, I do my chores around the school and the living quarters everyday and then I read from the books I take from the library when no one is looking. I've thought myself how to do math and all the subjects they teach in this place. I'm even good at hand to hand combat, that I did not learn here but it helps me focus and stay active. I've read books on how to disarm a bomb and evens how to take apart any gun and how to put it back together. I like reading about things others find strange.

"Can you stop day dreaming and get to work!" ahh yes how could I forget to mention the one person who hates me more then anyone else in this place. I never did anything to her except for that one time. I was eight and was told to take something to the chef in the dinning hall , I was walking so fast to get there so that I wouldn't get in trouble that I didn't see Queen bee aka Carem Yildrim standing before me or rather in my way. I walked passed her and bumped into her and the bowl of whatever it was I was carrying fell on her. After that day she hated my guts even though I apologized to her like a hundred times.

"I'm sorry, I'll get to it right away" yeah I know I can stand up for myself anytime but I prefer not to . If I ever did God knows what would happen to me. I don't want to think about it. At least I won't be here for much longer because I'm planning on escaping this place. I sounds crazy but I've come to know more and more about this place over the years I've been here and I know that everyone here gets to go home to their families for a long period of time at the end of the year. I'm planning on escaping then. So for now all I have to do is kiss ass a little longer.

The day goes by in a blur and consisted of me cleaning and reading like always. All the lights are out all around the school and everyone went to bed. This is my perfect to get everything ready. I'm escaping in less then a week and I'm a little bit scared but more than ready to do this. Hopefully everything goes well and I can make something better of myself away from here. I go straight to the library and to the back where I found a secret passage that leads anyone that follows the path off the school's property. I made sure no one knows about this and that I was the only one that knew of this passage's existence. I went back to my room if you could call it that and hot everything planned out and ready. operation escape this hell whole is commencing.


So chapter 1 is a little short but I hope you guys enjoy it and thank you for giving my book a try ♥️